IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 47.43 STD DEV: 4.26
Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961 chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..2961149
2742 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1912	 46.43	0	2088527..2089198	+	223	15641939	-	VC1937	-	hypothetical protein
1913	 46.00	0	2089288..2089737	+	149	15641940	-	VC1938	-	hypothetical protein
1914	 47.50	0	2090031..2090651	+	206	15641941	-	VC1939	-	hypothetical protein
1915	 47.96	0	2090698..2091360	-	220	15641942	-	VC1940	-	hypothetical protein
1916	 46.99	0	2091673..2092968	-	431	15641943	-	VC1941	-	hypothetical protein
1917	 49.79	0	2093523..2094458	+	311	15641944	-	VC1942	-	methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
1918	 50.54	0	2094433..2094525	+	30	15641945	-	VC1943	-	hypothetical protein
1919	 48.03	0	2094741..2095604	+	287	15641946	-	VC1944	-	PvcB protein
1920	 48.29	0	2095589..2097052	+	487	15641947	-	VC1945	-	hypothetical protein
1921	 50.93	0	2097041..2097148	-	35	15641948	-	VC1946	-	hypothetical protein
1922	 42.90	-1	2097183..2098112	-	309	15641949	-	VC1947	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1923	 36.46	-2	2098271..2098462	+	63	15641950	-	VC1948	-	hypothetical protein
1924	 44.39	0	2098432..2100258	+	608	15641951	-	VC1949	-	pvcA protein
1925	 52.33	+1	2100348..2102795	-	815	15641952	-	VC1950	-	biotin sulfoxide reductase
1926	 49.86	0	2102818..2103924	-	368	15641953	-	VC1951	-	cytochrome c-type protein YecK
1927	 50.37	0	2104179..2106719	-	846	15641954	-	VC1952	-	chitinase
1928	 48.93	0	2106983..2108200	-	405	15641955	-	VC1953	-	NupC family protein
1929	 33.33	-2	2108248..2108349	+	33	15641956	-	VC1954	-	hypothetical protein
1930	 50.32	0	2108531..2109478	-	315	15641957	-	VC1955	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1931	 47.53	0	2109642..2110613	-	323	15641958	-	VC1956	-	lytic murein transglycosylase, putative
1932	 43.37	0	2110638..2110946	-	102	15641959	-	VC1957	-	hypothetical protein
1933	 42.06	-1	2110977..2111102	+	41	15641960	-	VC1958	-	hypothetical protein
1934	 48.57	0	2111116..2111778	+	220	15641961	minC	VC1959	-	septum formation inhibitor
1935	 48.98	0	2111781..2112611	+	276	15641962	-	VC1960	-	septum site-determining protein MinD
1936	 47.73	0	2112616..2112879	+	87	15641963	minE	VC1961	-	cell division topological specificity factor MinE
1937	 48.17	0	2113168..2113659	+	163	15641964	-	VC1962	-	lipoprotein
1938	 45.98	0	2113726..2114223	-	165	15641965	-	VC1963	-	hypothetical protein
1939	 48.86	0	2114204..2115079	-	291	15641966	-	VC1964	-	hypothetical protein
1940	 44.67	0	2115273..2115863	+	196	15641967	-	VC1965	-	hypothetical protein
1941	 49.60	0	2115867..2117747	+	626	15641968	-	VC1966	-	hypothetical protein
1942	 43.84	0	2117923..2119977	+	684	15641969	-	VC1967	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
1943	 43.41	0	2120030..2120575	-	181	15641970	-	VC1968	-	transcriptional regulator
1944	 41.67	-1	2120587..2120682	-	31	15641971	-	VC1969	-	hypothetical protein
1945	 51.80	+1	2120663..2121826	+	387	15641972	-	VC1970	-	benzoate transport protein
1946	 53.11	+1	2121855..2123285	-	476	15641973	-	VC1971	-	O-succinylbenzoic acid--CoA ligase
1947	 52.75	+1	2123261..2124259	-	332	15641974	-	VC1972	-	O-succinylbenzoate synthase
1948	 53.29	+1	2124347..2125213	-	288	161581999	-	VC1973	-	naphthoate synthase
1949	 50.76	0	2125238..2126029	-	263	15641976	-	VC1974	-	acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase YfbB
1950	 53.36	+1	2126019..2127731	-	570	15641977	-	VC1975	-	2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylic acid synthase/2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase
1951	 52.75	+1	2127728..2129035	-	435	15641978	-	VC1976	-	menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase
1952	 49.88	0	2129250..2130464	+	404	15641979	-	VC1977	-	aminotransferase AlaT
1953	 49.29	0	2130500..2131201	+	233	15641980	-	VC1978	-	hypothetical protein
1954	 52.41	+1	2131258..2132583	+	441	15641981	-	VC1979	-	deoxyguanosinetriphosphate triphosphohydrolase-like protein
1955	 51.24	0	2132577..2133179	-	200	15641982	-	VC1980	-	hypothetical protein
1956	 52.47	+1	2133066..2133734	+	222	15641983	-	VC1981	-	hypothetical protein
1957	 40.54	-1	2133691..2133801	+	36	15641984	-	VC1982	-	hypothetical protein
1958	 48.59	0	2133810..2135657	-	615	15641985	-	VC1983	-	peptidase, putative
1959	 50.09	0	2135870..2137015	-	381	15641986	-	VC1984	-	ribonuclease D
1960	 50.62	0	2137101..2138801	-	566	15641987	-	VC1985	-	long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase
1961	 51.46	0	2138926..2139780	-	284	15641988	-	VC1986	-	hypothetical protein
