IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.74 STD DEV: 4.70
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081, complete genome - 1..4615899
3979 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1505	 34.15	-2	1798138..1798872	+	244	123441908	yenR	YE1599	-	quorum-sensing transcriptional activator
1506	 36.07	-2	1798865..1799521	-	218	123441909	yenI	YE1600	-	N-acylhomoserine lactone synthase
1507	 43.62	0	1799809..1800741	+	310	123441910	-	YE1601	-	exported membrane protein
1508	 49.88	0	1800852..1802579	-	575	123441911	-	YE1602	-	potassium/proton antiporter
1509	 45.03	0	1802899..1803240	-	113	123441912	-	YE1603	-	hypothetical protein
1510	 38.16	-2	1803355..1804494	-	379	123441913	mdoC	YE1604	-	glucans biosynthesis protein
1511	 46.65	0	1804827..1806380	+	517	123441914	mdoG	YE1605	-	glucan biosynthesis protein G
1512	 53.47	+1	1806418..1808955	+	845	123441915	mdoH	YE1606	-	glucosyltransferase MdoH
1513	 50.85	0	1810022..1811557	-	511	123441916	-	YE1609	-	putative peptide transport protein
1514	 49.96	0	1811991..1813235	-	414	123441917	-	YE1610	-	MFS family transporter
1515	 48.51	0	1813531..1813965	-	144	123441918	-	YE1611	-	hypothetical protein
1516	 50.38	0	1814333..1815265	-	310	123441919	htrB	YE1612	-	lipid A biosynthesis lauroyl acyltransferase
1517	 51.19	0	1815509..1816012	-	167	123441920	ttrR	YE1613	-	tetrathionate reductase complex: two-component system response regulator
1518	 53.09	+1	1816071..1817831	-	586	123441921	ttrS	YE1614	-	tetrathionate reductase complex: sensory transduction histidine kinase
1519	 53.33	+1	1817970..1818704	+	244	123441922	ttrB	YE1615	-	tetrathionate reductase subunit B
1520	 52.67	+1	1818701..1819786	+	361	123441923	ttrC	YE1616	-	tetrathionate reductase subunit C
1521	 55.09	+1	1819779..1822862	+	1027	123441924	ttrA	YE1617	-	tetrathionate reductase subunit A
1522	 44.92	0	1823339..1824391	+	350	123441925	-	YE1619	-	hypothetical protein
1523	 44.26	0	1824492..1825553	+	353	123441926	tqsA	YE1620	-	putative transport protein
1524	 36.92	-2	1826063..1826647	-	194	123441927	-	YE1621	-	LuxR family regulatory protein
1525	 47.59	0	1826906..1828027	-	373	123441928	solA	YE1622	-	N-methyltryptophan oxidase
1526	 43.92	0	1828291..1828545	-	84	123441929	bssS	YE1623	-	biofilm formation regulatory protein BssS
1527	 42.68	-1	1828908..1829153	-	81	123441930	dinI	YE1624	-	DNA damage-inducible protein I
1528	 49.19	0	1829270..1830316	-	348	123441931	b1062	YE1625	-	dihydroorotase
1529	 43.40	0	1830565..1830852	+	95	123441932	-	YE1626	-	hypothetical protein
1530	 50.92	0	1830922..1834452	-	1176	123441933	rne	YE1627	-	ribonuclease E
1531	 47.40	0	1835029..1835988	+	319	123441934	rluC	YE1628	-	23S rRNA pseudouridylate synthase C
1532	 48.80	0	1836039..1836620	-	193	123441935	-	YE1629	-	Maf-like protein
1533	 45.95	0	1836762..1837292	+	176	123441936	-	YE1630	-	hypothetical protein
1534	 56.55	+1	1837298..1837465	+	55	123441937	rpmF	YE1631	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1535	 50.72	0	1837502..1838536	+	344	123441938	plsX	YE1632	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
