IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Streptococcus pneumoniae R6

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 39.86 STD DEV: 4.53
Streptococcus pneumoniae R6, complete genome - 1..2038615
2043 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1922	 40.69	0	1908980..1909210	-	76	15903966	-	spr1925	-	hypothetical protein
1923	 39.72	0	1909228..1909869	-	213	15903967	-	spr1926	-	hypothetical protein
1924	 33.47	-1	1909881..1910621	-	246	15903968	-	spr1927	-	hypothetical protein
1925	 35.82	0	1910618..1910818	-	66	15903969	-	spr1928	-	hypothetical protein
1926	 45.37	+1	1910815..1911030	-	71	15903970	-	spr1929	-	transcriptional regulator
1927	 32.04	-1	1911031..1911495	-	154	15903971	-	spr1930	-	hypothetical protein
1928	 46.59	+1	1911671..1912960	-	429	15903972	hisS	spr1931	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
1929	 38.38	0	1913038..1914285	-	415	15903973	-	spr1932	-	hypothetical protein
1930	 37.21	0	1914475..1915326	-	283	15903974	rgg	spr1933	-	positive transcriptional regulator of glucosyltransferase and Spp phenotype
1931	 43.57	0	1915450..1915791	+	113	15903975	-	spr1934	-	hypothetical protein
1932	 47.77	+1	1916000..1917703	-	567	15903976	ilvD	spr1935	-	dihydroxy-acid dehydratase
1933	 35.58	0	1917936..1918868	-	310	15903977	tktC	spr1936	-	transketolase, C-terminal subunit
1934	 34.85	-1	1918865..1919722	-	285	15903978	tktN	spr1937	-	putative transketolase n-terminal section
1935	 36.45	0	1919726..1921072	-	448	15903979	ulaA	spr1938	-	ascorbate-specific PTS system enzyme IIC
1936	 33.33	-1	1921085..1921369	-	94	15903980	-	spr1939	-	PTS system, IIB component, putative
1937	 32.94	-1	1921373..1923403	-	676	15903981	-	spr1940	-	hypothetical protein
1938	 41.07	0	1923594..1924601	+	335	15903982	-	spr1941	-	hypothetical protein
1939	 42.29	0	1924604..1924804	+	66	15903983	-	spr1942	-	hypothetical protein
1940	 41.53	0	1924956..1925138	+	60	15903984	rpmF	spr1943	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1941	 38.00	0	1925154..1925303	+	49	15903985	rpmG	spr1944	-	50S ribosomal protein L33
1942	 32.80	-1	1925783..1927855	-	690	15903986	pcpA	spr1945	-	choline binding protein PcpA
1943	 37.72	0	1928212..1928781	+	189	15903987	IS1381-truncation	spr1946	-	degenerate transposase (orf1)
1944	 37.69	0	1928807..1929196	+	129	15903988	IS1381	spr1947	-	tranposase (orf2)
1945	 37.92	0	1929248..1929574	-	108	15903989	-	spr1948	-	hypothetical protein
1946	 46.15	+1	1929900..1931780	-	626	15903990	-	spr1949	-	glycosyl hydrolase-related protein
1947	 46.71	+1	1931774..1932655	-	293	15903991	-	spr1950	-	ROK family protein
1948	 44.83	+1	1932727..1935387	-	886	15903992	-	spr1951	-	hypothetical protein
1949	 46.05	+1	1935463..1936767	-	434	15903993	-	spr1952	-	hypothetical protein
1950	 46.81	+1	1936914..1938998	+	694	15903994	-	spr1953	-	hypothetical protein
1951	 46.46	+1	1939038..1940789	-	583	15903995	-	spr1954	-	hypothetical protein
1952	 42.20	0	1941478..1942221	+	247	15903996	arcA-truncation	spr1955	-	arginine deiminase, truncation
1953	 43.11	0	1942262..1942711	+	149	15903997	arcA-truncation	spr1956	-	arginine deiminase, truncation
1954	 42.28	0	1942769..1943785	+	338	15903998	arcB	spr1957	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
