IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shigella sonnei Ss046

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.65 STD DEV: 4.20
Shigella sonnei Ss046, complete genome - 1..4825265
4219 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1167	 43.30	-1	1328407..1328958	+	183	74311784	-	SSON_1253	-	putative resolvase
1168	 38.13	-2	1330868..1331242	+	124	74311785	-	SSON_1254	-	hypothetical protein
1169	 46.53	-1	1334146..1334448	+	100	74311786	-	SSON_1255	-	IS600 ORF1
1170	 52.10	0	1334589..1335302	+	237	74311787	-	SSON_1256	-	IS600 ORF2
1171	 48.68	0	1335299..1335487	-	62	74311788	-	SSON_1257	-	hypothetical protein
1172	 48.89	0	1337335..1338189	-	284	74311789	-	SSON_1260	-	antitermination protein Q
1173	 48.53	0	1338186..1338560	-	124	74311790	-	SSON_1261	-	putative crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease
1174	 50.00	0	1338560..1338817	-	85	74311791	-	SSON_1262	-	putative bacteriophage protein
1175	 52.63	0	1339152..1339949	-	265	74311792	-	SSON_1263	-	IS21 ORF2
1176	 53.03	0	1339949..1341121	-	390	74311793	-	SSON_1264	-	IS21 ORF1
1177	 51.28	0	1341140..1341412	+	90	74311794	-	SSON_1265	-	IS2 orf1
1178	 55.19	0	1341370..1342275	+	301	161986540	-	SSON_1266	-	insertion element IS2 transposase InsD
1179	 46.53	-1	1342392..1342694	+	100	74311796	-	SSON_1267	-	IS600 ORF1
1180	 54.17	0	1342857..1343360	-	167	74311797	-	SSON_1268	-	IS1 ORF
1181	 51.96	0	1343612..1344325	+	237	74311798	-	SSON_1269	-	IS600 ORF2
1182	 53.56	0	1344353..1345306	+	317	74311799	-	SSON_1270	-	putative phage tail fiber protein
1183	 52.56	0	1345257..1345880	+	207	74311800	-	SSON_1271	-	hypothetical protein
1184	 46.92	-1	1346060..1347811	-	583	74311801	ipaH_2	SSON_1272	-	invasion plasmid antigen
1185	 44.18	-1	1348412..1348660	-	82	74311802	-	SSON_1273	-	hypothetical protein
1186	 52.91	0	1349015..1349581	-	188	161986539	yecD	SSON_1274	-	hypothetical protein
1187	 53.75	0	1349891..1351663	+	590	74311804	aspS	SSON_1275	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
1188	 52.54	0	1351781..1352233	+	150	74311805	ntpA	SSON_1276	-	dATP pyrophosphohydrolase
1189	 52.23	0	1352262..1353002	+	246	74311806	yebC	SSON_1277	-	hypothetical protein
1190	 54.98	0	1353037..1353558	+	173	74311807	ruvC	SSON_1278	-	Holliday junction resolvase
1191	 43.78	-1	1353560..1354162	-	200	161986538	yebB	SSON_1279	-	hypothetical protein
1192	 52.94	0	1354440..1355051	+	203	74311809	ruvA	SSON_1280	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase motor protein
1193	 53.21	0	1355060..1356070	+	336	74311810	ruvB	SSON_1281	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase B
1194	 51.15	0	1356217..1357002	-	261	74311811	znuB	SSON_1282	-	high-affinity zinc transporter membrane component
1195	 49.21	0	1356999..1357754	-	251	74311812	znuC	SSON_1283	-	high-affinity zinc transporter ATPase
1196	 49.20	0	1357833..1358765	+	310	161986537	znuA	SSON_1284	-	high-affinity zinc transporter periplasmic component
1197	 52.76	0	1358781..1360103	+	440	161986536	yebA	SSON_1285	-	hypothetical protein
