IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 58.48 STD DEV: 4.07
Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13), complete genome - 1..3046682
2862 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
727	 61.64	0	770421..771275	-	284	86608231	-	CYB_0747	-	M28A family peptidase
728	 60.79	0	771272..772054	-	260	86608232	-	CYB_0748	-	HAD family hydrolase
729	 62.11	0	772180..773562	+	460	86608233	lpdA	CYB_0749	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
730	 57.29	0	773671..774939	+	422	86608234	-	CYB_0750	-	hypothetical protein
731	 52.90	-1	775173..775310	+	45	86608235	-	CYB_0751	-	hypothetical protein
732	 58.31	0	775405..776481	+	358	86608236	mutY	CYB_0752	-	A/G-specific adenine glycosylase
733	 53.99	-1	776569..776844	+	91	86608237	-	CYB_0753	-	hypothetical protein
734	 58.56	0	776908..777240	-	110	86608238	-	CYB_0754	-	hypothetical protein
735	 59.20	0	777394..778116	+	240	86608239	rnc	CYB_0755	-	ribonuclease III
736	 58.33	0	778113..778340	+	75	86608240	-	CYB_0756	-	hypothetical protein
737	 59.49	0	778412..779665	-	417	86608241	-	CYB_0757	-	hypothetical protein
738	 57.77	0	779825..780937	-	370	86608242	-	CYB_0758	-	hypothetical protein
739	 59.40	0	781057..782130	-	357	86608243	-	CYB_0759	-	OmpA family protein
740	 55.37	0	782480..783010	+	176	86608244	-	CYB_0761	-	hypothetical protein
741	 59.72	0	783007..783150	-	47	86608245	-	CYB_0760	-	hypothetical protein
742	 59.62	0	783496..784899	-	467	86608246	-	CYB_0762	-	acyltransferase domain-containing protein
743	 53.42	-1	785039..785491	-	150	86608247	-	CYB_0763	-	AbrB family transcriptional regulator
744	 50.81	-1	785522..785767	-	81	86608248	-	CYB_0764	-	hypothetical protein
745	 60.38	0	786057..788822	-	921	86608249	-	CYB_0765	-	cation transport ATPase
746	 57.31	0	789172..789684	-	170	86608250	-	CYB_0766	-	acetyltransferase
747	 60.74	0	789735..790004	-	89	86608251	-	CYB_0767	-	hypothetical protein
748	 60.76	0	790196..791278	+	360	86608252	-	CYB_0769	-	CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA nucleotide binding domain-containing protein
749	 60.70	0	791275..791643	-	122	86608253	-	CYB_0768	-	putative lipoprotein
750	 60.71	0	791709..793724	-	671	86608254	-	CYB_0770	-	OMP85 family membrane protein
751	 62.32	0	793828..794172	-	114	86608255	-	CYB_0771	-	hypothetical protein
752	 59.89	0	794683..795936	-	417	86608256	-	CYB_0772	-	hydrophobic amino acid ABC transporter periplasmic amino acid-binding protein
753	 58.67	0	796050..796199	-	49	86608257	-	CYB_0773	-	hypothetical protein
754	 58.97	0	796256..797074	+	272	86608258	-	CYB_0774	-	hydrophobic amino acid ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
755	 58.19	0	797071..797778	+	235	86608259	-	CYB_0775	-	hydrophobic amino acid ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
756	 60.52	0	797824..799530	-	568	86608260	recN	CYB_0776	-	DNA repair protein RecN
757	 61.65	0	799726..800742	-	338	86608261	-	CYB_0777	-	hypothetical protein
758	 62.18	0	800977..802446	-	489	86608262	-	CYB_0778	-	glutamate-cysteine ligase family 2 protein
759	 62.08	0	802518..803870	-	450	86608263	-	CYB_0779	-	tldD/pmbA family protein
