IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 52.19 STD DEV: 6.22
Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c, complete genome - 1..2679306
2766 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1776	 66.11	+2	1698842..1700098	-	418	15838381	-	XF1781	-	hypothetical protein
1777	 63.99	+1	1700095..1700655	-	186	15838382	-	XF1782	-	hypothetical protein
1778	 68.54	+2	1700671..1701579	-	302	15838383	-	XF1783	-	hypothetical protein
1779	 65.88	+2	1701566..1702327	-	253	15838384	-	XF1784	-	hypothetical protein
1780	 67.81	+2	1702552..1703427	-	291	15838385	-	XF1785	-	chromosome partitioning related protein
1781	 61.71	+1	1703470..1703691	-	73	15838386	-	XF1786	-	hypothetical protein
1782	 62.96	+1	1703801..1704556	-	251	15838387	-	XF1787	-	hypothetical protein
1783	 59.92	+1	1704782..1705285	-	167	15838388	-	XF1788	-	hypothetical protein
1784	 49.69	0	1705455..1705613	-	52	15838389	-	XF1789	-	hypothetical protein
1785	 50.00	0	1705668..1705781	+	37	15838390	-	XF1790	-	hypothetical protein
1786	 51.89	0	1706002..1706265	+	87	15838391	-	XF1791	-	fimbrillin
1787	 55.44	0	1706262..1706546	+	94	15838392	-	XF1792	-	hypothetical protein
1788	 55.02	0	1706753..1707061	-	102	15838393	-	XF1793	-	hypothetical protein
1789	 49.12	0	1707749..1708375	-	208	15838394	-	XF1794	-	hypothetical protein
1790	 51.58	0	1708386..1709114	-	242	15838395	-	XF1795	-	pantothenate kinase
1791	 51.05	0	1709111..1710064	-	317	15838396	-	XF1796	-	biotin--protein ligase
1792	 50.00	0	1710469..1711638	-	389	15838397	-	XF1797	-	porphyrin biosynthesis protein
1793	 53.39	0	1711635..1712666	-	343	15838398	-	XF1798	-	hypothetical protein
1794	 52.51	0	1712663..1713580	-	305	15838399	-	XF1799	-	uroporphyrinogen-III synthase
1795	 47.53	0	1713970..1714455	+	161	15838400	-	XF1800	-	hypothetical protein
1796	 46.44	0	1714573..1715091	+	172	161378164	-	XF1801	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecB
1797	 51.68	0	1715112..1716152	+	346	15838402	gpsA	XF1802	-	NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1798	 48.17	0	1716290..1716862	-	190	15838403	-	XF1803	-	hypothetical protein
1799	 49.09	0	1717816..1718697	+	293	15838404	-	XF1804	-	site-specific DNA-methyltransferase
1800	 40.94	-1	1719045..1719215	+	56	15838405	-	XF1805	-	hypothetical protein
1801	 52.16	0	1720467..1722293	+	608	15838406	-	XF1807	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
1802	 49.07	0	1722297..1722620	+	107	15838407	-	XF1808	-	hypothetical protein
1803	 54.29	0	1722675..1723409	+	244	15838408	recR	XF1809	-	recombination protein RecR
1804	 50.43	0	1723471..1723815	+	114	15838409	-	XF1810	-	hypothetical protein
1805	 53.62	0	1723883..1724365	-	160	15838410	-	XF1811	-	outer membrane protein Slp precursor
1806	 55.35	0	1727304..1728257	-	317	15838411	-	XF1813	-	methanol dehydrogenase regulatory protein
1807	 53.25	0	1728267..1730114	+	615	15838412	-	XF1814	-	hypothetical protein
1808	 51.25	0	1730157..1730714	+	185	15838413	-	XF1815	-	hypothetical protein
1809	 49.23	0	1730829..1731023	+	64	15838414	rpmF	XF1816	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1810	 51.18	0	1731118..1732092	+	324	15838415	-	XF1817	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase III
1811	 53.33	0	1732585..1734144	-	519	15838416	-	XF1818	-	2-isopropylmalate synthase
1812	 55.38	0	1734199..1735341	-	380	15838417	-	XF1819	-	threonine dehydratase
1813	 55.28	0	1735369..1735614	-	81	15838418	-	XF1820	-	hypothetical protein
1814	 54.79	0	1735598..1737349	-	583	15838419	-	XF1821	-	acetolactate synthase 2 catalytic subunit
1815	 50.34	0	1737396..1738412	-	338	77747564	-	XF1822	-	ketol-acid reductoisomerase
1816	 49.45	0	1739055..1741238	-	727	15838421	-	XF1823	-	tail-specific protease
1817	 39.51	-2	1741403..1741564	-	53	15838422	-	XF1824	-	hypothetical protein
1818	 53.75	0	1741620..1742618	-	332	15838423	-	XF1825	-	NAD(P)H steroid dehydrogenase
1819	 51.96	0	1742668..1742871	+	67	15838424	-	XF1826	-	hypothetical protein
1820	 49.54	0	1742868..1743299	-	143	15838425	-	XF1827	-	organic hydroperoxide resistance protein
1821	 48.60	0	1743487..1744704	-	405	15838426	-	XF1828	-	ATPase
1822	 50.67	0	1744701..1745369	-	222	15838427	-	XF1829	-	hypothetical protein
1823	 53.80	0	1745528..1746856	-	442	15838428	-	XF1830	-	nitrile hydratase activator
1824	 49.88	0	1747175..1748026	-	283	15838429	purU	XF1831	-	formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase
