IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Vibrio cholerae O395

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.83 STD DEV: 3.88
Vibrio cholerae O395 chromosome 2, complete sequence - 1..3024069
2742 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1605	 47.83	0	1763560..1764042	-	160	147673770	ccmE	VC0395_A1641	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE
1606	 46.38	0	1764039..1764245	-	68	147673210	ccmD	VC0395_A1642	-	heme exporter protein D
1607	 50.46	0	1764245..1764997	-	250	147674659	ccmC	VC0395_A1643	-	heme exporter protein C
1608	 49.48	0	1765088..1765756	-	222	147673754	ccmB	VC0395_A1644	-	heme exporter protein B
1609	 47.28	0	1765753..1766376	-	207	147673545	ccmA	VC0395_A1645	-	cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcmA
1610	 47.42	0	1766750..1767253	-	167	147675281	-	VC0395_A1646	-	hypothetical protein
1611	 45.90	0	1767229..1767753	-	174	147674307	cheW-1	VC0395_A1647	-	purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW
1612	 46.80	0	1767762..1768778	-	338	147674008	-	VC0395_A1648	-	hypothetical protein
1613	 46.20	0	1768771..1769547	-	258	147675595	-	VC0395_A1649	-	ParA family protein
1614	 48.85	0	1769557..1770690	-	377	147674819	cheB-2	VC0395_A1650	-	chemotaxis-specific methylesterase
1615	 48.85	0	1770717..1773074	-	785	147674329	cheA-2	VC0395_A1651	-	chemotaxis protein CheA
1616	 45.28	0	1773084..1773803	-	239	147673688	cheZ	VC0395_A1652	-	chemotaxis protein CheZ
1617	 42.24	-1	1773859..1774251	-	130	147675594	cheY-3	VC0395_A1653	-	chemotaxis protein CheY
1618	 45.44	0	1774273..1775007	-	244	147674794	fliA	VC0395_A1654	-	flagellar biosynthesis sigma factor
1619	 47.77	0	1775000..1775941	-	313	147674338	-	VC0395_A1655	-	ParA family protein
1620	 50.27	0	1775901..1777388	-	495	147673602	flhF	VC0395_A1656	-	flagellar biosynthesis regulator FlhF
1621	 49.95	0	1777423..1779516	-	697	147675206	flhA	VC0395_A1657	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA
1622	 49.37	0	1779848..1780321	-	157	147674345	sixA	VC0395_A1658	-	phosphohistidine phosphatase
1623	 47.59	0	1780465..1783284	+	939	147675351	-	VC0395_A1660	-	peptidase insulinase family protein
1624	 49.41	0	1783281..1783877	-	198	147673572	-	VC0395_A1659	-	hypothetical protein
1625	 48.61	0	1784011..1785810	+	599	147673730	argS	VC0395_A1661	-	arginyl-tRNA synthetase
1626	 49.32	0	1785901..1786344	+	147	147673143	-	VC0395_A1662	-	histidine triad family protein
1627	 48.48	0	1786606..1786836	-	76	147673946	-	VC0395_A1663	-	hypothetical protein
1628	 46.90	0	1786833..1789109	-	758	147673265	feoB	VC0395_A1664	-	ferrous iron transport protein B
1629	 48.05	0	1789106..1789336	-	76	147675518	feoA	VC0395_A1665	-	ferrous iron transport protein A
1630	 44.15	0	1790108..1793473	-	1121	147674890	-	VC0395_A1666	-	AraC/XylS family transcriptional regulator
1631	 46.98	0	1793655..1794548	-	297	147674268	znuA	VC0395_A1667	-	zinc ABC transporter, periplasmic zinc-binding protein
1632	 46.26	0	1794623..1795411	+	262	147675307	znuC	VC0395_A1668	-	zinc ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1633	 49.81	0	1795404..1796186	+	260	147675495	znuB	VC0395_A1669	-	zinc ABC transporter, permease protein
1634	 48.45	0	1796293..1797165	-	290	147673983	sucD	VC0395_A1670	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit alpha
1635	 47.47	0	1797165..1798331	-	388	147673132	sucC	VC0395_A1671	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta
1636	 49.22	0	1798499..1799713	-	404	147675118	sucB	VC0395_A1672	-	dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
1637	 50.23	0	1799742..1802552	-	936	147675042	kgd	VC0395_A1673	-	alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
1638	 44.30	0	1802641..1803351	-	236	147674178	sdhB	VC0395_A1674	-	succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit
1639	 49.41	0	1803366..1805132	-	588	147673431	sdhA	VC0395_A1675	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
1640	 43.48	-1	1805133..1805477	-	114	147674183	sdhD	VC0395_A1676	-	succinate dehydrogenase, hydrophobic membrane anchor protein
1641	 48.09	0	1805471..1805863	-	130	147673409	sdhC	VC0395_A1677	-	succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b556 large membrane subunit
1642	 46.76	0	1806253..1807548	+	431	147673936	gltA	VC0395_A1678	-	type II citrate synthase
1643	 45.65	0	1807600..1808370	-	256	147674477	-	VC0395_A1679	-	hypothetical protein
1644	 44.06	0	1808423..1809196	+	257	147673486	-	VC0395_A1680	-	hypothetical protein
1645	 48.94	0	1809246..1810892	-	548	147674240	pgm	VC0395_A1681	-	phosphoglucomutase
1646	 46.63	0	1811001..1811534	-	177	147674637	seqA	VC0395_A1682	-	replication initiation regulator SeqA
1647	 47.67	0	1811627..1812400	+	257	147675456	-	VC0395_A1683	-	hydrolase
1648	 45.50	0	1812496..1812717	+	73	147674606	-	VC0395_A1684	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 46.40	0	1812766..1813293	+	175	147675417	fldA	VC0395_A1685	-	flavodoxin FldA
1650	 50.29	0	1813367..1814056	-	229	147673045	-	VC0395_A1686	-	hypothetical protein
1651	 48.30	0	1814062..1814502	-	146	147673796	-	VC0395_A1687	-	hypothetical protein
1652	 50.51	0	1814618..1815496	+	292	147673570	-	VC0395_A1688	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1653	 47.11	0	1815500..1816000	-	166	147673832	-	VC0395_A1689	-	hypothetical protein
1654	 43.71	-1	1816366..1816818	+	150	147674743	fur	VC0395_A1690	-	ferric uptake regulator
1655	 48.87	0	1816900..1817916	-	338	147675308	-	VC0395_A1691	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1656	 49.91	0	1817897..1819060	-	387	147673968	pdxB	VC0395_A1692	-	erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase
1657	 49.92	0	1819246..1820457	-	403	147674185	fabB	VC0395_A1693	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase I
1658	 51.65	0	1820575..1822599	+	674	147674806	mnmC	VC0395_A1694	-	5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine methyltransferase
1659	 50.00	0	1822677..1823204	-	175	147675722	-	VC0395_A1695	-	hypothetical protein
1660	 51.89	+1	1823412..1823675	-	87	147675483	-	VC0395_A1696	-	hypothetical protein
1661	 47.46	0	1823714..1824244	-	176	147673720	-	VC0395_A1697	-	hypothetical protein
1662	 52.24	+1	1824608..1825231	+	207	147673621	-	VC0395_A1698	-	hypothetical protein
1663	 51.01	0	1825313..1826398	-	361	147675123	aroC	VC0395_A1699	-	chorismate synthase
1664	 49.31	0	1826628..1827572	-	314	147673603	-	VC0395_A1700	-	N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
1665	 50.09	0	1827627..1828187	+	186	147673917	-	VC0395_A1701	-	hypothetical protein
1666	 50.49	0	1828195..1829325	-	376	147674451	flhB	VC0395_A1702	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB
1667	 49.81	0	1829335..1830117	-	260	147673452	fliR	VC0395_A1703	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliR
1668	 45.19	0	1830126..1830395	-	89	147674176	fliQ	VC0395_A1704	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliQ
1669	 48.00	0	1830408..1831307	-	299	147674933	fliP	VC0395_A1705	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP
1670	 46.34	0	1831174..1831296	+	40	147674950	-	VC0395_A1707	-	hypothetical protein
1671	 50.51	0	1831285..1831674	-	129	147675753	fliO	VC0395_A1706	-	flagellar protein FliO
1672	 50.36	0	1831678..1832094	-	138	147674715	fliN	VC0395_A1708	-	flagellar motor switch protein
1673	 49.05	0	1832159..1833208	-	349	147675314	fliM	VC0395_A1709	-	flagellar motor switch protein FliM
1674	 51.39	0	1833216..1833719	-	167	147673204	fliL	VC0395_A1710	-	flagellar basal body-associated protein FliL
1675	 53.04	+1	1833754..1835778	-	674	147675428	-	VC0395_A1711	-	putative flagellar hook-length control protein FliK
1676	 47.97	0	1835799..1835921	+	40	147673118	-	VC0395_A1712	-	hypothetical protein
1677	 45.95	0	1835942..1836385	-	147	147673876	fliJ	VC0395_A1713	-	flagellar biosynthesis chaperone
1678	 52.65	+1	1836400..1837719	-	439	147675718	fliI	VC0395_A1714	-	flagellum-specific ATP synthase
1679	 52.28	+1	1837723..1838535	-	270	147673698	fliH	VC0395_A1715	-	flagellar assembly protein H
1680	 49.46	0	1838616..1839632	-	338	147674147	fliG	VC0395_A1716	-	flagellar motor switch protein G
1681	 50.37	0	1839655..1841397	-	580	147674591	fliF	VC0395_A1717	-	flagellar MS-ring protein
1682	 45.45	0	1841413..1841742	-	109	147675704	fliE	VC0395_A1718	-	flagellar hook-basal body protein FliE
1683	 50.28	0	1841800..1843239	-	479	147673544	flrC	VC0395_A1719	-	flagellar regulatory protein C
1684	 50.85	0	1843236..1844291	-	351	147675650	flrB	VC0395_A1720	-	flagellar regulatory protein B
1685	 49.90	0	1844403..1845869	-	488	147675013	flrA	VC0395_A1721	-	flagellar regulatory protein A
1686	 46.23	0	1846101..1846511	-	136	147673727	fliS	VC0395_A1722	-	flagellar protein FliS
1687	 41.90	-1	1846522..1846836	-	104	147673154	-	VC0395_A1723	-	putative flagellar rod protein FlaI
1688	 51.52	0	1846829..1848829	-	666	147675440	fliD	VC0395_A1724	-	flagellar capping protein
1689	 48.27	0	1848851..1849312	-	153	147675482	flaG	VC0395_A1725	-	flagellar protein FlaG
1690	 50.40	0	1849386..1850516	-	376	147674837	flaB	VC0395_A1726	-	flagellin
1691	 48.68	0	1850752..1851885	-	377	147675484	flaD	VC0395_A1727	-	flagellin
1692	 49.52	0	1852175..1853311	-	378	147675318	flaE	VC0395_A1728	-	flagellin
1693	 48.95	0	1853435..1854343	-	302	147674932	-	VC0395_A1729	-	tyrA protein
1694	 48.39	0	1854409..1854873	-	154	147673816	-	VC0395_A1730	-	hypothetical protein
1695	 45.10	0	1855017..1855373	+	118	147673419	-	VC0395_A1731	-	hypothetical protein
1696	 49.31	0	1855440..1855727	-	95	147675761	-	VC0395_A1732	-	hypothetical protein
1697	 45.45	0	1855930..1856325	+	131	147673991	-	VC0395_A1733	-	hypothetical protein
1698	 51.68	0	1856356..1857489	+	377	147674209	dapE	VC0395_A1734	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
1699	 49.04	0	1857492..1858166	+	224	147675325	-	VC0395_A1735	-	VanY family protein
1700	 46.22	0	1858156..1858380	+	74	147674432	-	VC0395_A1736	-	hypothetical protein
1701	 49.31	0	1858473..1859492	-	339	147674077	nlpB	VC0395_A1737	-	lipoprotein
1702	 48.92	0	1859550..1860428	-	292	147673601	dapA	VC0395_A1738	-	dihydrodipicolinate synthase
1703	 45.86	0	1860706..1861248	+	180	147675107	-	VC0395_A1739	-	putative glycine cleavage system transcriptional repressor
1704	 45.94	0	1861263..1861730	+	155	147674356	bcp	VC0395_A1740	-	thioredoxin-dependent thiol peroxidase
47.83	MEAN

3.88	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.