IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Synechococcus sp. WH 7803

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 60.32 STD DEV: 4.87
Synechococcus sp. WH 7803, complete genome - 1..2366980
2533 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
578	 61.39	0	582127..582714	-	195	148238914	lrtA	SynWH7803_0578	-	light repressed protein A-like protein
579	 63.43	0	582727..583467	+	246	148238915	lipB	SynWH7803_0579	-	lipoyltransferase
580	 64.56	0	583496..585439	+	647	148238916	fadD	SynWH7803_0580	-	long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase
581	 62.39	0	585511..585954	+	147	148238917	-	SynWH7803_0581	-	hypothetical protein
582	 65.33	+1	586023..587372	+	449	148238918	pdhC	SynWH7803_0582	-	branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase subunit E2
583	 61.90	0	587443..589329	+	628	148238919	-	SynWH7803_0583	-	amino acid permease
584	 63.25	0	589366..590478	+	370	148238920	queA	SynWH7803_0584	-	S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA-ribosyltransferase-isom erase
585	 62.01	0	590488..591474	-	328	148238921	cysK	SynWH7803_0585	-	cysteine synthase
586	 63.84	0	591554..593038	-	494	148238922	metB	SynWH7803_0586	-	hypothetical protein
587	 62.44	0	593035..594216	-	393	148238923	-	SynWH7803_0587	-	metC/metB cystathionine beta-lyase/cystathioninegamma-synthase
588	 49.43	-2	594269..594529	+	86	148238924	-	SynWH7803_0588	-	hypothetical protein
589	 46.10	-2	594539..595603	-	354	148238925	-	SynWH7803_0589	-	Fatty acid desaturase
590	 61.46	0	595839..596030	+	63	148238926	-	SynWH7803_0590	-	hypothetical protein
591	 62.40	0	596133..596741	-	202	148238927	rpsD	SynWH7803_0591	-	30S ribosomal protein S4
592	 60.75	0	596772..597092	+	106	148238928	-	SynWH7803_0592	-	hypothetical protein
593	 61.51	0	597114..597404	+	96	148238929	-	SynWH7803_0593	-	thioredoxin family protein
594	 63.27	0	597431..598930	+	499	148238930	murE	SynWH7803_0594	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamate--2,6-diaminopimelate ligase
595	 61.87	0	598940..599773	-	277	148238931	-	SynWH7803_0595	-	hypothetical protein
596	 63.86	0	599828..601072	-	414	148238932	-	SynWH7803_0596	-	L-cysteine/cystine lyase
597	 54.60	-1	601106..601279	-	57	148238933	-	SynWH7803_0597	-	hypothetical protein
598	 64.46	0	601407..602132	+	241	148238934	-	SynWH7803_0598	-	hypothetical protein
599	 60.39	0	602122..603396	-	424	148238935	-	SynWH7803_0599	-	ABC transporter substrate-binding protein
600	 57.74	0	603393..604535	-	380	148238936	-	SynWH7803_0600	-	hypothetical protein
601	 63.41	0	604581..604826	-	81	148238937	-	SynWH7803_0601	-	NifU-like protein
602	 62.42	0	604912..606393	+	493	148238938	mqoA	SynWH7803_0602	-	malate:quinone oxidoreductase
603	 61.93	0	606382..607035	-	217	148238939	-	SynWH7803_0603	-	hypothetical protein
604	 60.82	0	607120..607461	-	113	148238940	-	SynWH7803_0604	-	small multidrug resistance protein
605	 52.89	-1	607535..608122	+	195	148238941	ppa	SynWH7803_0605	-	inorganic pyrophosphatase
606	 55.62	0	608214..609191	-	325	148238942	-	SynWH7803_0606	-	hypothetical protein
607	 59.61	0	609351..609860	+	169	148238943	-	SynWH7803_0607	-	hypothetical protein
608	 58.61	0	609850..610482	-	210	148238944	-	SynWH7803_0608	-	hypothetical protein