1825	 52.93	0	1748175..1748822	+	215	15838430	-	XF1832	-	hypothetical protein
1826	 52.08	0	1748819..1750477	+	552	15838431	ubiB	XF1833	-	putative ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB
1827	 49.46	0	1750667..1751131	-	154	15838432	-	XF1834	-	disulphide isomerase
1828	 50.41	0	1751330..1752535	-	401	77747565	-	XF1835	-	trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase
1829	 51.17	0	1752957..1753511	-	184	15838434	-	XF1836	-	hypothetical protein
1830	 53.52	0	1753508..1754359	-	283	15838435	-	XF1837	-	hypothetical protein
1831	 56.88	0	1754397..1755326	-	309	15838436	-	XF1838	-	hypothetical protein
1832	 51.63	0	1755510..1755755	-	81	15838437	-	XF1839	-	hypothetical protein
1833	 50.28	0	1755823..1756536	+	237	15838438	-	XF1840	-	hypothetical protein
1834	 49.75	0	1756687..1757472	-	261	77747566	uppP	XF1841	-	undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase
1835	 49.50	0	1757590..1759104	+	504	15838440	-	XF1842	-	glutamine synthetase
1836	 45.13	-1	1759358..1759696	+	112	15838441	-	XF1843	-	nitrogen regulatory protein P-II
1837	 49.56	0	1759686..1761164	+	492	15838442	-	XF1844	-	ammonium transporter
1838	 49.38	0	1761182..1761667	-	161	15838443	-	XF1845	-	hypothetical protein
1839	 58.48	+1	1761703..1761873	-	56	15838444	-	XF1846	-	hypothetical protein
1840	 56.57	0	1761950..1762048	+	32	15838445	-	XF1847	-	hypothetical protein
1841	 53.85	0	1762190..1763617	-	475	15838446	-	XF1848	-	two-component system, regulatory protein
1842	 52.75	0	1763610..1764665	-	351	15838447	-	XF1849	-	two-component system, sensor protein
1843	 50.51	0	1765042..1765530	-	162	15838448	-	XF1850	-	hypothetical protein
1844	 54.45	0	1765732..1768734	+	1000	15838449	-	XF1851	-	serine protease
1845	 42.57	-1	1768999..1769247	-	82	15838450	-	XF1852	-	hypothetical protein
1846	 46.03	0	1769651..1769839	+	62	15838451	-	XF1853	-	hypothetical protein
1847	 46.18	0	1769836..1771446	+	536	77747567	-	XF1854	-	hypothetical protein
1848	 53.02	0	1771575..1773230	+	551	15838453	-	XF1855	-	fumarate hydratase
1849	 52.32	0	1773425..1775194	-	589	15838454	aspS	XF1856	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
1850	 44.07	-1	1775434..1775610	-	58	15838455	-	XF1857	-	hypothetical protein
1851	 51.76	0	1775629..1776393	+	254	15838456	-	XF1858	-	transcriptional regulator
1852	 44.87	-1	1777003..1778181	+	392	15838457	-	XF1859	-	hypothetical protein
1853	 38.44	-2	1778168..1778500	+	110	15838458	-	XF1860	-	hypothetical protein
1854	 35.80	-2	1778507..1778668	+	53	15838459	-	XF1861	-	hypothetical protein
1855	 45.15	-1	1778757..1779086	-	109	15838460	-	XF1862	-	hypothetical protein
1856	 52.70	0	1779077..1779298	-	73	15838461	-	XF1863	-	hypothetical protein
1857	 44.60	-1	1779582..1780016	-	144	15838462	-	XF1864	-	hypothetical protein
1858	 37.29	-2	1780157..1780459	+	100	15838463	-	XF1865	-	hypothetical protein
1859	 43.41	-1	1780818..1780946	+	42	15838464	-	XF1866	-	hypothetical protein
1860	 47.47	0	1781514..1782008	+	164	15838465	-	XF1867	-	hypothetical protein
1861	 43.43	-1	1782089..1782613	+	174	15838466	-	XF1868	-	hypothetical protein
1862	 41.05	-1	1782606..1782890	+	94	15838467	-	XF1869	-	hypothetical protein
1863	 45.00	-1	1782890..1783960	+	356	15838468	-	XF1870	-	hypothetical protein
1864	 39.36	-2	1784137..1784385	-	82	15838469	-	XF1871	-	hypothetical protein
1865	 52.91	0	1784448..1784636	-	62	15838470	-	XF1872	-	hypothetical protein
1866	 47.99	0	1784959..1785306	+	115	15838471	-	XF1873	-	hypothetical protein
1867	 40.38	-1	1785369..1785680	+	103	15838472	-	XF1874	-	hypothetical protein
1868	 45.37	-1	1785857..1786936	-	359	15838473	-	XF1875	-	hypothetical protein
1869	 41.05	-1	1786936..1787220	-	94	15838474	-	XF1876	-	hypothetical protein
1870	 42.04	-1	1787213..1788430	-	405	15838475	-	XF1877	-	hypothetical protein
1871	 42.79	-1	1788499..1788720	-	73	15838476	-	XF1878	-	hypothetical protein
1872	 39.80	-1	1788742..1788942	-	66	15838477	-	XF1879	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 42.48	-1	1788949..1789254	-	101	15838478	-	XF1880	-	hypothetical protein
1874	 49.32	0	1789521..1790108	-	195	15838479	-	XF1881	-	hypothetical protein
1875	 40.44	-1	1790367..1790549	-	60	15838480	-	XF1882	-	hypothetical protein
52.19	MEAN

6.22	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.