IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 35.44 STD DEV: 3.78
Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R, complete genome - 1..2160267
2124 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1718	 38.98	0	1758911..1759282	-	123	22537903	glnR	SAG1764	-	transcriptional regulator GlnR
1719	 28.70	-1	1759362..1759901	-	179	22537904	-	SAG1765	-	hypothetical protein
1720	 41.60	+1	1760164..1761360	-	398	22537905	pgk	SAG1766	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
1721	 33.10	0	1761495..1762364	-	289	22537906	-	SAG1767	-	acid phosphatase
1722	 40.95	+1	1762573..1763583	-	336	22537907	gap	SAG1768	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1723	 41.03	+1	1763787..1765865	-	692	22537908	fusA	SAG1769	-	elongation factor G
1724	 43.31	+2	1766020..1766490	-	156	22537909	rpsG	SAG1770	-	30S ribosomal protein S7
1725	 41.79	+1	1766512..1766925	-	137	22537910	rpsL	SAG1771	-	30S ribosomal protein S12
1726	 36.29	0	1767144..1767956	-	270	22537911	purR	SAG1772	-	purine operon repressor
1727	 36.31	0	1768053..1768994	-	313	22537912	-	SAG1773	-	HD domain-containing protein
1728	 35.29	0	1768984..1770258	-	424	22537913	-	SAG1774	-	hypothetical protein
1729	 33.81	0	1770260..1770892	-	210	22537914	-	SAG1775	-	hypothetical protein
1730	 39.06	0	1770885..1771547	-	220	22537915	rpe	SAG1776	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
1731	 37.92	0	1771554..1772426	-	290	22537916	-	SAG1777	-	ribosome-associated GTPase
1732	 32.75	0	1772582..1773433	-	283	22537917	-	SAG1778	-	rRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferase, putative
1733	 40.32	+1	1773437..1774309	-	290	22537918	ksgA	SAG1779	-	dimethyladenosine transferase
1734	 33.74	0	1774389..1774880	-	163	22537919	-	SAG1780	-	hypothetical protein
1735	 44.74	+2	1774899..1775459	-	186	22537920	-	SAG1781	-	primase-related protein
1736	 36.91	0	1775446..1776228	-	260	22537921	-	SAG1782	-	TatD family deoxyribonuclease
1737	 36.63	0	1776410..1776682	-	90	22537922	-	SAG1783	-	hypothetical protein
1738	 33.59	0	1776701..1777093	-	130	22537923	-	SAG1784	-	hypothetical protein
1739	 36.35	0	1777084..1778376	-	430	22537924	-	SAG1785	-	hypothetical protein
1740	 31.55	-1	1778376..1778768	-	130	22537925	-	SAG1786	-	hypothetical protein
1741	 34.60	0	1778943..1780205	-	420	22537926	dltD	SAG1787	-	dltD protein
1742	 36.67	0	1780198..1780437	-	79	22537927	dltC	SAG1788	-	D-alanine--poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 2
1743	 33.73	0	1780452..1781717	-	421	22537928	dltB	SAG1789	-	dltB protein
1744	 37.43	0	1781714..1783249	-	511	22537929	dltA	SAG1790	-	D-alanine--D-alanyl carrier protein ligase
1745	 34.09	0	1783395..1784582	-	395	22537930	-	SAG1791	-	sensor histidine kinase
1746	 34.22	0	1784582..1785256	-	224	22537931	-	SAG1792	-	DNA-binding response regulator
1747	 46.67	+2	1785612..1785746	-	44	22537932	rpmH	SAG1793	-	50S ribosomal protein L34
1748	 34.88	0	1785930..1787285	-	451	22537933	-	SAG1794	-	hypothetical protein
1749	 41.47	+1	1787517..1788683	+	388	22537934	-	SAG1795	-	IS30 family transposase
1750	 35.94	0	1789082..1790809	-	575	22537935	-	SAG1796	-	amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein
1751	 37.58	0	1790828..1792051	-	407	22537936	-	SAG1797	-	amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1752	 25.83	-2	1792194..1792313	+	39	22537937	-	SAG1798	-	hypothetical protein
1753	 38.50	0	1792428..1794806	-	792	22537938	xfp	SAG1799	-	putative phosphoketolase
1754	 37.45	0	1794896..1795987	-	363	22537939	-	SAG1800	-	putative L-ascorbate 6-phosphate lactonase
1755	 35.12	0	1796304..1797983	-	559	22537940	-	SAG1801	-	BglG family transcriptional antiterminator
1756	 34.25	0	1798049..1798810	-	253	22537941	-	SAG1802	-	hypothetical protein
1757	 37.68	0	1798830..1800347	-	505	22537942	-	SAG1803	-	carbohydrate kinase
1758	 36.87	0	1800413..1801402	-	329	22537943	-	SAG1804	-	hypothetical protein
1759	 38.71	0	1801424..1802875	-	483	22537944	-	SAG1805	-	PTS system, IIC component, putative
1760	 38.98	0	1802973..1803929	-	318	22537945	-	SAG1806	-	glyoxylate reductase, NADH-dependent
1761	 36.57	0	1803948..1804967	-	339	22537946	-	SAG1807	-	hypothetical protein
1762	 34.04	0	1805202..1806185	-	327	22537947	-	SAG1808	-	LacI family sugar-binding transcriptional regulator
1763	 38.58	0	1806349..1806996	-	215	22537948	-	SAG1809	-	putative translaldolase
1764	 38.91	0	1807007..1807723	-	238	22537949	araD	SAG1810	-	L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase
1765	 37.62	0	1807725..1808588	-	287	22537950	-	SAG1811	-	putative L-xylulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase
1766	 41.29	+1	1808592..1809257	-	221	22537951	ulaD	SAG1812	-	3-keto-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase
1767	 37.45	0	1809370..1809855	-	161	22537952	-	SAG1813	-	PTS system, IIA component
1768	 38.35	0	1809922..1810200	-	92	22537953	-	SAG1814	-	PTS system, IIB component
1769	 38.33	0	1810228..1811667	-	479	22537954	ulaA	SAG1815	-	ascorbate-specific PTS system enzyme IIC
1770	 35.60	0	1811835..1812452	-	205	22537955	-	SAG1816	-	hypothetical protein
1771	 29.32	-1	1812611..1813084	+	157	22537956	-	SAG1817	-	hypothetical protein
1772	 39.13	0	1813107..1814399	-	430	22537957	purA	SAG1818	-	adenylosuccinate synthetase
1773	 38.03	0	1814769..1815791	-	340	22537958	pfoR	SAG1819	-	perfringolysin O regulator protein
1774	 32.30	0	1816153..1816827	+	224	22537959	-	SAG1820	-	hypothetical protein
1775	 37.37	0	1816997..1819249	+	750	22537960	-	SAG1821	-	bifunctional glutamate--cysteine ligase/glutathione synthetase
1776	 33.21	0	1819373..1820191	+	272	22537961	-	SAG1822	-	hypothetical protein
1777	 37.79	0	1820188..1821444	+	418	22537962	-	SAG1823	-	hypothetical protein
1778	 37.33	0	1821584..1822459	+	291	22537963	hslO	SAG1824	-	Hsp33-like chaperonin
1779	 39.78	+1	1822443..1823420	+	325	22537964	-	SAG1825	-	NifR3/Smm1 family protein
1780	 34.74	0	1823541..1824182	+	213	22537965	-	SAG1826	-	deoxynucleoside kinase family protein
1781	 34.76	0	1824196..1824687	+	163	22537966	pat	SAG1827	-	phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase
1782	 37.25	0	1824907..1827354	-	815	22537967	-	SAG1828	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit
1783	 35.05	0	1827351..1827815	-	154	22537968	ctsR	SAG1829	-	transcriptional regulator CtsR
