IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 42.09 STD DEV: 3.12
Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400, complete genome - 1..4845257
4029 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3075	 40.88	0	3707989..3708399	-	136	114564262	-	Sfri_3100	-	hypothetical protein
3076	 41.31	0	3708731..3709909	+	392	114564263	-	Sfri_3101	-	rRNA (guanine-N(2)-)-methyltransferase
3077	 39.68	0	3710884..3711624	-	246	114564264	-	Sfri_3102	-	GntR domain-containing protein
3078	 41.84	0	3712472..3714763	+	763	114564265	-	Sfri_3103	-	Poly(beta-D-mannuronate) lyase
3079	 42.71	0	3714760..3717042	+	760	114564266	-	Sfri_3104	-	heparinase II/III family protein
3080	 43.97	0	3717074..3717421	+	115	114564267	-	Sfri_3105	-	cupin 2 domain-containing protein
3081	 43.67	0	3717418..3718704	+	428	114564268	-	Sfri_3106	-	major facilitator transporter
3082	 42.46	0	3718707..3719648	+	313	114564269	-	Sfri_3107	-	ribokinase-like domain-containing protein
3083	 43.80	0	3719835..3720608	+	257	114564270	-	Sfri_3108	-	methyltransferase type 12
3084	 43.12	0	3720639..3721517	-	292	114564271	-	Sfri_3109	-	sterol desaturase family protein
3085	 40.45	0	3721753..3722820	-	355	114564272	-	Sfri_3110	-	hypothetical protein
3086	 42.33	0	3723050..3723616	+	188	114564273	-	Sfri_3111	-	putative lipoprotein
3087	 42.22	0	3723676..3724260	+	194	114564274	-	Sfri_3112	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, cyclophilin type
3088	 37.80	-1	3724588..3724923	+	111	114564275	-	Sfri_3113	-	hypothetical protein
3089	 44.82	0	3725052..3726479	+	475	114564276	-	Sfri_3114	-	major facilitator transporter
3090	 46.87	+1	3726903..3727604	+	233	114564277	-	Sfri_3115	-	tRNA guanosine-2'-O-methyltransferase
3091	 41.42	0	3727802..3728605	-	267	114564278	-	Sfri_3116	-	polysaccharide deacetylase
3092	 42.90	0	3728931..3729557	+	208	114564279	-	Sfri_3117	-	hypothetical protein
3093	 41.95	0	3729673..3730380	-	235	114564280	-	Sfri_3118	-	lysine exporter protein LysE/YggA
3094	 45.38	+1	3730607..3730855	-	82	114564281	-	Sfri_3119	-	hypothetical protein
3095	 39.35	0	3731139..3733397	-	752	114564282	-	Sfri_3120	-	multi-sensor hybrid histidine kinase
3096	 41.85	0	3733384..3734193	-	269	114564283	-	Sfri_3121	-	ABC-type phosphate/phosphonate transport system
3097	 44.64	0	3734625..3736898	+	757	114564284	-	Sfri_3122	-	catalase/peroxidase HPI
3098	 40.13	0	3737317..3738066	-	249	114564285	-	Sfri_3123	-	hypothetical protein
3099	 41.75	0	3738593..3739840	+	415	114564286	-	Sfri_3124	-	6-aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase
3100	 47.90	+1	3740059..3740511	-	150	114564287	-	Sfri_3125	-	hypothetical protein
3101	 45.45	+1	3740574..3741233	-	219	114564288	-	Sfri_3126	-	cytoplasmic chaperone TorD family protein
3102	 47.96	+1	3741318..3741953	-	211	114564289	-	Sfri_3127	-	4Fe-4S ferredoxin iron-sulfur binding domain-containing protein
3103	 48.40	+2	3741966..3744395	-	809	114564290	-	Sfri_3128	-	anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase, A subunit, DmsA/YnfE family protein
3104	 48.18	+1	3744436..3746442	-	668	114564291	-	Sfri_3129	-	outer membrane protein
3105	 49.37	+2	3746458..3747411	-	317	114564292	-	Sfri_3130	-	cytochrome C family protein
3106	 34.02	-2	3748558..3748992	+	144	114564293	-	Sfri_3131	-	hypothetical protein
3107	 38.45	-1	3749009..3750160	+	383	114564294	-	Sfri_3132	-	lipase, class 3
