IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Wolbachia pipientis

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.35 STD DEV: 2.87
Wolbachia pipientis, complete genome - 1..1482455
1275 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
46	 35.58	0	45346..46014	+	222	190570524	-	WP0050	-	Putative rare lipoprotein A
47	 27.21	-2	47812..48219	-	135	190570525	-	WP0052	-	hypothetical protein
48	 34.28	0	48381..49538	+	385	190570526	ubiH	WP0053	-	2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase, fad-dependent oxidoreductase
49	 35.51	0	50592..51464	-	290	190570527	-	WP0055	-	transposase
50	 30.56	-1	51838..52776	-	312	190570528	-	WP0056	-	hypothetical protein
51	 34.12	0	52984..53490	+	168	190570529	coaD	WP0057	-	phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase
52	 34.29	0	53562..53771	+	69	190570530	-	WP0058	-	hypothetical protein
53	 32.70	0	53787..54413	-	208	190570531	cdsA	WP0059	-	phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase
54	 32.18	0	54403..55098	-	231	190570532	uppS	WP0060	-	undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase
55	 30.13	-1	55375..56592	-	405	190570533	-	WP0061	-	hypothetical protein
56	 36.83	0	56736..57908	+	390	190570534	sucB	WP0062	-	2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E2 component, dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase
57	 38.80	+1	57956..58138	+	60	190570535	-	WP0063	-	hypothetical protein
58	 33.22	0	58959..59804	+	281	190570536	-	WP0065	-	hypothetical protein
59	 34.62	0	60223..60999	+	258	190570537	fabI	WP0066	-	enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
60	 34.10	0	62746..63924	-	392	190570538	-	WP0068	-	hypothetical protein
61	 36.71	0	64043..65137	+	364	190570539	-	WP0069	-	GTP-binding protein YchF
62	 31.40	-1	65180..66526	-	448	190570540	-	WP0070	-	hypothetical protein
63	 38.94	+1	66667..67593	-	308	190570541	glpX	WP0071	-	Frusctose-1,6-bisphosphatase, class II
64	 34.08	0	67705..69045	+	446	190570542	-	WP0072	-	hypothetical protein
65	 32.25	0	69348..70085	+	245	190570543	-	WP0073	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
66	 36.31	0	70226..70393	+	55	190570544	-	WP0074	-	Twin-arginine translocation protein
67	 34.71	0	70520..71173	+	217	190570545	-	WP0075	-	exopolysaccharide synthesis protein ExoD-like
68	 33.49	0	71288..71944	+	218	190570546	-	WP0076	-	exopolysaccharide synthesis protein ExoD-like
69	 34.19	0	71937..73331	+	464	190570547	cysS	WP0077	-	cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
70	 33.57	0	73300..73713	+	137	190570548	-	WP0078	-	hypothetical protein
71	 30.85	-1	73744..76677	-	977	190570549	-	WP0079	-	hypothetical protein
72	 33.79	0	76670..77107	-	145	190570550	rnhA	WP0080	-	ribonuclease H
73	 34.80	0	77283..78170	-	295	190570551	ctaB	WP0081	-	protoheme IX farnesyltransferase
74	 37.91	+1	78172..79722	-	516	190570552	coxA	WP0082	-	cytochrome c oxidase, subunit I
75	 33.59	0	79738..80502	-	254	190570553	coxB	WP0083	-	cytochrome c oxidase, subunit II
76	 35.05	0	81059..82570	-	503	190570554	-	WP0084	-	secretion protein, HlyD family
77	 35.20	0	82725..83153	-	142	190570555	-	WP0085	-	hypothetical protein
78	 36.29	0	83219..84199	+	326	190570556	pdhA	WP0086	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, E1 component, alpha subunit
79	 36.08	0	84405..85826	+	473	190570557	gatB	WP0087	-	glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase, B subunit
80	 35.51	0	89812..90684	-	290	190570558	-	WP0091	-	transposase
81	 34.42	0	91819..92739	-	306	190570559	-	WP0092	-	site-specific recombinase, phage integrase family
82	 38.33	+1	92742..94121	-	459	190570560	lpdA	WP0093	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, E3 component, Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
83	 32.88	0	94114..95223	-	369	190570561	-	WP0094	-	PQQ enzyme repeat family protein
84	 34.73	0	95539..96831	+	430	190570562	-	WP0095	-	hypothetical protein
85	 30.21	-1	96949..97524	-	191	190570563	-	WP0096	-	hypothetical protein
86	 37.02	0	97610..100183	+	857	190570564	valS	WP0097	-	valyl-tRNA synthetase
87	 30.73	-1	100225..102336	+	703	190570565	-	WP0098	-	hypothetical protein
88	 29.65	-1	103826..104992	+	388	190570566	-	WP0100	-	hypothetical protein
89	 38.03	+1	105036..105716	+	226	190570567	pyrF	WP0101	-	orotidine 5`-phosphate decarboxylase
90	 36.60	0	106468..107631	+	387	190570568	-	WP0102	-	phage major capsid protein, HK97 family
91	 34.90	0	107706..108407	+	233	190570569	-	WP0103	-	hypothetical protein
92	 31.97	0	108541..109344	+	267	190570570	-	WP0104	-	hypothetical protein
93	 30.89	-1	109465..111183	+	572	190570571	-	WP0105	-	hypothetical protein