1784	 41.13	+1	1827988..1828449	+	153	22537969	-	SAG1830	-	hypothetical protein
1785	 38.81	0	1828608..1829648	-	346	22537970	tsf	SAG1831	-	elongation factor Ts
1786	 40.21	+1	1829742..1830512	-	256	22537971	rpsB	SAG1832	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
1787	 38.32	0	1830789..1831349	+	186	22537972	ahpC	SAG1833	-	alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, subunit C
1788	 38.16	0	1831367..1832899	+	510	22537973	ahpF	SAG1834	-	alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, subunit F
1789	 40.00	+1	1833318..1833722	-	134	22537974	-	SAG1835	-	hypothetical protein
1790	 42.47	+1	1833783..1833968	-	61	22537975	-	SAG1836	-	hypothetical protein
1791	 46.27	+2	1834175..1835581	-	468	22537976	-	SAG1837	-	prophage LambdaSa2, lysin, putative
1792	 41.21	+1	1835585..1835914	-	109	22537977	-	SAG1838	-	prophage LambdaSa2, holin, putative
1793	 41.36	+1	1835917..1836327	-	136	22537978	-	SAG1839	-	hypothetical protein
1794	 43.36	+2	1836362..1836700	-	112	22537979	-	SAG1840	-	hypothetical protein
1795	 43.29	+2	1836703..1836933	-	76	22537980	-	SAG1841	-	hypothetical protein
1796	 43.27	+2	1836950..1840624	-	1224	22537981	-	SAG1842	-	prophage LambdaSa2, PblB, putative
1797	 41.49	+1	1840625..1841347	-	240	22537982	-	SAG1843	-	hypothetical protein
1798	 42.76	+1	1841344..1844079	-	911	22537983	-	SAG1844	-	hypothetical protein
1799	 37.98	0	1844098..1844226	-	42	22537984	-	SAG1845	-	hypothetical protein
1800	 38.16	0	1844265..1844741	-	158	22537985	-	SAG1846	-	hypothetical protein
1801	 41.23	+1	1844741..1845424	-	227	22537986	-	SAG1847	-	hypothetical protein
1802	 40.87	+1	1845439..1845783	-	114	22537987	-	SAG1848	-	hypothetical protein
1803	 38.22	0	1845770..1846117	-	115	22537988	-	SAG1849	-	hypothetical protein
1804	 38.89	0	1846117..1846422	-	101	22537989	-	SAG1850	-	hypothetical protein
1805	 38.10	0	1846419..1846754	-	111	22537990	-	SAG1851	-	hypothetical protein
1806	 39.75	+1	1846775..1848037	-	420	22537991	-	SAG1852	-	hypothetical protein
1807	 40.15	+1	1848048..1848590	-	180	22537992	-	SAG1853	-	prophage LambdaSa2, protease, putative
1808	 41.29	+1	1848640..1849782	-	380	22537993	-	SAG1854	-	hypothetical protein
1809	 41.68	+1	1849791..1851503	-	570	22537994	-	SAG1855	-	prophage LambdaSa2, terminase large subunit, putative
1810	 36.83	0	1851496..1851981	-	161	22537995	-	SAG1856	-	hypothetical protein
1811	 33.89	0	1852069..1852428	-	119	22537996	-	SAG1857	-	prophage LambdaSa2, HNH endonuclease family protein
1812	 32.99	0	1852428..1852715	-	95	22537997	-	SAG1858	-	hypothetical protein
1813	 38.31	0	1853005..1853547	-	180	22537998	-	SAG1859	-	prophage LambdaSa2, site-specific recombinase phage integrase family protein
1814	 38.92	0	1853657..1854121	-	154	22537999	-	SAG1860	-	hypothetical protein
1815	 41.67	+1	1854118..1854477	-	119	22538000	-	SAG1861	-	prophage LambdaSa2, Cro/CI family transcriptional regulator
1816	 41.38	+1	1854462..1854722	-	86	22538001	-	SAG1862	-	hypothetical protein
1817	 42.21	+1	1854732..1855148	-	138	22538002	ssb-4	SAG1863	-	prophage LambdaSa2, single-strand binding protein
35.44	MEAN

3.78	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.