IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Vibrio cholerae O395

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.83 STD DEV: 3.88
Vibrio cholerae O395 chromosome 2, complete sequence - 1..3024069
2742 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1835	 45.32	0	2004964..2006214	+	416	147675117	-	VC0395_A1886	-	hypothetical protein
1836	 46.22	0	2006211..2006831	+	206	147673359	-	VC0395_A1887	-	putative lipoprotein
1837	 48.55	0	2006788..2007372	+	194	147673347	ppiA	VC0395_A1888	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A
1838	 47.88	0	2007441..2008829	+	462	147673933	-	VC0395_A1889	-	putative ampG protein
1839	 48.75	0	2008917..2009597	-	226	147675664	-	VC0395_A1890	-	putative transcriptional activator
1840	 45.98	0	2009594..2010178	-	194	147673682	-	VC0395_A1891	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor
1841	 45.02	0	2010269..2010850	-	193	147675044	-	VC0395_A1892	-	hypothetical protein
1842	 43.43	-1	2011088..2011978	+	296	147674324	ompK	VC0395_A1893	-	nucleoside-specific channel-forming protein
1843	 49.94	0	2012117..2013007	+	296	147675273	panE	VC0395_A1894	-	2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase
1844	 54.62	+1	2013004..2013609	+	201	147675570	thiJ	VC0395_A1895	-	4-methyl-5(B-hydroxyethyl)-thiazole monophosphate biosynthesis enzyme
1845	 52.35	+1	2013593..2014807	+	404	147673408	-	VC0395_A1896	-	aminotransferase, class V
1846	 51.03	0	2014877..2015311	-	144	147674303	-	VC0395_A1897	-	hypothetical protein
1847	 49.27	0	2015316..2016137	-	273	147675632	-	VC0395_A1898	-	HesA/MoeB/ThiF family protein
1848	 49.86	0	2016229..2017335	-	368	147673142	mltA	VC0395_A1899	-	murein transglycosylase A
1849	 42.96	-1	2017406..2017810	-	134	147673802	-	VC0395_A1900	-	hypothetical protein
1850	 49.45	0	2018048..2019418	+	456	147674698	argA	VC0395_A1901	-	N-acetylglutamate synthase
1851	 44.09	0	2019645..2019830	+	61	147675559	-	VC0395_A1902	-	hypothetical protein
1852	 52.48	+1	2019860..2021980	-	706	147674978	recD	VC0395_A1903	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, 67 kDa subunit
1853	 54.01	+1	2021977..2025603	-	1208	147674146	recB	VC0395_A1904	-	exodeoxyribonuclease V, 135 kDa subunit
1854	 52.60	+1	2025868..2029314	-	1148	147673707	recC	VC0395_A1905	-	exonuclease V subunit gamma
1855	 53.25	+1	2029535..2030503	-	322	147675376	-	VC0395_A1906	-	hypothetical protein
1856	 50.16	0	2030614..2031528	+	304	147674585	-	VC0395_A1907	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1857	 50.81	0	2031644..2031952	+	102	147674235	-	VC0395_A1908	-	hypothetical protein
1858	 53.78	+1	2032262..2033293	+	343	147673636	dapD	VC0395_A1909	-	2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase
1859	 51.65	0	2033375..2034619	-	414	147673068	-	VC0395_A1910	-	hypothetical protein
1860	 49.18	0	2034722..2035813	-	363	147675158	-	VC0395_A1911	-	acetyltransferase
1861	 49.10	0	2036018..2037469	+	483	147674943	-	VC0395_A1912	-	hypothetical protein
1862	 48.17	0	2037659..2038642	+	327	147673395	-	VC0395_A1913	-	hypothetical protein
1863	 49.66	0	2038626..2039213	+	195	147675371	-	VC0395_A1915	-	hypothetical protein
1864	 50.14	0	2039210..2039554	-	114	147674584	-	VC0395_A1914	-	hypothetical protein
1865	 51.79	+1	2039713..2040720	+	335	147675743	-	VC0395_A1916	-	LacI family transcription regulator
1866	 51.36	0	2040732..2043866	-	1044	147673874	lacZ	VC0395_A1917	-	beta-D-galactosidase
