IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.43 STD DEV: 4.26
Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961 chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..2961149
2742 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2596	 48.44	0	2797815..2799290	-	491	15642622	-	VC2627	-	DamX-related protein
2597	 50.77	0	2799345..2800445	-	366	15642623	aroB	VC2628	-	3-dehydroquinate synthase
2598	 47.24	0	2800458..2800982	-	174	15642624	aroK	VC2629	-	shikimate kinase I
2599	 46.86	0	2801169..2802905	-	578	15642625	-	VC2630	-	fimbrial assembly protein
2600	 49.13	0	2802910..2803428	-	172	15642626	-	VC2631	-	fimbrial assembly protein PilP, putative
2601	 49.50	0	2803418..2804017	-	199	15642627	-	VC2632	-	fimbrial assembly protein PilO, putative
2602	 47.21	0	2804001..2804591	-	196	15642628	-	VC2633	-	fimbrial assembly protein PilN, putative
2603	 47.20	0	2804575..2805591	-	338	15642629	-	VC2634	-	fimbrial assembly protein PilM, putative
2604	 49.60	0	2805704..2808211	+	835	15642630	-	VC2635	-	penicillin-binding protein 1A
2605	 49.66	0	2808285..2809178	-	297	15642631	-	VC2636	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator OxyR
2606	 46.91	0	2809306..2810049	+	247	15642632	-	VC2637	-	peroxiredoxin family protein/glutaredoxin
2607	 51.27	0	2810121..2811575	+	484	15642633	-	VC2638	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
2608	 39.81	-1	2811572..2811679	-	35	15642634	-	VC2639	-	hypothetical protein
2609	 46.21	0	2811801..2812064	+	87	15642635	-	VC2640	-	hypothetical protein
2610	 50.18	0	2812315..2813691	-	458	15642636	-	VC2641	-	argininosuccinate lyase
2611	 50.95	0	2813924..2815138	-	404	15642637	-	VC2642	-	argininosuccinate synthase
2612	 53.61	+1	2815214..2816002	-	262	15642638	-	VC2643	-	acetylglutamate kinase
2613	 50.60	0	2816012..2817013	-	333	161581982	argC	VC2644	-	N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase
2614	 50.31	0	2817169..2818305	+	378	15642640	-	VC2645	-	acetylornithine deacetylase
2615	 50.59	0	2818512..2821142	+	876	161581981	-	VC2646	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase
2616	 47.41	0	2821501..2822040	+	179	15642642	-	VC2647	-	hypothetical protein
2617	 44.19	0	2821989..2822117	+	42	15642643	-	VC2648	-	hypothetical protein
2618	 52.92	+1	2822156..2822977	-	273	15642644	cysE	VC2649	-	serine acetyltransferase
2619	 47.76	0	2822864..2823175	+	103	15642645	-	VC2650	-	hypothetical protein
2620	 51.79	+1	2823050..2824084	-	344	15642646	gpsA	VC2651	-	NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
2621	 48.54	0	2824217..2824387	+	56	15642647	-	VC2652	-	hypothetical protein
2622	 49.68	0	2824274..2824738	-	154	15642648	-	VC2653	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecB
2623	 45.29	0	2824905..2825339	-	144	15642649	-	VC2654	-	hypothetical protein
2624	 48.67	0	2825469..2826518	-	349	15642650	-	VC2655	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
2625	 49.97	0	2826752..2828560	+	602	15642651	-	VC2656	-	fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit
2626	 49.54	0	2828560..2829318	+	252	15642652	-	VC2657	-	fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit
2627	 48.18	0	2829321..2829704	+	127	15642653	-	VC2658	-	fumarate reductase subunit C
2628	 49.11	0	2829685..2830077	+	130	15642654	-	VC2659	-	fumarate reductase subunit D
2629	 47.44	0	2830191..2830757	-	188	15642655	-	VC2660	-	elongation factor P
2630	 48.88	0	2830790..2831812	+	340	15642656	-	VC2661	-	hypothetical protein
2631	 45.66	0	2831849..2832424	-	191	15642657	-	VC2662	-	hypothetical protein
2632	 38.10	-2	2832447..2832551	-	34	15642658	-	VC2663	-	hypothetical protein
2633	 52.17	+1	2832620..2834254	-	544	15642659	groEL	VC2664	-	chaperonin GroEL
2634	 44.67	0	2834308..2834598	-	96	15642660	groES	VC2665	-	co-chaperonin GroES
2635	 50.97	0	2834958..2835575	+	205	15642661	-	VC2666	-	hypothetical protein
2636	 52.22	+1	2835714..2836073	+	119	15642662	-	VC2667	-	hypothetical protein
2637	 49.66	0	2836200..2836640	-	146	15642663	-	VC2668	-	hypothetical protein
2638	 46.44	0	2836660..2837010	-	116	15642664	-	VC2669	-	5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate delta isomerase, putative
2639	 50.75	0	2837230..2838027	+	265	15642665	tpiA	VC2670	-	triosephosphate isomerase
2640	 52.13	+1	2838145..2839527	+	460	15642666	-	VC2671	-	hypothetical protein
2641	 50.00	0	2839613..2840128	-	171	15642667	-	VC2672	-	ribonuclease activity regulator protein RraA
2642	 49.67	0	2840203..2841120	-	305	15642668	-	VC2673	-	1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase
2643	 50.30	0	2841224..2842555	-	443	15642669	hslU	VC2674	-	ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit
2644	 51.43	0	2842621..2843178	-	185	15642670	-	VC2675	-	ATP-dependent protease peptidase subunit
2645	 51.99	+1	2843315..2843866	-	183	15642671	-	VC2676	-	cell division protein FtsN, putative
2646	 52.48	+1	2844038..2845045	-	335	15642672	-	VC2677	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator CytR
2647	 52.65	+1	2845351..2847555	-	734	15642673	-	VC2678	-	primosome assembly protein PriA
2648	 47.03	0	2847810..2848028	+	72	15642674	rpmE	VC2679	-	50S ribosomal protein L31
2649	 38.89	-2	2848126..2848269	+	47	15642675	-	VC2680	-	hypothetical protein
2650	 51.25	0	2848336..2849613	+	425	15642676	-	VC2681	-	malate oxidoreductase, putative
2651	 47.80	0	2849724..2850041	-	105	15642677	-	VC2682	-	transcriptional repressor protein MetJ
2652	 50.39	0	2850309..2851475	+	388	15642678	-	VC2683	-	cystathionine gamma-synthase
2653	 52.16	+1	2851488..2853899	+	803	15642679	metL	VC2684	-	bifunctional aspartate kinase II/homoserine dehydrogenase II
2654	 50.23	0	2854186..2855073	+	295	161581980	metF	VC2685	-	5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
2655	 46.91	0	2855136..2855378	-	80	15642681	-	VC2686	-	hypothetical protein
2656	 41.90	-1	2855427..2855531	+	34	15642682	-	VC2687	-	hypothetical protein
2657	 52.98	+1	2855699..2856706	+	335	15642683	glpX	VC2688	-	fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase II
2658	 49.30	0	2856783..2857778	-	331	15642684	pfkA	VC2689	-	6-phosphofructokinase
2659	 51.49	0	2858008..2858916	-	302	15642685	fieF	VC2690	-	ferrous iron efflux protein F
2660	 51.39	0	2859114..2859617	-	167	15642686	cpxP	VC2691	-	periplasmic repressor CpxP
2661	 51.53	0	2859805..2860491	+	228	15642687	-	VC2692	-	transcriptional regulator CpxR
