IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Staphylococcus aureus RF122

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 33.03 STD DEV: 3.30
Staphylococcus aureus RF122, complete genome - 1..2742531
2509 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1087	 35.88	0	1223984..1225159	+	391	82750867	nusA	SAB1128	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
1088	 30.88	0	1225180..1225464	+	94	82750868	-	SAB1129	-	hypothetical protein
1089	 32.08	0	1225461..1225778	+	105	82750869	-	SAB1130	-	ribosomal protein
1090	 34.18	0	1225783..1227900	+	705	82750870	infB	SAB1131	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
1091	 30.20	0	1228287..1228637	+	116	82750871	rbfA	SAB1132	-	ribosome-binding factor A
1092	 32.24	0	1228807..1229724	+	305	82750872	truB	SAB1133	-	tRNA-pseudouridine 5S synthase
1093	 32.92	0	1229739..1230710	+	323	82750873	ribC	SAB1134	-	bifunctional protein including riboflavin kinase and FAD synthase
1094	 35.93	0	1230825..1231094	+	89	82750874	rpsO	SAB1135	-	30S ribosomal protein S15
1095	 36.96	+1	1231463..1233559	+	698	82750875	pnpA	SAB1136	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
1096	 33.65	0	1233871..1235469	+	532	82750876	-	SAB1137	-	metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein
1097	 33.76	0	1235726..1238095	+	789	82750877	-	SAB1138	-	SpoIII family DNA translocase
1098	 31.51	0	1238100..1238813	+	237	82750878	-	SAB1139	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
1099	 29.78	0	1238844..1240109	+	421	82750879	-	SAB1140	-	hypothetical protein
1100	 30.92	0	1240109..1241395	+	428	82750880	-	SAB1141	-	protease (zinc) protein
1101	 32.85	0	1242205..1243032	+	275	82750881	-	SAB1143	-	hypothetical protein
1102	 30.28	0	1243051..1243443	+	130	82750882	-	SAB1144	-	DNA-binding protein
1103	 30.74	0	1243477..1244055	+	192	82750883	pgsA	SAB1145	-	phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase
1104	 30.90	0	1244528..1245679	+	383	82750884	cinA	SAB1146	-	competence-damage inducible protein
1105	 37.07	+1	1245844..1246887	+	347	82750885	recA	SAB1147	-	recombinase A
1106	 36.03	0	1247241..1248800	+	519	82750886	-	SAB1148	-	phosphodiesterase
1107	 27.31	-1	1249097..1249312	-	71	82750887	-	SAB1149c	-	hypothetical protein
1108	 34.84	0	1249486..1250283	+	265	82750888	-	SAB1150	-	hypothetical protein
1109	 35.06	0	1250393..1252183	+	596	82750889	-	SAB1151	-	pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase alpha chain
1110	 34.26	0	1252184..1253050	+	288	82750890	-	SAB1152	-	2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta
1111	 31.29	0	1253144..1253437	+	97	82750891	-	SAB1153	-	hypothetical protein
1112	 32.88	0	1253571..1255115	+	514	82750892	-	SAB1154	-	hypothetical protein
1113	 29.51	-1	1255116..1255481	+	121	82750893	-	SAB1155	-	hypothetical protein
1114	 34.15	0	1255508..1255999	+	163	82750894	-	SAB1156	-	hypothetical protein
1115	 32.11	0	1256302..1258920	+	872	82750895	mutS	SAB1157	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
1116	 29.78	0	1260956..1261489	+	177	82750896	glpP	SAB1159	-	glycerol uptake operon antiterminator regulatory protein
