IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Wolbachia pipientis

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.35 STD DEV: 2.87
Wolbachia pipientis, complete genome - 1..1482455
1275 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
549	 31.13	-1	672406..673995	-	529	190571027	-	WP0619	-	glycosyl transferase, group 2 family protein
550	 31.24	-1	674001..674477	-	158	190571028	-	WP0620	-	hypothetical protein
551	 30.00	-1	674485..674964	-	159	190571029	-	WP0621	-	ATP synthase F0, B subunit
552	 36.40	0	674968..675195	-	75	190571030	atpE	WP0622	-	ATP synthase F0, C subunit
553	 31.13	-1	675255..675980	-	241	190571031	atpB	WP0623	-	ATP synthase F0, A subunit
554	 33.33	0	676197..676466	+	89	190571032	-	WP0624	-	hypothetical protein
555	 34.79	0	676579..678918	+	779	190571033	pheT	WP0625	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
556	 37.59	+1	681762..684932	-	1056	190571034	ileS	WP0627	-	isoleucyl-trna synthetase
557	 28.51	-2	685017..685265	+	82	190571035	-	WP0628	-	hypothetical protein
558	 37.94	+1	685368..686690	-	440	190571036	-	WP0629	-	trna-i(6)a37 thiotransferase enzyme
559	 37.01	0	687357..689096	+	579	190571037	recJ	WP0630	-	single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease RecJ
560	 40.32	+2	689115..690287	-	390	190571038	nuoD	WP0631	-	NADH dehydrogenase I, D subunit
561	 32.18	0	690553..691074	+	173	190571039	-	WP0632	-	cytochrome b561
562	 38.65	+1	691080..692075	+	331	190571040	fabK	WP0633	-	enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase II
563	 34.90	0	692208..693671	+	487	190571041	-	WP0634	-	hypothetical protein
564	 32.51	0	693776..694141	+	121	190571042	-	WP0635	-	Putative lipoprotein
565	 31.63	0	694193..696547	+	784	190571043	-	WP0636	-	type IV secretion system protein VirB4
566	 34.20	0	696528..699416	+	962	190571044	-	WP0637	-	hypothetical protein
567	 35.29	0	699661..700734	-	357	190571045	-	WP0638	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
568	 36.15	0	700826..701605	-	259	190571046	-	WP0639	-	hypothetical protein
569	 36.12	0	701611..702255	-	214	190571047	-	WP0640	-	phospholipase/carboxylesterase family protein
570	 37.98	+1	702353..702718	-	121	190571048	-	WP0641	-	hypothetical protein
571	 34.39	0	702813..704609	-	598	190571049	-	WP0642	-	aminopeptidase P
572	 38.60	+1	704611..706659	-	682	190571050	gidA	WP0643	-	glucose-inhibited division protein A
573	 37.29	+1	706749..707279	-	176	190571051	-	WP0644	-	hypothetical protein
574	 31.40	-1	707647..709143	+	498	190571052	mviN	WP0645	-	integral membrane protein MviN
575	 38.38	+1	709166..709522	+	118	190571053	-	WP0646	-	hypothetical protein
576	 30.28	-1	709519..712008	+	829	190571054	-	WP0647	-	hypothetical protein
577	 34.43	0	712244..712789	-	181	190571055	-	WP0648	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
578	 39.46	+1	712843..714018	-	391	190571056	-	WP0649	-	phage portal protein, HK97 family
579	 33.66	0	714330..714947	+	205	190571057	lipB	WP0650	-	lipoate-protein ligase B
580	 32.81	0	714947..715906	+	319	190571058	-	WP0651	-	Peptidase S66 family protein
581	 36.81	0	716095..716958	-	287	190571059	-	WP0652	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
582	 34.49	0	718699..720000	-	433	190571060	purB	WP0654	-	adenylosuccinate lyase
583	 33.15	0	720131..720685	-	184	190571061	rplI	WP0655	-	ribosomal protein L9
584	 35.87	0	720689..720964	-	91	190571062	rpsR	WP0656	-	ribosomal protein S18
585	 30.49	-1	720967..721740	-	257	190571063	rpsF	WP0657	-	30s ribosomal protein s6
586	 36.22	0	721790..725110	-	1106	190571064	dnaE	WP0658	-	DNA polymerase III, alpha subunit
587	 35.51	0	726165..727037	+	290	190571065	-	WP0660	-	transposase
588	 35.44	0	727759..728658	-	299	190571066	fmt	WP0661	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
589	 36.07	0	728678..729043	-	121	190571067	rplT	WP0662	-	ribosomal protein L20
590	 33.82	0	729065..729271	-	68	190571068	rpmI	WP0663	-	ribosomal protein L35
591	 32.88	0	729370..729813	-	147	190571069	-	WP0664	-	hypothetical protein
592	 30.67	-1	730025..730774	-	249	190571070	-	WP0665	-	hypothetical protein
593	 33.44	0	731064..732020	-	318	190571071	-	WP0666	-	hypothetical protein
594	 35.19	0	732239..734821	+	860	190571072	alaS	WP0667	-	alanyl-tRNA synthetase
595	 33.74	0	735184..735921	-	245	190571073	-	WP0668	-	leucine-rich repeat protein
596	 36.91	0	736118..737626	+	502	190571074	pgm	WP0669	-	phosphoglycerate mutase, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent
597	 36.81	0	737621..738367	-	248	190571075	-	WP0670	-	hypothetical protein