760	 62.98	+1	804484..805785	+	433	86608264	-	CYB_0780	-	UbiH/UbiF/VisC/COQ6 family ubiquinone biosynthesis hydroxylase
761	 55.39	0	805866..806264	-	132	86608265	-	CYB_0781	-	hypothetical protein
762	 64.63	+1	806411..806704	+	97	86608266	-	CYB_0782	-	hypothetical protein
763	 63.92	+1	807056..807529	+	157	86608267	ispF	CYB_0783	-	2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase
764	 59.31	0	807712..809478	+	588	86608268	-	CYB_0784	-	peptide/nickel/opine uptake ABC transporter periplasmic substrate-binding protein
765	 60.71	0	809623..811788	-	721	86608269	-	CYB_0785	-	glycogen debranching enzyme family protein
766	 59.29	0	811920..812990	-	356	86608270	-	CYB_0786	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1 family protein
767	 59.43	0	813091..813960	-	289	86608271	-	CYB_0787	-	hypothetical protein
768	 58.91	0	814084..815385	-	433	86608272	-	CYB_0788	-	hypothetical protein
769	 61.37	0	815416..816528	-	370	86608273	-	CYB_0789	-	hypothetical protein
770	 61.22	0	816611..817510	-	299	86608274	-	CYB_0790	-	hypothetical protein
771	 60.66	0	817510..817875	-	121	86608275	-	CYB_0791	-	hypothetical protein
772	 58.16	0	817935..818216	-	93	86608276	-	CYB_0792	-	hypothetical protein
773	 59.33	0	818331..819434	-	367	86608277	-	CYB_0793	-	M8 family peptidase
774	 55.63	0	819559..820029	-	156	86608278	-	CYB_0794	-	hypothetical protein
775	 57.89	0	820613..821581	+	322	86608279	-	CYB_0795	-	2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family oxidoreductase
776	 57.78	0	821600..822274	+	224	86608280	-	CYB_0796	-	isochorismatase family protein
777	 61.46	0	822309..824516	+	735	86608281	-	CYB_0797	-	D-xylulose 5-phosphate/D-fructose 6-phosphate phosphoketolase family protein
778	 45.26	-2	824573..825922	+	449	86608282	-	CYB_0798	-	CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA nucleotide binding domain-containing protein
779	 50.00	-2	827054..827497	+	147	86608283	-	CYB_0800	-	hypothetical protein
780	 46.56	-2	827618..828547	-	309	86608284	mrr	CYB_0801	-	mrr restriction system protein
781	 60.99	0	828856..830316	-	486	86608285	phrB-2	CYB_0803	-	deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase
782	 59.86	0	830329..830916	-	195	86608286	hup-1	CYB_0804	-	DNA-binding protein HU
783	 55.63	0	831035..831478	+	147	86608287	pmgA	CYB_0805	-	pmgA protein
784	 63.78	+1	831482..833314	-	610	86608288	-	CYB_0806	-	hypothetical protein
785	 53.54	-1	833613..835700	+	695	86608289	uvrB	CYB_0807	-	excinuclease ABC subunit B
786	 59.46	0	835786..837645	+	619	86608290	-	CYB_0808	-	small conductance mechanosensitive ion channel (MscS) family protein
787	 60.41	0	837679..838269	+	196	86608291	-	CYB_0809	-	hypothetical protein
788	 50.98	-1	838433..839815	-	460	86608292	-	CYB_0810	-	proton extrusion protein PcxA
789	 59.26	0	839996..841399	-	467	86608293	-	CYB_0811	-	glycosyl transferase, group 2 family protein
790	 54.70	0	841656..841772	-	38	86608294	psbX	CYB_0812	-	photosystem II reaction center protein PsbX
791	 50.98	-1	841877..842233	-	118	86608295	-	CYB_0813	-	ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase, catalytic beta subunit
792	 61.86	0	842718..843944	-	408	86608296	-	CYB_0814	-	ISSoc9, transposase
