IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 67.51 STD DEV: 3.97
Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2, complete genome - 1..5308934
4746 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3265	 68.94	0	3658750..3659979	+	409	154247223	-	Xaut_3295	-	acetylornithine deacetylase or succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
3266	 72.20	+1	3660205..3662718	+	837	154247224	-	Xaut_3296	-	histidine kinase
3267	 69.72	0	3662715..3664286	+	523	154247225	-	Xaut_3297	-	hypothetical protein
3268	 68.36	0	3664283..3665050	+	255	154247226	-	Xaut_3298	-	nucleotidyl transferase
3269	 74.28	+1	3665138..3668185	+	1015	154247227	-	Xaut_3299	-	double-strand break repair protein AddB
3270	 73.06	+1	3668182..3671685	+	1167	154247228	-	Xaut_3300	-	double-strand break repair helicase AddA
3271	 61.99	-1	3671772..3672092	+	106	154247229	-	Xaut_3301	-	thioredoxin
3272	 68.68	0	3672186..3672533	-	115	154247230	-	Xaut_3302	-	hypothetical protein
3273	 68.97	0	3672682..3673419	-	245	154247231	-	Xaut_3303	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase A
3274	 71.54	+1	3673439..3674362	-	307	154247232	-	Xaut_3304	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
3275	 63.39	-1	3674481..3674999	-	172	154247233	-	Xaut_3305	-	peptide deformylase
3276	 69.15	0	3675080..3676246	+	388	154247234	-	Xaut_3306	-	hypothetical protein
3277	 69.39	0	3676359..3677240	+	293	154247235	-	Xaut_3307	-	formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase
3278	 66.54	0	3677448..3678218	+	256	154247236	-	Xaut_3308	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase
3279	 62.37	-1	3679299..3680789	-	496	154247237	-	Xaut_3309	-	hypothetical protein
3280	 65.74	0	3680958..3682142	+	394	154247238	-	Xaut_3310	-	dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase
3281	 62.99	-1	3682677..3683084	-	135	154247239	-	Xaut_3311	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein
3282	 69.55	0	3683166..3683546	-	126	154247240	-	Xaut_3312	-	hypothetical protein
3283	 69.08	0	3683835..3685532	+	565	154247241	-	Xaut_3313	-	protein of unknown function DUF853 NPT hydrolase putative
3284	 67.13	0	3685739..3686173	+	144	154247242	-	Xaut_3314	-	hypothetical protein
3285	 70.08	0	3686486..3687892	+	468	154247243	-	Xaut_3315	-	hypothetical protein
3286	 67.77	0	3688043..3689038	+	331	154247244	-	Xaut_3316	-	Mg2 transporter protein CorA family protein
3287	 65.33	0	3689247..3690668	+	473	154247245	-	Xaut_3317	-	periplasmic protein
3288	 66.67	0	3690756..3692384	-	542	154247246	-	Xaut_3318	-	hypothetical protein
3289	 60.64	-1	3692744..3693340	-	198	154247247	-	Xaut_3319	-	superoxide dismutase
3290	 74.62	+1	3693546..3694337	+	263	154247248	-	Xaut_3320	-	hypothetical protein
3291	 70.78	0	3694517..3695611	+	364	154247249	-	Xaut_3321	-	nicotinate-nucleotide--dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase
3292	 72.76	+1	3695616..3696452	-	278	154247250	-	Xaut_3322	-	histidine kinase
3293	 72.36	+1	3696812..3697303	+	163	154247251	-	Xaut_3323	-	nuclease
3294	 62.27	-1	3697382..3698041	+	219	154247252	-	Xaut_3324	-	glutathione S-transferase domain-containing protein
3295	 67.88	0	3698046..3698789	+	247	154247253	-	Xaut_3325	-	beta-lactamase domain-containing protein
3296	 72.71	+1	3698767..3699444	+	225	154247254	-	Xaut_3326	-	hypothetical protein