609	 61.77	0	610485..611444	-	319	148238945	hemC	SynWH7803_0609	-	porphobilinogen deaminase
610	 57.84	0	611632..612084	+	150	148238946	-	SynWH7803_0610	-	hypothetical protein
611	 57.13	0	612192..613544	-	450	148238947	rpoD	SynWH7803_0611	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD
612	 63.78	0	613843..616131	+	762	148238948	priA	SynWH7803_0612	-	primosomal protein N' (replication factor Y)
613	 63.83	0	616134..617225	-	363	148238949	-	SynWH7803_0613	-	hypothetical protein
614	 63.27	0	617229..618110	-	293	148238950	argB	SynWH7803_0614	-	acetylglutamate kinase
615	 61.73	0	618097..618663	-	188	148238951	-	SynWH7803_0615	-	hypothetical protein
616	 60.49	0	618793..618954	+	53	148238952	-	SynWH7803_0616	-	hypothetical protein
617	 64.09	0	618955..619419	-	154	148238953	-	SynWH7803_0617	-	single-stranded DNA-binding protein
618	 64.44	0	619434..620243	+	269	148238954	cobK	SynWH7803_0618	-	precorrin-6x reductase
619	 61.44	0	620240..621253	-	337	148238955	-	SynWH7803_0619	-	ribokinase family sugar kinase
620	 61.04	0	621324..622637	-	437	148238956	purA	SynWH7803_0620	-	adenylosuccinate synthetase
621	 58.69	0	622750..623175	-	141	148238957	psb27	SynWH7803_0621	-	photosystem II protein Psb27
622	 57.93	0	623220..625004	-	594	148238958	proS	SynWH7803_0622	-	prolyl-tRNA synthetase
623	 52.47	-1	625151..625615	+	154	148238959	-	SynWH7803_0623	-	hypothetical protein
624	 57.12	0	625903..626415	+	170	148238960	ppa	SynWH7803_0624	-	inorganic pyrophosphatase
625	 58.33	0	626509..626868	+	119	148238961	-	SynWH7803_0625	-	ferredoxin
626	 56.21	0	626930..627235	+	101	148238962	-	SynWH7803_0626	-	arsenate reductase C
627	 56.57	0	627198..628703	-	501	148238963	-	SynWH7803_0627	-	hypothetical protein
628	 61.11	0	628782..629483	+	233	148238964	lepB	SynWH7803_0628	-	Signal peptidase I
629	 63.59	0	629455..630723	-	422	148238965	pyrC	SynWH7803_0629	-	dihydroorotase
630	 60.72	0	630742..632070	-	442	148238966	gmpB	SynWH7803_0630	-	phosphoglycerate mutase
631	 63.26	0	632229..633548	+	439	148238967	-	SynWH7803_0631	-	metal-dependent membrane protease
632	 64.69	0	633632..634087	+	151	148238968	-	SynWH7803_0632	-	hypothetical protein
633	 61.57	0	634091..635896	+	601	148238969	ftsI	SynWH7803_0633	-	peptidoglycan synthetase
634	 56.44	0	635988..637160	+	390	148238970	tal	SynWH7803_0634	-	transaldolase/EF-hand domain-containing protein
635	 57.11	0	637228..637614	+	128	148238971	-	SynWH7803_0635	-	cAMP-binding protein
636	 61.44	0	637663..639135	+	490	148238972	phr	SynWH7803_0636	-	deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase
637	 64.75	0	639132..640277	-	381	148238973	-	SynWH7803_0637	-	dehydrogenase
638	 57.38	0	640274..640822	-	182	148238974	frr	SynWH7803_0638	-	ribosome recycling factor
639	 59.60	0	640831..641538	-	235	148238975	pyrH	SynWH7803_0639	-	uridylate kinase
640	 61.83	0	641641..641826	+	61	148238976	-	SynWH7803_0640	-	hypothetical protein
641	 59.76	0	641830..642495	-	221	148238977	cobO	SynWH7803_0641	-	Cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase
642	 62.81	0	642492..643139	-	215	148238978	-	SynWH7803_0642	-	SAM-dependent methyltransferase
643	 63.20	0	643154..644308	-	384	148238979	-	SynWH7803_0643	-	Phage integrase family protein
644	 57.99	0	644381..645556	+	391	148238980	hemH	SynWH7803_0644	-	ferrochelatase
