IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Treponema denticola ATCC 35405

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 37.25 STD DEV: 5.76
Treponema denticola ATCC 35405, complete genome - 1..2843201
2767 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
922	 43.07	+1	951809..952825	-	338	42526441	argF	TDE0929	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
923	 43.14	+1	952933..953778	-	281	42526442	-	TDE0930	-	hypothetical protein
924	 36.15	0	953851..955197	-	448	42526443	-	TDE0931	-	MATE efflux family protein
925	 37.96	0	955224..958034	-	936	42526444	-	TDE0932	-	adenylate/guanylate cyclase catalytic domain-containing protein
926	 42.80	0	958203..959396	+	397	42526445	ackA	TDE0933	-	acetate kinase
927	 37.83	0	959485..959751	-	88	42526446	groES	TDE0934	-	co-chaperonin GroES
928	 33.33	0	959751..959843	-	30	42526447	-	TDE0935	-	hypothetical protein
929	 28.70	-1	959962..960069	-	35	42526448	-	TDE0936	-	hypothetical protein
930	 37.98	0	960091..960951	+	286	42526449	-	TDE0937	-	RNA polymerase sigma-70 factor family protein
931	 44.14	+1	961053..962264	-	403	42526450	-	TDE0938	-	hypothetical protein
932	 34.51	0	962339..963274	+	311	42526451	-	TDE0939	-	putative lipoprotein
933	 33.33	0	963276..963695	+	139	42526452	-	TDE0940	-	hypothetical protein
934	 38.33	0	963713..964192	-	159	42526453	-	TDE0941	-	NLP/P60 family protein
935	 41.90	0	964272..965999	+	575	42526454	-	TDE0942	-	long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase, putative
936	 39.52	0	966123..966332	+	69	42526455	-	TDE0943	-	hypothetical protein
937	 45.71	+1	966387..967097	+	236	42526456	-	TDE0944	-	hypothetical protein
938	 50.58	+2	967268..968380	+	370	42526457	-	TDE0945	-	hypothetical protein
939	 44.59	+1	968352..968795	+	147	42526458	-	TDE0946	-	hypothetical protein
940	 45.26	+1	968804..970882	-	692	42526459	-	TDE0947	-	translation elongation factor G, putative
941	 35.61	0	971049..971927	-	292	42526460	-	TDE0948	-	hypothetical protein
942	 46.01	+1	972150..973451	+	433	42526461	eno	TDE0949	-	enolase
943	 31.29	-1	974256..974402	-	48	42526462	-	TDE0950	-	hypothetical protein
944	 38.97	0	974392..975438	+	348	42526463	-	TDE0951	-	putative lipoprotein
945	 35.79	0	975462..977006	+	514	42526464	-	TDE0952	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
946	 37.75	0	977003..978067	+	354	42526465	-	TDE0953	-	branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein
947	 39.67	0	978064..978900	+	278	42526466	-	TDE0954	-	branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein
948	 37.60	0	978982..979590	+	202	42526467	-	TDE0955	-	LemA family protein
949	 42.14	0	979596..980390	+	264	42526468	-	TDE0956	-	hypothetical protein
950	 35.22	0	980392..981135	+	247	42526469	-	TDE0957	-	glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase family protein
951	 37.39	0	981180..982091	+	303	42526470	-	TDE0958	-	patatin family protein
952	 36.47	0	982075..982425	+	116	42526471	-	TDE0959	-	hypothetical protein
953	 37.46	0	982516..983655	+	379	42526472	-	TDE0960	-	neuB family protein
954	 38.41	0	983659..984072	+	137	42526473	-	TDE0961	-	DnaJ domain-containing protein
955	 28.89	-1	984123..986033	+	636	42526474	-	TDE0962	-	hypothetical protein
956	 36.78	0	986035..987222	+	395	42526475	dinB	TDE0963	-	DNA polymerase IV
957	 30.91	-1	987219..990638	+	1139	42526476	-	TDE0964	-	hypothetical protein
958	 40.60	0	990660..991457	-	265	42526477	-	TDE0965	-	hypothetical protein
959	 35.89	0	991490..992311	-	273	42526478	-	TDE0966	-	TatD family hydrolase
960	 36.55	0	992341..992589	+	82	42526479	-	TDE0967	-	hypothetical protein
961	 41.13	0	992653..993216	-	187	42526480	efp	TDE0968	-	translation elongation factor P
962	 34.39	0	993400..994635	+	411	42526481	-	TDE0969	-	hypothetical protein
963	 32.44	0	994909..995244	+	111	42526482	-	TDE0970	-	hypothetical protein
964	 41.57	0	995319..997091	+	590	42526483	argS	TDE0971	-	arginyl-tRNA synthetase
965	 39.18	0	997167..998021	+	284	42526484	-	TDE0972	-	comF-related protein
966	 43.51	+1	998030..998707	-	225	42526485	radC	TDE0973	-	DNA repair protein RadC
967	 46.08	+1	998834..998935	+	33	42526486	-	TDE0974	-	hypothetical protein
968	 38.57	0	999061..999939	+	292	42526487	-	TDE0975	-	hypothetical protein
969	 43.00	0	1000166..1000558	+	130	42526488	-	TDE0976	-	hypothetical protein
970	 51.83	+2	1000555..1001700	+	381	42526489	-	TDE0977	-	hypothetical protein
971	 49.06	+2	1002008..1002484	+	158	42526490	-	TDE0978	-	hypothetical protein
972	 38.48	0	1002600..1004036	-	478	42526491	-	TDE0979	-	penicillin binding protein
973	 43.95	+1	1004069..1005490	-	473	42526492	asnC	TDE0980	-	asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