94	 31.17	-1	111496..112050	+	184	190570572	-	WP0106	-	hypothetical protein
95	 35.51	0	112127..112999	+	290	190570573	-	WP0107	-	transposase
96	 37.14	0	113288..114076	+	262	190570574	dapB	WP0108	-	dihydrodipicolinate reductase
97	 34.78	0	114073..114831	+	252	190570575	pstB	WP0109	-	phosphate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
98	 33.78	0	114900..115121	+	73	190570576	-	WP0110	-	hypothetical protein
99	 35.51	0	115187..116059	+	290	190570577	-	WP0111	-	transposase
100	 35.56	0	116108..116782	+	224	190570578	-	WP0112	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
101	 35.46	0	116933..118108	-	391	190570579	dxr	WP0113	-	1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase
102	 42.83	+2	118136..118630	-	164	190570580	-	WP0114	-	hypothetical protein
103	 35.51	0	120427..121299	-	290	190570581	-	WP0116	-	transposase
104	 35.38	0	121424..121618	+	64	190570582	-	WP0117	-	hypothetical protein
105	 37.58	+1	121673..123202	-	509	190570583	metG	WP0118	-	methionyl-tRNA synthetase
106	 37.05	0	123329..124243	-	304	190570584	-	WP0119	-	hypothetical protein
107	 39.39	+1	124325..125728	-	467	190570585	-	WP0120	-	probable dioxygenase
108	 35.23	0	125864..126442	+	192	190570586	coaE	WP0121	-	dephospho-coa kinase
109	 33.16	0	126432..127616	-	394	190570587	-	WP0122	-	Putative ribonuclease D
110	 38.00	+1	127701..129071	-	456	190570588	pyrC	WP0123	-	dihydroorotase
111	 34.33	0	133070..133672	-	200	190570589	-	WP0127	-	Putative membrane RDD family protein
112	 36.04	0	133880..135322	+	480	190570590	dnaB	WP0128	-	replicative DNA helicase
113	 33.06	0	135670..137157	+	495	190570591	-	WP0129	-	putative nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit
114	 31.34	-1	137172..137822	-	216	190570592	-	WP0130	-	Putative type IV secretion system protein VirB8
115	 30.46	-1	137852..138583	-	243	190570593	-	WP0131	-	hypothetical protein
116	 31.34	-1	138683..139534	-	283	190570594	-	WP0132	-	Putative DNA polymerase III, gamma/tau subunits
117	 29.42	-1	139552..140139	-	195	190570595	-	WP0133	-	Sua5/YciO/YrdC/YwlC family protein
118	 36.52	0	140278..140748	-	156	190570596	-	WP0134	-	hypothetical protein
119	 34.00	0	140824..141717	+	297	190570597	miaA	WP0135	-	tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase
120	 35.51	0	142066..142938	+	290	190570598	-	WP0136	-	transposase
121	 37.75	+1	143062..144624	-	520	190570599	murE	WP0137	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamate--2, 6-diaminopimelate ligase
122	 36.66	0	144593..145825	-	410	190570600	metC	WP0138	-	cystathionine beta-lyase
123	 29.12	-1	145833..146117	-	94	190570601	-	WP0139	-	bolA protein, putative
124	 37.36	+1	146190..148103	-	637	190570602	dnaK	WP0140	-	chaperone protein dnak (hsp70)
125	 33.62	0	148177..149925	-	582	190570603	-	WP0141	-	ribonuclease, Rne/Rng family protein
126	 34.83	0	150075..150275	+	66	190570604	rpmG	WP0142	-	ribosomal protein L33
127	 29.91	-1	150498..150731	+	77	190570605	-	WP0143	-	hypothetical protein
128	 30.98	-1	150985..151281	+	98	190570606	-	WP0144	-	hypothetical protein
129	 31.62	0	151641..152516	-	291	190570607	-	WP0145	-	Putative cation ABC transporter, periplasmic cation-binding protein
130	 32.24	0	152508..153239	+	243	190570608	-	WP0146	-	Putative cation ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
131	 32.77	0	153236..154657	+	473	190570609	-	WP0147	-	ubiquinone biosynthesis protein ubiB
132	 39.14	+1	157921..158868	-	315	190570610	trxB	WP0150	-	thioredoxin reductase
133	 34.33	0	158855..159454	-	199	190570611	-	WP0151	-	antioxidant, AhpC/Tsa family
134	 32.66	0	159612..160796	-	394	190570612	-	WP0152	-	hypothetical protein
135	 32.99	0	161701..162861	-	386	190570613	-	WP0154	-	hypothetical protein
136	 34.65	0	163017..163775	-	252	190570614	-	WP0155	-	sec-independent protein translocase, tatc
137	 37.76	+1	163779..164750	-	323	190570615	gap	WP0156	-	glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
138	 33.70	0	164900..165175	-	91	190570616	-	WP0157	-	hypothetical protein
139	 35.20	0	165191..165673	-	160	190570617	-	WP0158	-	Putative transposase
140	 35.17	0	165670..166050	-	126	190570618	-	WP0159	-	Putative transposase
141	 36.12	0	166422..167282	+	286	190570619	-	WP0160	-	hypothetical protein
142	 37.14	0	167650..167859	+	69	190570620	-	WP0161	-	hypothetical protein
143	 34.64	0	168035..168568	+	177	190570621	-	WP0162	-	phage prohead protease
144	 30.40	-1	168677..170923	+	748	190570622	-	WP0163	-	hypothetical protein
145	 35.29	0	170916..172142	-	408	190570623	-	WP0164	-	poly A polymerase family protein
34.35	MEAN

2.87	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.