3108	 36.76	-1	3750495..3750932	+	145	114564295	-	Sfri_3133	-	hypothetical protein
3109	 34.22	-2	3751405..3751857	+	150	114564296	-	Sfri_3134	-	hypothetical protein
3110	 43.90	0	3751933..3752358	-	141	114564297	-	Sfri_3135	-	CBS domain-containing protein
3111	 43.67	0	3752448..3753182	-	244	114564298	-	Sfri_3136	-	hypothetical protein
3112	 44.90	0	3753450..3755645	-	731	114564299	-	Sfri_3137	-	malate synthase G
3113	 43.64	0	3755917..3756867	-	316	114564300	-	Sfri_3138	-	transcriptional regulator, LysR family protein
3114	 42.13	0	3756977..3758557	+	526	114564301	-	Sfri_3139	-	isocitrate lyase
3115	 46.73	+1	3759074..3759976	+	300	114564302	-	Sfri_3140	-	hypothetical protein
3116	 30.04	-2	3760091..3760789	+	232	114564303	-	Sfri_3141	-	hypothetical protein
3117	 31.61	-2	3760767..3761753	+	328	114564304	-	Sfri_3142	-	beta-ribofuranosylaminobenzene 5'-phosphate synthase family protein
3118	 32.81	-2	3761746..3762897	+	383	114564305	-	Sfri_3143	-	hypothetical protein
3119	 42.95	0	3762942..3763253	+	103	114564306	-	Sfri_3144	-	transposase IS3/IS911 family protein
3120	 42.31	0	3763307..3764119	+	270	114564307	-	Sfri_3145	-	integrase catalytic subunit
3121	 39.53	0	3765462..3766655	+	397	114564308	-	Sfri_3147	-	transposase, IS4 family protein
3122	 45.27	+1	3766755..3766997	+	80	114564309	-	Sfri_3148	-	hypothetical protein
3123	 47.53	+1	3767594..3770482	-	962	114564310	-	Sfri_3149	-	glycine dehydrogenase
3124	 44.36	0	3770722..3771111	-	129	114564311	-	Sfri_3150	-	glycine cleavage system protein H
3125	 48.40	+2	3771194..3772288	-	364	114564312	gcvT	Sfri_3151	-	glycine cleavage system aminomethyltransferase T
3126	 51.23	+2	3772508..3773731	-	407	114564313	-	Sfri_3152	-	ubiquinone biosynthesis hydroxylase, UbiH/UbiF/VisC/COQ6 family protein
3127	 49.49	+2	3773756..3775030	-	424	114564314	-	Sfri_3153	-	2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol 4-hydroxylase
3128	 42.71	0	3775059..3775634	-	191	114564315	-	Sfri_3154	-	yecA family protein
3129	 41.67	0	3775847..3776146	+	99	114564316	-	Sfri_3155	-	hypothetical protein
3130	 41.15	0	3776712..3778169	+	485	114564317	-	Sfri_3156	-	glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase-like protein
3131	 41.86	0	3778220..3780682	+	820	114564318	-	Sfri_3157	-	hypothetical protein
3132	 39.88	0	3780786..3782678	+	630	114564319	-	Sfri_3158	-	hypothetical protein
3133	 47.41	+1	3782848..3783543	+	231	114564320	-	Sfri_3159	-	5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase
3134	 46.94	+1	3783911..3785218	-	435	114564321	-	Sfri_3160	-	O-acetylhomoserine/O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase
3135	 44.01	0	3785348..3786106	-	252	114564322	-	Sfri_3161	-	short chain dehydrogenase
3136	 44.39	0	3786334..3787002	-	222	114564323	folE	Sfri_3162	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
3137	 42.98	0	3787029..3787391	-	120	114564324	folX	Sfri_3163	-	D-erythro-7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2'-epimerase
3138	 41.54	0	3787581..3787970	+	129	114564325	-	Sfri_3164	-	putative thiol-disulphide oxidoreductase DCC
3139	 43.28	0	3787982..3788866	+	294	114564326	-	Sfri_3165	-	hypothetical protein
3140	 45.57	+1	3789174..3789974	+	266	114564327	-	Sfri_3166	-	short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR
3141	 44.16	0	3790089..3791021	-	310	114564328	-	Sfri_3167	-	alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein
3142	 42.03	0	3791021..3792193	-	390	114564329	-	Sfri_3168	-	major facilitator transporter
3143	 43.23	0	3792362..3795868	+	1168	114564330	-	Sfri_3169	-	multi-sensor hybrid histidine kinase
3144	 42.69	0	3795996..3796679	-	227	114564331	-	Sfri_3170	-	two component transcriptional regulator, LuxR family protein
3145	 44.04	0	3796793..3799072	-	759	114564332	-	Sfri_3171	-	TonB-dependent receptor
3146	 43.41	0	3799290..3800192	-	300	114564333	-	Sfri_3172	-	esterase, PHB depolymerase family protein
3147	 44.98	0	3800557..3801492	-	311	114564334	-	Sfri_3173	-	malate dehydrogenase
3148	 42.00	0	3802023..3802472	+	149	114564335	-	Sfri_3174	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
3149	 45.50	+1	3802590..3803378	-	262	114564336	-	Sfri_3175	-	ribonuclease H
3150	 41.92	0	3803553..3804356	-	267	114564337	-	Sfri_3176	-	putative lipoprotein
3151	 43.46	0	3804634..3805206	+	190	114564338	-	Sfri_3177	-	NTPase
3152	 44.83	0	3805199..3805720	+	173	114564339	-	Sfri_3178	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
3153	 39.37	0	3805792..3807747	-	651	114564340	-	Sfri_3179	-	ankyrin
3154	 42.75	0	3807928..3808968	+	346	114564341	-	Sfri_3180	-	aldo/keto reductase
3155	 46.59	+1	3809081..3810370	+	429	114564342	-	Sfri_3181	-	SufS subfamily cysteine desulfurase
3156	 43.42	0	3810436..3810891	+	151	114564343	-	Sfri_3182	-	Fe-S metabolism associated SufE
3157	 43.96	0	3810919..3812085	+	388	114564344	-	Sfri_3183	-	twin-arginine translocation pathway signal
3158	 44.55	0	3812235..3812858	-	207	114564345	-	Sfri_3184	-	adenylyl-sulfate kinase
3159	 44.00	0	3812904..3814628	-	574	114564346	-	Sfri_3185	-	TrkA domain-containing protein
3160	 42.27	0	3814632..3816074	-	480	114564347	cysN	Sfri_3186	-	sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 1
3161	 44.33	0	3816135..3817043	-	302	114564348	-	Sfri_3187	-	sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2
3162	 45.91	+1	3817097..3817915	-	272	114564349	-	Sfri_3188	-	uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase
3163	 38.50	-1	3818182..3819090	+	302	114564350	-	Sfri_3189	-	phospholipase A(1)
3164	 40.06	0	3819254..3820978	-	574	114564351	-	Sfri_3190	-	hypothetical protein
3165	 46.59	+1	3821859..3822650	-	263	114564352	-	Sfri_3191	-	phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase
3166	 45.09	0	3822643..3824334	-	563	114564353	-	Sfri_3192	-	sulfite reductase subunit beta
3167	 44.11	0	3824413..3826203	-	596	114564354	-	Sfri_3193	-	sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein, alpha chain
3168	 48.37	+2	3826670..3828199	+	509	114564355	pntA	Sfri_3194	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit alpha
3169	 44.44	0	3828211..3829695	+	494	114564356	pntB	Sfri_3195	-	pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase
3170	 41.89	0	3829799..3830815	+	338	114564357	-	Sfri_3196	-	diguanylate cyclase with PAS/PAC sensor
3171	 40.63	0	3831570..3832268	+	232	114564358	-	Sfri_3197	-	hypothetical protein
3172	 41.09	0	3832492..3832968	-	158	114564359	-	Sfri_3198	-	transcriptional regulator, TetR family protein
3173	 43.05	0	3833203..3834036	-	277	114564360	-	Sfri_3199	-	hypothetical protein
3174	 45.56	+1	3834187..3835617	-	476	114564361	-	Sfri_3200	-	bifunctional heptose 7-phosphate kinase/heptose 1-phosphate adenyltransferase
42.09	MEAN

3.12	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.