IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Sulfurimonas denitrificans DSM 1251

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 34.46 STD DEV: 3.28
Sulfurimonas denitrificans DSM 1251, complete genome - 1..2201561
2096 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1547	 36.62	0	1623691..1624389	+	232	78777749	-	Suden_1552	-	hypothetical protein
1548	 37.87	+1	1625005..1626348	+	447	78777750	rho	Suden_1553	-	transcription termination factor Rho
1549	 35.62	0	1626442..1627185	+	247	78777751	-	Suden_1554	-	glutamate racemase
1550	 30.45	-1	1627186..1629651	+	821	78777752	-	Suden_1555	-	putative CheA signal transduction histidine kinases
1551	 34.13	0	1629648..1630025	+	125	78777753	-	Suden_1556	-	response regulator receiver domain-containing protein
1552	 37.38	0	1630191..1631822	+	543	78777754	-	Suden_1557	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
1553	 29.68	-1	1631819..1633213	-	464	78777755	-	Suden_1558	-	histidine kinase
1554	 33.93	0	1633207..1633881	-	224	78777756	-	Suden_1559	-	two component transcriptional regulator
1555	 30.50	-1	1633981..1634439	+	152	78777757	-	Suden_1560	-	hypothetical protein
1556	 37.16	0	1634436..1635245	-	269	78777758	-	Suden_1561	-	metallophosphoesterase
1557	 38.54	+1	1635274..1635945	-	223	78777759	-	Suden_1562	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
1558	 26.00	-2	1636226..1637248	-	340	78777760	-	Suden_1563	-	hypothetical protein
1559	 25.84	-2	1637390..1638163	-	257	78777761	-	Suden_1564	-	hypothetical protein
1560	 30.29	-1	1638160..1639146	-	328	78777762	-	Suden_1565	-	DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
1561	 37.84	+1	1639261..1642233	-	990	78777763	-	Suden_1566	-	transcription-repair coupling factor
1562	 32.21	0	1642253..1642609	-	118	78777764	-	Suden_1567	-	hypothetical protein
1563	 35.74	0	1642609..1643562	-	317	78777765	-	Suden_1568	-	peptidase M23B
1564	 33.16	0	1643555..1644703	-	382	78777766	-	Suden_1569	-	folylpolyglutamate synthetase
1565	 33.78	0	1644700..1646250	-	516	78777767	-	Suden_1570	-	diguanylate cyclase
1566	 34.10	0	1646260..1646784	-	174	78777768	-	Suden_1571	-	hypothetical protein
1567	 35.68	0	1646787..1649255	-	822	78777769	leuS	Suden_1572	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase
1568	 34.81	0	1649265..1649603	-	112	78777770	-	Suden_1573	-	hypothetical protein
1569	 36.42	0	1649708..1650679	-	323	78777771	secF	Suden_1574	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecF
1570	 37.42	0	1650682..1652247	-	521	78777772	secD	Suden_1575	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecD
1571	 32.58	0	1652237..1652503	-	88	78777773	yajC	Suden_1576	-	preprotein translocase subunit YajC
1572	 32.53	0	1652608..1653846	+	412	78777774	-	Suden_1577	-	apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
1573	 35.38	0	1653941..1656043	+	700	78777775	-	Suden_1578	-	polyphosphate kinase
1574	 40.72	+1	1656045..1656572	+	175	78777776	-	Suden_1579	-	hexapaptide repeat-containing transferase
1575	 37.25	0	1656573..1657184	+	203	78777777	-	Suden_1580	-	hypothetical protein
1576	 32.92	0	1657176..1658381	-	401	78777778	-	Suden_1581	-	hypothetical protein
1577	 37.58	0	1658390..1658554	-	54	78777779	-	Suden_1582	-	rubredoxin-type Fe(Cys)4 protein
