IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS315

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 38.60 STD DEV: 3.72
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS315, complete genome - 1..1900521
1865 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1176	 40.25	0	1202864..1204222	-	452	21910712	murD	SpyM3_1176	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate synthetase
1177	 36.51	0	1204578..1204829	-	83	21910713	-	SpyM3_1177	-	hypothetical protein
1178	 41.77	0	1204951..1206657	-	568	21910714	-	SpyM3_1178	-	putative GTP-binding protein TypA/BipA
1179	 38.46	0	1206975..1207364	-	129	21910715	-	SpyM3_1179	-	hypothetical protein
1180	 43.31	+1	1207374..1208345	-	323	21910716	glcK	SpyM3_1180	-	putative glucose kinase
1181	 33.33	-1	1208350..1208571	-	73	21910717	-	SpyM3_1181	-	hypothetical protein
1182	 39.96	0	1208695..1209222	-	175	21910718	dpr	SpyM3_1182	-	putative peroxide resistance protein
1183	 33.17	-1	1209450..1210076	+	208	21910719	-	SpyM3_1183	-	hypothetical protein
1184	 37.50	0	1210158..1211237	-	359	21910720	-	SpyM3_1184	-	hypothetical protein
1185	 33.82	-1	1211241..1211861	-	206	21910721	-	SpyM3_1185	-	hypothetical protein
1186	 37.73	0	1212309..1213286	-	325	21910722	-	SpyM3_1186	-	putative ribose transport operon repressor
1187	 38.25	0	1213700..1214737	-	345	21910723	-	SpyM3_1187	-	hypothetical protein
1188	 34.96	0	1214724..1215215	-	163	21910724	coaD	SpyM3_1188	-	phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase
1189	 38.15	0	1215205..1215744	-	179	21910725	-	SpyM3_1189	-	putative type II DNA modification methyltransferase
1190	 40.99	0	1215867..1216859	-	330	21910726	asnA	SpyM3_1190	-	asparagine synthetase AsnA
1191	 42.59	+1	1217172..1218122	-	316	21910727	arcC	SpyM3_1191	-	carbamate kinase
1192	 41.82	0	1218142..1219473	-	443	21910728	-	SpyM3_1192	-	hypothetical protein
1193	 40.36	0	1219490..1220983	-	497	21910729	-	SpyM3_1193	-	putative arginine repressor
1194	 41.81	0	1221153..1222166	-	337	21910730	arcB	SpyM3_1194	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
1195	 39.63	0	1222206..1222634	-	142	21910731	-	SpyM3_1195	-	hypothetical protein
1196	 40.45	0	1222734..1223969	-	411	21910732	arcA	SpyM3_1196	-	arginine deiminase
1197	 35.83	0	1224245..1224925	-	226	21910733	-	SpyM3_1197	-	putative CRP/FNR transcriptional regulator
1198	 40.72	0	1225067..1225540	+	157	21910734	argR	SpyM3_1198	-	putative arginine repressor
1199	 41.56	0	1225707..1226423	-	238	21910735	-	SpyM3_1199	-	hypothetical protein
1200	 40.83	0	1226437..1227516	-	359	21910736	-	SpyM3_1200	-	hypothetical protein
1201	 43.37	+1	1227589..1229322	-	577	21910737	yesM	SpyM3_1201	-	putative two-component sensor histidine kinase
1202	 40.62	0	1229319..1230059	-	246	21910738	yesN	SpyM3_1202	-	putative two-component response regulator
1203	 43.17	+1	1230304..1230486	-	60	21910739	-	SpyM3_1203	-	hypothetical protein
1204	 35.24	0	1230832..1231407	-	191	21910740	sla	SpyM3_1204	-	streptococcal phospholipase A2 - phage associated
1205	 28.85	-2	1231883..1232662	-	259	21910741	speK	SpyM3_1205	-	streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin SpeK - phage associated
