IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae KACC10331

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 63.81 STD DEV: 3.50
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae KACC10331, complete genome - 1..4941439
4144 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3917	 65.94	0	4660830..4662743	+	637	58584011	-	XOO4388	-	nuclease
3918	 67.18	0	4662834..4663220	-	128	58584012	-	XOO4389	-	hypothetical protein
3919	 66.67	0	4663282..4664607	+	441	58584013	-	XOO4390	-	nitrile hydratase activator
3920	 60.43	0	4664722..4666035	-	437	122879348	-	XOO4391	-	hypothetical protein
3921	 64.60	0	4666134..4666859	-	241	58584015	-	XOO4392	-	integral membrane protein
3922	 65.41	0	4666866..4667738	+	290	58584016	-	XOO4393	-	hypothetical protein
3923	 63.93	0	4667778..4668911	+	377	58584017	-	XOO4394	-	ATPase
3924	 61.09	0	4670416..4673175	+	919	122879349	-	XOO4396	-	TonB-dependent receptor
3925	 65.79	0	4673428..4675029	-	533	58584020	-	XOO4397	-	hypothetical protein
3926	 64.97	0	4675029..4677266	-	745	58584021	glyS	XOO4398	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
3927	 64.84	0	4677556..4678596	-	346	58584022	glyQ	XOO4399	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
3928	 67.44	+1	4678554..4680368	+	604	58584023	gspE	XOO4400	-	general secretory pathway related protein
3929	 66.39	0	4680754..4689579	-	2941	58584024	-	XOO4401	-	hypothetical protein
3930	 58.60	-1	4689663..4690034	+	123	58584025	-	XOO4402	-	putative transposase
3931	 58.91	-1	4690000..4690476	+	158	58584026	-	XOO4403	-	putative transposase
3932	 66.91	0	4690957..4691772	+	271	58584027	guaA	XOO4404	-	glutamine amidotransferase
3933	 67.22	0	4691832..4692731	+	299	122879350	-	XOO4405	-	hypothetical protein
3934	 62.83	0	4692883..4693638	-	251	58584029	tatC	XOO4406	-	sec-independent protein translocase
3935	 67.59	+1	4693635..4694282	-	215	58584030	tatB	XOO4407	-	sec-independent translocase
3936	 64.04	0	4694298..4694525	-	75	58584031	tatA	XOO4408	-	twin argininte translocase protein A
3937	 66.08	0	4694598..4695614	-	338	58584032	-	XOO4409	-	hypothetical protein
3938	 67.99	+1	4695637..4696620	+	327	58584033	hemH	XOO4410	-	ferrochelatase
3939	 68.94	+1	4696617..4696748	+	43	58584034	-	XOO4411	-	hydrolase
3940	 67.89	+1	4696739..4697473	+	244	58584035	-	XOO4412	-	hydrolase
3941	 58.82	-1	4697554..4698012	+	152	58584036	-	XOO4413	-	hypothetical protein
3942	 65.68	0	4698283..4699089	-	268	58584037	-	XOO4414	-	hypothetical protein
3943	 62.80	0	4699695..4700600	-	301	58584038	rdgC	XOO4415	-	recombination associated protein
3944	 66.78	0	4700664..4701581	-	305	58584039	-	XOO4416	-	hypothetical protein
3945	 62.03	0	4702185..4703522	+	445	122879351	xylA	XOO4417	-	xylose isomerase
3946	 64.73	0	4703748..4704830	-	360	122879352	salR	XOO4418	-	sal operon transcriptional repressor
3947	 63.60	0	4704970..4707186	+	738	58584042	aguA	XOO4419	-	alpha-glucuronidase
3948	 66.33	0	4707048..4709147	+	699	58584043	-	XOO4420	-	sialic acid-specific 9-O-acetylesterase
3949	 63.92	0	4709072..4710418	+	448	58584044	rspA	XOO4421	-	starvation sensing protein
3950	 64.79	0	4710418..4712118	+	566	122879353	xylB	XOO4422	-	xylosidase; arabinosidase
3951	 66.63	0	4712121..4714835	+	904	58584046	-	XOO4423	-	glucan 1,4-beta-glucosidase
3952	 64.97	0	4715058..4716530	+	490	58584047	mtlD	XOO4424	-	mannitol dehydrogenase
3953	 62.14	0	4716756..4717064	-	102	58584048	-	XOO4425	-	bleomycin resistance protein
3954	 59.09	-1	4717508..4718563	-	351	58584049	-	XOO4426	-	hypothetical protein
3955	 63.99	0	4718791..4720209	-	472	161898957	hrmI	XOO4427	-	glucuronate isomerase
3956	 61.35	0	4720250..4721227	-	325	58584051	-	XOO4428	-	secreted xylanase
3957	 63.15	0	4721645..4722526	-	293	122879354	-	XOO4429	-	putative xylanase
3958	 64.29	0	4722645..4723904	-	419	58584053	exuT	XOO4430	-	hexuranate transporter
3959	 63.33	0	4724372..4727341	+	989	58584054	cirA	XOO4431	-	TonB-dependent receptor
3960	 61.64	0	4727338..4728927	+	529	58584055	xylP	XOO4432	-	transport protein
3961	 63.67	0	4728959..4729993	+	344	58584056	xsa	XOO4433	-	xylosidase; arabinosidase
3962	 56.37	-2	4730359..4730766	+	135	58584057	-	XOO4434	-	putative transposase
3963	 63.22	0	4731671..4731931	+	86	58584061	blc	XOO4438	-	outer membrane lipoprotein Blc
3964	 64.41	0	4732086..4732262	-	58	58584062	-	XOO4439	-	hypothetical protein
3965	 63.64	0	4732465..4733025	+	186	58584063	-	XOO4440	-	transposase
