IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae KACC10331

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 63.81 STD DEV: 3.50
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae KACC10331, complete genome - 1..4941439
4144 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1659	 65.21	0	1941601..1943106	+	501	58581465	mmsA	XOO1842	-	methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1660	 64.30	0	1943075..1944298	+	407	58581466	fadE9	XOO1843	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
1661	 63.91	0	1944295..1945092	+	265	58581467	paaF	XOO1844	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase
1662	 65.56	0	1945092..1946264	+	390	58581468	-	XOO1845	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase
1663	 65.81	0	1946388..1947326	+	312	58581469	mmsB	XOO1846	-	3-hydroxyisobutirate dehydrogenase
1664	 65.56	0	1947535..1948530	+	331	58581470	czcD	XOO1847	-	cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance protein
1665	 66.91	0	1948747..1950828	-	693	58581471	fadB	XOO1848	-	3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
1666	 62.15	0	1950933..1951685	+	250	58581472	algU	XOO1849	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoE
1667	 70.78	+1	1951682..1952581	+	299	58581473	-	XOO1850	-	regulatory protein
1668	 67.34	+1	1952508..1954277	+	589	58581474	mucD	XOO1851	-	periplasmic protease
1669	 62.24	0	1954443..1956248	+	601	58581475	lepA	XOO1852	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
1670	 58.80	-1	1956355..1957155	+	266	58581476	lepB	XOO1853	-	signal peptidase I
1671	 54.23	-2	1957186..1957563	+	125	58581477	-	XOO1854	-	hypothetical protein
1672	 63.58	0	1957553..1958233	+	226	58581478	rnc	XOO1855	-	ribonuclease III
1673	 65.56	0	1958230..1959129	+	299	58581479	era	XOO1856	-	GTP-binding protein Era
1674	 64.87	0	1959353..1960075	+	240	58581480	recO	XOO1857	-	DNA repair protein RecO
1675	 65.42	0	1960224..1960946	-	240	58581481	-	XOO1858	-	hypothetical protein
1676	 64.72	0	1961000..1962439	+	479	58581482	rumA	XOO1859	-	23S rRNA 5-methyluridine methyltransferase
1677	 60.04	-1	1962614..1963111	+	165	58581483	-	XOO1860	-	hypothetical protein
1678	 63.35	0	1963207..1964442	-	411	58581484	-	XOO1861	-	transposase
1679	 62.89	0	1964671..1966047	+	458	122879140	-	XOO1863	-	IS1478 transposase
1680	 65.88	0	1966092..1966850	+	252	58581487	frnE	XOO1864	-	polyketide synthase
1681	 65.20	0	1966810..1967901	+	363	58581488	-	XOO1865	-	hypothetical protein
1682	 64.83	0	1968082..1969659	+	525	58581489	-	XOO1866	-	hypothetical protein
1683	 67.86	+1	1969695..1970780	+	361	58581490	nagZ	XOO1867	-	beta-hexosaminidase
1684	 66.31	0	1970780..1971334	+	184	58581491	hpt	XOO1868	-	hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
1685	 63.55	0	1971402..1972172	+	256	58581492	deoD	XOO1869	-	5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase
1686	 59.65	-1	1972238..1972465	+	75	58581493	scoF	XOO1870	-	cold shock protein
1687	 67.60	+1	1974000..1974644	-	214	58581496	-	XOO1873	-	hypothetical protein
1688	 66.79	0	1974634..1977135	-	833	58581497	lhr2	XOO1874	-	helicase-related protein
1689	 66.67	0	1977132..1978736	-	534	161899000	lig2	XOO1875	-	ATP-dependent DNA ligase
1690	 72.22	+2	1978733..1978966	-	77	121632089	-	XOO4790	-	hypothetical protein
1691	 66.03	0	1978963..1980057	-	364	58581499	-	XOO1876	-	mRNA 3'-end processing factor
1692	 68.58	+1	1980322..1980687	-	121	58581500	-	XOO1877	-	hypothetical protein
1693	 65.72	0	1980684..1981319	-	211	58581501	-	XOO1878	-	hypothetical protein
1694	 66.26	0	1981372..1983081	-	569	58581502	-	XOO1879	-	sensor histidine kinase
1695	 69.11	+1	1983190..1983516	-	108	58581503	-	XOO1880	-	hypothetical protein
1696	 64.29	0	1984213..1985388	-	391	58581504	atoB	XOO1881	-	acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase
1697	 64.83	0	1985544..1988372	+	942	58581505	-	XOO1882	-	serine protease
1698	 63.49	0	1988433..1989533	-	366	58581506	leu	XOO1883	-	leucine dehydrogenase
1699	 61.14	0	1990001..1990561	-	186	58581507	-	XOO1884	-	hypothetical protein
1700	 55.17	-2	1990930..1991103	+	57	58581508	-	XOO1885	-	hypothetical protein
1701	 60.39	0	1991264..1991518	-	84	58581509	-	XOO1886	-	hypothetical protein
1702	 64.79	0	1991693..1991959	+	88	58581510	-	XOO1887	-	hypothetical protein
1703	 58.74	-1	1992150..1992818	-	222	58581511	-	XOO1888	-	hypothetical protein
1704	 62.73	0	1992892..1993881	+	329	58581512	-	XOO1889	-	ISxac1 transposase
1705	 63.68	0	1993882..1994115	+	77	58581513	-	XOO1890	-	ISxac1 transposase