1206	 32.53	-1	1232966..1233832	-	288	21910742	-	SpyM3_1206	-	hypothetical protein
1207	 34.48	-1	1233820..1234344	-	174	21910743	-	SpyM3_1207	-	hypothetical protein
1208	 44.22	+1	1234484..1235686	-	400	21910744	-	SpyM3_1208	-	putative cell wall hydrolase, lysin - phage associated
1209	 38.17	0	1235797..1235982	-	61	21910745	-	SpyM3_1209	-	hypothetical protein
1210	 39.06	0	1235979..1236275	-	98	21910746	-	SpyM3_1210	-	hypothetical protein
1211	 41.18	0	1236286..1236897	-	203	21910747	-	SpyM3_1211	-	hypothetical protein
1212	 36.57	0	1236900..1237331	-	143	21910748	-	SpyM3_1212	-	hypothetical protein
1213	 44.59	+1	1237343..1239226	-	627	21910749	-	SpyM3_1213	-	hypothetical protein
1214	 43.69	+1	1239241..1240254	-	337	21910750	hylP.4	SpyM3_1214	-	hyaluronidase - phage associated
1215	 41.31	0	1240251..1242395	-	714	21910751	-	SpyM3_1215	-	hypothetical protein
1216	 39.33	0	1242392..1243108	-	238	21910752	-	SpyM3_1216	-	hypothetical protein
1217	 43.05	+1	1243105..1246365	-	1086	21910753	-	SpyM3_1217	-	putative minor tail protein - phage associated
1218	 37.63	0	1246355..1246936	-	193	21910754	-	SpyM3_1218	-	hypothetical protein
1219	 39.54	0	1246940..1247374	-	144	21910755	-	SpyM3_1219	-	hypothetical protein
1220	 42.80	+1	1247413..1247898	-	161	21910756	-	SpyM3_1220	-	putative major tail shaft protein - phage associated
1221	 36.34	0	1247898..1248296	-	132	21910757	-	SpyM3_1221	-	putative minor capsid protein - phage associated
1222	 43.98	+1	1248293..1248649	-	118	21910758	-	SpyM3_1222	-	putative minor capsid protein - phage associated
1223	 38.84	0	1248649..1249011	-	120	21910759	-	SpyM3_1223	-	putative minor capsid protein - phage associated
1224	 39.09	0	1248971..1249387	-	138	21910760	-	SpyM3_1224	-	hypothetical protein
1225	 43.83	+1	1249441..1250259	-	272	21910761	-	SpyM3_1225	-	putative major capsid/head protein - phage associated
1226	 40.07	0	1250263..1250871	-	202	21910762	-	SpyM3_1226	-	hypothetical protein
1227	 35.58	0	1251003..1251269	-	88	21910763	-	SpyM3_1227	-	hypothetical protein
1228	 32.92	-1	1251331..1251570	-	79	21910764	-	SpyM3_1228	-	hypothetical protein
1229	 40.09	0	1251542..1253020	-	492	21910765	-	SpyM3_1229	-	putative minor capsid protein - phage associated
1230	 40.65	0	1253025..1254527	-	500	21910766	-	SpyM3_1230	-	putative minor capsid protein - phage associated
1231	 41.09	0	1254541..1255752	-	403	21910767	-	SpyM3_1231	-	putative terminase large subunit - phage associated
1232	 39.45	0	1255835..1256308	-	157	21910768	-	SpyM3_1232	-	hypothetical protein
1233	 28.84	-2	1256359..1256736	-	125	21910769	-	SpyM3_1233	-	hypothetical protein
1234	 28.52	-2	1256797..1257066	-	89	21910770	-	SpyM3_1234	-	hypothetical protein
1235	 34.96	0	1257189..1257866	-	225	21910771	-	SpyM3_1235	-	putative ABC transporter ATP-binding protein - phage associated
1236	 34.10	-1	1257845..1258363	-	172	21910772	-	SpyM3_1236	-	hypothetical protein
1237	 46.12	+2	1258444..1258701	+	85	21910773	-	SpyM3_1237	-	hypothetical protein
1238	 44.32	+1	1258600..1258863	-	87	21910774	-	SpyM3_1238	-	hypothetical protein
1239	 45.83	+1	1258973..1259212	-	79	21910775	-	SpyM3_1239	-	hypothetical protein
1240	 38.32	0	1259340..1259780	-	146	21910776	-	SpyM3_1240	-	hypothetical protein
