IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.74 STD DEV: 4.70
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081, complete genome - 1..4615899
3979 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1296	 54.46	+1	1523214..1525031	+	605	123441699	edd	YE1368	-	phosphogluconate dehydratase
1297	 50.49	0	1525083..1526504	-	473	123441700	-	YE1369	-	putative dehydrogenase, cytochrome C subunit
1298	 53.24	+1	1526501..1528153	-	550	123441701	-	YE1370	-	putative dehydrogenase subunit
1299	 52.41	0	1528153..1528734	-	193	123441702	-	YE1370A	-	putative dehydrogenase subunit
1300	 51.46	0	1529089..1529397	+	102	123441703	elaB	YE1371	-	hypothetical protein
1301	 41.40	-1	1529782..1532073	+	763	123441704	-	YE1372	-	putative autotransporter protein
1302	 49.15	0	1532262..1533620	+	452	123441705	menF	YE1373	-	menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase
1303	 55.38	+1	1533849..1535522	+	557	123441706	menD	YE1375	-	2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylic acid synthase/2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase
1304	 53.20	+1	1535609..1536343	+	244	123441707	-	YE1376	-	acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase YfbB
1305	 49.88	0	1536357..1537214	+	285	123441708	menB	YE1377	-	naphthoate synthase
1306	 55.97	+1	1537214..1538185	+	323	123441709	menC	YE1378	-	O-succinylbenzoate synthase
1307	 54.08	+1	1538356..1539594	+	412	123441710	menE	YE1379	-	O-succinylbenzoic acid--CoA ligase
1308	 49.41	0	1539790..1541232	-	480	123441711	katA	YE1380	-	catalase
1309	 51.57	0	1541620..1542129	+	169	123441712	-	YE1381	-	hypothetical protein
1310	 50.04	0	1542202..1543410	-	402	123441713	tyrP	YE1382	-	tyrosine-specific transport protein
1311	 54.44	+1	1543640..1544833	+	397	123441714	-	YE1383	-	competence damage-inducible protein A
1312	 39.72	-1	1545840..1546622	+	260	123441715	-	YE1386	-	hypothetical protein
1313	 38.61	-1	1546634..1547410	+	258	123441716	-	YE1387	-	hypothetical protein
1314	 37.66	-2	1547422..1548207	+	261	123441717	-	YE1388	-	hypothetical protein
1315	 49.52	0	1548219..1553630	+	1803	123441718	-	YE1389	-	putative serine protease
1316	 50.30	0	1553727..1554233	-	168	123441719	eco	YE1390	-	ecotin precursor
1317	 51.63	0	1554492..1554737	-	81	123441720	-	YE1391	-	2Fe-2S ferredoxin YfaE
1318	 46.15	0	1554877..1556007	-	376	123441721	nrdB	YE1392	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit beta
1319	 49.17	0	1556093..1558378	-	761	123441722	dnaF	YE1393	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
1320	 48.70	0	1558895..1559623	-	242	123441723	pufX	YE1394	-	3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase
1321	 50.87	0	1559825..1562482	+	885	123441724	gyrA	YE1395	-	DNA gyrase subunit A
1322	 44.67	0	1562600..1565467	+	955	123441725	rcsC	YE1396	-	hybrid sensory kinase in two-component regulatory system with RcsB and YojN
1323	 40.74	-1	1565655..1566302	-	215	123441726	rcsB	YE1397	-	transcriptional regulator RcsB
1324	 42.09	-1	1566305..1568998	-	897	123441727	-	YE1398	-	phosphotransfer intermediate protein in two-component regulatory system with RcsBC
1325	 53.42	+1	1569021..1570175	-	384	123441728	-	YE1399	-	hypothetical protein
1326	 45.38	0	1571913..1573016	+	367	123441729	meoA	YE1401	-	outer membrane porin protein C