793	 58.64	0	844279..844764	+	161	86608297	-	CYB_0815	-	iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein
794	 60.68	0	844860..846245	+	461	86608298	-	CYB_0816	-	carbohydrate kinase
795	 58.67	0	846704..846928	-	74	86608299	-	CYB_0817	-	hypothetical protein
796	 60.14	0	846925..848778	-	617	86608300	-	CYB_0818	-	S8A family peptidase
797	 58.33	0	848999..849694	+	231	86608301	-	CYB_0819	-	MotA/TolQ/ExbB family proton transporter
798	 59.62	0	849698..850123	+	141	86608302	sll1405	CYB_0820	-	ExbD/TolR family proton transporter
799	 62.86	+1	850394..851338	-	314	86608303	argF	CYB_0821	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
800	 59.49	0	851516..852811	-	431	86608304	prc-1	CYB_0822	-	C-terminal processing peptidase
801	 61.77	0	853143..854510	+	455	86608305	proA	CYB_0823	-	gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase
802	 57.77	0	854764..855291	+	175	86608306	-	CYB_0824	-	putative RNA-binding protein
803	 58.87	0	855383..856177	+	264	86608307	-	CYB_0825	-	DSBA thioredoxin domain-containing protein
804	 63.65	+1	856504..857697	-	397	86608308	-	CYB_0826	-	sporulation and cell division repeat-containing protein
805	 58.47	0	858031..858567	-	178	86608309	-	CYB_0827	-	hypothetical protein
806	 62.81	+1	858587..861259	+	890	86608310	recJ-1	CYB_0828	-	single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease RecJ
807	 60.06	0	861249..861914	+	221	86608311	-	CYB_0829	-	Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family protein superfamily
808	 61.60	0	861973..862584	+	203	86608312	rdgB	CYB_0830	-	non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase
809	 62.33	0	862696..863940	+	414	86608313	-	CYB_0831	-	hypothetical protein
810	 65.22	+1	863963..864583	+	206	86608314	tmk	CYB_0832	-	thymidylate kinase
811	 58.69	0	865060..866037	+	325	86608315	-	CYB_0833	-	CHAD domain-containing protein
812	 55.56	0	867437..867715	-	92	86608316	cas2	CYB_0834	-	CRISPR-associated Cas2 family protein
813	 51.01	-1	867715..868704	-	329	86608317	cas1	CYB_0835	-	CRISPR-associated Cas1 family protein
814	 50.00	-2	868704..869003	-	99	86608318	-	CYB_0836	-	hypothetical protein
815	 52.96	-1	869033..870856	-	607	86608319	-	CYB_0837	-	CRISPR-associated RAMP family protein
816	 50.93	-1	870887..871528	-	213	86608320	-	CYB_0838	-	hypothetical protein
817	 50.64	-1	871528..871920	-	130	86608321	-	CYB_0839	-	hypothetical protein
818	 53.70	-1	871945..872715	-	256	86608322	cmr4	CYB_0840	-	CRISPR-associated RAMP Cmr4 family protein family protein
819	 62.81	+1	872763..873902	-	379	86608323	-	CYB_0841	-	hypothetical protein
820	 60.44	0	873899..876886	-	995	86608324	crm2-2	CYB_0842	-	CRISPR-associated RAMP Crm2 family protein
821	 55.07	0	877089..878468	-	459	86608325	-	CYB_0843	-	CRISPR-associated TM1812 family protein
822	 54.32	-1	878454..878615	+	53	86608326	-	CYB_0844	-	hypothetical protein
823	 53.20	-1	878590..879339	+	249	86608327	-	CYB_0845	-	hypothetical protein
824	 56.65	0	879472..879990	-	172	86608328	-	CYB_0846	-	hypothetical protein
825	 57.16	0	880480..881394	-	304	86608329	-	CYB_0847	-	putative ribosomal protein S1
826	 59.18	0	881472..881912	-	146	86608330	-	CYB_0848	-	rrf2 family protein
58.48	MEAN

4.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.