IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 58.48 STD DEV: 4.07
Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13), complete genome - 1..3046682
2862 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
84	 63.16	+1	99710..101248	+	512	86607587	-	CYB_0085	-	hypothetical protein
85	 58.89	0	101494..102624	-	376	86607588	-	CYB_0086	-	hypothetical protein
86	 54.11	-1	102812..104029	+	405	86607589	-	CYB_0087	-	ISSoc1, transposase
87	 61.71	0	104064..105293	+	409	86607590	xseA	CYB_0088	-	exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit
88	 55.27	0	105274..105510	+	78	86607591	xseB	CYB_0089	-	exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit
89	 62.36	0	105603..106484	+	293	86607592	folD	CYB_0090	-	FolD bifunctional protein
90	 58.72	0	107027..107731	-	234	86607593	-	CYB_0091	-	hypothetical protein
91	 59.22	0	107841..108458	-	205	86607594	-	CYB_0092	-	pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase family protein
92	 58.76	0	108515..109690	-	391	86607595	-	CYB_0093	-	acetyltransferase
93	 57.95	0	110017..110670	-	217	86607596	-	CYB_0094	-	hypothetical protein
94	 60.79	0	110944..112338	+	464	86607597	murA	CYB_0095	-	UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase
95	 62.08	0	112532..114667	+	711	86607598	-	CYB_0096	-	Slt family transglycosylase
96	 60.88	0	114811..115398	+	195	86607599	sixA	CYB_0097	-	phosphohistidine phosphatase SixA
97	 60.54	0	115467..115760	-	97	86607600	-	CYB_0098	-	hypothetical protein
98	 60.06	0	115840..116520	+	226	86607601	-	CYB_0100	-	DnaJ family protein
99	 59.08	0	116512..117381	-	289	86607602	-	CYB_0099	-	S49 family peptidase
100	 60.77	0	117452..118333	-	293	86607603	-	CYB_0101	-	hypothetical protein
101	 56.17	0	118335..119306	-	323	86607604	-	CYB_0102	-	beta-carotene ketolase, putative
102	 57.32	0	119664..119909	+	81	86607605	psaK	CYB_0103	-	photosystem I reaction center protein PsaK
103	 49.61	-2	120040..120168	+	42	86607606	psbK	CYB_0104	-	photosystem II reaction center protein K
104	 58.70	0	120507..121046	-	179	86607607	-	CYB_0105	-	hypothetical protein
105	 56.60	0	121122..121568	-	148	86607608	-	CYB_0106	-	hypothetical protein
106	 60.34	0	121855..122913	+	352	86607609	chlI	CYB_0107	-	magnesium chelatase, ATPase subunit I
107	 63.09	+1	122953..123651	-	232	86607610	-	CYB_0108	-	hypothetical protein
108	 57.87	0	124060..124593	-	177	86607611	nucH	CYB_0109	-	thermonuclease
109	 62.02	0	124796..124924	-	42	86607612	-	CYB_0110	-	hypothetical protein
110	 61.22	0	125417..126004	+	195	86607613	-	CYB_0111	-	CAAX amino terminal protease family protein
111	 57.71	0	126236..127117	+	293	86607614	-	CYB_0112	-	phospholipase/carboxylesterase family protein
112	 54.84	0	127262..127912	+	216	86607615	-	CYB_0113	-	anti-oxidant AhpCTSA family protein
113	 56.32	0	128097..128666	-	189	86607616	scpB	CYB_0114	-	segregation and condensation protein B
114	 58.69	0	128766..130922	-	718	86607617	-	CYB_0115	-	NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F
115	 53.99	-1	130928..131140	+	70	86607618	-	CYB_0116	-	hypothetical protein
116	 59.10	0	131259..131615	+	118	86607619	-	CYB_0117	-	single-strand DNA-binding protein
