IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 46.69 STD DEV: 3.68
Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3, complete genome - 1..5517674
4497 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1315	 40.62	-1	1563679..1564584	+	301	157374456	-	Ssed_1317	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1316	 48.99	0	1565532..1568156	+	874	157374457	-	Ssed_1318	-	alanine--tRNA ligase
1317	 42.93	-1	1568610..1568807	+	65	157374458	-	Ssed_1319	-	carbon storage regulator, CsrA
1318	 44.11	0	1571449..1571745	+	98	157374459	-	Ssed_1320	-	sodium pump decarboxylase, gamma subunit
1319	 48.65	0	1571771..1573585	+	604	157374460	-	Ssed_1321	-	pyruvate carboxylase subunit B
1320	 48.72	0	1573594..1574724	+	376	157374461	-	Ssed_1322	-	glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase
1321	 43.01	-1	1575172..1575357	+	61	157374462	-	Ssed_1323	-	hypothetical protein
1322	 44.05	0	1575419..1575754	-	111	157374463	-	Ssed_1324	-	SecC motif-containing protein
1323	 44.62	0	1575906..1576091	-	61	157374464	-	Ssed_1325	-	hypothetical protein
1324	 48.83	0	1576280..1577563	-	427	157374465	-	Ssed_1326	-	sodium:dicarboxylate symporter
1325	 46.81	0	1577852..1578274	+	140	157374466	-	Ssed_1327	-	hypothetical protein
1326	 46.98	0	1578295..1581129	+	944	157374467	-	Ssed_1328	-	peptidase M16 domain-containing protein
1327	 44.28	0	1581345..1582979	+	544	157374468	-	Ssed_1329	-	glutamate--cysteine ligase
1328	 50.79	+1	1582976..1583416	+	146	157374469	-	Ssed_1330	-	hypothetical protein
1329	 45.15	0	1583676..1584293	+	205	157374470	-	Ssed_1331	-	hypothetical protein
1330	 46.49	0	1584409..1585647	-	412	157374471	-	Ssed_1332	-	GGDEF domain-containing protein
1331	 52.16	+1	1586138..1586647	+	169	157374472	-	Ssed_1333	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase
1332	 49.28	0	1586714..1588438	-	574	157374473	-	Ssed_1334	-	putative sulfate transporter YchM
1333	 47.64	0	1588923..1589537	+	204	157374474	-	Ssed_1335	-	ECF subfamily RNA polymerase sigma-24 factor
1334	 50.07	0	1589527..1590249	+	240	157374475	-	Ssed_1336	-	hypothetical protein
1335	 47.78	0	1590298..1590996	-	232	157374476	-	Ssed_1337	-	hypothetical protein
1336	 45.28	0	1591027..1591503	-	158	157374477	-	Ssed_1338	-	hypothetical protein
1337	 49.71	0	1591692..1594976	+	1094	157374478	-	Ssed_1339	-	peptidase S41
1338	 45.95	0	1595219..1596106	+	295	157374479	-	Ssed_1340	-	hypothetical protein
1339	 49.12	0	1596266..1596835	+	189	157374480	-	Ssed_1341	-	putative lipoprotein
1340	 47.44	0	1597648..1598136	-	162	157374481	-	Ssed_1342	-	hypothetical protein
1341	 49.12	0	1598277..1598618	-	113	157374482	-	Ssed_1343	-	hypothetical protein
1342	 48.65	0	1598623..1600293	-	556	157374483	-	Ssed_1344	-	PepSY-associated TM helix domain-containing protein
1343	 48.00	0	1600297..1600596	-	99	157374484	-	Ssed_1345	-	hypothetical protein
1344	 43.42	0	1601225..1601581	+	118	157374485	-	Ssed_1346	-	sigma 54 modulation protein/ribosomal protein S30EA
1345	 49.19	0	1601711..1603633	-	640	157374486	-	Ssed_1347	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefC
1346	 48.38	0	1603661..1604278	-	205	157374487	-	Ssed_1348	-	putative NAD(P)H oxidoreductase