3297	 69.31	0	3699523..3700770	+	415	154247255	-	Xaut_3327	-	MRP-like protein (ATP/GTP-binding protein)
3298	 64.74	0	3700972..3702063	+	363	154247256	-	Xaut_3328	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter- DctP subunit
3299	 67.94	0	3702154..3704355	-	733	154247257	-	Xaut_3329	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
3300	 66.56	0	3704423..3705355	-	310	154247258	-	Xaut_3330	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
3301	 69.33	0	3705497..3706135	-	212	154247259	-	Xaut_3331	-	maleylacetoacetate isomerase
3302	 70.69	0	3706141..3707457	-	438	154247260	-	Xaut_3332	-	fumarylacetoacetase
3303	 66.89	0	3707547..3708914	-	455	154247261	-	Xaut_3333	-	homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase
3304	 70.61	0	3708971..3709426	+	151	154247262	-	Xaut_3334	-	transcriptional regulator, TrmB
3305	 69.23	0	3709578..3710318	-	246	154247263	-	Xaut_3335	-	short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR
3306	 66.06	0	3710379..3711374	-	331	154247264	-	Xaut_3336	-	aldo/keto reductase
3307	 70.08	0	3711515..3712423	+	302	154247265	-	Xaut_3337	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
3308	 72.85	+1	3712441..3714720	-	759	154247266	-	Xaut_3338	-	heavy metal translocating P-type ATPase
3309	 65.61	0	3714758..3715231	+	157	154247267	-	Xaut_3339	-	MerR family transcriptional regulator
3310	 70.56	0	3715443..3717266	-	607	154247268	-	Xaut_3340	-	diguanylate cyclase with PAS/PAC sensor
3311	 69.88	0	3717329..3720592	+	1087	154247269	-	Xaut_3341	-	multicopper oxidase type 2
3312	 67.68	0	3720936..3721331	-	131	154247270	-	Xaut_3342	-	Rieske (2Fe-2S) domain-containing protein
3313	 71.36	0	3721540..3722433	+	297	154247271	-	Xaut_3343	-	aldose 1-epimerase
3314	 69.22	0	3722462..3723751	-	429	154247272	-	Xaut_3344	-	PHB depolymerase family esterase
3315	 64.52	0	3723840..3724259	-	139	154247273	-	Xaut_3345	-	CopG family transcriptional regulator
3316	 68.29	0	3724668..3725654	-	328	154247274	-	Xaut_3346	-	quinone oxidoreductase putative YhdH/YhfP
3317	 70.31	0	3725714..3726481	-	255	154247275	-	Xaut_3347	-	regulatory protein GntR HTH
3318	 65.92	0	3726614..3727825	+	403	154247276	-	Xaut_3348	-	extracellular ligand-binding receptor
3319	 71.83	+1	3727839..3729059	+	406	154247277	-	Xaut_3349	-	major facilitator transporter
3320	 69.10	0	3729080..3729901	+	273	154247278	-	Xaut_3350	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase
3321	 72.02	+1	3729912..3731330	+	472	154247279	-	Xaut_3351	-	AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase
3322	 62.24	-1	3731520..3732152	+	210	154247280	-	Xaut_3352	-	hypothetical protein
3323	 65.19	0	3732585..3734276	-	563	154247281	-	Xaut_3353	-	major facilitator transporter
3324	 72.78	+1	3734763..3735629	-	288	154247282	-	Xaut_3354	-	RNA methyltransferase
3325	 66.99	0	3736610..3737221	+	203	154247283	-	Xaut_3355	-	hypothetical protein
3326	 65.83	0	3737293..3738483	+	396	154247284	-	Xaut_3356	-	elongation factor Tu
3327	 73.33	+1	3738487..3738861	+	124	154247285	-	Xaut_3357	-	hypothetical protein
3328	 62.12	-1	3739365..3739562	+	65	154247286	-	Xaut_3358	-	preprotein translocase, SecE subunit
3329	 62.71	-1	3739580..3740110	+	176	154247287	-	Xaut_3359	-	NusG antitermination factor
3330	 62.89	-1	3740277..3740726	+	149	154247288	-	Xaut_3360	-	ribosomal protein L11
3331	 68.53	0	3740732..3741430	+	232	154247289	-	Xaut_3361	-	ribosomal protein L1
