IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Silicibacter sp. TM1040

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 60.41 STD DEV: 3.16
Silicibacter sp. TM1040, complete genome - 1..3200938
3030 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2737	 57.95	0	2883257..2883715	+	152	99082578	-	TM1040_2738	-	AsnC family transcriptional regulator
2738	 61.09	0	2883772..2885655	-	627	99082579	-	TM1040_2739	-	Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase
2739	 61.62	0	2885691..2886146	-	151	99082580	-	TM1040_2740	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
2740	 63.23	0	2886139..2887068	-	309	99082581	-	TM1040_2741	-	ABC transporter related
2741	 62.48	0	2887058..2887870	-	270	99082582	-	TM1040_2742	-	ABC transporter related
2742	 60.95	0	2887867..2888775	-	302	99082583	-	TM1040_2743	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
2743	 60.97	0	2888775..2889809	-	344	99082584	-	TM1040_2744	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
2744	 58.70	0	2889841..2891496	-	551	99082585	-	TM1040_2745	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
2745	 62.11	0	2891848..2895138	+	1096	99082586	-	TM1040_2746	-	multi-sensor hybrid histidine kinase
2746	 64.34	+1	2895144..2896046	-	300	99082587	-	TM1040_2747	-	RpiR family transcriptional regulator
2747	 60.73	0	2896222..2896743	+	173	99082588	-	TM1040_2748	-	tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporter DctQ
2748	 59.44	0	2896740..2898026	+	428	99082589	-	TM1040_2749	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter- DctM subunit
2749	 60.73	0	2898076..2899119	+	347	99082590	-	TM1040_2750	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter, DctP subunit
2750	 61.62	0	2899183..2900649	+	488	99082591	-	TM1040_2751	-	hypothetical protein
2751	 61.93	0	2900649..2901704	+	351	99082592	-	TM1040_2752	-	alanine racemase-like
2752	 61.60	0	2901701..2902627	+	308	99082593	-	TM1040_2753	-	PfkB
2753	 61.54	0	2902654..2903043	+	129	99082594	-	TM1040_2754	-	endoribonuclease L-PSP
2754	 60.54	0	2903128..2904465	-	445	99082595	-	TM1040_2755	-	carboxyl-terminal protease
2755	 63.77	+1	2904473..2905576	-	367	99082596	-	TM1040_2756	-	peptidase M23B
2756	 61.14	0	2905615..2907135	-	506	99082597	-	TM1040_2757	-	phosphoglyceromutase
2757	 59.74	0	2907361..2907822	+	153	99082598	-	TM1040_2758	-	hypothetical protein
2758	 62.24	0	2907826..2908299	-	157	99082599	-	TM1040_2759	-	acetyltransferase
2759	 61.76	0	2908299..2909255	-	318	99082600	-	TM1040_2760	-	ABC transporter related
2760	 56.83	-1	2909299..2909481	+	60	99082601	-	TM1040_2761	-	hypothetical protein
2761	 63.58	+1	2909535..2910020	+	161	99082602	-	TM1040_2762	-	hypothetical protein
2762	 54.87	-1	2910088..2910621	-	177	99082603	-	TM1040_2763	-	hypothetical protein
2763	 61.25	0	2910652..2913459	+	935	99082604	-	TM1040_2764	-	DNA polymerase I
2764	 59.24	0	2913628..2914395	-	255	99082605	-	TM1040_2765	-	hydroxypyruvate isomerase
2765	 56.23	-1	2914614..2915207	-	197	99082606	-	TM1040_2766	-	hypothetical protein
2766	 63.19	0	2915260..2916267	+	335	99082607	-	TM1040_2767	-	ATPase
2767	 64.47	+1	2916264..2917172	+	302	99082608	-	TM1040_2768	-	hypothetical protein
2768	 63.44	0	2917169..2919958	+	929	99082609	-	TM1040_2769	-	double-transmembrane region-like
2769	 63.88	+1	2920004..2922046	+	680	99082610	-	TM1040_2770	-	hypothetical protein
