IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 32.63 STD DEV: 3.73
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516, complete genome - 1..2872915
2657 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1640	 31.05	0	1796126..1797790	-	554	161509906	-	USA300HOU_1679	-	sensor histidine kinase
1641	 33.90	0	1797787..1798491	-	234	161509907	-	USA300HOU_1680	-	alkaline phosphatase synthesis transcriptional regulatory protein
1642	 34.99	0	1798881..1800149	-	422	161509908	icd	USA300HOU_1681	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase
1643	 36.45	+1	1800198..1801319	-	373	161509909	citZ	USA300HOU_1682	-	methylcitrate synthase
1644	 34.88	0	1801667..1803028	+	453	161509910	-	USA300HOU_1683	-	APC family amino acid-polyamine-organocation transporter
1645	 34.76	0	1805353..1807110	-	585	161509911	pykA	USA300HOU_1684	-	pyruvate kinase
1646	 37.05	+1	1807132..1808100	-	322	161509912	pfkA	USA300HOU_1685	-	6-phosphofructokinase
1647	 34.18	0	1808369..1809313	-	314	161509913	accA	USA300HOU_1686	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyltransferase subunit alpha
1648	 34.27	0	1809313..1810170	-	285	161509914	accD	USA300HOU_1687	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunit beta
1649	 35.77	0	1810365..1811594	-	409	161509915	-	USA300HOU_1688	-	malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP(+))
1650	 31.58	0	1812044..1815241	-	1065	161509916	dnaE2	USA300HOU_1689	-	DNA-directed DNA polymerase III alpha subunit
1651	 35.24	0	1815262..1816203	-	313	161509917	-	USA300HOU_1690	-	hypothetical protein
1652	 33.56	0	1816464..1817762	-	432	161509918	-	USA300HOU_1691	-	hypothetical protein
1653	 33.33	0	1817967..1818380	+	137	161509919	-	USA300HOU_1692	-	universal stress protein
1654	 33.62	0	1818685..1819374	-	229	161509920	-	USA300HOU_1693	-	metal-dependent hydrolase
1655	 33.14	0	1819549..1820604	+	351	161509921	pepQ	USA300HOU_1694	-	M24 family Xaa-Pro dipeptidase
1656	 29.29	0	1820698..1820796	-	32	161509922	-	USA300HOU_1695	-	hypothetical protein
1657	 35.92	0	1820920..1822038	-	372	161509923	ald	USA300HOU_1696	-	alanine dehydrogenase
1658	 35.53	0	1822179..1822679	+	166	161509924	-	USA300HOU_1697	-	universal stress protein
1659	 35.08	0	1822925..1824127	-	400	161509925	ackA	USA300HOU_1698	-	acetate kinase
1660	 31.96	0	1824215..1825162	-	315	161509926	-	USA300HOU_1699	-	hypothetical protein
1661	 35.15	0	1825285..1825779	-	164	161509927	ahpC2	USA300HOU_1700	-	peroxiredoxin
1662	 32.56	0	1825877..1826647	-	256	161509928	-	USA300HOU_1701	-	hypothetical protein
1663	 33.42	0	1826691..1827914	-	407	161509929	thiI	USA300HOU_1702	-	thiamine biosynthesis protein
1664	 31.58	0	1827914..1829053	-	379	161509930	csd2	USA300HOU_1703	-	cysteine desulfurase
1665	 25.53	-1	1829211..1829351	+	46	161509931	-	USA300HOU_1704	-	hypothetical protein
1666	 31.15	0	1829425..1831119	-	564	161509932	ezrA	USA300HOU_1705	-	septation ring formation regulator EzrA
1667	 35.48	0	1831256..1831720	+	154	161509933	-	USA300HOU_1706	-	GAF domain-containing protein
1668	 35.82	0	1831964..1832566	+	200	161509934	rpsD	USA300HOU_1707	-	30S ribosomal protein S4
1669	 27.84	-1	1832639..1832893	+	84	161509935	-	USA300HOU_1708	-	hypothetical protein
1670	 32.12	0	1832782..1833525	-	247	161509936	ugpQ2	USA300HOU_1709	-	glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase
1671	 34.90	0	1833605..1834051	+	148	161509937	-	USA300HOU_1710	-	hypothetical protein
1672	 34.02	0	1834165..1835325	+	386	161509938	-	USA300HOU_1711	-	class V aminotransferase
1673	 34.64	0	1835312..1836916	+	534	161509939	serA	USA300HOU_1712	-	D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
1674	 29.73	0	1836888..1836998	-	36	161509940	-	USA300HOU_1713	-	hypothetical protein
1675	 31.74	0	1837066..1838196	-	376	161509941	-	USA300HOU_1714	-	hypothetical protein
1676	 34.49	0	1838303..1839769	-	488	161509942	-	USA300HOU_1715	-	PTS family porter component IIBC
1677	 34.27	0	1840686..1841960	+	424	161509943	-	USA300HOU_1716	-	peptidase
1678	 33.33	0	1842054..1843316	-	420	161509944	tyrS	USA300HOU_1717	-	tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
1679	 30.24	0	1843698..1844603	+	301	161509945	sgtA	USA300HOU_1718	-	transglycosylase
1680	 25.81	-1	1844583..1844675	-	30	161509946	-	USA300HOU_1719	-	hypothetical protein
1681	 33.56	0	1844806..1847493	-	895	161509947	-	USA300HOU_1720	-	cell wall surface anchored protein
1682	 36.27	0	1847789..1849489	-	566	161509948	fhs	USA300HOU_1721	-	formate--tetrahydrofolate ligase
1683	 36.56	+1	1849896..1851602	-	568	161509949	acsA1	USA300HOU_1722	-	acetyl-CoA synthetase
1684	 34.44	0	1851771..1852403	+	210	161509950	acuA	USA300HOU_1723	-	acetoin utilization protein AcuA
1685	 34.62	0	1852428..1853597	+	389	161509951	acuC	USA300HOU_1724	-	acetoin utilization protein AcuC
1686	 33.13	0	1853695..1854684	-	329	161509952	ccpA	USA300HOU_1725	-	catabolite control protein A
1687	 20.18	-2	1854757..1854870	-	37	161509953	-	USA300HOU_1726	-	hypothetical protein
1688	 33.70	0	1855224..1856315	-	363	161509954	-	USA300HOU_1727	-	bifunctional 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase/chorismate mutase
1689	 33.26	0	1857015..1858373	-	452	161509955	-	USA300HOU_1728	-	hypothetical protein
1690	 33.54	0	1858447..1858938	-	163	161509956	-	USA300HOU_1729	-	hypothetical protein
1691	 31.28	0	1859012..1860325	-	437	161509957	murC	USA300HOU_1730	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase
1692	 33.57	0	1860349..1864173	-	1274	161509958	-	USA300HOU_1731	-	DNA translocase
1693	 31.32	0	1864194..1864790	-	198	161509959	pheT2	USA300HOU_1732	-	phenylalanine--tRNA ligase beta subunit
1694	 30.96	0	1864819..1865661	-	280	161509960	-	USA300HOU_1733	-	hypothetical protein
1695	 33.01	0	1865776..1866087	-	103	161509961	-	USA300HOU_1734	-	thioredoxin
1696	 34.08	0	1866152..1867228	-	358	161509962	pepA1	USA300HOU_1735	-	M42 family glutamyl aminopeptidase
1697	 28.21	-1	1867315..1867626	+	103	161509963	-	USA300HOU_1736	-	hypothetical protein
1698	 33.93	0	1867751..1868593	-	280	161509964	-	USA300HOU_1737	-	metal-dependent hydrolase
1699	 32.09	0	1869063..1869707	-	214	161509965	trmB	USA300HOU_1738	-	tRNA (guanine-N(7)-)-methyltransferase
1700	 34.83	0	1869722..1870522	-	266	161509966	-	USA300HOU_1739	-	hypothetical protein
1701	 21.88	-2	1870857..1870952	+	31	161509967	-	USA300HOU_1740	-	hypothetical protein
1702	 32.86	0	1871063..1871911	-	282	161509968	daaA	USA300HOU_1741	-	D-alanine aminotransferase
1703	 34.61	0	1871915..1873324	-	469	161509969	-	USA300HOU_1742	-	dipeptidase PepV
1704	 29.79	0	1874074..1874496	-	140	161509970	-	USA300HOU_1743	-	hypothetical protein
1705	 29.74	0	1874513..1875208	-	231	161509971	rsuA	USA300HOU_1744	-	pseudouridylate synthase
1706	 32.13	0	1875205..1876866	-	553	161509972	-	USA300HOU_1745	-	polysaccharide biosynthesis protein
