IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.43 STD DEV: 4.26
Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961 chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..2961149
2742 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
916	 40.20	-1	991117..991932	+	271	15640944	-	VC0928	-	hypothetical protein
917	 35.04	-2	992138..993364	-	408	15640945	-	VC0929	-	hypothetical protein
918	 47.11	0	993628..996501	+	957	15640946	-	VC0930	-	hemolysin-related protein
919	 45.03	0	996656..997972	-	438	15640947	-	VC0931	-	hypothetical protein
920	 54.17	+1	998148..998435	-	95	15640948	-	VC0932	-	hypothetical protein
921	 45.93	0	998348..998752	-	134	15640949	-	VC0933	-	hypothetical protein
922	 45.06	0	999242..1000639	+	465	15640950	-	VC0934	-	capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis glycosyltransferase, putative
923	 47.54	0	1000710..1001906	+	398	15640951	-	VC0935	-	hypothetical protein
924	 46.02	0	1001910..1002437	+	175	15640952	-	VC0936	-	polysaccharide export-related protein
925	 47.47	0	1002462..1004675	+	737	15640953	-	VC0937	-	exopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein, putative
926	 50.71	0	1004672..1005379	+	235	15640954	-	VC0938	-	hypothetical protein
927	 47.13	0	1005358..1005792	+	144	15640955	-	VC0939	-	hypothetical protein
928	 46.06	0	1005943..1006539	-	198	15640956	-	VC0940	-	hypothetical protein
929	 49.40	0	1006880..1008130	+	416	161582016	glyA	VC0941	-	serine hydroxymethyltransferase
930	 44.07	0	1008294..1008647	-	117	15640958	-	VC0942	-	hypothetical protein
931	 48.96	0	1008816..1009781	-	321	15640959	-	VC0943	-	lipoyl synthase
932	 46.21	0	1009774..1010433	-	219	15640960	lipB	VC0944	-	lipoyltransferase
933	 46.95	0	1010612..1010890	-	92	15640961	-	VC0945	-	hypothetical protein
934	 44.64	0	1010912..1011079	+	55	15640962	-	VC0946	-	hypothetical protein
935	 47.19	0	1011038..1012213	-	391	15640963	-	VC0947	-	D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase
936	 46.09	0	1012305..1013096	-	263	15640964	-	VC0948	-	rare lipoprotein A, putative
937	 48.84	0	1013096..1014217	-	373	15640965	-	VC0949	-	rod shape-determining protein RodA
938	 48.88	0	1014214..1016130	-	638	15640966	-	VC0950	-	penicillin-binding protein 2
939	 51.38	0	1016137..1016607	-	156	15640967	-	VC0951	-	SPOUT methyltransferase superfamily protein
940	 45.60	0	1016610..1016927	-	105	15640968	-	VC0952	-	hypothetical protein
941	 49.47	0	1016996..1018024	-	342	15640969	holA	VC0953	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta
942	 47.82	0	1018030..1018671	-	213	15640970	-	VC0954	-	rare lipoprotein B
943	 43.81	0	1018687..1018791	-	34	15640971	-	VC0955	-	hypothetical protein
944	 49.16	0	1018821..1021505	-	894	15640972	leuS	VC0956	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase
945	 46.28	0	1021527..1021997	+	156	15640973	-	VC0957	-	hypothetical protein
946	 51.19	0	1022053..1023570	-	505	15640974	lnt	VC0958	-	apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
947	 49.77	0	1023611..1024486	-	291	15640975	-	VC0959	-	hemolysin, putative
948	 47.10	0	1024556..1025020	-	154	15640976	-	VC0960	-	putative metalloprotease
949	 48.73	0	1025017..1026120	-	367	15640977	-	VC0961	-	phoH family protein
950	 50.04	0	1026188..1027612	-	474	15640978	-	VC0962	-	hypothetical protein
951	 50.42	0	1027836..1029029	+	397	15640979	-	VC0963	-	2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol hydroxylase
952	 45.49	0	1029142..1029651	-	169	15640980	-	VC0964	-	glucose-specific PTS system component
953	 46.17	0	1029760..1031481	-	573	15640981	-	VC0965	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
954	 46.51	0	1031615..1031872	-	85	15640982	-	VC0966	-	phosphocarrier protein HPr
955	 36.67	-2	1031957..1032166	-	69	15640983	-	VC0967	-	hypothetical protein
956	 46.13	0	1032170..1033138	-	322	15640984	-	VC0968	-	cysteine synthase A
957	 47.28	0	1033261..1034013	-	250	15640985	-	VC0969	-	putative sulfate transport protein CysZ
958	 48.17	0	1034243..1035118	+	291	15640986	-	VC0970	-	cell division protein ZipA
959	 48.21	0	1035251..1037260	+	669	15640987	ligA	VC0971	-	NAD-dependent DNA ligase LigA
960	 45.14	0	1037891..1038940	+	349	15640988	-	VC0972	-	porin, putative
961	 39.58	-1	1039017..1039832	+	271	15640989	-	VC0973	-	hypothetical protein
962	 49.05	0	1039893..1040312	+	139	15640990	-	VC0974	-	MerR family transcriptional regulator
963	 48.25	0	1040356..1040925	-	189	15640991	-	VC0975	-	hypothetical protein
964	 45.49	0	1040813..1041733	-	306	15640992	-	VC0976	-	hypothetical protein
965	 45.60	0	1042164..1043084	-	306	15640993	-	VC0977	-	hypothetical protein
