IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shigella sonnei Ss046

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.65 STD DEV: 4.20
Shigella sonnei Ss046, complete genome - 1..4825265
4219 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
986	 43.78	-1	1139097..1140254	-	385	74311602	mdoC	SSON_1060	-	glucans biosynthesis protein
987	 49.87	0	1140649..1142184	+	511	74311603	mdoG	SSON_1061	-	glucan biosynthesis protein G
988	 55.03	0	1142177..1144720	+	847	74311604	mdoH	SSON_1062	-	glucosyltransferase MdoH
989	 53.90	0	1144933..1146279	+	448	74311605	-	SSON_1063	-	IS4 orf
990	 51.75	0	1146332..1146559	+	75	74311606	yceK	SSON_1064	-	hypothetical protein
991	 50.26	0	1146560..1146937	-	125	74311607	msyB	SSON_1065	-	hypothetical protein
992	 45.45	-1	1146964..1147062	-	32	74311608	-	SSON_1066	-	hypothetical protein
993	 52.00	0	1147017..1148066	-	349	74311609	yceE	SSON_1067	-	putative transport protein
994	 57.73	+1	1149266..1150462	-	398	74311610	-	SSON_1068	-	ISSfl2 ORF
995	 50.93	0	1150820..1151575	-	251	74311611	-	SSON_1069	-	putative transposase subunit
996	 53.97	0	1151592..1153127	-	511	74311612	-	SSON_1070	-	putative transposase
997	 55.19	0	1154015..1154920	-	301	161986553	-	SSON_1071	-	insertion element IS2 transposase InsD
998	 53.01	0	1154878..1155243	-	121	74311614	-	SSON_1072	-	insertion sequence 2 OrfA protein
999	 49.66	0	1155526..1155966	+	146	74311615	-	SSON_1073	-	IS600 ORF2
1000	 52.77	0	1156514..1157434	-	306	74311616	htrB	SSON_1074	-	lipid A biosynthesis lauroyl acyltransferase
1001	 49.67	0	1157659..1158711	+	350	74311617	yceA	SSON_1075	-	hypothetical protein
1002	 47.40	-1	1158753..1159328	-	191	74311618	yceI	SSON_1076	-	hypothetical protein
1003	 51.32	0	1159332..1159898	-	188	74311619	-	SSON_1077	-	putative cytochrome
1004	 54.37	0	1160176..1160679	+	167	74311620	-	SSON_1078	-	IS1 ORF
1005	 52.46	0	1160770..1161888	-	372	74311621	solA	SSON_1079	-	N-methyltryptophan oxidase
1006	 44.71	-1	1162003..1162257	-	84	74311622	bssS	SSON_1080	-	biofilm formation regulatory protein BssS
1007	 47.97	0	1162547..1162792	-	81	74311623	dinI	SSON_1081	-	DNA damage-inducible protein I
1008	 53.10	0	1162866..1163912	-	348	74311624	pyrC	SSON_1082	-	dihydroorotase
1009	 46.70	-1	1164018..1164578	-	186	74311625	yceB	SSON_1083	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 49.07	0	1164712..1165359	-	215	74311626	grxB	SSON_1084	-	glutaredoxin 2
1011	 55.17	0	1165423..1166631	-	402	161986552	yceL	SSON_1085	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtH
1012	 49.40	0	1166867..1167451	+	194	74311628	rimJ	SSON_1086	-	ribosomal-protein-S5-alanine N-acetyltransferase
1013	 52.16	0	1167462..1168109	+	215	74311629	yceH	SSON_1087	-	hypothetical protein
1014	 54.33	0	1168111..1169034	+	307	74311630	mviM	SSON_1088	-	putative virulence factor
1015	 53.58	0	1169144..1170679	+	511	74311631	mviN	SSON_1089	-	putative virulence factor
1016	 47.96	0	1170719..1171135	-	138	74311632	flgN	SSON_1090	-	protein of flagellar biosynthesis
1017	 52.04	0	1171140..1171433	-	97	74311633	flgM	SSON_1091	-	anti-sigma28 factor FlgM
1018	 52.73	0	1171509..1172168	-	219	74311634	flgA	SSON_1092	-	flagellar basal body P-ring biosynthesis protein FlgA
1019	 53.48	0	1172323..1172739	+	138	74311635	flgB	SSON_1093	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB
1020	 53.33	0	1172743..1173147	+	134	74311636	flgC	SSON_1094	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgC
1021	 54.89	0	1173159..1173854	+	231	74311637	flgD	SSON_1095	-	flagellar basal body rod modification protein
1022	 51.58	0	1173879..1175084	+	401	74311638	flgE	SSON_1096	-	flagellar hook protein FlgE
1023	 58.99	+1	1175104..1175859	+	251	74311639	flgF	SSON_1097	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgF
1024	 53.51	0	1176856..1177554	+	232	74311640	flgH	SSON_1099	-	flagellar basal body L-ring protein
1025	 54.01	0	1177566..1178663	+	365	74311641	flgI	SSON_1100	-	flagellar basal body P-ring protein
1026	 54.46	0	1178663..1179604	+	313	74311642	flgJ	SSON_1101	-	peptidoglycan hydrolase
1027	 51.76	0	1179670..1181313	+	547	74311643	flgK	SSON_1102	-	flagellar hook-associated protein FlgK
1028	 50.73	0	1181325..1182278	+	317	74311644	flgL	SSON_1103	-	flagellar hook-associated protein FlgL
1029	 55.65	0	1182473..1185658	-	1061	74311645	rne	SSON_1104	-	ribonuclease E
1030	 46.40	-1	1185739..1186113	+	124	74311646	-	SSON_1105	-	hypothetical protein
1031	 51.56	0	1186231..1187190	+	319	74311647	yceC	SSON_1106	-	23S rRNA pseudouridylate synthase C
1032	 50.09	0	1187302..1187886	-	194	161986551	yceF	SSON_1107	-	Maf-like protein
1033	 49.43	0	1188085..1188606	+	173	74311649	yceD	SSON_1108	-	hypothetical protein
1034	 54.02	0	1188658..1188831	+	57	74311650	rpmF	SSON_1109	-	50S ribosomal protein L32
1035	 51.91	0	1188912..1189982	+	356	161986550	plsX	SSON_1110	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX
1036	 54.82	0	1190050..1191003	+	317	74311652	fabH	SSON_1111	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase III
1037	 55.05	0	1191019..1191948	+	309	74311653	fabD	SSON_1112	-	malonyl-CoA-[acyl-carrier-protein] transacylase
1038	 51.70	0	1191961..1192695	+	244	74311654	fabG	SSON_1113	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
1039	 48.10	0	1192906..1193142	+	78	74311655	acpP	SSON_1114	-	acyl carrier protein
1040	 53.30	0	1193230..1194471	+	413	74311656	fabF	SSON_1115	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase II
1041	 50.49	0	1194591..1195400	+	269	74311657	pabC	SSON_1116	-	4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase
1042	 50.93	0	1195403..1196425	+	340	74311658	yceG	SSON_1117	-	hypothetical protein
1043	 53.74	0	1196415..1197056	+	213	74311659	tdk	SSON_1118	-	thymidylate kinase
1044	 54.13	0	1197053..1198057	+	334	74311660	holB	SSON_1119	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
1045	 50.63	0	1198068..1198865	+	265	74311661	ycfH	SSON_1120	-	putative metallodependent hydrolase
1046	 52.51	0	1199160..1200593	+	477	74311662	ptsG	SSON_1121	-	glucose-specific PTS system IIBC components
1047	 49.73	0	1200653..1202842	-	729	74311663	fhuE	SSON_1122	-	ferric-rhodotorulic acid outer membrane transporter
1048	 50.56	0	1203176..1203535	+	119	74311664	ycfF	SSON_1123	-	purine nucleoside phosphoramidase
1049	 50.00	0	1203538..1203915	+	125	74311665	ycfL	SSON_1124	-	hypothetical protein
1050	 56.39	+1	1203929..1204570	+	213	74311666	ycfM	SSON_1125	-	hypothetical protein
1051	 53.09	0	1204551..1205375	+	274	74311667	thiK	SSON_1126	-	thiamine kinase
1052	 52.73	0	1205386..1206411	+	341	74311668	ycfO	SSON_1127	-	beta-hexosaminidase
1053	 47.51	0	1206434..1206976	+	180	161986549	ycfP	SSON_1128	-	hypothetical protein
