IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 58.48 STD DEV: 4.07
Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13), complete genome - 1..3046682
2862 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
913	 63.60	+1	975617..976432	+	271	86608417	trpA	CYB_0937	-	tryptophan synthase subunit alpha
914	 50.34	-1	976520..976666	-	48	86608418	-	CYB_0938	-	hypothetical protein
915	 57.42	0	976892..977410	+	172	86608419	cpcB-1	CYB_0939	-	phycocyanin, beta subunit
916	 57.46	0	977556..978044	+	162	86608420	cpcA-1	CYB_0940	-	phycocyanin, alpha subunit
917	 61.48	0	978360..978629	+	89	86608421	cpcD	CYB_0941	-	phycobilisome 8.9 kDa linker polypeptide, phycocyanin-associated, rod
918	 63.48	+1	978721..979473	+	250	86608422	cpcE-1	CYB_0942	-	phycocyanin alpha subunit phycocyanobilin lyase, CpcE subunit
919	 61.88	0	979490..980179	+	229	86608423	cpcF	CYB_0943	-	phycocyanin alpha subunit phycocyanobilin lyase, CpcF subunit
920	 59.23	0	980238..980963	+	241	86608424	cpcG1	CYB_0944	-	phycobilisome rod-core linker polypeptide cpcG1
921	 59.62	0	981105..981416	+	103	86608425	-	CYB_0945	-	hypothetical protein
922	 57.45	0	981446..983149	+	567	86608426	-	CYB_0946	-	hypothetical protein
923	 57.92	0	983149..983868	+	239	86608427	-	CYB_0947	-	putatve protein phosphatase
924	 62.31	0	983880..984797	-	305	86608428	-	CYB_0948	-	histone deacetylase family protein
925	 62.28	0	984929..986818	+	629	86608429	-	CYB_0949	-	serine/threonine protein kinase
926	 61.44	0	986822..989176	+	784	86608430	-	CYB_0950	-	1A family penicillin-binding protein
927	 58.70	0	989823..991103	-	426	86608431	-	CYB_0952	-	major facilitator transporter
928	 57.63	0	991147..991323	-	58	86608432	-	CYB_0953	-	hypothetical protein
929	 58.38	0	992536..993054	-	172	86608433	-	CYB_0954	-	HNH endonuclease domain-containing protein
930	 61.14	0	993210..995417	+	735	86608434	-	CYB_0955	-	glycosy hydrolase family protein
931	 61.83	0	995445..996395	+	316	86608435	pip	CYB_0956	-	prolyl aminopeptidase
932	 56.94	0	996392..996535	+	47	86608436	-	CYB_0957	-	hypothetical protein
933	 59.21	0	996438..997175	+	245	86608437	-	CYB_0958	-	PDZ domain-containing protein
934	 60.52	0	997207..997515	+	102	86608438	-	CYB_0959	-	hypothetical protein
935	 64.41	+1	997526..999121	+	531	86608439	-	CYB_0961	-	hydantoinase/oxoprolinase family protein
936	 54.93	0	999058..999534	-	158	86608440	trx-2	CYB_0960	-	thioredoxin
937	 56.41	0	999485..1000225	-	246	86608441	-	CYB_0962	-	NnrU family protein
938	 56.72	0	1000294..1000695	+	133	86608442	-	CYB_0963	-	putative photosystem II protein
939	 60.00	0	1000925..1001389	+	154	86608443	-	CYB_0964	-	YHS domain-containing protein
940	 60.92	0	1001414..1002196	-	260	86608444	-	CYB_0965	-	sensor histidine kinase
941	 63.17	+1	1002317..1003060	-	247	86608445	-	CYB_0966	-	HemK family methyltransferase
942	 59.30	0	1003217..1004071	-	284	86608446	-	CYB_0967	-	chloroplast envelope protein translocase (CEPT or Tic-Toc) family protein
943	 53.65	-1	1004569..1004760	+	63	86608447	-	CYB_0968	-	hypothetical protein
944	 50.00	-2	1004790..1004909	+	39	86608448	-	CYB_0969	-	hypothetical protein