598	 37.47	+1	738423..739388	-	321	190571076	fabD	WP0671	-	malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
599	 36.62	0	739514..739726	+	70	190571077	rpmE	WP0672	-	ribosomal protein L31
600	 35.11	0	739748..740533	+	261	190571078	ppnK	WP0673	-	ATP-NAD kinase
601	 34.62	0	740617..741861	+	414	190571079	-	WP0674	-	hypothetical protein
602	 33.73	0	741985..743001	+	338	190571080	-	WP0675	-	iron compound ABC transporter, periplasmic iron compound-binding protein
603	 33.11	0	743082..743969	+	295	190571081	pyrB	WP0676	-	aspartate carbamoyltransferase
604	 31.70	0	744600..745580	+	326	190571082	-	WP0677	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
605	 28.92	-1	745564..747330	+	588	190571083	-	WP0678	-	pentapeptide repeat domain protein
606	 32.51	0	747366..747974	+	202	190571084	gmk	WP0679	-	guanylate kinase
607	 32.70	0	748219..750267	+	682	190571085	-	WP0680	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
608	 41.50	+2	750239..752038	-	599	190571086	sdhA	WP0681	-	succinate dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit
609	 32.60	0	752247..752657	-	136	190571087	-	WP0682	-	hypothetical protein
610	 35.11	0	752696..753538	+	280	190571088	dapD	WP0683	-	2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase
611	 34.40	0	753539..753820	-	93	190571089	-	WP0684	-	hypothetical protein
612	 33.08	0	753821..754213	-	130	190571090	-	WP0685	-	hypothetical protein
613	 33.62	0	754281..755324	+	347	190571091	-	WP0686	-	hypothetical protein
614	 38.17	+1	755533..755718	+	61	190571092	-	WP0687	-	hypothetical protein
615	 31.77	0	756231..757571	-	446	190571093	-	WP0688	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
616	 33.33	0	757822..759600	-	592	190571094	-	WP0689	-	ankyrin repeat domain protein
617	 34.59	0	761165..762361	-	398	190571095	dapE	WP0691	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
618	 36.20	0	762404..763660	+	418	190571096	-	WP0692	-	araM protein
619	 35.24	0	764253..765089	+	278	190571097	-	WP0693	-	hypothetical protein
620	 35.00	0	765369..765848	-	159	190571098	folA	WP0694	-	dihydrofolate reductase
621	 37.57	+1	767199..767576	-	125	190571099	folB	WP0696	-	dihydroneopterin aldolase
622	 38.18	+1	767599..768258	-	219	190571100	-	WP0697	-	coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein C
623	 30.49	-1	769183..769569	+	128	190571101	-	WP0699	-	hypothetical protein
624	 27.84	-2	769585..769875	-	96	190571102	-	WP0700	-	hypothetical protein
625	 38.03	+1	770203..770436	+	77	190571103	-	WP0701	-	hypothetical protein
626	 38.53	+1	770509..770835	-	108	190571104	trx	WP0702	-	thioredoxin
627	 34.46	0	770915..771535	-	206	190571105	-	WP0703	-	3'-5' exonuclease
628	 39.00	+1	771870..772328	+	152	190571106	-	WP0704	-	hypothetical protein
629	 35.37	0	772370..773254	+	294	190571107	era	WP0705	-	GTP-binding protein Era
630	 34.18	0	773247..774074	+	275	190571108	-	WP0706	-	hypothetical protein
631	 33.55	0	774117..775022	-	301	190571109	-	WP0707	-	putative lipase
632	 33.33	0	775099..775431	-	110	190571110	-	WP0708	-	hypothetical protein
633	 36.19	0	775763..777826	+	687	190571111	-	WP0709	-	Putative outer membrane protein
634	 39.58	+1	777947..778138	-	63	190571112	-	WP0710	-	hypothetical protein
635	 32.05	0	778142..778999	+	285	190571113	-	WP0711	-	hypothetical protein
636	 34.76	0	779472..779681	+	69	190571114	-	WP0712	-	hypothetical protein
637	 35.40	0	779662..779952	+	96	190571115	-	WP0713	-	hypothetical protein
638	 32.70	0	780234..780392	-	52	190571116	-	WP0714	-	hypothetical protein
639	 33.81	0	780530..780946	+	138	190571117	-	WP0715	-	Hypotehtical protein
640	 36.05	0	780943..781788	-	281	190571118	-	WP0716	-	rhodanese domain protein
641	 33.40	0	781919..783517	+	532	190571119	-	WP0717	-	iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein
642	 32.59	0	783720..784124	-	134	190571120	-	WP0718	-	apaG protein
643	 35.09	0	784228..785307	+	359	190571121	purK	WP0719	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, ATPase subunit
644	 36.17	0	785309..786331	-	340	190571122	asd	WP0720	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
645	 30.52	-1	786470..786895	+	141	190571123	-	WP0721	-	hypothetical protein
646	 37.30	+1	786924..788210	-	428	190571124	-	WP0722	-	amino acid permease family protein
647	 36.31	0	788281..789555	-	424	190571125	-	WP0723	-	amino acid permease family protein
648	 33.12	0	789694..791133	+	479	190571126	-	WP0724	-	hypothetical protein
34.35	MEAN

2.87	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.