1578	 31.76	0	1658665..1659045	-	126	78777780	-	Suden_1583	-	hypothetical protein
1579	 36.02	0	1659042..1660829	-	595	78777781	-	Suden_1584	-	hypothetical protein
1580	 35.85	0	1660826..1662019	-	397	78777782	-	Suden_1585	-	cytochrome-c peroxidase
1581	 37.25	0	1662020..1662835	-	271	78777783	-	Suden_1586	-	Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR
1582	 29.82	-1	1663088..1664740	-	550	78777784	-	Suden_1587	-	hypothetical protein
1583	 30.33	-1	1664737..1666134	-	465	78777785	-	Suden_1588	-	hypothetical protein
1584	 29.94	-1	1666427..1667074	+	215	78777786	-	Suden_1589	-	hypothetical protein
1585	 37.48	0	1667067..1668923	+	618	78777787	-	Suden_1590	-	integrase catalytic subunit
1586	 37.90	+1	1668927..1669868	+	313	78777788	-	Suden_1591	-	TniB
1587	 32.81	0	1669865..1671001	+	378	78777789	-	Suden_1592	-	hypothetical protein
1588	 27.73	-2	1671012..1671368	-	118	78777790	-	Suden_1593	-	transposase
1589	 30.89	-1	1671542..1673134	+	530	78777791	-	Suden_1594	-	N-6 DNA methylase
1590	 29.69	-1	1673135..1673518	+	127	78777792	-	Suden_1595	-	hypothetical protein
1591	 24.98	-2	1673560..1674564	+	334	78777793	-	Suden_1596	-	hypothetical protein
1592	 24.57	-2	1674567..1676711	+	714	78777794	-	Suden_1597	-	ATPase
1593	 25.86	-2	1676818..1678905	+	695	78777795	-	Suden_1598	-	hypothetical protein
1594	 34.82	0	1678895..1680571	-	558	78777796	-	Suden_1599	-	hypothetical protein
1595	 37.23	0	1680632..1681810	-	392	78777797	argJ	Suden_1600	-	bifunctional ornithine acetyltransferase/N-acetylglutamate synthase protein
1596	 34.74	0	1681803..1682939	-	378	78777798	-	Suden_1601	-	hypothetical protein
1597	 36.51	0	1682958..1683146	-	62	78777799	rpmB	Suden_1602	-	50S ribosomal protein L28
1598	 33.96	0	1683294..1684091	+	265	78777800	-	Suden_1603	-	putative signal transduction protein
1599	 32.33	0	1684088..1685482	+	464	78777801	-	Suden_1604	-	CheC, inhibitor of MCP methylation
1600	 36.92	0	1685526..1686167	+	213	78777802	-	Suden_1605	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
1601	 36.92	0	1686170..1686754	+	194	78777803	-	Suden_1606	-	phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase
1602	 34.08	0	1686761..1687561	+	266	78777804	-	Suden_1607	-	DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon
1603	 36.97	0	1687564..1688499	-	311	78777805	-	Suden_1608	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyltransferase subunit alpha
1604	 40.48	+1	1688516..1689733	-	405	78777806	-	Suden_1609	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase II
1605	 33.70	0	1689834..1690106	-	90	78777807	-	Suden_1610	-	Acyl carrier protein (ACP)
1606	 31.99	0	1690229..1691566	-	445	78777808	-	Suden_1611	-	deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase
1607	 35.55	0	1691574..1692521	-	315	78777809	-	Suden_1612	-	hypothetical protein
1608	 39.76	+1	1692563..1693309	-	248	78777810	fabG	Suden_1613	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1609	 38.48	+1	1693328..1694803	-	491	78777811	-	Suden_1614	-	phosphoglyceromutase
1610	 34.27	0	1694877..1695938	+	353	78777812	mraY	Suden_1615	-	phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase
1611	 36.57	0	1695938..1697143	+	401	78777813	murD	Suden_1616	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate synthetase