645	 61.49	0	645639..647492	+	617	148238981	ilvB	SynWH7803_0645	-	acetolactate synthase 3 catalytic subunit
646	 61.62	0	647492..647848	+	118	148238982	-	SynWH7803_0646	-	nuclease
647	 61.40	0	647850..648077	+	75	148238983	-	SynWH7803_0647	-	hypothetical protein
648	 61.97	0	648112..649368	+	418	148238984	-	SynWH7803_0648	-	hypothetical protein
649	 62.14	0	649403..651058	+	551	148238985	-	SynWH7803_0649	-	hypothetical protein
650	 61.94	0	651083..651907	-	274	148238986	-	SynWH7803_0650	-	hypothetical protein
651	 63.28	0	651910..652824	-	304	148238987	-	SynWH7803_0651	-	hypothetical protein
652	 61.06	0	652821..654032	-	403	148238988	rpsA	SynWH7803_0652	-	30S ribosomal protein S1
653	 62.53	0	654165..655010	+	281	148238989	-	SynWH7803_0653	-	creatininase
654	 55.60	0	655060..655791	+	243	148238990	-	SynWH7803_0654	-	Ferritin-like, diiron-carboxylate protein
655	 57.54	0	655930..656970	+	346	148238991	-	SynWH7803_0655	-	dehydrogenase
656	 60.10	0	656991..657980	+	329	148238992	accA	SynWH7803_0656	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyltransferase subunit alpha
657	 60.59	0	658005..658712	+	235	148238993	-	SynWH7803_0657	-	short chain dehydrogenase
658	 55.20	-1	658725..659483	+	252	148238994	folE	SynWH7803_0658	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
659	 55.62	0	659515..660021	-	168	148238995	-	SynWH7803_0659	-	hypothetical protein
660	 60.77	0	660034..660711	-	225	148238996	trpF	SynWH7803_0660	-	phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase
661	 59.21	0	660775..662034	+	419	148238997	-	SynWH7803_0661	-	Zn-dependent membrane associated protease
662	 63.41	0	662031..662798	-	255	148238998	lplA	SynWH7803_0662	-	lipoate-protein ligase A
663	 63.59	0	662797..663576	+	259	148238999	-	SynWH7803_0663	-	hypothetical protein
664	 57.17	0	663579..664568	-	329	148239000	-	SynWH7803_0664	-	hypothetical protein
665	 63.07	0	664674..665285	-	203	148239001	-	SynWH7803_0665	-	hypothetical protein
666	 63.27	0	665282..665782	-	166	148239002	-	SynWH7803_0666	-	hypothetical protein
667	 60.00	0	665861..665965	+	34	148239003	psaM	SynWH7803_0667	-	photosystem I reaction center subunit XII
668	 56.51	0	665987..666370	+	127	148239004	-	SynWH7803_0668	-	hypothetical protein
669	 62.46	0	666439..667389	+	316	148239005	por	SynWH7803_0669	-	protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase
670	 58.59	0	667390..668280	-	296	148239006	chlL	SynWH7803_0670	-	protochlorophyllide reductase iron-sulfur ATP-binding protein
671	 60.20	0	668432..670024	-	530	148239007	chlB	SynWH7803_0671	-	light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit B
672	 62.64	0	670029..671318	-	429	148239008	chlN	SynWH7803_0672	-	light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit N
673	 55.36	-1	671441..671962	+	173	148239009	-	SynWH7803_0673	-	hypothetical protein
674	 61.27	0	672019..672426	-	135	148239010	-	SynWH7803_0674	-	hypothetical protein
675	 59.29	0	672522..673307	+	261	148239011	-	SynWH7803_0675	-	hypothetical protein
676	 61.14	0	673309..673887	-	192	148239012	-	SynWH7803_0676	-	xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase
677	 64.74	0	674177..674488	+	103	148239013	csoS1/ccmK1	SynWH7803_0677	-	carboxysome shell peptide
60.32	MEAN

4.87	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.