3332	 64.35	0	3742637..3743155	+	172	154247290	-	Xaut_3362	-	ribosomal protein L10
3333	 66.67	0	3743225..3743599	+	124	154247291	-	Xaut_3363	-	50S ribosomal protein L7/L12
3334	 65.51	0	3743884..3747960	+	1358	154247292	-	Xaut_3364	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta
3335	 64.87	0	3748098..3752282	+	1394	154247293	-	Xaut_3365	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta'
3336	 63.70	0	3752692..3753972	-	426	154247294	-	Xaut_3366	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit
3337	 64.54	0	3753963..3754526	-	187	154247295	-	Xaut_3367	-	tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporter DctQ
3338	 63.59	0	3754644..3755618	-	324	154247296	-	Xaut_3368	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter, DctP subunit
3339	 70.75	0	3755678..3756583	-	301	154247297	-	Xaut_3369	-	amidohydrolase 2
3340	 68.12	0	3756585..3757754	-	389	154247298	-	Xaut_3370	-	mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein
3341	 67.44	0	3757751..3758656	-	301	154247299	-	Xaut_3371	-	5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase
3342	 70.44	0	3758724..3759623	-	299	154247300	-	Xaut_3372	-	GntR domain-containing protein
3343	 66.92	0	3759729..3760529	+	266	154247301	-	Xaut_3373	-	NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase
3344	 71.84	+1	3760531..3762057	+	508	154247302	-	Xaut_3374	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
3345	 72.67	+1	3762077..3762592	-	171	154247303	-	Xaut_3375	-	ureidoglycolate hydrolase
3346	 68.24	0	3762576..3763844	-	422	154247304	-	Xaut_3376	-	allantoate amidohydrolase
3347	 68.09	0	3763844..3764824	-	326	154247305	-	Xaut_3377	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATPase subunit
3348	 69.17	0	3764821..3765900	-	359	154247306	-	Xaut_3378	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATPase subunit
3349	 68.02	0	3765897..3766784	-	295	154247307	-	Xaut_3379	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
3350	 66.24	0	3766789..3767733	-	314	154247308	-	Xaut_3380	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
3351	 65.95	0	3767802..3769484	-	560	154247309	-	Xaut_3381	-	4-phytase
3352	 71.45	0	3769859..3770548	+	229	154247310	-	Xaut_3382	-	hydantoin racemase
3353	 68.61	0	3770568..3771440	-	290	154247311	-	Xaut_3383	-	putative undecaprenol kinase
3354	 69.72	0	3771909..3772988	+	359	154247312	-	Xaut_3384	-	HflK protein
3355	 68.95	0	3772985..3773905	+	306	154247313	-	Xaut_3385	-	HflC protein
3356	 68.11	0	3773960..3775000	+	346	154247314	-	Xaut_3386	-	hypothetical protein
3357	 65.84	0	3775033..3775275	-	80	154247315	-	Xaut_3387	-	hypothetical protein
3358	 68.98	0	3775521..3777467	+	648	154247316	-	Xaut_3388	-	integral membrane sensor signal transduction histidine kinase
3359	 68.55	0	3777464..3778099	+	211	154247317	-	Xaut_3389	-	response regulator receiver protein
3360	 68.63	0	3778319..3778573	+	84	154247318	-	Xaut_3390	-	hypothetical protein
3361	 61.76	-1	3778869..3779174	-	101	154247319	-	Xaut_3391	-	hypothetical protein
3362	 63.87	0	3779250..3779714	-	154	154247320	-	Xaut_3392	-	hypothetical protein
3363	 68.70	0	3779842..3781071	-	409	154247321	-	Xaut_3393	-	lytic murein transglycosylase
3364	 72.05	+1	3781306..3782253	-	315	154247322	-	Xaut_3394	-	ApbE family lipoprotein
67.51	MEAN

3.97	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.