1962	 50.41	0	2139777..2140385	-	202	15641989	-	VC1987	-	outer membrane lipoprotein Slp, putative
1963	 51.96	+1	2140351..2140656	-	101	15641990	-	VC1988	-	hypothetical protein
1964	 52.66	+1	2140716..2141429	-	237	15641991	-	VC1989	-	hypothetical protein
1965	 51.52	0	2141426..2143366	-	646	15641992	-	VC1990	-	ATP-dependent helicase DinG
1966	 47.03	0	2143320..2143757	+	145	15641993	-	VC1991	-	hypothetical protein
1967	 46.28	0	2143931..2144764	+	277	15641994	purU	VC1992	-	formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase
1968	 51.77	+1	2144838..2146838	-	666	15641995	-	VC1993	-	2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase
1969	 48.89	0	2147068..2148918	+	616	15641996	-	VC1994	-	protease IV
1970	 49.51	0	2149035..2150048	+	337	15641997	ansA	VC1995	-	cytoplasmic asparaginase I
1971	 48.26	0	2150146..2150433	-	95	15641998	-	VC1996	-	hypothetical protein
1972	 45.58	0	2150537..2151361	+	274	15641999	-	VC1997	-	hypothetical protein
1973	 44.37	0	2151522..2151965	-	147	15642000	-	VC1998	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase B
1974	 36.05	-2	2151971..2152117	+	48	15642001	-	VC1999	-	hypothetical protein
1975	 46.89	0	2152265..2153260	+	331	15642002	-	VC2000	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1976	 49.16	0	2153408..2154298	+	296	15642003	-	VC2001	-	hypothetical protein
1977	 48.76	0	2154733..2155737	+	334	15642004	-	VC2002	-	hypothetical protein
1978	 48.11	0	2155892..2156710	+	272	161581998	rrmA	VC2003	-	23S rRNA methyltransferase A
1979	 48.36	0	2156731..2157708	+	325	15642006	-	VC2004	-	hypothetical protein
1980	 47.90	0	2157848..2158204	+	118	15642007	-	VC2005	-	hypothetical protein
1981	 43.17	0	2158278..2159222	-	314	15642008	-	VC2006	-	chemotaxis protein CheV
1982	 46.06	0	2159327..2160544	-	405	15642009	-	VC2007	-	ROK family transcriptional regulator
1983	 48.76	0	2160989..2162434	+	481	15642010	-	VC2008	-	pyruvate kinase II
1984	 46.92	0	2162476..2163645	-	389	15642011	-	VC2009	-	hypothetical protein
1985	 40.48	-1	2163652..2163777	-	41	15642012	-	VC2010	-	hypothetical protein
1986	 45.18	0	2163877..2164467	+	196	15642013	-	VC2011	-	hypothetical protein
1987	 45.83	0	2164851..2166434	+	527	15642014	-	VC2012	-	sodium-dependent transporter
1988	 47.77	0	2166647..2168149	-	500	15642015	-	VC2013	-	glucose-specific PTS system IIBC components
1989	 45.57	0	2168521..2169288	-	255	15642016	-	VC2014	-	hypothetical protein
1990	 47.90	0	2169279..2170253	-	324	15642017	-	VC2015	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
1991	 48.36	0	2170246..2170884	-	212	15642018	tdk	VC2016	-	thymidylate kinase
1992	 46.41	0	2170881..2171897	-	338	15642019	-	VC2017	-	hypothetical protein
1993	 47.76	0	2171894..2172697	-	267	161581997	-	VC2018	-	4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase
1994	 50.12	0	2172775..2174019	-	414	15642021	-	VC2019	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase II
1995	 43.46	0	2174108..2174344	-	78	161581996	acpP	VC2020	-	acyl carrier protein
1996	 50.47	0	2174580..2175326	-	248	15642023	fabG	VC2021	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1997	 48.99	0	2175342..2176280	-	312	15642024	-	VC2022	-	acyl carrier protein S-malonyltransferase
1998	 49.53	0	2176335..2177285	-	316	15642025	-	VC2023	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase III
1999	 48.34	0	2177291..2178316	-	341	15642026	-	VC2024	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
2000	 48.54	0	2178326..2178496	-	56	15642027	rpmF	VC2025	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
2001	 41.90	-1	2178531..2179055	-	174	15642028	-	VC2026	-	hypothetical protein
2002	 45.02	0	2179203..2179784	+	193	15642029	maf	VC2027	-	Maf-like protein
2003	 48.95	0	2179885..2180832	-	315	15642030	-	VC2028	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase C
2004	 41.25	-1	2180746..2180985	+	79	15642031	-	VC2029	-	hypothetical protein
2005	 50.21	0	2181444..2184602	+	1052	15642032	-	VC2030	-	ribonuclease E
2006	 49.23	0	2184950..2186515	+	521	15642033	-	VC2031	-	sulfate permease family protein
2007	 50.23	0	2186633..2187508	+	291	15642034	-	VC2032	-	hypothetical protein
2008	 48.72	0	2187618..2190302	-	894	15642035	-	VC2033	-	bifunctional acetaldehyde-CoA/alcohol dehydrogenase
2009	 25.93	-2	2190523..2190630	+	35	15642036	-	VC2034	-	hypothetical protein
2010	 48.51	0	2190929..2191567	+	212	15642037	-	VC2035	-	hypothetical protein
2011	 49.69	0	2191657..2192769	-	370	15642038	-	VC2036	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
47.43	MEAN

4.26	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.