1327	 51.97	0	1573531..1574673	-	380	123441730	ampH	YE1402	-	beta-lactamase/D-alanine carboxypeptidase
1328	 49.08	0	1574853..1576325	-	490	123441731	-	YE1403	-	putative transport protein
1329	 50.79	0	1576769..1577782	+	337	123441732	-	YE1404	-	hypothetical protein
1330	 49.22	0	1577852..1579639	-	595	123441733	cheD2	YE1405	-	putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
1331	 41.15	-1	1581064..1581306	-	80	123441734	dinI	YE1408	-	putative stress response protein
1332	 43.85	0	1581739..1582461	-	240	123441735	-	YE1409	-	putative prophage repressor protein
1333	 42.08	-1	1582736..1583215	+	159	123441736	-	YE1410	-	phage antitermination protein Q
1334	 41.94	-1	1583325..1583603	+	92	123441737	-	YE1411	-	putative bacteriophage protein
1335	 44.47	0	1584441..1585634	+	397	123441738	tpn1330	YE1414	-	transposase for IS1330
1336	 36.44	-2	1585808..1586548	+	246	123441739	-	YE1415	-	LacI family regulatory protein
1337	 46.11	0	1586713..1588254	+	513	123441740	-	YE1416	-	putative PTS-system permease
1338	 45.79	0	1588343..1589779	+	478	123441741	bglA	YE1417	-	6-phospho-beta-glucosidase
1339	 43.90	0	1590524..1591555	-	343	123441742	-	YE1418	-	putative O-methyltransferase
1340	 47.27	0	1592097..1593890	-	597	123441743	-	YE1419	-	hypothetical protein
1341	 44.74	0	1593918..1594145	-	75	123441744	-	YE1420	-	hypothetical protein
1342	 47.80	0	1594323..1595324	+	333	123441745	-	YE1421	-	nucleoid-associated protein NdpA
1343	 44.79	0	1595406..1595693	-	95	123441746	rplY	YE1422	-	50S ribosomal protein L25
1344	 51.82	0	1595855..1597612	-	585	123441747	-	YE1423	-	putative DEAD box helicase family protein
1345	 50.99	0	1597953..1598660	+	235	123441748	rsuA	YE1424	-	16S rRNA pseudouridylate synthase A
1346	 50.38	0	1598810..1599982	+	390	123441749	bcr	YE1425	-	bicyclomycin/multidrug efflux system
1347	 48.85	0	1600698..1601045	+	115	123441750	-	YE1426	-	hypothetical protein
1348	 51.48	0	1601117..1602709	-	530	123441751	-	YE1427	-	putative ABC transporter ATP-binding subunit
1349	 50.34	0	1602711..1603739	-	342	123441752	-	YE1428	-	putative ABC transporter integral membrane subunit
1350	 47.68	0	1603736..1604836	-	366	123441753	-	YE1429	-	putative ABC transporter integral membrane subunit
1351	 46.10	0	1604846..1606654	-	602	123441754	-	YE1430	-	putative substrate-binding transport protein
1352	 43.12	0	1606753..1608315	-	520	123441755	-	YE1431	-	hypothetical protein
1353	 41.43	-1	1608604..1608813	+	69	123441756	-	YE1432	-	hypothetical protein
1354	 45.81	0	1608821..1609405	-	194	123441757	spr	YE1433	-	putative outer membrane lipoprotein
1355	 46.01	0	1609784..1610485	-	233	123441758	-	YE1434	-	hypothetical protein
1356	 45.53	0	1610549..1611532	-	327	123441759	-	YE1435	-	putative cobalamin synthesis protein
1357	 41.28	-1	1611844..1612170	+	108	123441760	-	YE1436	-	hypothetical protein
1358	 48.79	0	1612378..1613121	+	247	123441761	-	YE1437	-	putative transcriptional regulatory protein
1359	 49.29	0	1613415..1614887	-	490	123441762	-	YE1438	-	putative D-mannonate oxidoreductase
1360	 36.56	-2	1614962..1615240	-	92	123441763	-	YE1439	-	hypothetical protein
1361	 49.20	0	1615332..1616522	+	396	123441764	uxuA	YE1440	-	mannonate dehydratase
1362	 45.90	0	1616709..1617281	-	190	123441765	-	YE1441	-	elongation factor P