1347	 46.63	0	1604797..1605375	+	192	157374488	-	Ssed_1349	-	putative PhnA protein
1348	 50.55	+1	1605517..1605969	+	150	157374489	-	Ssed_1350	-	hypothetical protein
1349	 48.09	0	1606364..1607488	+	374	157374490	-	Ssed_1351	-	ribokinase-like domain-containing protein
1350	 49.18	0	1607482..1608396	+	304	157374491	-	Ssed_1352	-	indigoidine synthase A family protein
1351	 47.43	0	1608663..1609946	+	427	157374492	-	Ssed_1353	-	excitatory amino acid transporter
1352	 49.59	0	1609996..1611102	-	368	157374493	-	Ssed_1354	-	GGDEF family protein
1353	 47.07	0	1611453..1612682	+	409	157374494	-	Ssed_1355	-	sodium-glutamate symporter
1354	 45.21	0	1612796..1613317	-	173	157374495	-	Ssed_1356	-	putative MutT/NUDIX family protein
1355	 45.00	0	1613501..1614220	-	239	157374496	-	Ssed_1357	-	hypothetical protein
1356	 39.76	-1	1614497..1614823	-	108	157374497	-	Ssed_1358	-	hypothetical protein
1357	 37.08	-2	1615041..1615280	-	79	157374498	-	Ssed_1359	-	hypothetical protein
1358	 48.73	0	1615537..1616283	+	248	157374499	-	Ssed_1360	-	hypothetical protein
1359	 43.89	0	1616472..1616651	+	59	157374500	-	Ssed_1361	-	hypothetical protein
1360	 50.53	+1	1617225..1617881	-	218	157374501	-	Ssed_1362	-	anti-ECFsigma factor, ChrR
1361	 48.23	0	1617941..1618732	-	263	157374502	-	Ssed_1363	-	short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase
1362	 43.97	0	1618971..1619252	+	93	157374503	-	Ssed_1364	-	hypothetical protein
1363	 44.88	0	1619348..1619650	+	100	157374504	-	Ssed_1365	-	hypothetical protein
1364	 48.28	0	1620046..1621035	+	329	157374505	-	Ssed_1366	-	diguanylate cyclase with PAS/PAC sensor
1365	 47.45	0	1621320..1621907	-	195	157374506	-	Ssed_1367	-	putative lipoprotein
1366	 48.27	0	1621933..1624074	-	713	157374507	-	Ssed_1368	-	hypothetical protein
1367	 43.88	0	1624379..1625023	-	214	157374508	-	Ssed_1369	-	hypothetical protein
1368	 49.49	0	1625251..1626531	+	426	157374509	-	Ssed_1370	-	hypothetical protein
1369	 39.77	-1	1626985..1628103	+	372	157374510	-	Ssed_1371	-	hypothetical protein
1370	 45.82	0	1628584..1629648	+	354	157374511	-	Ssed_1372	-	membrane-fusion protein-like protein
1371	 49.59	0	1629652..1632789	+	1045	157374512	-	Ssed_1373	-	hydrophobe/amphiphile efflux-1 (HAE1) family protein
1372	 45.91	0	1633027..1634235	+	402	157374513	-	Ssed_1374	-	hypothetical protein
1373	 47.30	0	1634524..1635318	+	264	157374514	-	Ssed_1375	-	hypothetical protein
1374	 44.98	0	1635409..1636704	+	431	157374515	-	Ssed_1376	-	hypothetical protein
1375	 46.98	0	1636884..1637909	-	341	157374516	-	Ssed_1377	-	esterase/lipase-like protein
1376	 45.58	0	1638415..1639092	+	225	157374517	-	Ssed_1378	-	hypothetical protein
1377	 45.24	0	1639214..1639507	+	97	157374518	-	Ssed_1379	-	hypothetical protein
1378	 43.46	0	1639581..1640153	+	190	157374519	-	Ssed_1380	-	methylation site containing protein
1379	 45.79	0	1640500..1644906	+	1468	157374520	-	Ssed_1381	-	Signal transduction histidine kinase-like protein
1380	 46.86	0	1644899..1645807	+	302	157374521	-	Ssed_1382	-	response regulator receiver protein
1381	 45.77	0	1645918..1647147	+	409	157374522	-	Ssed_1383	-	response regulator
1382	 48.45	0	1647155..1648153	-	332	157374523	-	Ssed_1384	-	hypothetical protein