1536	 51.66	0	1838543..1839508	+	321	123441939	fabH	YE1633	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase III
1537	 50.75	0	1839562..1840491	+	309	123441940	fabD	YE1634	-	malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
1538	 50.20	0	1840505..1841239	+	244	123441941	fabG	YE1635	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1539	 42.19	-1	1841393..1841629	+	78	123441942	acpP	YE1636	-	acyl carrier protein
1540	 50.36	0	1841724..1842962	+	412	123441943	fabF	YE1637	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase II
1541	 50.67	0	1843200..1844024	+	274	123441944	pabC	YE1638	-	4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase
1542	 47.86	0	1844086..1845111	+	341	123441945	yceG	YE1639	-	hypothetical protein
1543	 51.96	0	1845101..1845739	+	212	123441946	tdk	YE1640	-	thymidylate kinase
1544	 53.27	+1	1845739..1846746	+	335	123441947	holB	YE1641	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
1545	 48.89	0	1846761..1847570	+	269	123441948	-	YE1642	-	putative metallodependent hydrolase
1546	 50.42	0	1847878..1849311	+	477	123441949	glcA	YE1643	-	glucose-specific PTS system IIBC components
1547	 47.83	0	1849385..1849729	-	114	123441950	ogr	YE1643A	-	phage late control protein
1548	 54.14	+1	1849792..1850901	-	369	123441951	gpD	YE1644	-	regulator of late gene expression
1549	 53.27	+1	1851043..1852221	+	392	123441952	fI	YE1645	-	major tail sheath protein
1550	 54.65	+1	1852233..1852748	+	171	123441953	fII	YE1646	-	major tail tube protein
1551	 50.22	0	1852764..1853215	+	150	123441955	gpE'	YE1647A	-	putative phage tail protein E'
1552	 48.46	0	1852764..1853087	+	107	123441954	gpE	YE1647	-	putative phage tail protein
1553	 52.31	0	1856433..1856843	+	136	123441956	gpU	YE1650	-	putative phage tail protein
1554	 36.11	-2	1856945..1857232	+	95	123441957	-	YE1651	-	hypothetical protein
1555	 40.98	-1	1857369..1857551	-	60	123441958	-	YE1652	-	hypothetical protein
1556	 49.40	0	1857643..1857891	-	82	123441959	-	YE1653	-	hypothetical protein
1557	 49.05	0	1857891..1858259	+	122	123441960	-	YE1654	-	hypothetical protein
1558	 50.00	0	1858406..1859353	-	315	123441961	-	YE1655	-	putative transposase
1559	 48.60	0	1860141..1860461	-	106	123441962	-	YE1657	-	hypothetical protein
1560	 42.96	-1	1860804..1861208	-	134	123441963	-	YE1658	-	hypothetical protein
1561	 44.02	0	1861208..1861441	-	77	123441964	-	YE1659	-	hypothetical protein
1562	 49.76	0	1861923..1862537	-	204	123441965	-	YE1661	-	putative phage tail fiber assembly protein
1563	 52.64	+1	1862537..1863919	-	460	123441966	gpH	YE1662	-	variable tail fibre protein
1564	 56.17	+1	1863916..1864458	-	180	123441967	gpI	YE1663	-	phage tail protein
1565	 59.30	+2	1864451..1865359	-	302	123441968	gpJ	YE1664	-	baseplate assembly protein
1566	 52.71	+1	1865356..1865706	-	116	123441969	gpW	YE1665	-	baseplate assembly protein
1567	 56.48	+1	1865703..1866350	-	215	123441970	gpV	YE1666	-	baseplate assembly protein
1568	 45.92	0	1866458..1867045	-	195	123441971	-	YE1667	-	putative Fic-related phage protein
1569	 53.24	+1	1867324..1867941	-	205	123441972	gpS	YE1669	-	tail completion protein
1570	 53.50	+1	1867984..1868454	-	156	123441973	gpR	YE1670	-	tail completion protein r