1363	 48.92	0	1617394..1618638	-	414	123441766	mtr	YE1442	-	putative tryptophan-specific transport protein
1364	 51.76	0	1618976..1619230	+	84	123441767	-	YE1443	-	hypothetical protein
1365	 52.44	0	1619402..1621882	-	826	123441768	torA	YE1444	-	putative molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase
1366	 51.26	0	1621896..1623044	-	382	123441769	torC	YE1445	-	cytochrome C-type protein
1367	 47.04	0	1623346..1623768	-	140	123441770	-	YE1446	-	putative Mut family protein
1368	 51.76	0	1624049..1625182	+	377	123441771	fpr	YE1447	-	bifunctional fructose-specific PTS IIA/HPr protein
1369	 53.35	+1	1625179..1626117	+	312	123441772	fruK	YE1448	-	1-phosphofructokinase
1370	 55.81	+1	1626132..1627817	+	561	123441773	fruA	YE1449	-	fructose-specific PTS system IIBC component
1371	 39.34	-1	1628085..1628750	+	221	123441774	myfE	YE1450	-	putative regulatory protein
1372	 37.80	-2	1628747..1629238	+	163	123441775	myfF	YE1451	-	hypothetical protein
1373	 43.96	0	1629499..1629978	+	159	123441776	myfA	YE1452	-	pH 6 antigen precursor (antigen 4) (adhesin)
1374	 39.30	-1	1630111..1630914	+	267	123441777	myfB	YE1453	-	chaperone protein
1375	 51.22	0	1631151..1633487	+	778	123441778	myfC	YE1454	-	outer membrane usher protein
1376	 50.59	0	1633555..1634400	-	281	123441779	nfo	YE1455	-	endonuclease IV
1377	 51.28	0	1634531..1635544	-	337	123441780	-	YE1456	-	hypothetical protein
1378	 50.63	0	1636174..1637046	+	290	123441781	-	YE1457	-	putative DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1379	 48.66	0	1637291..1638817	+	508	123441782	cadR	YE1458	-	lysine transporter
1380	 53.65	+1	1639092..1640174	+	360	123441783	-	YE1459	-	iron ABC transporter
1381	 49.81	0	1640171..1640959	+	262	123441784	-	YE1460	-	putative siderophore ABC transporter,ATP-binding subunit
1382	 47.09	0	1641282..1643156	+	624	123441785	-	YE1461	-	putative outer membrane receptor
1383	 46.86	0	1643551..1644171	-	206	123441786	-	YE1463	-	putative glutathione S-transferase-family protein
1384	 48.64	0	1644190..1644849	-	219	123441787	-	YE1464	-	putative hydrolase
1385	 52.92	+1	1645367..1646377	+	336	123441788	-	YE1465	-	putative iron/ascorbate oxidoreductase family protein
1386	 48.61	0	1646430..1647254	+	274	123441789	-	YE1466	-	hypothetical protein
1387	 54.00	+1	1647251..1648237	+	328	123441790	-	YE1467	-	putative ABC transport ATP-binding subunit
1388	 51.19	0	1648234..1648905	+	223	123441791	-	YE1468	-	putative ABC transport integral membrane subunit
1389	 51.13	0	1649022..1650167	-	381	123441792	metB	YE1469	-	putative cystathionine gamma-synthase
1390	 52.63	+1	1650193..1651560	-	455	123441793	uptG	YE1470	-	cystathionine beta-lyase
1391	 48.28	0	1651953..1653170	+	405	123441794	dacC	YE1471	-	D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase
1392	 50.80	0	1653406..1654773	-	455	123441795	sdaB	YE1472	-	L-serine dehydratase 2
1393	 47.38	0	1654919..1656214	-	431	123441796	b2796	YE1473	-	serine transporter
1394	 43.79	0	1657474..1658238	-	254	123441797	deoR	YE1474	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor DeoR
1395	 47.62	0	1658556..1659227	-	223	123441798	deoC	YE1475	-	deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase
47.74	MEAN

4.70	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.