1117	 37.73	+1	1261964..1262782	+	272	82750897	glpF	SAB1160	-	glycerol uptake facilitator
1118	 36.67	+1	1262912..1264408	+	498	82750898	glpK	SAB1161	-	glycerol kinase
1119	 34.38	0	1264518..1266239	+	573	82750899	glpD	SAB1162	-	aerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1120	 30.71	0	1266389..1267303	+	304	82750900	-	SAB1163	-	lysophospholipase
1121	 32.07	0	1267309..1268256	+	315	82750901	-	SAB1164	-	tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase
1122	 33.76	0	1268271..1268504	+	77	82750902	-	SAB1165	-	phage-related host factor-I protein
1123	 29.63	-1	1268707..1269489	-	260	82750903	-	SAB1166c	-	transposase
1124	 33.33	0	1269528..1270028	-	166	82750904	-	SAB1167c	-	transposase
1125	 33.54	0	1270237..1270713	-	158	82750905	-	SAB1168c	-	glutathione peroxidase
1126	 31.11	0	1270825..1272084	+	419	82750906	-	SAB1169	-	GTP-binding protein
1127	 35.35	0	1272081..1273319	+	412	82750907	-	SAB1170	-	hypothetical protein
1128	 32.52	0	1273563..1273931	+	122	82750908	glnR	SAB1171	-	glutamine synthetase repressor
1129	 35.12	0	1273950..1275290	+	446	82750909	glnA	SAB1172	-	glutamine synthetase
1130	 26.87	-1	1278611..1278811	+	66	82750910	-	SAB1173	-	hypothetical protein
1131	 22.54	-2	1279323..1279739	+	138	82750911	-	SAB1174	-	hypothetical protein
1132	 33.33	0	1279804..1280025	-	73	82750912	-	SAB1175c	-	hypothetical protein
1133	 33.11	0	1280574..1281908	+	444	82750913	-	SAB1176	-	hypothetical protein
1134	 33.83	0	1282401..1282601	+	66	82750914	-	SAB1177	-	hypothetical protein
1135	 33.43	0	1283647..1284702	-	351	82750915	-	SAB1178c	-	hypothetical protein
1136	 23.23	-2	1284942..1285139	+	65	82750916	-	SAB1179	-	hypothetical protein
1137	 31.38	0	1285196..1286677	+	493	82750917	-	SAB1180	-	cardiolipin synthase
1138	 28.57	-1	1287063..1287251	-	62	82750918	-	SAB1181c	-	hypothetical protein
1139	 31.27	0	1287390..1287923	+	177	82750919	nucI	SAB1182	-	thermonuclease
1140	 29.59	-1	1288064..1288918	-	284	82750920	-	SAB1183c	-	hypothetical protein
1141	 29.27	-1	1289234..1289824	+	196	82750921	-	SAB1184	-	hypothetical protein
1142	 31.31	0	1289878..1291260	-	460	82750922	-	SAB1185c	-	aspartate kinase
1143	 32.40	0	1291451..1292731	+	426	82750923	-	SAB1186	-	homoserine dehydrogenase
1144	 35.31	0	1292737..1293798	+	353	82750924	thrC	SAB1187	-	threonine synthase
1145	 35.96	0	1293800..1294714	+	304	82750925	thrB	SAB1188	-	homoserine kinase
1146	 32.59	0	1294772..1295575	+	267	82750926	-	SAB1189	-	hypothetical protein
1147	 31.43	0	1295904..1296218	-	104	82750927	-	SAB1190c	-	hypothetical protein
1148	 33.20	0	1296436..1297890	-	484	82750928	-	SAB1191c	-	amino acid permease
1149	 35.96	0	1298088..1299611	+	507	82750929	-	SAB1192	-	catalase
1150	 33.33	0	1299702..1299851	+	49	161777619	rpmG	SAB1193	-	50S ribosomal protein L33
1151	 32.59	0	1300305..1300574	+	89	82750931	rpsN	SAB1194	-	30S ribosomal protein S14
1152	 33.74	0	1300731..1301708	+	325	82750932	-	SAB1195	-	guanosine 5'-monophosphate oxidoreductase
1153	 36.22	0	1303125..1303748	-	207	82750933	dinR	SAB1197c	-	LexA repressor