117	 62.70	+1	131641..132396	-	251	86607620	cobK	CYB_0118	-	cobalt-precorrin-6x reductase
118	 56.98	0	132488..133003	+	171	86607621	-	CYB_0119	-	hypothetical protein
119	 61.44	0	133034..133855	+	273	86607622	-	CYB_0120	-	MOSC domain-containing protein
120	 60.16	0	133905..135134	+	409	86607623	ispG	CYB_0121	-	4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase
121	 56.41	0	135204..135632	-	142	86607624	-	CYB_0122	-	hypothetical protein
122	 56.85	0	135720..136391	+	223	86607625	-	CYB_0123	-	hypothetical protein
123	 58.92	0	136597..136893	+	98	86607626	-	CYB_0124	-	hypothetical protein
124	 57.09	0	136913..137173	-	86	86607627	grxC	CYB_0125	-	glutaredoxin 3
125	 53.36	-1	137266..140061	-	931	86607628	polA	CYB_0126	-	DNA polymerase I
126	 60.38	0	140385..141068	+	227	86607629	-	CYB_0127	-	putative polysaccharide deacetylase
127	 59.16	0	141133..141891	+	252	86607630	-	CYB_0128	-	pspA/IM30 family protein
128	 61.14	0	142155..142679	+	174	86607631	psbP	CYB_0129	-	photosystem II oxygen evolving complex protein PsbP
129	 57.11	0	142995..143789	+	264	86607632	icc	CYB_0131	-	icc protein
130	 63.88	+1	143786..144610	-	274	86607633	-	CYB_0130	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
131	 64.19	+1	144607..145536	-	309	86607634	-	CYB_0132	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
132	 60.26	0	145666..146820	+	384	86607635	-	CYB_0133	-	hypothetical protein
133	 61.51	0	147255..148340	-	361	86607636	-	CYB_0134	-	polysaccharide pyruvyl-transferase
134	 56.26	0	148418..149311	-	297	86607637	-	CYB_0135	-	hypothetical protein
135	 54.32	-1	149363..149767	-	134	86607638	psbU	CYB_0136	-	photosystem II complex extrinsic protein precursor U
136	 62.69	+1	149926..152892	+	988	86607639	gcvP	CYB_0137	-	glycine dehydrogenase
137	 60.27	0	152926..153597	+	223	86607640	-	CYB_0138	-	hypothetical protein
138	 60.27	0	153600..154037	+	145	86607641	-	CYB_0139	-	hypothetical protein
139	 58.76	0	154075..154656	+	193	86607642	-	CYB_0140	-	AhpC/TSA family protein
140	 62.98	+1	154702..156357	+	551	86607643	-	CYB_0141	-	hypothetical protein
141	 57.02	0	159250..160389	+	379	86607644	-	CYB_0142	-	cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase
142	 56.31	0	160487..160930	+	147	86607645	-	CYB_0143	-	SufE family Fe-S metabolism protein
143	 58.38	0	160944..162065	+	373	86607646	-	CYB_0144	-	putative zinc ABC transporter, periplasmic zinc-binding protein
144	 62.30	0	162062..162862	+	266	86607647	-	CYB_0145	-	manganese/zinc/iron chelate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
145	 59.74	0	162873..163709	+	278	86607648	-	CYB_0147	-	manganese/zinc/iron chelate ABC transporter permease
146	 62.32	0	163678..164529	-	283	86607649	-	CYB_0146	-	hypothetical protein
147	 55.00	0	165050..165229	+	59	86607650	rpmF	CYB_0148	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
148	 59.95	0	165341..165757	+	138	86607651	-	CYB_0149	-	DnaJ domain-containing protein
149	 55.30	0	165885..166148	+	87	86607652	-	CYB_0150	-	hypothetical protein
150	 62.06	0	166156..166914	+	252	86607653	-	CYB_0151	-	glyoxalase II family protein
151	 62.90	+1	167037..168230	-	397	86607654	-	CYB_0152	-	major facilitator transporter
