IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.74 STD DEV: 4.70
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081, complete genome - 1..4615899
3979 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2752	 48.24	0	3197578..3198456	-	292	123443155	sucD	YE2941	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit alpha
2753	 50.39	0	3198456..3199622	-	388	123443156	sucC	YE2942	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta
2754	 50.25	0	3199736..3200959	-	407	123443157	sucB	YE2943	-	dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
2755	 51.10	0	3200988..3203795	-	935	123443158	kgd	YE2944	-	alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
2756	 47.00	0	3204090..3204806	-	238	123443159	sdhB	YE2945	-	succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit
2757	 51.95	0	3204860..3206626	-	588	123443160	sdhA	YE2946	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
2758	 47.13	0	3206627..3206974	-	115	123443161	sdhD	YE2947	-	succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b556 small membrane subunit
2759	 48.72	0	3206968..3207357	-	129	123443162	sdhC	YE2948	-	succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b556 large membrane subunit
2760	 49.49	0	3208007..3209287	+	426	123443163	gltA	YE2949	-	type II citrate synthase
2761	 49.38	0	3209353..3210000	-	215	123443164	pcp	YE2950	-	pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase
2762	 50.69	0	3210009..3211028	-	339	123443165	-	YE2951	-	hypothetical protein
2763	 49.04	0	3211025..3211756	-	243	123443166	-	YE2952	-	hypothetical protein
2764	 54.88	+1	3211847..3212584	-	245	123443167	-	YE2953	-	hypothetical protein
2765	 54.78	+1	3212581..3213531	-	316	123443168	-	YE2954	-	hypothetical protein
2766	 54.49	+1	3213525..3214181	-	218	123443169	-	YE2955A	-	hypothetical protein
2767	 49.60	0	3214601..3215344	-	247	123443170	-	YE2955	-	putative hydrolase-oxidase
2768	 47.62	0	3215377..3216342	-	321	123443171	-	YE2956	-	putative 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase
2769	 51.31	0	3216448..3217893	-	481	123443172	phr	YE2957	-	deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase
2770	 44.65	0	3217897..3218382	-	161	123443173	-	YE2958	-	hypothetical protein
2771	 47.83	0	3218478..3218684	-	68	123443174	ybfA	YE2959	-	hypothetical protein
2772	 52.87	+1	3219258..3220946	+	562	123443175	kdpA	YE2960	-	potassium-transporting ATPase subunit A
2773	 54.52	+1	3221042..3223108	+	688	123443176	kdpB	YE2961	-	potassium-transporting ATPase subunit B
2774	 50.75	0	3223244..3223846	+	200	123443177	kdpC	YE2962	-	potassium-transporting ATPase subunit C
2775	 53.44	+1	3223856..3226555	+	899	123443178	kdpD	YE2963	-	sensor protein KdpD
2776	 50.19	0	3226714..3227241	+	175	123443179	kdpE	YE2964	-	two-component regulatory protein response regulator KdpE
2777	 48.48	0	3227334..3227762	+	142	123443180	-	YE2965	-	hypothetical protein
2778	 35.95	-2	3227908..3229359	+	483	123443181	-	YE2966	-	putative hemolysin
2779	 49.91	0	3229442..3231082	-	546	123443182	pgm	YE2967	-	phosphoglucomutase
2780	 48.33	0	3231175..3231714	-	179	123443183	seqA	YE2968	-	replication initiation regulator SeqA
2781	 48.05	0	3231928..3232722	+	264	123443184	-	YE2969	-	hypothetical protein
2782	 47.92	0	3233066..3233353	+	95	123443185	-	YE2970	-	LexA regulated protein