1867	 51.27	0	2044189..2045331	+	380	147675324	-	VC0395_A1918	-	putative transporter
1868	 45.89	0	2045467..2046621	+	384	147674678	-	VC0395_A1919	-	hypothetical protein
1869	 46.75	0	2046821..2048512	+	563	147673766	-	VC0395_A1920	-	putative long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase
1870	 47.17	0	2048626..2050713	-	695	147673153	fusA-2	VC0395_A1921	-	elongation factor G
1871	 49.57	0	2050984..2052363	-	459	147673564	radA	VC0395_A1922	-	DNA repair protein RadA
1872	 47.26	0	2052491..2054830	+	779	147673923	-	VC0395_A1923	-	hypothetical protein
1873	 49.65	0	2055035..2056021	-	328	147674858	serB	VC0395_A1924	-	phosphoserine phosphatase
1874	 47.44	0	2056118..2056741	+	207	147675400	-	VC0395_A1925	-	putative smp protein
1875	 48.76	0	2056823..2057548	-	241	147673694	deoD	VC0395_A1926	-	purine nucleoside phosphorylase
1876	 50.78	0	2057631..2058851	-	406	147674309	deoB	VC0395_A1927	-	phosphopentomutase
1877	 52.59	+1	2058869..2060296	-	475	147673836	deoA	VC0395_A1928	-	thymidine phosphorylase
1878	 48.46	0	2060303..2061082	-	259	147674428	deoC	VC0395_A1929	-	deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase
1879	 49.21	0	2061184..2061372	+	62	147675563	-	VC0395_A1930	-	hypothetical protein
1880	 48.77	0	2061684..2062940	-	418	147673370	-	VC0395_A1931	-	NupC family protein
1881	 50.35	0	2063127..2063978	-	283	147674354	-	VC0395_A1932	-	hypothetical protein
1882	 48.61	0	2063923..2064066	-	47	147673145	-	VC0395_A1933	-	hypothetical protein
1883	 45.35	0	2064093..2064866	-	257	147675020	-	VC0395_A1934	-	hypothetical protein
1884	 48.71	0	2065030..2066460	-	476	147674420	-	VC0395_A1935	-	sodium/alanine symporter
1885	 41.88	-1	2067099..2067332	+	77	147674976	-	VC0395_A1936	-	hypothetical protein
1886	 42.68	-1	2067476..2068117	-	213	147675579	-	VC0395_A1937	-	hypothetical protein
1887	 48.75	0	2068117..2068797	-	226	147675455	ung	VC0395_A1938	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
1888	 47.97	0	2069166..2070026	-	286	147674847	nfo	VC0395_A1939	-	endonuclease IV
1889	 48.15	0	2070372..2070749	+	125	147674239	-	VC0395_A1940	-	autonomous glycyl radical cofactor GrcA
1890	 49.57	0	2070829..2072109	-	426	147673667	thrC	VC0395_A1941	-	threonine synthase
1891	 52.14	+1	2072106..2073062	-	318	147673067	thrB	VC0395_A1942	-	homoserine kinase
1892	 50.04	0	2073083..2075560	-	825	147674796	thrA	VC0395_A1943	-	bifunctional aspartokinase I/homeserine dehydrogenase I
1893	 46.79	0	2076090..2076572	+	160	147673558	-	VC0395_A1945	-	hypothetical protein
1894	 45.19	0	2076569..2077057	-	162	147674216	-	VC0395_A1944	-	ribonuclease activity regulator protein RraA
1895	 43.75	-1	2077084..2077467	-	127	147675746	-	VC0395_A1946	-	hypothetical protein
1896	 47.56	0	2077782..2078498	+	238	147674429	fexA	VC0395_A1947	-	two-component response regulator
1897	 46.82	0	2078557..2080914	-	785	147673942	fexB	VC0395_A1948	-	aerobic respiration control sensor protein ArcB
1898	 49.43	0	2081021..2082760	-	579	147673373	-	VC0395_A1949	-	sensory box/GGDEF family protein
1899	 50.05	0	2082828..2083778	-	316	147675264	-	VC0395_A1950	-	hypothetical protein
1900	 31.67	-2	2083800..2083919	-	39	147674811	-	VC0395_A1951	-	hypothetical protein
1901	 51.97	+1	2084297..2088889	+	1530	147674370	gltB-1	VC0395_A1952	-	glutamate synthase, large subunit
1902	 52.38	+1	2088890..2090359	+	489	147675131	gltD	VC0395_A1953	-	glutamate synthase subunit beta
