IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 46.69 STD DEV: 3.68
Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3, complete genome - 1..5517674
4497 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2150	 53.68	+1	2607087..2607671	-	194	157375291	-	Ssed_2154	-	Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase
2151	 54.05	+1	2607668..2608444	-	258	157375292	-	Ssed_2155	-	cobalamin 5'-phosphate synthase
2152	 52.82	+1	2608441..2609805	-	454	157375293	-	Ssed_2156	-	hypothetical protein
2153	 52.61	+1	2609805..2611262	-	485	157375294	-	Ssed_2157	-	cobyric acid synthase
2154	 50.42	+1	2611259..2612335	-	358	157375295	-	Ssed_2158	-	hypothetical protein
2155	 53.12	+1	2612336..2612977	-	213	157375296	-	Ssed_2159	-	hypothetical protein
2156	 51.50	+1	2612974..2613540	-	188	157375297	-	Ssed_2160	-	cobinamide kinase; cobinamide phosphate guanylyltransferase CobU
2157	 50.22	0	2613537..2614436	-	299	157375298	-	Ssed_2161	-	periplasmic binding protein
2158	 51.52	+1	2614437..2614964	-	175	157375299	-	Ssed_2162	-	cobalbumin biosynthesis enzyme
2159	 54.50	+2	2614965..2615975	-	336	157375300	-	Ssed_2163	-	transport system permease protein
2160	 48.46	0	2615962..2616774	-	270	157375301	-	Ssed_2164	-	ABC transporter related
2161	 49.43	0	2616832..2618682	-	616	157375302	-	Ssed_2165	-	TonB-dependent vitamin B12 receptor
2162	 48.88	0	2619453..2622635	-	1060	157375303	-	Ssed_2166	-	acriflavin resistance protein
2163	 47.61	0	2622639..2623829	-	396	157375304	-	Ssed_2167	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
2164	 49.25	0	2624216..2625214	-	332	157375305	-	Ssed_2168	-	hypothetical protein
2165	 44.00	0	2625656..2626030	+	124	157375306	-	Ssed_2169	-	hypothetical protein
2166	 43.22	0	2626294..2626647	+	117	157375307	-	Ssed_2170	-	nitrogen regulatory protein PII
2167	 52.87	+1	2626778..2628031	-	417	157375308	-	Ssed_2171	-	DNA-directed DNA polymerase
2168	 48.83	0	2628167..2628592	-	141	157375309	-	Ssed_2172	-	SOS-response transcriptional repressor LexA -like protein
2169	 46.80	0	2628767..2629687	+	306	157375310	-	Ssed_2173	-	putative manganese-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase
2170	 50.54	+1	2629931..2631697	+	588	157375311	-	Ssed_2174	-	acetyl-CoA synthetase
2171	 49.80	0	2631694..2632689	+	331	157375312	-	Ssed_2175	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring)
2172	 52.74	+1	2632686..2633669	+	327	157375313	-	Ssed_2176	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, E1 beta2 component
2173	 48.85	0	2633705..2634838	+	377	157375314	-	Ssed_2177	-	dehydrogenase catalytic domain-containing protein
2174	 37.80	-2	2634835..2635080	+	81	157375315	-	Ssed_2178	-	phosphopantetheine-binding protein
2175	 50.57	+1	2635321..2635761	+	146	157375316	-	Ssed_2179	-	universal stress protein
2176	 47.61	0	2635886..2638309	-	807	157375317	-	Ssed_2180	-	putative ATP-dependent protease La-relatedprotein
2177	 44.95	0	2638620..2639213	-	197	157375318	-	Ssed_2181	-	hypothetical protein
2178	 44.66	0	2639520..2640437	+	305	157375319	-	Ssed_2182	-	diguanylate cyclase with PAS/PAC sensor
2179	 51.95	+1	2640602..2641267	+	221	157375320	-	Ssed_2183	-	putative short-chain dehydrogenase
