IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 58.48 STD DEV: 4.07
Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13), complete genome - 1..3046682
2862 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
643	 60.02	0	673292..674284	-	330	86608147	cyoE	CYB_0660	-	protoheme IX farnesyltransferase
644	 59.38	0	674338..675297	-	319	86608148	-	CYB_0661	-	cytochrome oxidase assembly protein
645	 58.75	0	675947..677032	-	361	86608149	-	CYB_0662	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor, group 1
646	 55.39	0	677242..677640	+	132	86608150	-	CYB_0663	-	hypothetical protein
647	 53.83	-1	677971..678336	+	121	86608151	-	CYB_0664	-	hypothetical protein
648	 58.78	0	679816..680487	-	223	86608152	-	CYB_0666	-	phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase, putative
649	 59.14	0	680497..680868	-	123	86608153	-	CYB_0667	-	cytochrome c family protein
650	 64.00	+1	681090..682925	-	611	86608154	-	CYB_0668	-	glycosyl hydrolase domain-containing protein
651	 63.14	+1	683073..684488	-	471	86608155	recQ	CYB_0669	-	ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ
652	 61.15	0	684447..684827	+	126	86608156	-	CYB_0670	-	hypothetical protein
653	 59.74	0	684863..685483	+	206	86608157	hisB	CYB_0671	-	imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase
654	 56.50	0	685486..685662	+	58	86608158	-	CYB_0672	-	hypothetical protein
655	 55.56	0	685810..685962	+	50	86608159	psbY	CYB_0673	-	photosystem II protein PsbY
656	 61.67	0	685997..687097	+	366	86608160	-	CYB_0674	-	oxidoreductase, FAD-binding
657	 57.84	0	687275..688180	+	301	86608161	-	CYB_0675	-	putative 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase
658	 64.77	+1	688191..689507	+	438	86608162	-	CYB_0676	-	hypothetical protein
659	 60.01	0	689630..693067	+	1145	86608163	-	CYB_0677	-	trehalose synthase/putative maltokinase
660	 60.87	0	693115..693873	+	252	86608164	-	CYB_0679	-	hypothetical protein
661	 63.90	+1	693812..694969	-	385	86608165	dprA	CYB_0678	-	DNA protecting protein DprA
662	 60.71	0	695048..695299	+	83	86608166	-	CYB_0680	-	hypothetical protein
663	 60.27	0	695292..696746	+	484	86608167	-	CYB_0681	-	solute/sodium symporter (SSS) family protein
664	 62.18	0	696771..697595	-	274	86608168	-	CYB_0682	-	CAAX amino terminal protease family protein
665	 59.22	0	697611..697892	-	93	86608169	clpS-1	CYB_0683	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS
666	 59.49	0	698177..699904	+	575	86608170	phoD	CYB_0684	-	alkaline phosphatase
667	 56.67	0	700145..700504	+	119	86608171	-	CYB_0685	-	hypothetical protein
668	 56.91	0	700561..702855	-	764	86608172	-	CYB_0686	-	glycosyl transferase, group 2 family protein
669	 61.51	0	702940..704877	-	645	86608173	-	CYB_0687	-	hypothetical protein
670	 58.10	0	705026..705457	-	143	86608174	-	CYB_0688	-	mannose-6-phosphate isomerase family protein
671	 62.66	+1	705842..707362	+	506	86608175	-	CYB_0689	-	hypothetical protein
672	 62.16	0	707359..708489	+	376	86608176	-	CYB_0690	-	putative lipoprotein
673	 59.56	0	708584..709441	+	285	86608177	-	CYB_0691	-	hypothetical protein
674	 60.14	0	709543..710385	+	280	86608178	-	CYB_0692	-	universal stress protein
675	 63.25	+1	710394..711914	-	506	86608179	-	CYB_0693	-	hypothetical protein
676	 62.59	+1	711908..713206	-	432	86608180	hisS	CYB_0694	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
677	 63.22	+1	713301..714170	-	289	86608181	-	CYB_0695	-	hypothetical protein
678	 62.42	0	714107..715048	-	313	86608182	prmA	CYB_0696	-	ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase
679	 59.26	0	715225..715332	+	35	86608183	-	CYB_0697	-	hypothetical protein
680	 56.56	0	715473..716333	+	286	86608184	-	CYB_0699	-	hypothetical protein
681	 59.60	0	716330..717079	-	249	86608185	pcyA	CYB_0698	-	phycocyanobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
682	 60.69	0	717483..718268	+	261	86608186	panB	CYB_0701	-	3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase
683	 62.47	0	718709..719137	-	142	86608187	-	CYB_0702	-	putative lipoprotein
684	 60.32	0	719294..720901	+	535	86608188	-	CYB_0704	-	hypothetical protein
685	 63.44	+1	720895..722103	-	402	86608189	-	CYB_0703	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1 family protein
686	 58.21	0	722133..722546	-	137	86608190	-	CYB_0705	-	hypothetical protein
687	 62.92	+1	722622..723128	-	168	86608191	-	CYB_0706	-	hypothetical protein
688	 54.41	0	723191..724006	-	271	86608192	-	CYB_0707	-	cation transporter, voltage-gated ion channel cation transporter
689	 61.45	0	724155..724748	+	197	86608193	maf	CYB_0709	-	Maf-like protein
690	 59.27	0	724745..726217	-	490	86608194	gatB	CYB_0708	-	aspartyl/glutamyl-tRNA amidotransferase subunit B