1955	 41.67	0	1943950..1944897	+	315	15903999	arcC	spr1958	-	carbamate kinase
1956	 42.72	0	1945106..1946617	+	503	15904000	-	spr1959	-	hypothetical protein
1957	 44.82	+1	1946639..1947970	+	443	15904001	-	spr1960	-	hypothetical protein
1958	 30.93	-1	1948375..1948665	-	96	15904002	-	spr1961	-	hypothetical protein
1959	 42.44	0	1949304..1950203	-	299	15904003	-	spr1962	-	hypothetical protein
1960	 41.23	0	1950333..1951484	-	383	15904004	adh2	spr1963	-	iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
1961	 42.22	0	1951630..1953396	-	588	15904005	fucI	spr1964	-	L-fucose isomerase
1962	 34.10	-1	1953453..1956569	-	1038	15904006	-	spr1965	-	fucolectin-related protein
1963	 33.42	-1	1956579..1958873	-	764	15904007	-	spr1966	-	hypothetical protein
1964	 34.71	-1	1958932..1959732	-	266	15904008	PTS-EII	spr1967	-	PTS system, IID component
1965	 37.34	0	1959729..1960502	-	257	15904009	PTS-EII	spr1968	-	PTS system, IIC component
1966	 32.06	-1	1960527..1960997	-	156	15904010	PTS-EII	spr1969	-	PTS system, IIB component
1967	 32.89	-1	1960988..1961434	-	148	15904011	PTS-EII	spr1970	-	PTS system, IIA component
1968	 32.65	-1	1961412..1961852	-	146	15904012	fucU	spr1971	-	fucose pathway protein, function unknown
1969	 37.16	0	1961864..1962517	-	217	15904013	fucA	spr1972	-	L-fuculose phosphate aldolase
1970	 35.68	0	1962617..1964065	-	482	15904014	fcsK	spr1973	-	fucose kinase
1971	 33.98	-1	1964196..1964969	+	257	15904015	fcsR	spr1974	-	fucose operon repressor, putative
1972	 42.63	0	1966098..1967603	-	501	15904016	adcA	spr1975	-	zinc ABC transporter zinc-binding protein
1973	 43.61	0	1967613..1968449	-	278	15904017	adcB	spr1976	-	zinc ABC transporter permease
1974	 45.11	+1	1968412..1969116	-	234	15904018	adcC	spr1977	-	ABC transporter ATPase
1975	 40.72	0	1969116..1969616	-	166	15904019	adcR	spr1978	-	adc operon repressor AdcR
1976	 40.50	0	1969711..1970994	-	427	15904020	dltD	spr1979	-	D-alanine transfer from undecaprenol-phosphate to the poly(glycerophosphate) chain
1977	 37.50	0	1970972..1971211	-	79	15904021	dltC	spr1980	-	D-alanine--poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 2
1978	 41.12	0	1971225..1972469	-	414	15904022	dltB	spr1981	-	D-alanine transfer from Dcp to undecaprenol-phosphate
1979	 44.51	+1	1972466..1973932	-	488	15904023	dltA	spr1982	-	D-alanine--D-alanyl carrier protein ligase
1980	 33.67	-1	1974482..1975660	-	392	15904024	-	spr1983	-	hypothetical protein
1981	 39.48	0	1976116..1977108	-	330	15904025	transposase_H	spr1984	-	hypothetical protein
1982	 37.94	0	1977112..1977393	-	93	15904026	transposase_H	spr1985	-	hypothetical protein
1983	 37.24	0	1978504..1979091	+	195	15904027	-	spr1986	-	hypothetical protein
1984	 42.65	0	1979178..1979381	-	67	15904028	-	spr1987	-	hypothetical protein
1985	 46.10	+1	1979572..1980276	-	234	15904029	glpF	spr1988	-	glycerol uptake facilitator protein
1986	 44.18	0	1980346..1980843	-	165	15904030	glpD-truncation	spr1989	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, truncation
1987	 44.81	+1	1980789..1982174	-	461	15904031	glpD-truncation	spr1990	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, truncation