1707	 35.54	0	1877273..1878541	+	422	161509973	-	USA300HOU_1746	-	flavoprotein
1708	 35.15	0	1878658..1885218	-	2186	161509974	fmtB1	USA300HOU_1747	-	cell surface anchored protein
1709	 32.69	0	1885544..1885855	-	103	161509975	-	USA300HOU_1748	-	sulfurtransferase
1710	 34.37	0	1885877..1888294	-	805	161509976	leuS	USA300HOU_1749	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase
1711	 34.94	0	1888582..1889763	-	393	161509977	-	USA300HOU_1750	-	major facilitator transporter
1712	 36.90	+1	1889873..1890826	+	317	161509978	-	USA300HOU_1751	-	hypothetical protein
1713	 32.62	0	1890823..1891386	+	187	161509979	-	USA300HOU_1752	-	hypothetical protein
1714	 31.34	0	1891506..1892006	-	166	161509980	rot	USA300HOU_1753	-	repressor of toxins Rot
1715	 32.49	0	1893486..1894313	-	275	161509981	-	USA300HOU_1755	-	lysophospholipase
1716	 33.03	0	1894547..1895548	+	333	161509982	putA	USA300HOU_1756	-	proline dehydrogenase
1717	 33.76	0	1895670..1896134	-	154	161509983	ribH	USA300HOU_1757	-	riboflavin synthase beta subunit
1718	 34.09	0	1896147..1897328	-	393	161509984	ribA	USA300HOU_1758	-	riboflavin biosynthesis protein
1719	 32.70	0	1897339..1897971	-	210	161509985	ribB	USA300HOU_1759	-	riboflavin synthase subunit alpha
1720	 34.77	0	1897978..1899021	-	347	161509986	ribD	USA300HOU_1760	-	diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase
1721	 31.60	0	1899502..1901004	-	500	161509987	-	USA300HOU_1761	-	hypothetical protein
1722	 20.00	-2	1901027..1901146	-	39	161509988	-	USA300HOU_1762	-	hypothetical protein
1723	 32.02	0	1901841..1903133	+	430	161509989	arsB	USA300HOU_1763	-	ArsB arsenite-antimonite efflux family transporter membrane protein
1724	 33.59	0	1903151..1903546	+	131	161509990	arsC2	USA300HOU_1764	-	arsenate reductase
1725	 31.11	0	1903841..1904695	-	284	161509991	-	USA300HOU_1765	-	mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-glucosaminidase
1726	 27.50	-1	1905316..1905864	+	182	161509992	rpoE1	USA300HOU_1766	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase sigma subunit RpoE
1727	 29.73	0	1905977..1906420	+	147	161509993	-	USA300HOU_1767	-	hypothetical protein
1728	 27.03	-1	1906407..1906850	-	147	161509994	-	USA300HOU_1768	-	hypothetical protein
1729	 28.62	-1	1907146..1907781	+	211	161509995	-	USA300HOU_1769	-	hypothetical protein
1730	 34.17	0	1908221..1908934	-	237	161509996	-	USA300HOU_1770	-	putative translaldolase
1731	 25.41	-1	1909194..1909496	+	100	161509997	-	USA300HOU_1771	-	hypothetical protein
1732	 34.01	0	1909674..1910117	+	147	161509998	crcB	USA300HOU_1772	-	camphor resistance protein CrcB
1733	 31.36	0	1910114..1910467	+	117	161509999	-	USA300HOU_1773	-	camphor resistance protein
1734	 34.53	0	1912550..1913383	-	277	161510000	-	USA300HOU_1775	-	aldo/keto reductase
1735	 30.14	0	1913595..1914503	-	302	161510001	-	USA300HOU_1776	-	hypothetical protein
1736	 37.69	+1	1914628..1915821	-	397	161510002	metK	USA300HOU_1777	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
1737	 35.09	0	1916192..1917784	+	530	161510003	pckA	USA300HOU_1778	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
1738	 28.86	-1	1917920..1918321	-	133	161510004	-	USA300HOU_1779	-	transposase
1739	 38.91	+1	1918780..1919550	-	256	161510005	-	USA300HOU_1780	-	hypothetical protein
32.63	MEAN

3.73	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.