1054	 52.34	0	1207384..1208688	+	434	74311670	ndh	SSON_1129	-	respiratory NADH dehydrogenase
1055	 53.33	0	1208915..1209454	+	179	74311671	ycfJ	SSON_1130	-	hypothetical protein
1056	 50.07	0	1209516..1210226	-	236	74311672	ycfQ	SSON_1131	-	hypothetical protein
1057	 46.90	-1	1210388..1210645	+	85	74311673	ycfR	SSON_1132	-	hypothetical protein
1058	 52.63	0	1210728..1211546	-	272	74311674	ycfS	SSON_1133	-	hypothetical protein
1059	 54.95	0	1211828..1215274	-	1148	74311675	mfd	SSON_1134	-	transcription-repair coupling factor
1060	 49.16	0	1215402..1216475	-	357	74311676	ycfT	SSON_1135	-	hypothetical protein
1061	 54.50	0	1216737..1217936	+	399	74311677	ycfU	SSON_1136	-	outer membrane-specific lipoprotein transporter subunit LolC
1062	 55.13	0	1217929..1218630	+	233	161986548	lolD	SSON_1137	-	lipoprotein transporter ATP-binding subunit
1063	 50.84	0	1218630..1219874	+	414	74311679	ycfW	SSON_1138	-	outer membrane-specific lipoprotein transporter subunit LolE
1064	 52.63	0	1219903..1220814	+	303	74311680	ycfX	SSON_1139	-	N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase
1065	 51.34	0	1220830..1221651	+	273	74311681	cobB	SSON_1140	-	NAD-dependent deacetylase
1066	 51.48	0	1221807..1222853	-	348	74311682	potD	SSON_1141	-	spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter periplasmic substrate-binding protein
1067	 49.94	0	1222850..1223644	-	264	74311683	potC	SSON_1142	-	spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter membrane protein
1068	 50.82	0	1223641..1224498	-	285	161986547	potB	SSON_1143	-	spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter membrane protein
1069	 50.57	0	1224482..1225618	-	378	74311685	potA	SSON_1144	-	putrescine/spermidine ABC transporter ATPase protein
1070	 49.39	0	1225868..1227094	+	408	74311686	pepT	SSON_1145	-	peptidase T
1071	 53.40	0	1227143..1228273	-	376	74311687	ycfD	SSON_1146	-	hypothetical protein
1072	 51.33	0	1228340..1229800	-	486	74311688	phoQ	SSON_1147	-	sensor protein PhoQ
1073	 46.88	-1	1229800..1230471	-	223	74311689	phoP	SSON_1148	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator PhoP
1074	 52.74	0	1230639..1232009	-	456	74311690	purB	SSON_1149	-	adenylosuccinate lyase
1075	 57.17	+1	1232013..1232654	-	213	74311691	ycfC	SSON_1150	-	hypothetical protein
1076	 53.48	0	1232690..1233796	-	368	161986546	trmU	SSON_1151	-	tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase
1077	 49.35	0	1233850..1234311	-	153	74311693	-	SSON_1152	-	putative phosphohydrolase
1078	 51.76	0	1234321..1234944	-	207	74311694	ymfC	SSON_1153	-	23S rRNA pseudouridine synthase E
1079	 50.12	0	1235146..1236396	+	416	74311695	icdA	SSON_1154	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase
1080	 33.64	-2	1236499..1236822	-	107	74311696	ycgW	SSON_1155	-	hypothetical protein
1081	 36.54	-2	1237518..1237922	-	134	74311697	ycgX	SSON_1156	-	hypothetical protein
1082	 48.09	0	1238143..1238874	-	243	74311698	ycgE	SSON_1157	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1083	 54.37	0	1240529..1241032	+	167	74311699	-	SSON_1159	-	IS1 ORF
1084	 55.08	0	1241774..1242679	+	301	161986545	-	SSON_1160	-	insertion element IS2 transposase InsD
1085	 45.24	-1	1242843..1243178	-	111	74311701	-	SSON_1161	-	hypothetical protein
51.65	MEAN

4.20	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.