691	 61.40	0	726365..726649	-	94	86608195	-	CYB_0710	-	acylphosphatase
692	 57.72	0	727074..727196	-	40	86608196	-	CYB_0711	-	hypothetical protein
693	 61.21	0	727768..728829	-	353	86608197	-	CYB_0712	-	sensor histidine kinase
694	 56.79	0	729396..730124	-	242	86608198	-	CYB_0713	-	hypothetical protein
695	 65.33	+1	730250..732268	-	672	86608199	chlD	CYB_0714	-	magnesium chelatase, ATPase subunit D
696	 61.12	0	732548..733990	-	480	86608200	-	CYB_0715	-	gamma-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase
697	 56.67	0	734392..734541	+	49	86608201	-	CYB_0716	-	hypothetical protein
698	 65.67	+1	734882..736180	+	432	86608202	-	CYB_0717	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
699	 61.34	0	736242..739451	+	1069	86608203	-	CYB_0718	-	hydrophobe/amphiphile efflux-1 (HAE1) family protein
700	 58.14	0	739515..739772	-	85	86608204	-	CYB_0719	-	hypothetical protein
701	 55.35	0	739966..740760	-	264	86608205	-	CYB_0720	-	hypothetical protein
702	 61.02	0	740889..741632	-	247	86608206	-	CYB_0721	-	hypothetical protein
703	 58.67	0	741667..741891	-	74	86608207	-	CYB_0722	-	hypothetical protein
704	 58.50	0	742106..742693	+	195	86608208	-	CYB_0723	-	FHA domain-containing protein
705	 59.27	0	742695..744182	-	495	86608209	-	CYB_0724	-	high-affinity Na+/H+ antiporter
706	 59.56	0	744475..745149	-	224	86608210	pth	CYB_0725	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
707	 57.39	0	745337..746554	+	405	86608211	-	CYB_0726	-	GAF domain-containing protein
708	 58.73	0	746837..747958	+	373	86608212	-	CYB_0727	-	putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
709	 53.65	-1	748011..748394	-	127	86608213	-	CYB_0728	-	hypothetical protein
710	 60.94	0	749863..750927	-	354	86608214	menC	CYB_0729	-	O-succinylbenzoate synthase
711	 61.24	0	751292..752581	-	429	86608215	-	CYB_0731	-	M16 family peptidase
712	 61.23	0	752642..753946	-	434	86608216	-	CYB_0732	-	M16B family peptidase
713	 61.40	0	754141..755355	-	404	86608217	-	CYB_0733	-	M50B family peptidase
714	 60.72	0	755731..759144	+	1137	86608218	nrdJ	CYB_0734	-	ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase, adenosylcobalamin-dependent, intein containing
715	 58.88	0	759278..760279	+	333	86608219	pheS	CYB_0735	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit
716	 52.19	-1	760347..760643	-	98	86608220	-	CYB_0736	-	hypothetical protein
717	 54.86	0	760835..761410	-	191	86608221	-	CYB_0737	-	hypothetical protein
718	 61.51	0	761607..762362	-	251	86608222	-	CYB_0738	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
719	 62.98	+1	762417..764204	-	595	86608223	-	CYB_0739	-	metallo-beta-lactamase family protein
720	 61.10	0	764461..765933	-	490	86608224	-	CYB_0740	-	cellulose synthase, catalytic subunit
721	 60.37	0	766178..766447	-	89	86608225	rpmA	CYB_0741	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
722	 57.04	0	766524..766949	-	141	86608226	rplU	CYB_0742	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
723	 58.37	0	767236..767994	-	252	86608227	-	CYB_0743	-	hypothetical protein
724	 60.28	0	768031..768312	-	93	86608228	-	CYB_0744	-	hypothetical protein
725	 62.18	0	768309..769244	-	311	86608229	-	CYB_0745	-	DnaJ family protein
726	 56.04	0	769401..770162	-	253	86608230	-	CYB_0746	-	hypothetical protein
727	 61.64	0	770421..771275	-	284	86608231	-	CYB_0747	-	M28A family peptidase
728	 60.79	0	771272..772054	-	260	86608232	-	CYB_0748	-	HAD family hydrolase
729	 62.11	0	772180..773562	+	460	86608233	lpdA	CYB_0749	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
730	 57.29	0	773671..774939	+	422	86608234	-	CYB_0750	-	hypothetical protein
731	 52.90	-1	775173..775310	+	45	86608235	-	CYB_0751	-	hypothetical protein
732	 58.31	0	775405..776481	+	358	86608236	mutY	CYB_0752	-	A/G-specific adenine glycosylase
733	 53.99	-1	776569..776844	+	91	86608237	-	CYB_0753	-	hypothetical protein
734	 58.56	0	776908..777240	-	110	86608238	-	CYB_0754	-	hypothetical protein
735	 59.20	0	777394..778116	+	240	86608239	rnc	CYB_0755	-	ribonuclease III
736	 58.33	0	778113..778340	+	75	86608240	-	CYB_0756	-	hypothetical protein
737	 59.49	0	778412..779665	-	417	86608241	-	CYB_0757	-	hypothetical protein
738	 57.77	0	779825..780937	-	370	86608242	-	CYB_0758	-	hypothetical protein
739	 59.40	0	781057..782130	-	357	86608243	-	CYB_0759	-	OmpA family protein
740	 55.37	0	782480..783010	+	176	86608244	-	CYB_0761	-	hypothetical protein
741	 59.72	0	783007..783150	-	47	86608245	-	CYB_0760	-	hypothetical protein
742	 59.62	0	783496..784899	-	467	86608246	-	CYB_0762	-	acyltransferase domain-containing protein
58.48	MEAN

4.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.