1198	 50.93	0	1360223..1361194	+	323	74311815	msbB	SSON_1286	-	lipid A biosynthesis (KDO)2-(lauroyl)-lipid IVA acyltransferase
1199	 37.81	-2	1361414..1362709	-	431	74311816	-	SSON_1287	-	hypothetical protein
1200	 54.37	0	1362755..1363258	-	167	74311817	-	SSON_1288	-	IS1 ORF
1201	 39.99	-2	1363481..1365133	-	550	74311818	-	SSON_1289	-	putative alpha-mannosidase
1202	 37.29	-2	1365170..1367038	-	622	74311819	-	SSON_1290	-	hypothetical protein
1203	 34.58	-2	1367127..1367366	-	79	74311820	-	SSON_1291	-	hypothetical protein
1204	 54.37	0	1367682..1368185	+	167	74311821	-	SSON_1292	-	IS1 ORF
1205	 37.13	-2	1368306..1369148	+	280	74311822	-	SSON_1293	-	hypothetical protein
1206	 52.53	0	1369208..1370650	-	480	74311823	pykA	SSON_1294	-	pyruvate kinase
1207	 48.85	0	1370778..1371647	-	289	74311824	yebK	SSON_1295	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator HexR
1208	 51.56	0	1371985..1373460	+	491	74311825	zwf	SSON_1296	-	glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase
1209	 53.75	0	1373695..1375506	+	603	74311826	edd	SSON_1297	-	phosphogluconate dehydratase
1210	 55.92	+1	1375543..1376184	+	213	74311827	eda	SSON_1298	-	keto-hydroxyglutarate-aldolase/keto-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase
1211	 53.77	0	1376240..1377418	-	392	74311828	purT	SSON_1299	-	phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2
1212	 49.48	0	1377552..1377842	+	96	74311829	yebG	SSON_1300	-	DNA damage-inducible protein YebG
1213	 49.05	0	1377897..1378265	+	122	74311830	yebF	SSON_1301	-	hypothetical protein
1214	 52.58	0	1378592..1379251	+	219	74311831	yebE	SSON_1302	-	hypothetical protein
1215	 49.64	0	1379459..1381519	+	686	74311832	ptrB	SSON_1303	-	protease 2
1216	 52.19	0	1381516..1382178	-	220	74311833	-	SSON_1304	-	exodeoxyribonuclease X
1217	 51.90	0	1382202..1382858	-	218	74311834	-	SSON_1305	-	hypothetical protein
1218	 48.48	0	1382960..1383190	-	76	74311835	holE	SSON_1306	-	DNA polymerase III subunit theta
1219	 49.87	0	1383329..1383703	+	124	74311836	-	SSON_1307	-	hypothetical protein
1220	 53.04	0	1383707..1384579	+	290	74311837	-	SSON_1308	-	putative resistance protein
1221	 45.91	-1	1384592..1384933	+	113	74311838	-	SSON_1309	-	hypothetical protein
1222	 42.34	-2	1385326..1386402	-	358	74311839	-	SSON_1310	-	putative phage integrase protein
1223	 51.22	0	1386439..1386684	-	81	74311840	-	SSON_1311	-	IS1 ORF
1224	 54.94	0	1386695..1387555	-	286	161986535	-	SSON_1312	-	insertion element IS2 transposase InsD
1225	 53.01	0	1387513..1387878	-	121	74311842	-	SSON_1313	-	insertion sequence 2 OrfA protein
1226	 56.93	+1	1387967..1388233	-	88	74311843	-	SSON_1314	-	IS1 ORF
1227	 45.87	-1	1388861..1389163	+	100	74311844	-	SSON_1315	-	IS600 ORF1
1228	 52.10	0	1389304..1390017	+	237	74311845	-	SSON_1316	-	IS600 ORF2
1229	 49.01	0	1390133..1391848	-	571	74311846	ipaH_3	SSON_1317	-	invasion plasmid antigen
1230	 51.68	0	1392050..1392763	-	237	74311847	-	SSON_1318	-	IS600 ORF2
1231	 46.20	-1	1392904..1393206	-	100	74311848	-	SSON_1319	-	IS600 ORF1