945	 60.18	0	1004906..1007419	+	837	86608449	-	CYB_0970	-	U32 family peptidase
946	 57.14	0	1007584..1008108	+	174	86608450	ilvH	CYB_0971	-	acetolactate synthase 3 regulatory subunit
947	 61.35	0	1008126..1008764	+	212	86608451	-	CYB_0972	-	putative lipoprotein
948	 60.84	0	1008790..1009407	-	205	86608452	-	CYB_0973	-	hypothetical protein
949	 60.54	0	1009689..1010732	+	347	86608453	glk	CYB_0974	-	glucokinase
950	 59.42	0	1010729..1011004	+	91	86608454	-	CYB_0975	-	hypothetical protein
951	 59.86	0	1011012..1012010	+	332	86608455	-	CYB_0976	-	cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase family protein
952	 63.96	+1	1012024..1013241	+	405	86608456	-	CYB_0978	-	2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenyl hydroxylase
953	 59.38	0	1013238..1014965	-	575	86608457	-	CYB_0977	-	hypothetical protein
954	 54.69	0	1015075..1016268	+	397	86608458	-	CYB_0979	-	ISSoc1, transposase
955	 57.96	0	1016270..1017004	-	244	86608459	-	CYB_0980	-	hypothetical protein
956	 47.62	-2	1017099..1017203	-	34	86608460	-	CYB_0981	-	hypothetical protein
957	 53.39	-1	1017330..1017698	-	122	86608461	-	CYB_0982	-	hypothetical protein
958	 61.82	0	1018038..1019276	+	412	86608462	coaBC	CYB_0983	-	bifunctional phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase/phosphopantothenate synthase
959	 55.27	0	1019366..1020172	-	268	86608463	sppA-2	CYB_0984	-	signal peptide peptidase SppA, 36K type
960	 62.13	0	1020247..1020951	-	234	86608464	fabG	CYB_0985	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
961	 63.72	+1	1021057..1021905	-	282	86608465	ksgA	CYB_0986	-	dimethyladenosine transferase
962	 59.47	0	1021950..1023713	-	587	86608466	-	CYB_0987	-	sensor histidine kinase
963	 59.26	0	1023740..1024873	-	377	86608467	-	CYB_0988	-	PilT domain-containing protein
964	 55.56	0	1025388..1025630	+	80	86608468	-	CYB_0989	-	NifU domain-containing protein
965	 61.48	0	1025763..1026860	+	365	86608469	-	CYB_0990	-	membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease, putative
966	 60.71	0	1026867..1027571	+	234	86608470	nth	CYB_0991	-	endonuclease III
967	 61.59	0	1027682..1028665	+	327	86608471	-	CYB_0992	-	hypothetical protein
968	 62.34	0	1028658..1030022	+	454	86608472	-	CYB_0993	-	hypothetical protein
969	 61.00	0	1030047..1031633	-	528	86608473	-	CYB_0994	-	hypothetical protein
970	 48.68	-2	1031709..1032803	-	364	86608474	-	CYB_0995	-	hypothetical protein
971	 59.37	0	1033030..1034934	+	634	86608475	-	CYB_0996	-	penicillin-binding protein
972	 55.31	0	1035046..1036269	-	407	86608476	-	CYB_0997	-	glycosyl transferase, group 2
973	 62.13	0	1036444..1038936	-	830	86608477	-	CYB_0998	-	HDIG domain-containing protein
974	 56.06	0	1039003..1039398	-	131	86608478	-	CYB_0999	-	hypothetical protein
975	 61.48	0	1039634..1040269	-	211	86608479	-	CYB_1000	-	4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase family protein
976	 61.63	0	1040370..1041839	+	489	86608480	-	CYB_1001	-	putative cell envelope-related function transcriptional attenuator
977	 52.63	-1	1041947..1043806	+	619	86608481	htpG	CYB_1003	-	heat shock protein 90
978	 59.83	0	1043800..1044384	-	194	86608482	ribH	CYB_1002	-	riboflavin synthase subunit beta