1706	 62.26	0	1994141..1995523	+	460	122879141	-	XOO1891	-	putative ISXo8 transposase
1707	 62.90	0	1995916..1996101	-	61	121632090	-	XOO4791	-	hypothetical protein
1708	 66.31	0	1996291..1997697	-	468	58581515	yegD	XOO1892	-	heat shock protein
1709	 58.33	-1	1998184..1998279	-	31	58581517	slyD	XOO1894	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
1710	 63.11	0	1998455..1999690	-	411	58581518	-	XOO1895	-	transposase
1711	 62.92	0	1999938..2000870	-	310	58581520	catA	XOO1897	-	cation transport protein
1712	 61.57	0	2000928..2001437	+	169	58581521	-	XOO1898	-	hypothetical protein
1713	 64.94	0	2001726..2002649	-	307	58581522	-	XOO1899	-	hypothetical protein
1714	 65.47	0	2002907..2004247	-	446	58581523	nerA	XOO1900	-	GTN reductase
1715	 64.60	0	2004246..2005457	+	403	58581524	araJ	XOO1901	-	MFS transporter
1716	 62.72	0	2006020..2006475	+	151	58581525	-	XOO1902	-	hypothetical protein
1717	 63.58	0	2006608..2007351	+	247	58581526	-	XOO1903	-	hypothetical protein
1718	 68.14	+1	2007387..2007995	+	202	58581527	-	XOO1904	-	hypothetical protein
1719	 67.18	0	2008055..2008249	+	64	58581528	-	XOO1905	-	hypothetical protein
1720	 67.10	0	2008319..2009689	+	456	122879142	acvB	XOO1906	-	virulence protein
1721	 67.41	+1	2010313..2012877	-	854	122879143	-	XOO1907	-	hypothetical protein
1722	 68.03	+1	2012946..2013311	+	121	58581531	-	XOO1908	-	hypothetical protein
1723	 67.03	0	2013290..2013847	+	185	58581532	-	XOO1909	-	hypothetical protein
1724	 62.73	0	2013825..2014205	+	126	58581533	-	XOO1910	-	hypothetical protein
1725	 64.89	0	2014368..2015438	-	356	58581534	-	XOO1911	-	hypothetical protein
1726	 66.92	0	2015456..2016238	-	260	58581535	-	XOO1912	-	hypothetical protein
1727	 65.75	0	2016235..2016780	-	181	58581536	-	XOO1913	-	hypothetical protein
1728	 63.50	0	2016777..2018072	-	431	122879144	cfaA	XOO1914	-	cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase
1729	 65.52	0	2018069..2019028	-	319	58581538	-	XOO1915	-	hypothetical protein
1730	 64.85	0	2018953..2020275	-	440	58581539	-	XOO1916	-	dehydrogenase
1731	 64.75	0	2020200..2021348	-	382	58581540	desC	XOO1917	-	delta 9 acyl-lipid fatty acid desaturase
1732	 67.61	+1	2021424..2022269	-	281	58581541	-	XOO1918	-	hypothetical protein
1733	 65.25	0	2022254..2022817	-	187	122879145	rpoE	XOO1919	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor
1734	 60.16	-1	2022876..2023244	-	122	58581543	-	XOO1920	-	hypothetical protein
1735	 67.31	0	2023330..2024112	-	260	58581544	-	XOO1921	-	hypothetical protein
1736	 67.30	0	2024731..2025201	-	156	58581545	ydgM	XOO1922	-	ferredoxin
1737	 63.69	0	2025161..2025832	-	223	58581546	-	XOO1923	-	hypothetical protein
1738	 65.23	0	2025972..2028056	-	694	58581547	metG	XOO1924	-	methionyl-tRNA synthetase
1739	 65.62	0	2028281..2028760	-	159	58581548	-	XOO1925	-	hypothetical protein
1740	 63.27	0	2029494..2030552	+	352	58581551	-	XOO1928	-	putative transposase
1741	 63.81	0	2030824..2032221	+	465	161898999	ykfD	XOO1929	-	S-methylmethionine transporter
1742	 64.62	0	2032218..2033195	+	325	161898998	mmuM	XOO1930	-	homocysteine methyltransferase
1743	 65.38	0	2033377..2035314	-	645	122879146	-	XOO1931	-	hypothetical protein
1744	 63.45	0	2035735..2036511	-	258	58581555	-	XOO1932	-	hypothetical protein
1745	 63.41	0	2036516..2037190	-	224	122879147	-	XOO1933	-	hypothetical protein
1746	 64.81	0	2037424..2038932	+	502	58581557	-	XOO1934	-	hypothetical protein
1747	 63.06	0	2039213..2040211	+	332	58581560	-	XOO1937	-	IS1478 transposase
1748	 71.86	+2	2044464..2044694	-	76	58581566	nodQ	XOO1943	-	ATP sulfurylase/adenylylsulfate kinase
1749	 62.55	0	2046339..2046800	+	153	58581572	-	XOO1949	-	transposase
1750	 67.79	+1	2046801..2047247	-	148	58581573	-	XOO1950	-	IS1478 transposase
1751	 64.01	0	2047266..2047829	-	187	58581574	-	XOO1951	-	hypothetical protein
1752	 63.55	0	2048302..2049618	-	438	122879148	-	XOO1952	-	PHB depolymerase
1753	 67.64	+1	2049786..2050403	-	205	58581576	-	XOO1953	-	hypothetical protein
1754	 63.70	0	2050369..2050908	+	179	58581577	-	XOO1954	-	hypothetical protein
1755	 67.93	+1	2052074..2053417	-	447	58581579	-	XOO1956	-	hypothetical protein
1756	 66.60	0	2053354..2054766	-	470	58581580	-	XOO1957	-	hypothetical protein
1757	 66.94	0	2054763..2055500	-	245	58581581	-	XOO1958	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1758	 65.06	0	2055500..2057680	-	726	58581582	-	XOO1959	-	Outer membrane receptor proteins, mostly Fe transport
63.81	MEAN

3.50	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.