IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Staphylococcus aureus RF122

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 33.03 STD DEV: 3.30
Staphylococcus aureus RF122, complete genome - 1..2742531
2509 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2258	 35.63	0	2462133..2462828	-	231	82752041	opuCD	SAB2327c	-	betaine-carnitine-choline ABC transporter
2259	 35.56	0	2462828..2463769	-	313	82752042	opuCC	SAB2328c	-	betaine-carnitine-choline ABC transporter
2260	 36.32	0	2463786..2464421	-	211	82752043	opuCB	SAB2329c	-	betaine-carnitine-choline ABC transporter
2261	 35.78	0	2464418..2465644	-	408	82752044	opuCA	SAB2330c	-	betaine-carnitine-choline ABC transporter
2262	 36.14	0	2467092..2468729	+	545	82752045	-	SAB2332	-	amino acid transporter permease
2263	 34.89	0	2468957..2470309	+	450	82752046	-	SAB2333	-	carboxylesterase
2264	 35.27	0	2470371..2471555	-	394	82752047	-	SAB2334c	-	membrane transporter
2265	 36.16	0	2471951..2472727	-	258	82752048	-	SAB2335c	-	hypothetical protein
2266	 33.63	0	2472720..2473382	-	220	82752049	-	SAB2336c	-	ATP-binding ABC transporter
2267	 27.91	-1	2473470..2473598	-	42	82752050	-	SAB2337c	-	hypothetical protein
2268	 37.51	+1	2473728..2474804	-	358	82752051	-	SAB2338c	-	endo-1,4-beta-glucanase
2269	 28.09	-1	2475160..2475426	-	88	82752052	-	SAB2339c	-	hypothetical protein
2270	 28.68	-1	2475426..2475683	-	85	82752053	-	SAB2340c	-	hypothetical protein
2271	 27.12	-1	2475807..2475983	-	58	82752054	-	SAB2341c	-	hypothetical protein
2272	 28.07	-1	2476042..2476497	+	151	82752055	-	SAB2342	-	lipoprotein
2273	 35.74	0	2476665..2478242	-	525	82752056	-	SAB2343c	-	glutamate synthase-ferredoxin large subunit
2274	 30.27	0	2478436..2479185	+	249	82752057	-	SAB2344	-	hypothetical protein
2275	 36.52	+1	2479409..2480602	-	397	82752058	-	SAB2345c	-	antibiotic resistance transport protein
2276	 35.47	0	2480614..2481363	-	249	82752059	opp1F	SAB2346c	-	oligopeptide transporter ATPase subunit
2277	 35.05	0	2481356..2482171	-	271	82752060	opp1D	SAB2347c	-	oligopeptide transporter ATPase subunit
2278	 35.75	0	2482168..2483037	-	289	82752061	opp1C	SAB2348c	-	oligopeptide transporter permease
2279	 33.65	0	2483034..2483969	-	311	82752062	opp1B	SAB2349c	-	oligopeptide transporter permease
2280	 34.90	0	2483982..2485580	-	532	82752063	opp1A	SAB2350c	-	oligopeptide transporter substrate binding protein
2281	 36.10	0	2485723..2487024	-	433	82752064	-	SAB2351c	-	hypothetical protein
2282	 33.33	0	2487017..2487835	-	272	82752065	-	SAB2352c	-	hypothetical protein
2283	 35.40	0	2487846..2488667	-	273	82752066	-	SAB2353c	-	hypothetical protein
2284	 36.20	0	2489356..2490123	-	255	82752067	-	SAB2354c	-	hypothetical protein
2285	 39.93	+2	2490224..2491042	-	272	82752068	-	SAB2355c	-	short chain dehydrogenase
2286	 36.26	0	2491276..2492814	+	512	82752069	-	SAB2356	-	transport protein
2287	 28.37	-1	2492926..2493348	-	140	82752070	-	SAB2357c	-	hypothetical protein
2288	 28.33	-1	2493804..2494223	-	139	82752071	-	SAB2358c	-	hypothetical protein