2783	 48.64	0	3233420..3235078	-	552	123443186	-	YE2971	-	putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
2784	 46.21	0	3235301..3235828	+	175	123443187	fldA	YE2972	-	flavodoxin FldA
2785	 43.62	0	3236197..3236643	+	148	123443188	fur	YE2973	-	ferric uptake regulator
2786	 48.21	0	3237040..3239715	-	891	123443189	chb	YE2974	-	chitobiase precursor
2787	 48.01	0	3239808..3240134	-	108	123443190	-	YE2975	-	putative lipoprotein
2788	 48.86	0	3240195..3241598	-	467	123443191	ybfM	YE2976	-	hypothetical protein
2789	 49.10	0	3242234..3243901	-	555	123443192	glnS	YE2977	-	glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
2790	 49.90	0	3244095..3246128	-	677	123443193	nagE	YE2978	-	pts system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIABC component
2791	 46.44	0	3246499..3247299	+	266	123443194	nagB	YE2979	-	glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase
2792	 47.21	0	3247319..3248464	+	381	123443195	nagA	YE2980	-	N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase
2793	 48.53	0	3248478..3249701	+	407	123443196	nagC	YE2981	-	putative N-acetylglucosamine regulatory protein
2794	 48.74	0	3249912..3250664	+	250	123443197	nagD	YE2982	-	UMP phosphatase
2795	 48.17	0	3251009..3252673	+	554	123443198	asnB	YE2983	-	asparagine synthetase B
2796	 51.69	0	3253760..3254941	-	393	123443199	ubiF	YE2984	-	2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol hydroxylase
2797	 48.14	0	3255184..3256608	+	474	123443200	miaB	YE2985	-	putative tRNA-thiotransferase
2798	 50.37	0	3256887..3257978	+	363	123443201	-	YE2986	-	hypothetical protein
2799	 46.20	0	3257975..3258448	+	157	123443202	-	YE2987	-	putative metalloprotease
2800	 47.21	0	3258563..3259441	+	292	123443203	ybeX	YE2988	-	hypothetical protein
2801	 50.76	0	3259449..3261026	+	525	123443204	lnt	YE2989	-	apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
2802	 47.35	0	3261035..3261619	+	194	123443205	-	YE2990	-	hypothetical protein
2803	 46.99	0	3262206..3263120	+	304	123443206	glnH	YE2991	-	glutamate and aspartate transporter subunit
2804	 47.37	0	3263298..3264038	+	246	123443207	gltJ	YE2992	-	putative glutamate/aspartate transport system permease
2805	 50.37	0	3264038..3264712	+	224	123443208	gltK	YE2993	-	putative glutamate/aspartate transport system permease
2806	 46.50	0	3264709..3265437	+	242	123443209	gltL	YE2994	-	putative glutamate/aspartate transport ATP-binding protein
2807	 45.96	0	3265493..3265975	-	160	123443210	-	YE2995	-	hypothetical protein
2808	 50.75	0	3266354..3268936	+	860	123443211	leuS	YE2996	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase
2809	 50.64	0	3268951..3269574	+	207	123443212	rlpB	YE2997	-	LPS-assembly lipoprotein RplB
2810	 47.73	0	3269571..3270605	+	344	123443213	holA	YE2998	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta
2811	 48.42	0	3270595..3271257	+	220	123443214	nadD	YE2999	-	nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase
2812	 47.48	0	3271557..3271874	+	105	123443215	-	YE3000	-	hypothetical protein
2813	 53.72	+1	3271878..3272348	+	156	123443216	-	YE3001	-	SPOUT methyltransferase superfamily protein
2814	 50.37	0	3272423..3274318	+	631	123443217	mrdA	YE3002	-	penicillin-binding protein 2
2815	 47.26	0	3274355..3275467	+	370	123443218	mrdB	YE3003	-	cell wall shape-determining protein