2180	 47.85	0	2641354..2643117	-	587	157375321	-	Ssed_2184	-	hypothetical protein
2181	 51.91	+1	2645827..2646009	-	60	157375322	-	Ssed_2185	-	hypothetical protein
2182	 42.12	-1	2646655..2647257	+	200	157375323	-	Ssed_2186	-	hydrolase
2183	 39.68	-1	2647605..2647919	-	104	157375324	-	Ssed_2187	-	hypothetical protein
2184	 40.10	-1	2648346..2648759	-	137	157375325	-	Ssed_2188	-	hypothetical protein
2185	 42.26	-1	2648934..2649269	+	111	157375326	-	Ssed_2189	-	HxlR family transcriptional regulator
2186	 44.57	0	2650865..2651131	+	88	157375327	-	Ssed_2190	-	hypothetical protein
2187	 35.66	-2	2651277..2651534	+	85	157375328	-	Ssed_2191	-	hypothetical protein
2188	 45.01	0	2651696..2653519	+	607	157375329	-	Ssed_2192	-	hypothetical protein
2189	 41.94	-1	2654110..2654388	+	92	157375330	-	Ssed_2193	-	hypothetical protein
2190	 46.01	0	2654370..2654732	+	120	157375331	-	Ssed_2194	-	hypothetical protein
2191	 48.45	0	2654733..2655314	+	193	157375332	-	Ssed_2195	-	hypothetical protein
2192	 47.01	0	2655292..2655993	+	233	157375333	-	Ssed_2196	-	hypothetical protein
2193	 43.22	0	2656343..2657161	+	272	157375334	-	Ssed_2197	-	hypothetical protein
2194	 46.41	0	2657172..2657477	+	101	157375335	-	Ssed_2198	-	hypothetical protein
2195	 44.26	0	2657757..2658122	+	121	157375336	-	Ssed_2199	-	hypothetical protein
2196	 45.71	0	2658122..2658913	+	263	157375337	-	Ssed_2200	-	hypothetical protein
2197	 46.19	0	2658910..2660418	+	502	157375338	-	Ssed_2201	-	hypothetical protein
2198	 46.96	0	2660418..2661041	+	207	157375339	-	Ssed_2202	-	hypothetical protein
2199	 43.70	0	2661016..2661372	+	118	157375340	-	Ssed_2203	-	hypothetical protein
2200	 45.87	0	2661416..2661742	+	108	157375341	-	Ssed_2204	-	hypothetical protein
2201	 41.67	-1	2662296..2662955	+	219	157375342	-	Ssed_2205	-	hypothetical protein
2202	 44.86	0	2663053..2663538	-	161	157375343	-	Ssed_2206	-	hypothetical protein
2203	 46.79	0	2664796..2666088	-	430	157375344	-	Ssed_2207	-	phage integrase family protein
2204	 40.28	-1	2666280..2666567	-	95	157375345	-	Ssed_2208	-	hypothetical protein
2205	 44.40	0	2666770..2668350	+	526	157375346	-	Ssed_2209	-	response regulator receiver modulated metal dependent phosphohydrolase
2206	 39.91	-1	2668465..2668890	-	141	157375347	-	Ssed_2210	-	hypothetical protein
2207	 45.73	0	2669201..2670628	+	475	157375348	-	Ssed_2211	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit I
2208	 45.77	0	2670641..2671267	+	208	157375349	-	Ssed_2212	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit II
2209	 38.69	-2	2671283..2671450	+	55	157375350	-	Ssed_2213	-	Cbb3-type cytochrome oxidase component
2210	 45.51	0	2671450..2672418	+	322	157375351	-	Ssed_2214	-	cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit III
2211	 41.04	-1	2672529..2673008	+	159	157375352	-	Ssed_2215	-	hypothetical protein
2212	 47.25	0	2673026..2675404	+	792	157375353	-	Ssed_2216	-	heavy metal translocating P-type ATPase
2213	 39.78	-1	2675401..2675586	+	61	157375354	-	Ssed_2217	-	cytochrome oxidase maturation protein, cbb3-type
2214	 46.75	0	2675583..2676275	+	230	157375355	-	Ssed_2218	-	hypothetical protein
2215	 43.47	0	2676331..2677080	+	249	157375356	-	Ssed_2219	-	fumarate/nitrate reduction transcriptional regulator