152	 46.38	-2	168273..168617	-	114	86607655	-	CYB_0153	-	hypothetical protein
153	 53.01	-1	168927..169358	-	143	86607656	crcB	CYB_0154	-	crcB protein
154	 61.67	0	169411..171030	-	539	86607657	-	CYB_0155	-	sodium/hydrogen exchanger/universal stress family protein
155	 57.32	0	171358..171999	-	213	86607658	-	CYB_0156	-	hypothetical protein
156	 61.06	0	172007..172630	-	207	86607659	hisIE	CYB_0157	-	bifunctional phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase/phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase protein
157	 58.33	0	172724..172831	-	35	86607660	-	CYB_0158	-	hypothetical protein
158	 54.29	-1	172909..173700	+	263	86607661	phnC-1	CYB_0159	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
159	 53.96	-1	173747..174643	+	298	86607662	phnD-1	CYB_0160	-	phosphonate ABC tranporter, periplasmic phosphonate-binding protein
160	 56.04	0	174612..175430	+	272	86607663	phnE-1	CYB_0161	-	phosphonate ABC transporter, permease protein
161	 62.14	0	175440..175859	+	139	86607664	-	CYB_0162	-	putative phosphonate metabolism protein PhnG
162	 62.28	0	175868..176437	+	189	86607665	phnH	CYB_0163	-	phosphonate metabolism protein PhnH
163	 62.49	0	176422..177474	+	350	86607666	phnI	CYB_0164	-	phosphonate metabolism protein PhnI
164	 61.71	0	177458..178324	+	288	86607667	phnJ	CYB_0165	-	phosphonate metabolism protein PhnJ
165	 59.51	0	178317..179084	+	255	86607668	phnK	CYB_0166	-	phosphonate C-P lyase system protein PhnK
166	 58.48	0	179095..179790	+	231	86607669	phnL	CYB_0167	-	phosphonate C-P lyase system protein PhnL
167	 61.75	0	179771..180910	+	379	86607670	-	CYB_0168	-	putative phosphonate metabolism protein PhnM
168	 62.02	0	180951..183122	-	723	86607671	-	CYB_0169	-	polysaccharide deacetylase family protein
169	 58.89	0	183572..183931	-	119	86607672	-	CYB_0170	-	CpcD/allophycocyanin linker domain-containing protein
170	 60.36	0	184303..184857	+	184	86607673	-	CYB_0171	-	hypothetical protein
171	 52.33	-1	184891..186201	-	436	86607674	-	CYB_0172	-	hypothetical protein
172	 58.30	0	186762..187454	-	230	86607675	-	CYB_0174	-	DNA-binding response regulator
173	 57.62	0	187662..188435	+	257	86607676	-	CYB_0175	-	hypothetical protein
174	 61.93	0	188444..189625	-	393	86607677	-	CYB_0176	-	glycosyl transferase, group 2
175	 52.01	-1	189779..190126	+	115	86607678	-	CYB_0177	-	anti-anti-sigma factor family protein
176	 58.30	0	190206..191030	-	274	86607679	-	CYB_0178	-	TPR domain-containing protein
177	 59.01	0	191204..192235	+	343	86607680	-	CYB_0179	-	iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein
178	 60.27	0	192245..194026	-	593	86607681	sir	CYB_0180	-	sulfite reductase subunit beta
179	 55.18	0	194180..196207	-	675	86607682	-	CYB_0181	-	peroxisomal fatty acyl CoA ABC transporter transmembrane ATP-binding protein
180	 61.22	0	196291..197484	-	397	86607683	-	CYB_0182	-	hypothetical protein
181	 56.39	0	197581..198018	-	145	86607684	-	CYB_0183	-	hypothetical protein
182	 55.80	0	198055..198330	-	91	86607685	rpsO	CYB_0184	-	ribosomal protein S15
183	 62.28	0	198423..199106	+	227	86607686	-	CYB_0185	-	phycocyanin alpha subunit phycocyanobilin lyase, CpcF subunit
58.48	MEAN

4.07	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.