IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shigella sonnei Ss046

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.65 STD DEV: 4.20
Shigella sonnei Ss046, complete genome - 1..4825265
4219 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
4107	 54.06	0	4699793..4700506	-	237	74314725	yjgI	SSON_4429	-	oxidoreductase
4108	 47.88	0	4700680..4700844	+	54	74314726	-	SSON_4430	-	hypothetical protein
4109	 49.41	0	4700916..4701170	+	84	74314727	yjgJ	SSON_4431	-	hypothetical protein
4110	 54.37	0	4701703..4702206	+	167	74314728	-	SSON_4433	-	IS1 ORF
4111	 54.37	0	4703330..4703833	-	167	74314729	-	SSON_4435	-	IS1 ORF
4112	 51.64	0	4705168..4706172	-	334	74314730	argI	SSON_4436	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase subunit I
4113	 49.16	0	4706334..4706750	+	138	74314731	yjgD	SSON_4437	-	hypothetical protein
4114	 51.70	0	4706796..4707089	-	97	74314732	-	SSON_4438	-	hypothetical protein
4115	 53.70	0	4707325..4707702	-	125	74314733	-	SSON_4439	-	IS1 ORF
4116	 53.03	0	4707841..4709013	+	390	74314734	-	SSON_4440	-	IS21 ORF1
4117	 52.63	0	4709013..4709810	+	265	74314735	-	SSON_4441	-	IS21 ORF2
4118	 37.18	-2	4710282..4711478	+	398	74314736	yjgN	SSON_4442	-	hypothetical protein
4119	 55.11	0	4711534..4714389	-	951	74314737	valS	SSON_4443	-	valyl-tRNA synthetase
4120	 54.05	0	4714389..4714832	-	147	74314738	holC	SSON_4444	-	DNA polymerase III subunit chi
4121	 54.56	0	4714966..4716477	-	503	74314739	pepA	SSON_4445	-	leucyl aminopeptidase
4122	 54.86	0	4716744..4717844	+	366	74314740	yjgP	SSON_4446	-	hypothetical protein
4123	 54.14	0	4717841..4718926	+	361	74314741	yjgQ	SSON_4447	-	hypothetical protein
4124	 53.16	0	4719045..4720547	-	500	74314742	yjgR	SSON_4448	-	hypothetical protein
4125	 47.28	-1	4720625..4721599	-	324	74314743	idnR	SSON_4449	-	L-idonate transcriptional regulator
4126	 50.53	0	4721666..4722985	-	439	74314744	idnT	SSON_4450	-	L-idonate transporter
4127	 49.41	0	4723050..4723814	-	254	74314745	idnO	SSON_4451	-	gluconate 5-dehydrogenase
4128	 47.29	-1	4723838..4724869	-	343	74314746	idnD	SSON_4452	-	L-idonate 5-dehydrogenase
4129	 43.97	-1	4725086..4725649	+	187	74314747	idnK	SSON_4453	-	D-gluconate kinase
4130	 55.08	0	4725653..4726714	-	353	74314748	yjgB	SSON_4454	-	putative oxidoreductase
4131	 51.96	0	4727686..4728399	-	237	74314749	-	SSON_4456	-	IS600 ORF2
4132	 46.53	-1	4728540..4728842	-	100	74314750	-	SSON_4457	-	IS600 ORF1
4133	 54.52	0	4729449..4730288	+	279	74314751	-	SSON_4458	-	IS911 ORF2
4134	 53.78	0	4730804..4731571	-	255	74314752	fecE	SSON_4459	-	iron-dicitrate transporter ATP-binding subunit
4135	 59.77	+1	4731572..4732528	-	318	74314753	fecD	SSON_4460	-	iron-dicitrate transporter subunit FecD
4136	 60.86	+2	4732525..4733523	-	332	74314754	fecC	SSON_4461	-	iron-dicitrate transporter permease subunit
4137	 57.54	+1	4733520..4734428	-	302	74314755	fecB	SSON_4462	-	iron-dicitrate transporter substrate-binding subunit
4138	 58.58	+1	4734467..4736791	-	774	74314756	fecA	SSON_4463	-	outer membrane receptor
4139	 59.01	+1	4736878..4737831	-	317	74314757	fecR	SSON_4464	-	fec operon regulator FecR