2770	 60.58	0	2922245..2923147	-	300	99082611	-	TM1040_2771	-	hydratase/decarboxylase
2771	 63.87	+1	2923147..2925219	-	690	99082612	-	TM1040_2772	-	penicillin-binding protein 1C
2772	 62.72	0	2925324..2930771	-	1815	99082613	-	TM1040_2773	-	alpha-2-macroglobulin-like
2773	 58.09	0	2930923..2933208	+	761	99082614	-	TM1040_2774	-	histidine kinase
2774	 60.85	0	2933253..2934611	-	452	99082615	-	TM1040_2775	-	dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
2775	 61.22	0	2934612..2935877	-	421	99082616	-	TM1040_2776	-	branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E2 component
2776	 59.96	0	2935882..2936895	-	337	99082617	-	TM1040_2777	-	branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E1 component
2777	 61.35	0	2936897..2938138	-	413	99082618	-	TM1040_2778	-	branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E1 component
2778	 59.85	0	2938135..2939205	-	356	99082619	-	TM1040_2779	-	Glu/Leu/Phe/Val dehydrogenase, dimerisation region
2779	 58.55	0	2939325..2939792	+	155	99082620	-	TM1040_2780	-	AsnC family transcriptional regulator
2780	 61.90	0	2939877..2941073	-	398	99082621	-	TM1040_2781	-	iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
2781	 60.59	0	2941116..2942498	-	460	99082622	-	TM1040_2782	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
2782	 58.76	0	2942601..2943953	-	450	99082623	-	TM1040_2783	-	L-glutamine synthetase
2783	 58.26	0	2944029..2945063	-	344	99082624	-	TM1040_2784	-	twin-arginine translocation pathway signal
2784	 58.79	0	2945118..2946437	-	439	99082625	-	TM1040_2785	-	TRAP C4-dicarboxylate transport system permease DctM subunit
2785	 55.78	-1	2946434..2947021	-	195	99082626	-	TM1040_2786	-	hypothetical protein
2786	 60.85	0	2947018..2947791	-	257	99082627	-	TM1040_2787	-	N-formylglutamate amidohydrolase
2787	 55.83	-1	2947896..2948753	+	285	99082628	-	TM1040_2788	-	RpiR family transcriptional regulator
2788	 60.87	0	2948817..2949971	+	384	99082629	-	TM1040_2789	-	AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase
2789	 64.22	+1	2949971..2951074	+	367	99082630	-	TM1040_2790	-	Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase
2790	 60.58	0	2951135..2953351	-	738	99082631	-	TM1040_2791	-	catalase/peroxidase HPI
2791	 60.06	0	2953530..2954453	+	307	99082632	-	TM1040_2792	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2792	 60.33	0	2954463..2955251	-	262	99082633	-	TM1040_2793	-	carnitinyl-CoA dehydratase
2793	 61.96	0	2955248..2957287	-	679	99082634	-	TM1040_2794	-	CoA-binding
2794	 54.29	-1	2957294..2957608	-	104	99082635	-	TM1040_2795	-	SelT/selW/selH selenoprotein
2795	 58.58	0	2957611..2958810	-	399	99082636	-	TM1040_2796	-	butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
2796	 60.97	0	2958859..2959806	+	315	99082637	-	TM1040_2797	-	transcriptional regulator
2797	 59.11	0	2959852..2960235	-	127	99082638	-	TM1040_2798	-	arsenate reductase and related
2798	 60.02	0	2960323..2962128	+	601	99082639	-	TM1040_2799	-	adenine deaminase
2799	 58.83	0	2962121..2963587	+	488	99082640	-	TM1040_2800	-	AMP nucleosidase
2800	 58.16	0	2963731..2964024	+	97	99082641	-	TM1040_2801	-	histone-like DNA-binding protein
2801	 61.87	0	2964165..2965082	+	305	99082642	-	TM1040_2802	-	hypothetical protein
2802	 57.33	0	2965204..2965653	+	149	99082643	-	TM1040_2803	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase B