1232	 54.37	0	1394044..1394547	-	167	74311849	-	SSON_1320	-	IS1 ORF
1233	 46.20	-1	1395159..1395461	+	100	74311850	-	SSON_1322	-	IS600 ORF1
1234	 51.82	0	1395602..1396315	+	237	74311851	-	SSON_1323	-	IS600 ORF2
1235	 46.01	-1	1396558..1396833	-	91	74311852	-	SSON_1324	-	hypothetical protein
1236	 54.56	0	1397264..1397767	+	167	74311853	-	SSON_1325	-	IS1 ORF
1237	 52.42	0	1397985..1399430	-	481	74311854	yebU	SSON_1326	-	rRNA (cytosine-C(5)-)-methyltransferase RsmF
1238	 53.07	0	1399505..1402144	-	879	74311855	-	SSON_1327	-	hypothetical protein
1239	 50.55	0	1402107..1403390	-	427	74311856	-	SSON_1328	-	hypothetical protein
1240	 48.19	0	1403466..1404017	+	183	74311857	-	SSON_1329	-	hypothetical protein
1241	 53.08	0	1404114..1404812	+	232	74311858	proQ	SSON_1330	-	putative solute/DNA competence effector
1242	 50.71	0	1404832..1406880	+	682	74311859	prc	SSON_1331	-	carboxy-terminal protease
1243	 53.17	0	1407072..1407953	+	293	74311860	htpX	SSON_1332	-	heat shock protein HtpX
1244	 49.62	0	1409239..1410030	+	263	74311861	-	SSON_1334	-	putative regulator
1245	 46.53	-1	1410571..1410714	+	47	74311862	-	SSON_1335	-	hypothetical protein
1246	 43.40	-1	1410789..1411076	+	95	74311863	-	SSON_1336	-	hypothetical protein
1247	 47.14	-1	1411903..1412112	+	69	74311864	cspC	SSON_1337	-	cold shock-like protein CspC
1248	 51.11	0	1412278..1413087	+	269	74311865	rrmA	SSON_1338	-	23S rRNA methyltransferase A
1249	 51.53	0	1413084..1413704	-	206	74311866	-	SSON_1339	-	hypothetical protein
1250	 45.10	-1	1414081..1414539	-	152	74311867	-	SSON_1340	-	hypothetical protein
1251	 52.85	0	1414594..1415454	-	286	74311868	manZ	SSON_1341	-	mannose-specific PTS system protein IID
1252	 51.56	0	1415458..1416258	-	266	74311869	manY	SSON_1342	-	PTS enzyme IIC, mannose-specific
1253	 50.21	0	1416321..1417292	-	323	74311870	manX	SSON_1343	-	PTS enzyme IIAB, mannose-specific
1254	 53.77	0	1417755..1419305	+	516	74311871	yoaE	SSON_1344	-	putative transport protein
1255	 50.64	0	1419309..1420937	-	542	74311872	-	SSON_1345	-	hypothetical protein
1256	 53.77	0	1421038..1422402	-	454	74311873	sdaA	SSON_1346	-	L-serine deaminase
1257	 54.40	0	1422586..1423164	-	192	74311874	yeaB	SSON_1347	-	hypothetical protein
1258	 50.44	0	1423168..1424529	-	453	74311875	pabB	SSON_1348	-	p-aminobenzoate synthetase, component I
1259	 55.00	0	1424603..1424782	+	59	74311876	-	SSON_1349	-	hypothetical protein
1260	 44.33	-1	1424902..1425201	-	99	74311877	-	SSON_1350	-	hypothetical protein
1261	 54.37	0	1425274..1425777	-	167	74311878	-	SSON_1351	-	IS1 ORF
1262	 50.38	0	1426399..1426791	-	130	74311879	-	SSON_1352	-	hypothetical protein
1263	 55.26	0	1426875..1428785	+	636	74311880	yoaA	SSON_1353	-	putative enzyme
1264	 55.46	0	1428843..1429538	+	231	74311881	yeaZ	SSON_1354	-	hypothetical protein
1265	 50.52	0	1429578..1430159	+	193	74311882	-	SSON_1355	-	putative outer membrane protein
1266	 51.19	0	1430364..1432049	+	561	74311883	fadD	SSON_1356	-	long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase
51.65	MEAN

4.20	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.