1154	 32.49	0	1303888..1304124	+	78	82750934	-	SAB1198	-	hypothetical protein
1155	 27.50	-1	1304261..1304500	+	79	82750935	-	SAB1199	-	hypothetical protein
1156	 36.30	0	1304621..1306609	+	662	82750936	-	SAB1200	-	transketolase
1157	 31.28	0	1306887..1307129	+	80	82750937	-	SAB1201	-	hypothetical protein
1158	 30.77	0	1307308..1307775	+	155	82750938	-	SAB1202	-	hypothetical protein
1159	 31.11	0	1307899..1309020	+	373	82750939	-	SAB1203	-	exonuclease
1160	 28.46	-1	1309024..1311996	+	990	82750940	-	SAB1204	-	exonuclease
1161	 30.85	0	1312124..1312486	-	120	82750941	mscL	SAB1205c	-	large-conductance mechanosensitive channel
1162	 35.94	0	1312690..1314336	+	548	82750942	opuD	SAB1206	-	glycine betaine transporter
1163	 35.74	0	1314926..1317631	+	901	82750943	citB	SAB1207	-	aconitate hydratase
1164	 32.26	0	1317810..1318277	+	155	82750944	-	SAB1208	-	hypothetical protein
1165	 33.33	0	1318484..1318780	-	98	82750945	-	SAB1209c	-	hypothetical protein
1166	 33.83	0	1319158..1319766	-	202	82750946	-	SAB1210c	-	hypothetical protein
1167	 34.78	0	1319966..1321963	+	665	82750947	grlB	SAB1211	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit B
1168	 32.17	0	1321963..1324365	+	800	82750948	grlA	SAB1212	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A
1169	 35.31	0	1324615..1326081	+	488	82750949	-	SAB1213	-	amino acid carrier protein
1170	 27.46	-1	1326571..1327422	+	283	82750950	-	SAB1214	-	transcription antiterminator
1171	 30.60	0	1327557..1328765	+	402	82750951	-	SAB1215	-	hypothetical protein
1172	 30.96	0	1329247..1331769	+	840	82750952	mprF	SAB1216	-	hypothetical protein
1173	 33.73	0	1331972..1332481	-	169	82750953	msrA1	SAB1217c	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase A
1174	 33.43	0	1332618..1333601	+	327	82750954	-	SAB1218	-	peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase regulator
1175	 33.49	0	1334022..1335284	+	420	82750955	-	SAB1219	-	DNA damage repair protein
1176	 33.15	0	1335421..1336512	-	363	82750956	-	SAB1220c	-	prephenate dehydrogenase
1177	 33.04	0	1336677..1337708	+	343	82750957	-	SAB1221	-	peptidase
1178	 32.27	0	1338201..1339607	+	468	82750958	trpE	SAB1222	-	anthranilate synthase component I
1179	 34.92	0	1339604..1340170	+	188	82750959	trpG	SAB1223	-	anthranilate synthase component II
1180	 33.93	0	1340167..1341174	+	335	82750960	trpD	SAB1224	-	anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase
1181	 31.29	0	1341176..1341958	+	260	82750961	trpC	SAB1225	-	indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase
1182	 32.07	0	1341958..1342590	+	210	82750962	trpF	SAB1226	-	N-5'-phosphoribosyl-anthranilate isomerase
1183	 38.02	+1	1342583..1343797	+	404	82750963	trpB	SAB1227	-	tryptophan synthase subunit beta
1184	 33.88	0	1343790..1344518	+	242	82750964	trpA	SAB1228	-	tryptophan synthase subunit alpha
1185	 31.34	0	1344801..1346102	+	433	82750965	femA	SAB1229	-	factor essential for expression of methicillin resistance
1186	 31.43	0	1346121..1347380	+	419	82750966	femB	SAB1230	-	methicillin resistance factor protein
33.03	MEAN

3.30	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.