1241	 40.63	0	1260221..1260727	-	168	21910777	-	SpyM3_1241	-	hypothetical protein
1242	 37.43	0	1260724..1260894	-	56	21910778	-	SpyM3_1242	-	hypothetical protein
1243	 36.05	0	1260891..1261295	-	134	21910779	-	SpyM3_1243	-	hypothetical protein
1244	 27.04	-2	1261305..1261574	-	89	21910780	-	SpyM3_1244	-	hypothetical protein
1245	 41.75	0	1261571..1261855	-	94	21910781	-	SpyM3_1245	-	hypothetical protein
1246	 35.71	0	1261849..1262100	-	83	21910782	-	SpyM3_1246	-	hypothetical protein
1247	 37.25	0	1262097..1262453	-	118	21910783	-	SpyM3_1247	-	hypothetical protein
1248	 38.78	0	1262450..1262890	-	146	21910784	-	SpyM3_1248	-	hypothetical protein
1249	 41.90	0	1263099..1263518	-	139	21910785	-	SpyM3_1249	-	putative single-strand DNA-binding protein - phage associated
1250	 37.78	0	1263511..1264185	-	224	21910786	-	SpyM3_1250	-	putative recombination protein - phage associated
1251	 33.95	-1	1264186..1264668	-	160	21910787	-	SpyM3_1251	-	hypothetical protein
1252	 39.61	0	1264690..1264944	-	84	21910788	-	SpyM3_1252	-	hypothetical protein
1253	 35.90	0	1265092..1265325	-	77	21910789	-	SpyM3_1253	-	hypothetical protein
1254	 36.23	0	1265306..1265719	-	137	21910790	-	SpyM3_1254	-	hypothetical protein
1255	 40.08	0	1265841..1266092	-	83	21910791	-	SpyM3_1255	-	putative replication protein - phage associated
1256	 34.95	0	1266192..1266377	-	61	21910792	-	SpyM3_1256	-	hypothetical protein
1257	 34.20	-1	1266406..1266750	-	114	21910793	-	SpyM3_1257	-	hypothetical protein
1258	 40.78	0	1266909..1267163	-	84	21910794	-	SpyM3_1258	-	hypothetical protein
1259	 35.82	0	1267152..1267352	+	66	21910795	-	SpyM3_1259	-	hypothetical protein
1260	 40.00	0	1267349..1267498	-	49	21910796	-	SpyM3_1260	-	hypothetical protein
1261	 38.55	0	1267531..1268259	-	242	21910797	-	SpyM3_1261	-	putative P1-type antirepressor - phage associated
1262	 35.42	0	1268270..1268461	-	63	21910798	-	SpyM3_1262	-	hypothetical protein
1263	 36.67	0	1269257..1269616	+	119	21910799	-	SpyM3_1263	-	putative repressor - phage associated
1264	 35.17	0	1269630..1270010	+	126	21910800	-	SpyM3_1264	-	hypothetical protein
1265	 30.08	-2	1270021..1270542	+	173	21910801	-	SpyM3_1265	-	hypothetical protein
1266	 37.49	0	1270661..1271815	+	384	21910802	int315.4	SpyM3_1266	-	putative integrase - phage associated
1267	 41.46	0	1271926..1273032	-	368	21910803	msrA.1	SpyM3_1267	-	bifunctional methionine sulfoxide reductase A/B protein
1268	 39.10	0	1273075..1273698	-	207	21910804	-	SpyM3_1268	-	hypothetical protein
1269	 38.96	0	1273711..1274421	-	236	21910805	ccdA	SpyM3_1269	-	putative cytochrome C-type biogenesis protein
1270	 41.59	0	1274642..1275574	-	310	21910806	-	SpyM3_1270	-	putative divalent cation transport protein
1271	 46.88	+2	1275666..1276625	-	319	21910807	-	SpyM3_1271	-	putative oxidoreductase
1272	 31.03	-2	1277635..1278414	+	259	21910808	-	SpyM3_1272	-	hypothetical protein
1273	 45.11	+1	1278630..1281278	-	882	21910809	valS	SpyM3_1273	-	valyl-tRNA synthetase
1274	 38.19	0	1281280..1281588	-	102	21910810	-	SpyM3_1274	-	hypothetical protein
1275	 42.08	0	1281613..1281795	-	60	21910811	-	SpyM3_1275	-	hypothetical protein
38.60	MEAN

3.72	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.