2289	 34.75	0	2496540..2496821	+	93	82752072	-	SAB2362	-	hypothetical protein
2290	 35.42	0	2497081..2497272	-	63	82752073	-	SAB2363c	-	hypothetical protein
2291	 20.51	-2	2497340..2497495	-	51	82752074	-	SAB2364c	-	hypothetical protein
2292	 33.33	0	2498278..2498565	-	95	82752075	-	SAB2365c	-	hypothetical protein
2293	 29.55	-1	2498568..2498831	-	87	82752076	-	SAB2366c	-	hypothetical protein
2294	 33.56	0	2498894..2500219	-	441	82752077	-	SAB2367c	-	hypothetical protein
2295	 31.02	0	2501562..2502770	-	402	82752078	-	SAB2369c	-	DNA modification methylase
2296	 28.63	-1	2502840..2504432	-	530	82752079	-	SAB2370c	-	hypothetical protein
2297	 34.64	0	2504564..2506327	+	587	82752080	-	SAB2371	-	phosphoglucomutase
2298	 31.09	0	2506611..2506877	+	88	82752081	-	SAB2372	-	hypothetical protein
2299	 28.48	-1	2507022..2507330	+	102	82752082	-	SAB2373	-	hypothetical protein
2300	 36.33	+1	2507457..2508323	-	288	82752083	gtaB	SAB2374c	-	UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
2301	 36.76	+1	2508503..2511475	-	990	82752084	fnbA	SAB2375c	-	fibronectin-binding protein
2302	 28.10	-1	2511675..2511884	-	69	82752085	-	SAB2376c	-	hypothetical protein
2303	 36.35	+1	2511931..2513289	-	452	82752086	gntP	SAB2377c	-	gluconate permease
2304	 37.77	+1	2513406..2514959	-	517	82752087	gntK	SAB2378c	-	gluconokinase
2305	 35.54	0	2514984..2515664	-	226	82752088	gntR	SAB2379c	-	gluconate operon transcriptional repressor
2306	 34.64	0	2515817..2516581	-	254	82752089	-	SAB2380c	-	MerR family transcriptional regulator
2307	 31.89	0	2516746..2517438	-	230	82752090	-	SAB2381c	-	hypothetical protein
2308	 34.36	0	2517669..2518157	-	162	82752091	-	SAB2382c	-	hypothetical protein
2309	 32.18	0	2518225..2520225	-	666	82752092	-	SAB2383c	-	hypothetical protein
2310	 23.53	-2	2520560..2520763	-	67	82752093	-	SAB2384c	-	hypothetical protein
2311	 36.23	0	2520959..2522236	-	425	82752094	-	SAB2385c	-	transport protein
2312	 32.68	0	2522783..2523394	+	203	82752095	-	SAB2386	-	alkaline phosphatase
2313	 32.88	0	2523470..2523691	+	73	82752096	-	SAB2387	-	hypothetical protein
2314	 31.32	0	2523912..2524607	+	231	82752097	-	SAB2388	-	ABC transporter
2315	 26.20	-2	2524609..2525379	+	256	82752098	-	SAB2389	-	membrane-spanning protein
2316	 34.50	0	2525882..2527846	+	654	82752099	-	SAB2390	-	fructose-bisphosphatase
2317	 35.65	0	2528189..2529268	+	359	82752100	-	SAB2391	-	hypothetical protein
2318	 36.03	0	2529373..2529966	-	197	82752101	-	SAB2392c	-	hypothetical protein
2319	 35.81	0	2529988..2530956	-	322	82752102	-	SAB2393c	-	glyoxylase family protein
2320	 35.86	0	2531034..2531468	-	144	82752103	-	SAB2394c	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
2321	 33.33	0	2531694..2531978	+	94	82752104	-	SAB2395	-	hypothetical protein
2322	 37.79	+1	2532153..2532959	+	268	82752105	-	SAB2396	-	hypothetical protein
2323	 37.35	+1	2533078..2533749	-	223	82752106	-	SAB2397c	-	NADH-dependent flavin reductase
2324	 32.96	0	2533956..2534765	+	269	82752107	ddh	SAB2398	-	D-lactate dehydrogenase
2325	 34.58	0	2535012..2535812	-	266	82752108	-	SAB2399c	-	hypothetical protein