1383	 46.54	0	1648311..1648772	-	153	157374524	-	Ssed_1385	-	hypothetical protein
1384	 49.41	0	1649064..1649486	+	140	157374525	-	Ssed_1386	-	OsmC family protein
1385	 46.51	0	1649570..1649956	+	128	157374526	-	Ssed_1387	-	hypothetical protein
1386	 45.83	0	1650208..1650735	+	175	157374527	-	Ssed_1388	-	methylation site containing protein
1387	 47.85	0	1650888..1651445	-	185	157374528	-	Ssed_1389	-	hypothetical protein
1388	 50.82	+1	1651894..1652442	+	182	157374529	-	Ssed_1390	-	cation antiporter
1389	 51.42	+1	1652429..1653412	+	327	157374530	-	Ssed_1391	-	universal stress protein, UspA
1390	 55.56	+2	1653419..1653697	+	92	157374531	-	Ssed_1392	-	multiple resistance and pH regulation protein F
1391	 56.00	+2	1653684..1653983	+	99	157374532	-	Ssed_1393	-	putative monovalent cation/H+ antiporter subunit G
1392	 54.32	+2	1653971..1654294	+	107	157374533	-	Ssed_1394	-	hypothetical protein
1393	 54.95	+2	1654408..1655064	+	218	157374534	-	Ssed_1395	-	hypothetical protein
1394	 52.43	+1	1655061..1655369	+	102	157374535	-	Ssed_1396	-	NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, chain 4L
1395	 54.85	+2	1655341..1656846	+	501	157374536	-	Ssed_1397	-	NADH dehydrogenase (quinone)
1396	 53.51	+1	1656843..1658339	+	498	157374537	-	Ssed_1398	-	NADH dehydrogenase (quinone)
1397	 53.73	+1	1658336..1659649	+	437	157374538	-	Ssed_1399	-	formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3/multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter MnhD subunit-like protein
1398	 42.24	-1	1659906..1660253	+	115	157374539	-	Ssed_1400	-	hypothetical protein
1399	 37.31	-2	1660789..1661718	-	309	157374540	-	Ssed_1401	-	AraC-type DNA-binding domain-containing protein
1400	 50.79	+1	1662030..1662980	+	316	157374541	-	Ssed_1402	-	cytochrome c family protein
1401	 50.87	+1	1662995..1665001	+	668	157374542	-	Ssed_1403	-	outer membrane protein
1402	 52.72	+1	1665016..1667388	+	790	157374543	-	Ssed_1404	-	anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase, A subunit, DmsA/YnfE family protein
1403	 50.81	+1	1667412..1668029	+	205	157374544	-	Ssed_1405	-	4Fe-4S ferredoxin iron-sulfur binding domain-containing protein
1404	 51.53	+1	1668099..1668719	+	206	157374545	-	Ssed_1406	-	cytoplasmic chaperone TorD family protein
1405	 43.23	0	1669480..1669974	-	164	157374546	-	Ssed_1407	-	SsrA-binding protein
1406	 44.91	0	1670199..1670630	+	143	157374547	-	Ssed_1408	-	cyclase/dehydrase
1407	 42.64	-1	1670980..1671312	+	110	157374548	-	Ssed_1409	-	hypothetical protein
1408	 46.90	0	1671422..1671937	-	171	157374549	-	Ssed_1410	-	SmpA/OmlA domain-containing protein
1409	 52.59	+1	1672375..1673205	+	276	157374550	-	Ssed_1411	-	uroporphyrin-III C/tetrapyrrole (corrin/porphyrin) methyltransferase
1410	 39.73	-1	1673412..1673630	+	72	157374551	-	Ssed_1412	-	hypothetical protein
1411	 46.83	0	1673704..1675467	+	587	157374552	-	Ssed_1413	-	diguanylate cyclase
1412	 50.44	+1	1676315..1678033	+	572	157374553	-	Ssed_1414	-	malate synthase
1413	 52.94	+1	1678176..1679501	+	441	157374554	-	Ssed_1415	-	isocitrate lyase
1414	 48.25	0	1679881..1681362	+	493	157374555	-	Ssed_1416	-	putative signal transduction protein
46.69	MEAN

3.68	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.