2216	 45.98	0	2677419..2678351	+	310	157375357	-	Ssed_2220	-	universal stress protein UspE
2217	 46.27	0	2678431..2679381	+	316	157375358	-	Ssed_2221	-	PP-loop domain-containing protein
2218	 44.34	0	2679494..2680120	-	208	157375359	-	Ssed_2222	-	hypothetical protein
2219	 43.12	0	2680098..2680925	-	275	157375360	-	Ssed_2223	-	Bax protein, putative
2220	 48.00	0	2681062..2681961	+	299	157375361	-	Ssed_2224	-	protein of unknown function UPF0052 and CofD
2221	 44.78	0	2682061..2683257	-	398	157375362	-	Ssed_2225	-	aromatic amino acid aminotransferase
2222	 43.96	0	2685384..2686823	-	479	157375363	-	Ssed_2226	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
2223	 39.47	-1	2687047..2687877	+	276	157375364	-	Ssed_2227	-	hypothetical protein
2224	 42.24	-1	2688299..2689309	+	336	157375365	-	Ssed_2228	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating)
2225	 40.95	-1	2689445..2690848	-	467	157375366	-	Ssed_2229	-	GGDEF domain-containing protein
2226	 39.28	-2	2691243..2691713	+	156	157375367	-	Ssed_2230	-	bacterioferritin
2227	 42.86	-1	2691715..2692197	+	160	157375368	-	Ssed_2231	-	bacterioferritin
2228	 46.67	0	2692328..2692717	-	129	157375369	-	Ssed_2232	-	hypothetical protein
2229	 39.86	-1	2692972..2693247	-	91	157375370	-	Ssed_2233	-	hypothetical protein
2230	 43.03	0	2693425..2694558	+	377	157375371	-	Ssed_2234	-	spermidine/putrescine-binding periplasmic protein-like protein
2231	 47.25	0	2694574..2695917	-	447	157375372	-	Ssed_2235	-	FAD dependent oxidoreductase
2232	 44.75	0	2695933..2696484	-	183	157375373	-	Ssed_2236	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
2233	 44.58	0	2696691..2698388	+	565	157375374	-	Ssed_2237	-	MutT/NUDIX family protein
2234	 40.60	-1	2698600..2699658	+	352	157375375	-	Ssed_2238	-	hypothetical protein
2235	 47.41	0	2699729..2700424	-	231	157375376	-	Ssed_2239	-	short chain dehydrogenase
2236	 37.28	-2	2700473..2700877	-	134	157375377	-	Ssed_2240	-	putative orphan protein
2237	 45.43	0	2701332..2702381	+	349	157375378	-	Ssed_2241	-	hypothetical protein
2238	 43.49	0	2702898..2703872	+	324	157375379	-	Ssed_2242	-	ABC-type sugar transport system, ATPase component
2239	 37.52	-2	2703964..2704488	-	174	157375380	-	Ssed_2243	-	hypothetical protein
2240	 44.71	0	2705314..2706456	+	380	157375381	-	Ssed_2244	-	phage integrase family protein
2241	 44.22	0	2706535..2708325	-	596	157375382	-	Ssed_2245	-	amidohydrolase 3
2242	 42.22	-1	2708472..2709518	-	348	157375383	-	Ssed_2246	-	aminoglycoside phosphotransferase
2243	 47.12	0	2709554..2710786	-	410	157375384	-	Ssed_2247	-	putative aminotransferase
2244	 48.07	0	2710844..2713177	-	777	157375385	-	Ssed_2248	-	TonB-dependent receptor
2245	 44.96	0	2713427..2714071	+	214	157375386	-	Ssed_2249	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
2246	 45.33	0	2714213..2714929	-	238	157375387	-	Ssed_2250	-	pseudouridine synthase
2247	 41.41	-1	2715165..2715548	+	127	157375388	-	Ssed_2251	-	hypothetical protein
2248	 43.80	0	2715661..2716023	-	120	157375389	-	Ssed_2252	-	globin
2249	 40.96	-1	2716270..2717502	-	410	157375390	-	Ssed_2253	-	patatin
46.69	MEAN

3.68	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.