2803	 55.81	-1	2965650..2966165	+	171	99082644	-	TM1040_2804	-	methionine sulfoxide reductase A
2804	 62.08	0	2966243..2968249	-	668	99082645	-	TM1040_2805	-	hydantoinase/oxoprolinase
2805	 59.67	0	2968323..2969366	-	347	99082646	-	TM1040_2806	-	hypothetical protein
2806	 57.61	0	2969475..2970821	-	448	99082647	-	TM1040_2807	-	6-aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase
2807	 57.61	0	2970802..2972226	-	474	99082648	-	TM1040_2808	-	hypothetical protein
2808	 57.97	0	2972936..2973763	+	275	99082649	-	TM1040_2809	-	diaminopimelate epimerase
2809	 58.61	0	2973760..2975025	+	421	99082650	-	TM1040_2810	-	MiaB-like tRNA modifying enzyme
2810	 62.84	0	2975043..2975564	+	173	99082651	-	TM1040_2811	-	hypothetical protein
2811	 59.34	0	2975706..2976497	-	263	99082652	-	TM1040_2812	-	cytochrome c1
2812	 57.19	-1	2976516..2977844	-	442	99082653	-	TM1040_2813	-	cytochrome b/b6-like
2813	 59.36	0	2977860..2978420	-	186	99082654	-	TM1040_2814	-	ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, iron-sulfur subunit
2814	 57.38	0	2978645..2979247	-	200	99082655	-	TM1040_2815	-	glutathione S-transferase-like
2815	 61.49	0	2979365..2980060	-	231	99082656	-	TM1040_2816	-	ABC transporter related
2816	 62.60	0	2980047..2981618	-	523	99082657	thiP	TM1040_2817	-	thiamine transporter membrane protein
2817	 58.21	0	2981594..2982574	-	326	99082658	tbpA	TM1040_2818	-	thiamine transporter substrate binding subunit
2818	 59.12	0	2983051..2984163	+	370	99082659	-	TM1040_2819	-	chorismate synthase
2819	 57.17	-1	2984942..2985931	+	329	99082660	-	TM1040_2820	-	3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase
2820	 59.33	0	2985990..2986793	-	267	99082661	-	TM1040_2821	-	undecaprenyl-diphosphatase
2821	 60.08	0	2987026..2988468	+	480	99082662	-	TM1040_2822	-	putative oxidoreductase
2822	 60.40	0	2988543..2993075	+	1510	99082663	-	TM1040_2823	-	glutamate synthase (NADPH) large subunit
2823	 60.08	0	2993220..2993963	+	247	99082664	-	TM1040_2824	-	monofunctional biosynthetic peptidoglycan transglycosylase
2824	 56.61	-1	2994033..2994698	+	221	99082665	-	TM1040_2825	-	glutathione S-transferase-like
2825	 61.28	0	2994998..2996482	-	494	99082666	-	TM1040_2826	-	HemY-like
2826	 62.80	0	2996493..2997812	-	439	99082667	-	TM1040_2827	-	hypothetical protein
2827	 61.25	0	2997862..2998599	-	245	99082668	-	TM1040_2828	-	uroporphyrinogen III synthase HEM4
2828	 60.47	0	2998674..2999771	+	365	99082669	-	TM1040_2829	-	O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
2829	 62.20	0	2999768..3000730	+	320	99082670	-	TM1040_2830	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)
2830	 59.34	0	3000732..3001004	+	90	99082671	-	TM1040_2831	-	YciI-like protein
2831	 53.66	-2	3001004..3001426	+	140	99082672	-	TM1040_2832	-	hypothetical protein
2832	 56.57	-1	3001480..3001875	+	131	99082673	-	TM1040_2833	-	hypothetical protein
2833	 51.75	-2	3002076..3002417	-	113	99082674	-	TM1040_2834	-	hypothetical protein
2834	 56.49	-1	3002642..3004027	-	461	99082675	-	TM1040_2835	-	S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase
2835	 57.47	0	3004294..3004902	+	202	99082676	-	TM1040_2836	-	metal dependent phosphohydrolase
2836	 61.41	0	3004905..3006122	-	405	99082677	-	TM1040_2837	-	hypothetical protein
60.41	MEAN

3.16	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.