1571	 55.16	+1	1868553..1868978	-	141	123441974	lysB	YE1671	-	phage lysin
1572	 55.05	+1	1868983..1869378	-	131	123441975	-	YE1672	-	putative phagelysin
1573	 50.90	0	1869365..1869751	-	128	123441976	-	YE1672A	-	putative phage holin
1574	 56.86	+1	1869789..1869992	-	67	123441977	gpX	YE1673	-	phage tail protein
1575	 58.80	+2	1869993..1870475	-	160	123441978	gpL	YE1674	-	phage head completion/stabilization protein
1576	 54.57	+1	1870596..1871306	-	236	123441979	gpM	YE1675	-	phage terminase/endonuclease subunit
1577	 52.44	0	1871335..1872381	-	348	123441980	gpN	YE1676	-	major phage capsid protein precursor
1578	 52.40	0	1872414..1873268	-	284	123441981	gpO	YE1677	-	putative phage capsid scaffolding protein
1579	 53.87	+1	1873426..1875144	+	572	123441982	gpP	YE1678	-	terminase, ATPase subunit
1580	 55.33	+1	1875147..1876187	+	346	123441983	gpQ	YE1679	-	putative portal vertex protein
1581	 35.76	-2	1876566..1877924	-	452	123441984	-	YE1681	-	prophage encoded DNA modification methylase
1582	 32.66	-2	1878009..1878452	-	147	123441985	-	YE1682	-	hypothetical protein
1583	 29.27	-2	1878468..1879427	-	319	123441986	-	YE1683	-	putative prophage encoded two-component system response regulator
1584	 30.90	-2	1879424..1881802	-	792	123441987	-	YE1684	-	putative prophage encoded two-component system histidine kinase
1585	 50.81	0	1882132..1884420	-	762	123441988	gpA	YE1686	-	phage replication protein
1586	 48.89	0	1884420..1884644	-	74	123441989	-	YE1687	-	hypothetical protein
1587	 41.67	-1	1884644..1884871	-	75	123441990	-	YE1688	-	hypothetical protein
1588	 40.96	-1	1884949..1885197	-	82	123441991	-	YE1689	-	hypothetical protein
1589	 46.81	0	1885233..1885514	-	93	123441992	-	YE1689A	-	hypothetical protein
1590	 44.19	0	1885529..1885795	-	88	123441993	-	YE1690	-	phage DNA-binding protein
1591	 47.67	0	1885885..1886184	+	99	123441994	cI	YE1691	-	phage repressor protein
1592	 44.11	0	1886248..1887231	+	327	123441995	int	YE1692	-	P2-like phage integrase
1593	 33.95	-2	1887316..1888287	+	323	123441996	-	YE1693	-	hypothetical protein
1594	 46.84	0	1888605..1889063	+	152	123441997	tnp	YE1694	-	transposase for IS1541
1595	 40.67	-1	1889227..1890057	-	276	123441998	-	YE1695	-	hypothetical protein
1596	 48.54	0	1890125..1891669	-	514	123441999	-	YE1696	-	putative ABC transport protein, ATP-binding component
1597	 45.71	0	1891740..1892450	-	236	123442000	-	YE1697	-	hypothetical protein
1598	 40.59	-1	1892594..1893847	-	417	123442001	-	YE1698	-	hypothetical protein
1599	 49.80	0	1894430..1896220	-	596	123442002	-	YE1699	-	putative ABC-transport protein, solute binding component
1600	 48.05	0	1896368..1897189	+	273	123442003	-	YE1700	-	shikimate 5-dehydrogenase
1601	 48.02	0	1897265..1897618	+	117	123442004	-	YE1701	-	purine nucleoside phosphoramidase
1602	 44.87	0	1897655..1898044	+	129	123442005	ycfL	YE1702	-	putative lipoprotein
1603	 50.10	0	1898186..1898680	+	164	123442006	-	YE1703	-	putative lipoprotein
1604	 53.07	+1	1898898..1899581	+	227	123442007	-	YE1704	-	hypothetical protein
47.74	MEAN

4.70	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.