1988	 44.14	0	1982216..1983724	-	502	15904032	glpK	spr1991	-	glycerol kinase
1989	 40.97	0	1983883..1985310	-	475	15904033	-	spr1992	-	hypothetical protein
1990	 45.36	+1	1985475..1986347	+	290	15904034	hslO	spr1993	-	Hsp33-like chaperonin
1991	 48.27	+1	1986304..1987314	+	336	15904035	-	spr1994	-	hypothetical protein
1992	 41.26	0	1987544..1989649	-	701	15904036	pspC	spr1995	-	choline binding protein A
1993	 33.52	-1	1989728..1990255	-	175	15904037	-	spr1996	-	hypothetical protein
1994	 34.38	-1	1990338..1991669	-	443	15904038	hk06	spr1997	-	histidine kinase
1995	 36.09	0	1991666..1992319	-	217	15904039	rr06	spr1998	-	response regulator
1996	 45.14	+1	1992961..1993104	-	47	15904040	clpC-truncation	spr1999	-	class III stress response-related ATPase, truncation
1997	 45.48	+1	1993105..1995393	-	762	15904041	clpC-truncation	spr2000	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit
1998	 42.15	0	1995395..1995916	-	173	15904042	ctsR	spr2001	-	transcriptional regulator CtsR
1999	 45.68	+1	1995972..1996700	-	242	15904043	ABC-NBD	spr2002	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
2000	 39.88	0	1996700..1997707	-	335	15904044	-	spr2003	-	ABC transporter substrate-binding protein
2001	 42.39	0	1997745..1998506	-	253	15904045	ABC-MSP	spr2004	-	ABC transporter permease
2002	 42.27	0	1998466..1998756	-	96	15904046	-	spr2005	-	hypothetical protein
2003	 38.90	0	1999012..2000358	-	448	15904047	cbpD	spr2006	-	choline binding protein D
2004	 34.46	-1	2000447..2000713	-	88	15904048	-	spr2007	-	hypothetical protein
2005	 41.46	0	2000715..2002067	-	450	15904049	dnaC	spr2008	-	replicative DNA helicase
2006	 36.42	0	2002111..2002563	-	150	15904050	rplI	spr2009	-	50S ribosomal protein L9
2007	 37.89	0	2002560..2004533	-	657	15904051	-	spr2010	-	DHH subfamily 1 protein
2008	 34.06	-1	2004669..2005217	-	182	15904052	-	spr2011	-	ribosomal subunit interface protein
2009	 36.20	0	2005297..2005959	-	220	15904053	comFC	spr2012	-	competence protein ComF, putative
2010	 40.11	0	2005956..2007254	-	432	15904054	comFA	spr2013	-	helicase, putative
2011	 39.94	0	2007310..2007945	+	211	15904055	-	spr2014	-	hypothetical protein
2012	 41.15	0	2008230..2009150	+	306	15904056	cycK	spr2015	-	cysteine synthase, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase
2013	 39.26	0	2009347..2009616	-	89	15904057	transposase_G	spr2016	-	hypothetical protein
2014	 36.67	0	2009766..2009945	+	59	15904058	transposase_D	spr2017	-	degenerate transposase
2015	 40.28	0	2010201..2010488	-	95	15904059	transposase_E	spr2018	-	degenerate transposase
2016	 41.11	0	2010734..2011774	-	346	15904060	tsf	spr2019	-	elongation factor Ts
2017	 41.92	0	2011840..2012619	-	259	15904061	rpsB	spr2020	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
2018	 39.61	0	2012843..2014021	-	392	15904062	gsp-781	spr2021	-	general stress protein GSP-781
2019	 32.93	-1	2014115..2014609	-	164	15904063	mreD	spr2022	-	rod shpae-determining protein MreD, putative
2020	 35.65	0	2014609..2015427	-	272	15904064	mreC	spr2023	-	rod shape-determining protein MreC
2021	 37.99	0	2015486..2016280	-	264	15904065	ABC-MSP	spr2024	-	ABC transporter membrane-spanning permease - unknown substrate
39.86	MEAN

4.53	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.