4140	 54.41	0	4737828..4738349	-	173	74314758	fecI	SSON_4465	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor FecI
4141	 52.54	0	4738641..4738916	+	91	74314759	insA	SSON_4466	-	IS1 ORF1
4142	 56.12	+1	4738835..4739128	+	97	74314760	-	SSON_4467	-	IS1 ORF
4143	 48.57	0	4739129..4739338	+	69	74314761	-	SSON_4468	-	IS1 ORF
4144	 54.37	0	4739626..4740129	+	167	74314762	-	SSON_4469	-	IS1 ORF
4145	 54.37	0	4741449..4741952	+	167	74314763	-	SSON_4470	-	IS1 ORF
4146	 48.42	0	4742199..4743179	-	326	74314764	yjhS	SSON_4471	-	hypothetical protein
4147	 43.54	-1	4743244..4744458	-	404	74314765	yjhT	SSON_4472	-	hypothetical protein
4148	 42.84	-2	4744370..4745095	-	241	74314766	yjhA	SSON_4473	-	hypothetical protein
4149	 52.91	0	4745945..4746976	+	343	74314767	-	SSON_4474	-	IS630 orf
4150	 54.17	0	4747419..4747922	+	167	74314768	-	SSON_4475	-	IS1 ORF
4151	 54.68	0	4749389..4750573	+	394	74314769	uxuA	SSON_4477	-	mannonate dehydratase
4152	 57.22	+1	4750654..4752114	+	486	74314770	uxuB	SSON_4478	-	D-mannonate oxidoreductase
4153	 53.10	0	4752329..4753102	+	257	74314771	uxuR	SSON_4479	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor UxuR
4154	 40.07	-2	4753243..4754073	-	276	74314772	yjiC	SSON_4480	-	hypothetical protein
4155	 54.17	0	4754214..4754717	-	167	74314773	-	SSON_4481	-	IS1 ORF
4156	 48.19	0	4754982..4755755	+	257	74314774	-	SSON_4482	-	hypothetical protein
4157	 57.73	+1	4755734..4756930	-	398	74314775	-	SSON_4483	-	ISSfl2 ORF
4158	 49.37	0	4757338..4758054	+	238	74314776	-	SSON_4484	-	hypothetical protein
4159	 55.44	0	4758132..4758986	-	284	74314777	yjiA	SSON_4485	-	putative GTP-binding protein YjiA
4160	 50.49	0	4759099..4759302	-	67	74314778	yjiX	SSON_4486	-	hypothetical protein
4161	 55.77	0	4759352..4761517	-	721	74314779	yjiY	SSON_4487	-	putative carbon starvation protein
4162	 54.39	0	4761895..4762407	-	170	74314780	hpaC	SSON_4488	-	4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase coupling protein
4163	 54.38	0	4762425..4763987	-	520	74314781	hpaB	SSON_4489	-	4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase
4164	 52.10	0	4764928..4765641	-	237	74314782	-	SSON_4490	-	IS600 ORF2
4165	 46.53	-1	4765782..4766084	-	100	74314783	-	SSON_4491	-	IS600 ORF1
4166	 54.10	0	4766405..4767781	-	458	74314784	hpaX	SSON_4493	-	putative 4-hydroxyphenylacetate permease
4167	 60.58	+2	4767956..4768744	-	262	74314785	hpaI	SSON_4494	-	2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic acid aldolase (HHED aldolase)
4168	 58.58	+1	4768755..4769558	-	267	74314786	hpaH	SSON_4495	-	2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase
4169	 54.59	0	4769669..4770049	-	126	74314787	hpaF	SSON_4496	-	5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate delta-isomerase
4170	 55.16	0	4770059..4770910	-	283	74314788	hpaD	SSON_4497	-	homoprotocatechuate dyoxygenase
4171	 58.28	+1	4770912..4772378	-	488	74314789	hpaE	SSON_4498	-	5-carboxy-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde dehydrogenase
4172	 55.66	0	4772375..4773664	-	429	74314790	hpaG	SSON_4499	-	5-oxo-1,2,5-tricarboxilic-3-penten acid decarboxilase/isomerase
4173	 50.56	0	4773936..4774382	+	148	74314791	hpcR	SSON_4500	-	homoprotocatechuate degradative operon repressor