2326	 24.37	-2	2536133..2536768	+	211	82752109	-	SAB2400	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
2327	 27.52	-1	2536783..2537505	+	240	82752110	-	SAB2401	-	hypothetical protein
2328	 32.69	0	2537666..2538286	-	206	82752111	srtA	SAB2402c	-	sortase
2329	 36.79	+1	2538480..2538971	+	163	82752112	-	SAB2403	-	phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase
2330	 41.00	+2	2539469..2540368	-	299	82752113	-	SAB2404c	-	L-serine dehydratase alpha subunit
2331	 32.01	0	2540382..2541062	-	226	82752114	-	SAB2405c	-	L-serine dehydratase beta subunit
2332	 37.36	+1	2541065..2542108	-	347	82752115	-	SAB2406c	-	surface-exposed regulatory protein
2333	 33.94	0	2542989..2543153	+	54	82752116	-	SAB2407	-	hypothetical protein
2334	 34.26	0	2543199..2543951	+	250	82752117	-	SAB2408	-	hypothetical protein
2335	 37.67	+1	2544031..2544999	-	322	82752118	-	SAB2409c	-	hypothetical protein
2336	 36.52	+1	2545132..2545476	-	114	82752119	-	SAB2410c	-	hypothetical protein
2337	 36.74	+1	2545518..2545928	-	136	82752120	-	SAB2411c	-	hypothetical protein
2338	 36.53	+1	2546308..2548374	-	688	82752121	glcB	SAB2412c	-	PTS system glucose-specific IIABC component
2339	 34.48	0	2548674..2550413	-	579	82752122	-	SAB2413c	-	pyruvate oxidase
2340	 34.06	0	2550453..2551142	-	229	82752123	-	SAB2414c	-	hypothetical protein
2341	 33.45	0	2551743..2552627	-	294	82752124	-	SAB2416c	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2342	 35.16	0	2552788..2553006	+	72	82752125	-	SAB2417	-	hypothetical protein
2343	 34.26	0	2553396..2553827	+	143	82752126	-	SAB2418	-	secretory antigen SsaA-like protein
2344	 38.72	+1	2553966..2555246	-	426	82752127	mvaA	SAB2419c	-	hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase
2345	 37.45	+1	2555500..2556666	+	388	82752128	mvaS	SAB2420	-	3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase
2346	 28.83	-1	2556895..2557560	-	221	82752129	-	SAB2421c	-	hypothetical protein
2347	 38.89	+1	2557761..2558282	-	173	82752130	adaB	SAB2422c	-	methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine S-methyltransferase
2348	 35.99	0	2558644..2560752	+	702	82752131	clpL	SAB2423	-	ATP-dependent proteinase chain
2349	 34.79	0	2561002..2562996	-	664	82752132	feoB	SAB2424c	-	ferrous iron transport protein B
2350	 30.70	0	2563008..2563235	-	75	82752133	-	SAB2425c	-	hypothetical protein
2351	 34.10	0	2563452..2565941	-	829	82752134	-	SAB2426c	-	membrane transporter
2352	 29.33	-1	2566085..2566633	+	182	82752135	-	SAB2427	-	hypothetical protein
2353	 36.57	+1	2566988..2568532	-	514	82752136	-	SAB2428c	-	1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase
2354	 36.08	0	2568722..2569303	-	193	82752137	-	SAB2429c	-	galactoside-O-acetyltransferase
2355	 30.85	0	2569548..2569748	+	66	82752138	-	SAB2430	-	hypothetical protein
2356	 37.57	+1	2569988..2572396	+	802	82752139	copA	SAB2431	-	copper-transporting ATPase
2357	 36.14	0	2572845..2573843	-	332	82752140	-	SAB2432c	-	D-lactate dehydrogenase
33.03	MEAN

3.30	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.