2816	 54.37	+1	3275477..3276574	+	365	123443219	rlpA	YE3004	-	rare lipoprotein A
2817	 48.27	0	3276788..3277999	+	403	123443220	dacA	YE3005	-	D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase fraction A
2818	 45.83	0	3278148..3278411	+	87	123443221	-	YE3006	-	hypothetical protein
2819	 50.14	0	3278566..3279279	+	237	123443222	lipB	YE3007	-	lipoyltransferase
2820	 48.55	0	3279468..3280433	+	321	123443223	lip	YE3008	-	lipoyl synthase
2821	 48.15	0	3280576..3280791	-	71	123443224	tatE	YE3009	-	twin argininte translocase protein A
2822	 44.16	0	3280995..3282047	+	350	123443225	adrA	YE3010	-	diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase domain-containing protein
2823	 43.23	0	3282095..3282478	+	127	123443226	crcB	YE3011	-	hypothetical protein
2824	 43.81	0	3282778..3282987	-	69	123443227	cspE	YE3012	-	cold shock protein CspE
2825	 37.37	-2	3283362..3283733	+	123	123443228	-	YE3013	-	hypothetical protein
2826	 36.76	-2	3283919..3284530	-	203	123443229	-	YE3014	-	LuxR family regulatory protein
2827	 36.13	-2	3284883..3285848	+	321	123443230	-	YE3015	-	hypothetical protein
2828	 42.95	-1	3285999..3286643	-	214	123443231	-	YE3016	-	serine/threonine protein phosphatase
2829	 38.46	-1	3286894..3287088	-	64	123443232	-	YE3017	-	hypothetical protein
2830	 39.24	-1	3287435..3287722	+	95	123443233	-	YE3018	-	hypothetical protein
2831	 44.50	0	3287740..3289512	-	590	123443234	-	YE3019	-	putative ABC transport protein
2832	 44.24	0	3290029..3291504	-	491	123443235	-	YE3020	-	putative lyase
2833	 41.92	-1	3291534..3293129	-	531	123443236	-	YE3021	-	putative phenylalanine and histidine ammonia-lyase
2834	 47.06	0	3293587..3294708	-	373	123443237	-	YE3022	-	hypothetical protein
2835	 49.01	0	3295097..3296053	-	318	123443238	-	YE3023	-	hypothetical protein
2836	 51.59	0	3296382..3297071	+	229	123443239	copR	YE3024	-	transcriptional activator
2837	 51.96	0	3297087..3298562	+	491	123443240	-	YE3025	-	putative two-component system sensor protein
2838	 57.14	+1	3298631..3298987	+	118	123443241	-	YE3026	-	hypothetical protein
2839	 50.85	0	3299086..3299850	+	254	123443242	-	YE3027	-	exported protein
2840	 50.70	0	3301140..3301991	+	283	123443243	-	YE3031	-	putative aldo/keto reductase
2841	 42.51	-1	3302151..3302477	-	108	123443244	-	YE3032	-	hypothetical protein
2842	 49.78	0	3302712..3303623	+	303	123443245	-	YE3033	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2843	 45.43	0	3303626..3304741	-	371	123443246	-	YE3034	-	NADH:flavin oxidoreductase / NADH oxidase family protein
2844	 42.48	-1	3305377..3305715	+	112	123443247	-	YE3035	-	hypothetical protein
2845	 41.36	-1	3305700..3306347	+	215	123443248	-	YE3036	-	hypothetical protein
2846	 39.27	-1	3307405..3308364	+	319	123443249	-	YE3039	-	hypothetical protein
2847	 53.00	+1	3308773..3309072	+	99	123443250	-	YE3040	-	transposase for insertion element IS3
2848	 52.16	0	3309069..3309461	+	130	123443251	-	YE3041	-	transposase for insertion element IS3
2849	 46.14	0	3309489..3310058	-	189	123443252	-	YE3042	-	hypothetical protein
2850	 46.25	0	3310600..3310932	+	110	123443253	tnpA	YE3043	-	IS1329 transposase A
2851	 49.20	0	3311022..3311771	+	249	123443254	tnpB	YE3044	-	transposase B
47.74	MEAN

4.70	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.