966	 36.75	-2	1043256..1043372	-	38	15640994	-	VC0978	-	hypothetical protein
967	 48.07	0	1043447..1044274	-	275	15640995	-	VC0979	-	short chain dehydrogenase
968	 48.25	0	1045625..1046194	+	189	15640996	-	VC0981	-	phosphodiesterase
969	 49.66	0	1046275..1046568	-	97	15640997	-	VC0982	-	selenoprotein W-related protein
970	 42.72	-1	1046609..1047130	-	173	15640998	-	VC0983	-	regulatory protein ToxS
971	 45.42	0	1047140..1048024	-	294	15640999	-	VC0984	-	cholera toxin transcriptional activator
972	 45.75	0	1048252..1050159	+	635	15641000	-	VC0985	-	heat shock protein 90
973	 46.98	0	1050494..1051138	+	214	15641001	adk	VC0986	-	adenylate kinase
974	 47.18	0	1051253..1052227	+	324	15641002	hemH	VC0987	-	ferrochelatase
975	 46.41	0	1052327..1053871	-	514	15641003	tppB	VC0988	-	putative tripeptide transporter permease
976	 38.67	-2	1054133..1054282	+	49	15641004	-	VC0989	-	hypothetical protein
977	 45.18	0	1054316..1054813	+	165	15641005	rfaH	VC0990	-	transcriptional activator RfaH
978	 46.49	0	1054961..1056625	-	554	15641006	asnB	VC0991	-	asparagine synthetase B
979	 47.51	0	1056821..1058407	-	528	15641007	-	VC0992	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefB, putative
980	 46.91	0	1058502..1059716	-	404	15641008	-	VC0993	-	N-acetylglucosamine repressor
981	 45.82	0	1059719..1060855	-	378	15641009	nagA	VC0994	-	N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase
982	 48.98	0	1061324..1062895	+	523	15641010	-	VC0995	-	PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIABC component
983	 40.20	-1	1063024..1063125	+	33	15641011	-	VC0996	-	hypothetical protein
984	 46.56	0	1063143..1064813	+	556	15641012	-	VC0997	-	glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
985	 49.49	0	1064978..1069843	+	1621	15641013	-	VC0998	-	hypothetical protein
986	 50.82	0	1069965..1070759	+	264	15641014	truA	VC0999	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase A
987	 49.84	0	1070933..1071859	+	308	15641015	-	VC1000	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunit beta
988	 50.95	0	1071904..1073169	+	421	15641016	-	VC1001	-	folylpolyglutamate synthase/dihydrofolate synthase
989	 47.07	0	1073170..1073766	+	198	15641017	-	VC1002	-	dedD protein
990	 46.75	0	1073829..1074320	+	163	15641018	-	VC1003	-	bacteriocin production protein
991	 48.65	0	1074353..1075867	+	504	15641019	-	VC1004	-	amidophosphoribosyltransferase
992	 51.13	0	1075995..1077320	-	441	15641020	-	VC1005	-	hypothetical protein
993	 46.58	0	1077421..1078152	-	243	15641021	-	VC1006	-	ribonuclease T
994	 43.06	-1	1078165..1078308	-	47	15641022	-	VC1007	-	hypothetical protein
995	 48.14	0	1078369..1079253	+	294	15641023	-	VC1008	-	sodium-type flagellar protein MotY
996	 48.07	0	1079302..1079742	-	146	15641024	-	VC1009	-	hypothetical protein
997	 46.85	0	1079901..1080455	-	184	15641025	-	VC1010	-	lactoylglutathione lyase
998	 47.35	0	1080358..1080999	-	213	15641026	-	VC1011	-	endonuclease III
999	 51.37	0	1081026..1081718	-	230	15641027	-	VC1012	-	SoxR-reducing system protein RsxE
1000	 48.73	0	1081720..1082349	-	209	15641028	-	VC1013	-	electron transport complex protein RnfG
1001	 53.39	+1	1082361..1083407	-	348	15641029	rnfD	VC1014	-	electron transport complex protein RnfD
1002	 52.91	+1	1083407..1085812	-	801	15641030	-	VC1015	-	electron transport complex protein RnfC
1003	 52.21	+1	1085740..1086327	-	195	15641031	-	VC1016	-	electron transport complex protein RnfB
1004	 48.28	0	1086327..1086908	-	193	161582015	-	VC1017	-	Na(+)-translocating NADH-quinone reductase subunit E
1005	 48.08	0	1087790..1089819	+	676	15642773	uvrB	VC1018	-	excinuclease ABC subunit B
1006	 41.29	-1	1089757..1089957	-	66	15641033	-	VC1020	-	hypothetical protein
1007	 49.85	0	1090250..1091617	+	455	15641034	-	VC1021	-	LuxO repressor protein
1008	 46.49	0	1091621..1091962	+	113	15641035	-	VC1022	-	phosphorelay protein
1009	 51.18	0	1091951..1092841	-	296	15641036	-	VC1023	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 47.76	0	1093132..1094136	+	334	15641037	moaA	VC1024	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A
1011	 49.71	0	1094196..1094708	+	170	15641038	-	VC1025	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein B
1012	 51.55	0	1094716..1095198	+	160	15641039	moaC	VC1026	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein C
1013	 50.41	0	1095195..1095440	+	81	15641040	moaD	VC1027	-	molybdopterin synthase small subunit
1014	 52.32	+1	1095442..1095894	+	150	15641041	-	VC1028	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein E
1015	 47.59	0	1095909..1096883	-	324	15641042	-	VC1029	-	GGDEF family protein
47.43	MEAN

4.26	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.