979	 48.06	-2	1044645..1044773	+	42	86608483	-	CYB_1004	-	hypothetical protein
980	 57.43	0	1044770..1046068	+	432	86608484	glnA-1	CYB_1005	-	glutamine synthetase
981	 61.59	0	1046132..1046998	-	288	86608485	aroE	CYB_1006	-	shikimate 5-dehydrogenase
982	 55.16	0	1047061..1047564	-	167	86608486	-	CYB_1007	-	hypothetical protein
983	 58.85	0	1047612..1048967	-	451	86608487	-	CYB_1008	-	response regulator
984	 62.25	0	1049217..1049963	-	248	86608488	-	CYB_1009	-	putative outer membrane protein
985	 55.72	0	1050250..1050450	+	66	86608489	-	CYB_1010	-	hypothetical protein
986	 58.33	0	1050509..1050784	+	91	86608490	-	CYB_1011	-	hypothetical protein
987	 61.33	0	1050866..1052176	+	436	86608491	hemL	CYB_1012	-	glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase
988	 55.97	0	1052215..1052457	+	80	86608492	-	CYB_1014	-	hypothetical protein
989	 58.74	0	1052454..1053854	-	466	86608493	chlN	CYB_1013	-	light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit N
990	 58.18	0	1053896..1054873	-	325	86608494	-	CYB_1015	-	protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase
991	 59.27	0	1055032..1055883	-	283	86608495	chlL	CYB_1016	-	protochlorophyllide reductase iron-sulfur ATP-binding protein
992	 63.17	+1	1056240..1057526	-	428	86608496	-	CYB_1017	-	resolvase family site-specific recombinase
993	 61.75	0	1057548..1058462	-	304	86608497	murQ	CYB_1018	-	N-acetylmuramic acid-6-phosphate etherase
994	 58.24	0	1058438..1058698	-	86	86608498	-	CYB_1019	-	hypothetical protein
995	 60.19	0	1058903..1060246	+	447	86608499	-	CYB_1020	-	phosphoglycerate mutase family protein
996	 64.37	+1	1060249..1061595	+	448	86608500	-	CYB_1021	-	dihydroorotase
997	 59.74	0	1061684..1064512	-	942	86608501	ileS	CYB_1022	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
998	 54.44	0	1064976..1066169	-	397	86608502	-	CYB_1023	-	ISSoc1, transposase
999	 61.75	0	1066521..1067435	-	304	86608503	-	CYB_1024	-	hypothetical protein
1000	 58.40	0	1067556..1067930	+	124	86608504	-	CYB_1025	-	rhodanese domain-containing protein
1001	 61.56	0	1068088..1069890	+	600	86608505	-	CYB_1026	-	M24B family peptidase
1002	 59.87	0	1069918..1070976	-	352	86608506	-	CYB_1027	-	radical SAM protein
1003	 54.79	0	1071393..1072049	+	218	86608507	-	CYB_1028	-	hypothetical protein
1004	 59.08	0	1072024..1072998	+	324	86608508	-	CYB_1029	-	YihY family protein
1005	 64.56	+1	1073024..1074115	+	363	86608509	-	CYB_1030	-	Sua5/YciO/YrdC/YwlC family protein
1006	 59.63	0	1074130..1074669	+	179	86608510	purE	CYB_1031	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, catalytic subunit
1007	 62.71	+1	1074736..1075494	+	252	86608511	-	CYB_1032	-	hypothetical protein
1008	 59.03	0	1075819..1076499	+	226	86608512	-	CYB_1033	-	hypothetical protein
1009	 53.52	-1	1076533..1077627	-	364	86608513	-	CYB_1034	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 59.05	0	1077433..1077537	+	34	86608514	-	CYB_1035	-	hypothetical protein
1011	 46.37	-2	1077777..1078727	-	316	86608515	-	CYB_1036	-	hypothetical protein
1012	 52.76	-1	1078724..1079557	-	277	86608516	-	CYB_1037	-	hypothetical protein
58.48	MEAN

4.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.