1612	 32.08	0	1697140..1697697	+	185	78777814	-	Suden_1617	-	Formyl transferase-like
1613	 33.11	0	1698097..1698549	+	150	78777815	-	Suden_1618	-	Phage integrase
1614	 34.43	0	1698890..1699072	-	60	78777816	-	Suden_1619	-	hypothetical protein
1615	 31.56	0	1699121..1699459	-	112	78777817	-	Suden_1620	-	hypothetical protein
1616	 34.92	0	1699689..1701197	-	502	78777818	-	Suden_1621	-	hypothetical protein
1617	 36.45	0	1701208..1704546	-	1112	78777819	-	Suden_1622	-	exonuclease V subunit alpha
1618	 31.72	0	1704574..1705317	-	247	78777820	-	Suden_1623	-	Phage anti-repressor protein-like
1619	 33.96	0	1705556..1705873	-	105	78777821	-	Suden_1624	-	hypothetical protein
1620	 39.29	+1	1705882..1706637	-	251	78777822	-	Suden_1625	-	hypothetical protein
1621	 31.88	0	1706653..1707480	-	275	78777823	-	Suden_1626	-	hypothetical protein
1622	 37.32	0	1707615..1710395	-	926	78777824	-	Suden_1627	-	hypothetical protein
1623	 27.96	-1	1710399..1711124	-	241	78777825	-	Suden_1628	-	hypothetical protein
1624	 40.00	+1	1711290..1711784	-	164	78777826	-	Suden_1629	-	hypothetical protein
1625	 35.38	0	1712543..1713274	-	243	78777827	-	Suden_1630	-	hypothetical protein
1626	 30.86	-1	1713419..1713661	-	80	78777828	-	Suden_1631	-	hypothetical protein
1627	 24.05	-2	1713814..1714287	+	157	78777829	-	Suden_1632	-	hypothetical protein
1628	 36.50	0	1714292..1715398	-	368	78777830	-	Suden_1633	-	Phage integrase
1629	 24.44	-2	1715398..1715982	-	194	78777831	-	Suden_1634	-	hypothetical protein
1630	 39.04	+1	1716570..1717007	-	145	78777832	-	Suden_1635	-	cytosine deaminase
1631	 38.94	+1	1717576..1718502	+	308	78777833	-	Suden_1636	-	ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase
1632	 38.47	+1	1718516..1720306	+	596	78777834	-	Suden_1637	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
1633	 31.77	0	1720320..1720895	+	191	78777835	-	Suden_1638	-	transformation system protein
1634	 33.06	0	1720943..1722805	+	620	78777836	-	Suden_1639	-	Outer membrane cobalamin receptor protein-like
1635	 27.08	-2	1722806..1723237	+	143	78777837	-	Suden_1640	-	hypothetical protein
1636	 29.69	-1	1723231..1725153	+	640	78777838	-	Suden_1641	-	diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase
1637	 33.28	0	1725137..1727134	-	665	78777839	-	Suden_1642	-	hypothetical protein
1638	 37.99	+1	1727315..1727872	+	185	78777840	-	Suden_1643	-	GrpE protein
1639	 37.31	0	1728033..1729919	+	628	78777841	-	Suden_1644	-	molecular chaperone DnaK
1640	 30.31	-1	1729990..1730982	+	330	78777842	-	Suden_1645	-	hypothetical protein
1641	 31.33	0	1731105..1732847	+	580	78777843	-	Suden_1646	-	diguanylate cyclase
1642	 34.38	0	1732864..1734006	-	380	78777844	-	Suden_1647	-	dihydropteroate synthase
1643	 32.86	0	1733996..1734625	-	209	78777845	-	Suden_1648	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
1644	 36.61	0	1734612..1735160	-	182	78777846	-	Suden_1649	-	hypothetical protein
1645	 36.63	0	1735240..1736451	-	403	78777847	-	Suden_1650	-	aspartate kinase
1646	 33.97	0	1736452..1736922	-	156	78777848	-	Suden_1651	-	dinucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase
34.46	MEAN

3.28	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.