3966	 62.44	0	4733022..4733471	+	149	58584064	-	XOO4441	-	transposase
3967	 65.13	0	4733716..4734105	+	129	58584065	-	XOO4442	-	hypothetical protein
3968	 54.59	-2	4734186..4734632	+	148	58584066	-	XOO4443	-	transposase
3969	 65.86	0	4735104..4736093	+	329	58584068	-	XOO4445	-	hypothetical protein
3970	 63.28	0	4736159..4737280	-	373	58584069	-	XOO4446	-	hypothetical protein
3971	 68.58	+1	4737290..4738384	-	364	58584070	-	XOO4447	-	oxidoreductase
3972	 66.23	0	4738459..4739139	+	226	58584071	-	XOO4448	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
3973	 59.12	-1	4739172..4739648	-	158	58584072	-	XOO4449	-	putative transposase
3974	 58.06	-1	4739614..4739985	-	123	58584073	-	XOO4450	-	putative transposase
3975	 62.11	0	4740036..4741418	+	460	58584074	-	XOO4451	-	putative ISXo8 transposase
3976	 63.05	0	4741509..4742477	+	322	58584075	-	XOO4452	-	hypothetical protein
3977	 64.12	0	4742580..4742933	-	117	58584076	-	XOO4453	-	hypothetical protein
3978	 63.37	0	4742924..4743529	-	201	58584077	-	XOO4454	-	hypothetical protein
3979	 63.40	0	4743944..4744402	+	152	58584078	-	XOO4455	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
3980	 64.23	0	4744399..4744932	+	177	58584079	ohr	XOO4456	-	organic hydroperoxide resistance protein
3981	 66.67	0	4745181..4746044	-	287	58584080	-	XOO4457	-	hypothetical protein
3982	 62.71	0	4746283..4747218	+	311	122879355	-	XOO4458	-	putative transposase
3983	 63.37	0	4747674..4748915	-	413	58584082	-	XOO4459	-	ISxac1 transposase
3984	 59.78	-1	4749220..4749582	-	120	58584083	-	XOO4460	-	hypothetical protein
3985	 58.63	-1	4749648..4749896	+	82	58584084	-	XOO4461	-	DNA-binding protein
3986	 67.87	+1	4751654..4751986	-	110	121632138	-	XOO4946	-	hypothetical protein
3987	 66.46	0	4751979..4752455	-	158	58584085	-	XOO4462	-	hypothetical protein
3988	 65.52	0	4752458..4752892	-	144	58584086	-	XOO4463	-	hypothetical protein
3989	 60.36	0	4753590..4753922	+	110	58584087	-	XOO4464	-	hypothetical protein
3990	 51.52	-2	4754171..4754269	+	32	58584088	-	XOO4465	-	hypothetical protein
3991	 67.81	+1	4754372..4755766	-	464	122879356	-	XOO4466	-	hypothetical protein
3992	 66.32	0	4756704..4756994	-	96	58584090	vapI	XOO4467	-	virulence associated protein
3993	 60.28	-1	4757012..4757293	-	93	58584091	-	XOO4468	-	hypothetical protein
3994	 71.99	+2	4757388..4759697	-	769	58584092	recD	XOO4469	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V alpha chain
3995	 68.71	+1	4759834..4763934	-	1366	58584093	recB	XOO4470	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V beta chain
3996	 68.69	+1	4763904..4767410	-	1168	58584094	recC	XOO4471	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V gamma chain
3997	 59.10	-1	4767721..4770375	+	884	58584095	-	XOO4472	-	hypothetical protein
3998	 69.70	+1	4771430..4774426	-	998	58584098	-	XOO4475	-	hemagglutinin
3999	 54.17	-2	4774434..4774553	+	39	121632139	-	YXOOp17	-	hypothetical protein
4000	 65.02	0	4775117..4775662	+	181	58584100	-	XOO4477	-	microcystin dependent protein
4001	 67.23	0	4775731..4776258	+	175	122879357	-	XOO4476	-	microcystin dependent protein
4002	 65.36	0	4776317..4776853	+	178	58584101	-	XOO4478	-	microcystin dependent protein
4003	 62.77	0	4776881..4777906	+	341	58584102	-	XOO4479	-	transposase
4004	 60.51	0	4777919..4778194	+	91	58584103	-	XOO4480	-	putative transposase
4005	 65.32	0	4778189..4778929	-	246	58584104	sodC2	XOO4481	-	superoxide dismutase
4006	 70.30	+1	4778892..4779497	-	201	58584105	yojM	XOO4482	-	superoxide dismutase like protein
4007	 66.60	0	4779993..4781441	-	482	58584106	ntrC	XOO4483	-	two-component system regulatory protein
4008	 68.28	+1	4781413..4782468	-	351	58584107	ntrB	XOO4484	-	two-component system sensor protein
4009	 66.33	0	4782740..4784215	-	491	58584109	amtB	XOO4486	-	ammonium transporter
4010	 64.60	0	4784205..4784543	-	112	58584110	glnB	XOO4487	-	nitrogen regulatory protein P-II
4011	 61.56	0	4784821..4786230	-	469	58584111	glnA	XOO4488	-	glutamine synthetase
4012	 64.66	0	4786452..4787249	+	265	122879358	uppP	XOO4489	-	undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase
4013	 70.14	+1	4787386..4788192	+	268	58584113	-	XOO4490	-	hypothetical protein
4014	 65.20	0	4789346..4790095	-	249	58584116	-	XOO4493	-	hypothetical protein
4015	 70.09	+1	4790152..4792224	-	690	58584117	-	XOO4494	-	hypothetical protein
4016	 66.77	0	4792638..4793627	-	329	58584118	-	XOO4495	-	hypothetical protein
63.81	MEAN

3.50	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.