4174	 47.21	-1	4777771..4778577	-	268	74314792	yjjM	SSON_4503	-	hypothetical protein
4175	 50.87	0	4778809..4779846	+	345	74314793	yjjN	SSON_4504	-	putative oxidoreductase
4176	 52.09	0	4779985..4782276	-	763	161986380	mdoB	SSON_4505	-	phosphoglycerol transferase I
4177	 51.00	0	4782530..4783027	-	165	74314795	yjjA	SSON_4506	-	hypothetical protein
4178	 50.81	0	4783073..4783810	-	245	74314796	dnaC	SSON_4507	-	DNA replication protein DnaC
4179	 56.48	+1	4783813..4784352	-	179	74314797	dnaT	SSON_4508	-	primosomal protein I
4180	 48.93	0	4784460..4784786	-	108	74314798	yjjB	SSON_4509	-	hypothetical protein
4181	 51.44	0	4784924..4785757	-	277	74314799	yjjP	SSON_4510	-	putative structural protein
4182	 54.37	0	4786637..4787140	+	167	74314800	-	SSON_4511	-	IS1 ORF
4183	 53.33	0	4787533..4788162	-	209	74314801	-	SSON_4512	-	IS1 ORF
4184	 45.83	-1	4788566..4789189	+	207	161986379	bglJ	SSON_4513	-	DNA-binding transcriptional activator BglJ
4185	 53.23	0	4789227..4790015	-	262	74314803	fhuF	SSON_4514	-	ferric iron reductase involved in ferric hydroximate transport
4186	 44.83	-1	4790045..4790392	+	115	74314804	-	SSON_4515	-	putative inner membrane protein
4187	 55.33	0	4791257..4792288	-	343	74314805	rsmC	SSON_4521	-	16S ribosomal RNA m2G1207 methyltransferase
4188	 58.21	+1	4792391..4792804	+	137	74314806	holD	SSON_4522	-	DNA polymerase III subunit psi
4189	 51.90	0	4792773..4793219	+	148	74314807	rimI	SSON_4523	-	ribosomal-protein-alanine N-acetyltransferase
4190	 53.24	0	4793234..4793911	+	225	74314808	yjjG	SSON_4524	-	nucleotidase
4191	 53.65	0	4794002..4795591	+	529	74314809	prfC	SSON_4525	-	peptide chain release factor 3
4192	 51.82	0	4795984..4796589	+	201	74314810	osmY	SSON_4526	-	periplasmic protein
4193	 51.85	0	4796716..4796877	+	53	74314811	-	SSON_4527	-	hypothetical protein
4194	 53.82	0	4796999..4798072	+	357	74314812	yjjU	SSON_4528	-	hypothetical protein
4195	 55.04	0	4798069..4798851	+	260	74314813	yjjV	SSON_4529	-	putative deoxyribonuclease YjjV
4196	 55.32	0	4799367..4800230	-	287	74314814	yjjW	SSON_4530	-	putative activating enzyme
4197	 53.19	0	4800202..4801752	-	516	74314815	yjjI	SSON_4531	-	hypothetical protein
4198	 54.74	0	4802010..4802789	+	259	74314816	deoC	SSON_4532	-	deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase
4199	 54.80	0	4802916..4804238	+	440	74314817	deoA	SSON_4533	-	thymidine phosphorylase
4200	 54.00	0	4804290..4805513	+	407	74314818	deoB	SSON_4534	-	phosphopentomutase
4201	 52.78	0	4805593..4806312	+	239	74314819	deoD	SSON_4535	-	purine nucleoside phosphorylase
4202	 57.62	+1	4806768..4807784	-	338	74314820	lplA	SSON_4536	-	lipoate-protein ligase A
4203	 55.97	+1	4807812..4808456	-	214	74314821	smp	SSON_4537	-	hypothetical protein
4204	 56.04	+1	4808562..4809530	+	322	74314822	serB	SSON_4538	-	phosphoserine phosphatase
4205	 57.48	+1	4809579..4810961	+	460	74314823	sms	SSON_4539	-	DNA repair protein RadA
4206	 50.53	0	4810982..4812214	+	410	161986378	nadR	SSON_4540	-	nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase
51.65	MEAN

4.20	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.