2662	 51.11	0	2860491..2861885	+	464	15642688	cpxA	VC2693	-	two-component sensor protein
2663	 51.27	0	2861967..2862635	+	222	15642689	-	VC2694	-	superoxide dismutase, Mn
2664	 51.78	+1	2862688..2863164	+	158	15642690	-	VC2695	-	rRNA methylase
2665	 52.26	+1	2863198..2863683	-	161	15642691	fxsA	VC2696	-	FxsA
2666	 49.09	0	2863775..2864713	-	312	15642692	-	VC2697	-	GGDEF family protein
2667	 48.28	0	2864958..2866409	+	483	15642693	aspA	VC2698	-	aspartate ammonia-lyase
2668	 52.45	+1	2866537..2867844	+	435	161581979	-	VC2699	-	anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter
2669	 51.75	+1	2871996..2873798	+	600	15642695	dipZ	VC2701	-	thiol:disulfide interchange protein precursor
2670	 50.00	0	2873971..2874600	+	209	15642696	-	VC2702	-	LuxR family transcriptional regulator
2671	 51.95	+1	2874699..2876444	-	581	15642697	-	VC2703	-	potassium/proton antiporter
2672	 45.69	0	2876823..2877089	+	88	15642698	-	VC2704	-	hypothetical protein
2673	 51.68	0	2877283..2878803	+	506	15642699	-	VC2705	-	sodium/solute symporter, putative
2674	 47.92	0	2878901..2879572	-	223	15642700	-	VC2706	-	hypothetical protein
2675	 45.74	0	2879759..2879887	+	42	15642701	-	VC2707	-	hypothetical protein
2676	 46.23	0	2879875..2880564	+	229	15642702	gmk	VC2708	-	guanylate kinase
2677	 52.01	+1	2880672..2880944	+	90	15642703	rpoZ	VC2709	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega
2678	 52.41	+1	2880976..2883093	+	705	15642704	-	VC2710	-	bifunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase II/ guanosine-3',5'-bis pyrophosphate 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase
2679	 53.29	+1	2883212..2885290	+	692	15642705	-	VC2711	-	ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG
2680	 51.07	0	2885599..2887041	+	480	15642706	-	VC2712	-	xanthine/uracil permease family protein
2681	 51.03	0	2887066..2888382	-	438	15642707	envZ	VC2713	-	osmolarity sensor protein
2682	 51.18	0	2888451..2889173	-	240	15642708	ompR	VC2714	-	osmolarity response regulator
2683	 48.77	0	2889311..2889796	-	161	15642709	greB	VC2715	-	transcription elongation factor GreB
2684	 53.88	+1	2890041..2892362	+	773	15642710	-	VC2716	-	hypothetical protein
2685	 54.22	+1	2892454..2892951	-	165	15642711	-	VC2717	-	hypothetical protein
2686	 54.28	+1	2893086..2893892	-	268	15642712	-	VC2718	-	bioH protein
2687	 53.77	+1	2893783..2894643	+	286	15642713	-	VC2719	-	ComF-related protein
2688	 51.19	0	2894731..2895318	+	195	15642714	-	VC2720	-	putative DNA uptake protein
2689	 49.54	0	2895457..2896005	+	182	161581978	nudE	VC2721	-	ADP-ribose diphosphatase NudE
2690	 53.09	+1	2895950..2896855	+	301	15642716	-	VC2722	-	cysQ protein
2691	 54.15	+1	2896907..2897665	-	252	15642717	-	VC2723	-	general secretion pathway protein N
2692	 52.89	+1	2897667..2898167	-	166	15642718	-	VC2724	-	cholera toxin secretion protein EpsM
2693	 51.14	0	2898174..2899397	-	407	15642719	-	VC2725	-	general secretion pathway protein L
2694	 52.23	+1	2899354..2900364	-	336	15642720	-	VC2726	-	general secretion pathway protein K
2695	 52.25	+1	2900354..2901019	-	221	15642721	-	VC2727	-	general secretion pathway protein J
47.43	MEAN

4.26	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.