974	 36.25	0	1005636..1006595	+	319	42526493	-	TDE0981	-	hypothetical protein
975	 45.05	+1	1006617..1008392	+	591	42526494	-	TDE0982	-	dihydroorotate dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase, FAD-binding
976	 39.80	0	1009614..1011113	+	499	42526495	-	TDE0984	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, permease protein, putative
977	 42.00	0	1011177..1013114	+	645	42526496	-	TDE0985	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, periplasmic peptide-binding protein, putative
978	 42.10	0	1013201..1014181	+	326	42526497	-	TDE0986	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
979	 43.89	+1	1014181..1015137	+	318	42526498	-	TDE0987	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
980	 38.99	0	1015222..1017165	+	647	42526499	-	TDE0988	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, peptide-binding protein
981	 35.02	0	1017272..1017508	+	78	42526500	-	TDE0989	-	hypothetical protein
982	 37.04	0	1017538..1017888	+	116	42526501	-	TDE0990	-	hypothetical protein
983	 36.46	0	1017964..1018155	-	63	42526502	rpmB	TDE0991	-	ribosomal protein L28
984	 39.13	0	1018411..1019100	-	229	42526503	-	TDE0992	-	5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase family protein
985	 37.59	0	1019072..1020505	-	477	42526504	-	TDE0993	-	putative lipoprotein
986	 39.84	0	1020678..1022507	+	609	42526505	-	TDE0994	-	hypothetical protein
987	 22.96	-2	1022532..1022666	-	44	42526506	-	TDE0995	-	hypothetical protein
988	 40.93	0	1022625..1024058	+	477	42526507	-	TDE0996	-	hypothetical protein
989	 41.30	0	1024132..1025373	-	413	42526508	gdhA	TDE0997	-	glutamate dehydrogenase
990	 33.80	0	1025342..1025554	+	70	42526509	-	TDE0998	-	hypothetical protein
991	 42.53	0	1026010..1026846	+	278	42526510	-	TDE0999	-	formate/nitrite transporter
992	 44.14	+1	1026903..1027781	+	292	42526511	-	TDE1000	-	3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family protein
993	 44.40	+1	1027793..1028497	+	234	42526512	pyrE	TDE1001	-	orotate phosphoribosyltransferase
994	 36.22	0	1028535..1029227	-	230	42526513	-	TDE1002	-	hypothetical protein
995	 26.67	-1	1029251..1029385	+	44	42526514	-	TDE1003	-	hypothetical protein
996	 44.02	+1	1029366..1030226	-	286	42526515	-	TDE1004	-	flagellar filament core protein
997	 28.57	-1	1030346..1030555	+	69	42526516	-	TDE1005	-	hypothetical protein
998	 41.94	0	1030567..1031379	+	270	42526517	flgG-1	TDE1006	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG
999	 47.17	+1	1031401..1032195	+	264	42526518	flgG	TDE1007	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG
1000	 44.28	+1	1032246..1032866	+	206	42526519	-	TDE1008	-	flagellar protein, putative
1001	 40.40	0	1033093..1035186	-	697	42526520	-	TDE1009	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
1002	 46.46	+1	1035367..1038231	+	954	42526521	uvrA	TDE1010	-	excinuclease ABC, A subunit
1003	 34.26	0	1038241..1041462	+	1073	42526522	-	TDE1011	-	hypothetical protein
1004	 43.44	+1	1041533..1043986	+	817	42526523	-	TDE1012	-	tex protein, putative
1005	 30.43	-1	1044067..1044480	-	137	42526524	-	TDE1013	-	hemerythrin-related protein
1006	 35.88	0	1044537..1045634	-	365	42526525	-	TDE1014	-	hypothetical protein
1007	 34.80	0	1045456..1045659	+	67	42526526	-	TDE1015	-	hypothetical protein
1008	 44.03	+1	1048075..1049271	+	398	42526527	xseA	TDE1017	-	exodeoxyribonuclease VII, large subunit
1009	 34.73	0	1049367..1049795	+	142	42526528	-	TDE1018	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 38.64	0	1049792..1051639	-	615	42526529	-	TDE1019	-	dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit, putative
1011	 37.41	0	1051655..1052683	-	342	42526530	-	TDE1020	-	dicarboxylate transporter, periplasmic dicarboxylate-binding protein, putative
1012	 40.10	0	1052680..1053654	-	324	42526531	-	TDE1021	-	putative lipoprotein
1013	 31.75	0	1054002..1055078	-	358	42526532	-	TDE1022	-	ISTde2, transposase
1014	 40.24	0	1055263..1055682	+	139	42526533	mamA	TDE1023	-	methylaspartate mutase subunit S
1015	 44.20	+1	1055715..1057094	+	459	42526534	-	TDE1024	-	hypothetical protein
1016	 42.86	0	1057241..1057429	+	62	42526535	rpmF	TDE1025	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1017	 37.97	0	1057442..1057678	+	78	42526536	acpP	TDE1026	-	acyl carrier protein
1018	 42.11	0	1057702..1058442	+	246	42526537	rnc	TDE1027	-	ribonuclease III
1019	 39.13	0	1058584..1058721	+	45	42526538	-	TDE1028	-	hypothetical protein
1020	 39.46	0	1058714..1059154	+	146	42526539	-	TDE1029	-	Hsp20/alpha crystallin family protein
1021	 36.40	0	1059254..1060102	+	282	42526540	-	TDE1030	-	hypothetical protein
37.25	MEAN

5.76	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.