1903	 52.96	+1	2090887..2095350	+	1487	147675611	gltB	VC0395_A1954	-	glutamate synthase subunit alpha
1904	 52.54	+1	2095366..2096781	+	471	147674672	gltD	VC0395_A1955	-	glutamate synthase subunit beta
1905	 50.57	0	2096968..2097402	+	144	147674365	-	VC0395_A1956	-	hypothetical protein
1906	 49.86	0	2097490..2098185	+	231	147673439	pfs	VC0395_A1957	-	5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase
1907	 52.10	+1	2098198..2099151	+	317	147673669	-	VC0395_A1958	-	adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase
1908	 50.78	0	2099152..2099982	+	276	147675710	-	VC0395_A1959	-	hypothetical protein
1909	 53.78	+1	2100065..2100685	+	206	147673769	-	VC0395_A1960	-	hypothetical protein
1910	 51.65	0	2101627..2102412	-	261	147673176	-	VC0395_A1961	-	hypothetical protein
1911	 32.00	-2	2102874..2103845	+	323	147673179	-	VC0395_A1962	-	RNA-directed DNA polymerase
1912	 31.33	-2	2103846..2104643	+	265	147673450	-	VC0395_A1963	-	hypothetical protein
1913	 31.86	-2	2104856..2105467	+	203	147674421	-	VC0395_A1964	-	hypothetical protein
1914	 43.54	-1	2106202..2106348	-	48	147675204	-	VC0395_A1965	-	hypothetical protein
1915	 48.24	0	2106709..2107191	+	160	147674257	-	VC0395_A1966	-	hypothetical protein
1916	 52.06	+1	2107281..2110511	-	1076	147673654	carB	VC0395_A1967	-	carbamoyl phosphate synthase large subunit
1917	 50.35	0	2110528..2111667	-	379	147675544	carA	VC0395_A1968	-	carbamoyl phosphate synthase small subunit
1918	 34.11	-2	2111934..2112062	+	42	147674973	-	VC0395_A1969	-	hypothetical protein
1919	 50.74	0	2112150..2112959	-	269	147674435	dapB	VC0395_A1970	-	dihydrodipicolinate reductase
1920	 49.12	0	2113074..2113472	-	132	147674265	mutT	VC0395_A1971	-	mutator MutT protein
1921	 48.97	0	2113622..2116333	-	903	147673246	secA	VC0395_A1972	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecA
1922	 48.73	0	2116687..2117160	+	157	147673610	-	VC0395_A1973	-	hypothetical protein
1923	 47.17	0	2117265..2118182	-	305	147675593	lpxC	VC0395_A1974	-	UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase
1924	 49.29	0	2118280..2119476	-	398	147674018	ftsZ	VC0395_A1975	-	cell division protein FtsZ
1925	 48.61	0	2119507..2120769	-	420	147673219	ftsA	VC0395_A1976	-	cell division protein FtsA
1926	 41.76	-1	2120762..2121544	-	260	147673236	ftsQ	VC0395_A1977	-	cell division protein FtsQ
1927	 50.44	0	2121726..2123186	-	486	147675354	murC	VC0395_A1978	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase
1928	 52.68	+1	2123200..2124264	-	354	147675068	murG	VC0395_A1979	-	N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase
1929	 48.29	0	2124248..2125444	-	398	147674339	ftsW	VC0395_A1980	-	cell division protein FtsW
1930	 51.17	0	2125461..2126783	-	440	147674702	murD	VC0395_A1981	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate synthetase
1931	 49.95	0	2126807..2127889	-	360	147674771	mraY	VC0395_A1982	-	phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase
1932	 50.73	0	2127886..2129247	-	453	147673448	murF	VC0395_A1983	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamyl-2,6-diaminopimelate--D-alanyl-D-alanyl ligase
1933	 52.76	+1	2129244..2130782	-	512	147674384	murE	VC0395_A1984	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamate--2,6-diaminopimelate ligase
1934	 51.52	0	2130748..2132490	-	580	147674985	ftsI	VC0395_A1985	-	penicillin-binding protein 3
47.83	MEAN

3.88	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.