IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 42.09 STD DEV: 3.12
Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400, complete genome - 1..4845257
4029 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2317	 40.16	0	2778764..2780947	+	727	114563505	-	Sfri_2334	-	peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp
2318	 41.10	0	2781380..2783479	+	699	114563506	cpdB	Sfri_2335	-	bifunctional 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 2'-phosphodiesterase/3'-nucleotidase periplasmic precursor protein
2319	 41.77	0	2783606..2784091	-	161	114563507	-	Sfri_2336	-	hypothetical protein
2320	 45.37	+1	2784084..2784806	-	240	114563508	-	Sfri_2337	-	NAD-dependent deacetylase
2321	 39.41	0	2785087..2785596	+	169	114563509	fur	Sfri_2338	-	ferric uptake regulator
2322	 41.10	0	2785678..2786604	-	308	114563510	-	Sfri_2339	-	auxin efflux carrier
2323	 44.79	0	2786728..2787600	-	290	114563511	-	Sfri_2340	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit
2324	 44.04	0	2787600..2788766	-	388	114563512	sucC	Sfri_2341	-	succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta
2325	 43.44	0	2788842..2790038	-	398	114563513	-	Sfri_2342	-	2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E2 subunit, dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase
2326	 44.17	0	2790067..2792889	-	940	114563514	kgd	Sfri_2343	-	alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
2327	 39.97	0	2793092..2793799	-	235	114563515	sdhB	Sfri_2344	-	succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit
2328	 43.41	0	2793816..2795582	-	588	114563516	sdhA	Sfri_2345	-	succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit
2329	 39.37	0	2795583..2795930	-	115	114563517	-	Sfri_2346	-	succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b subunit
2330	 44.44	0	2795924..2796319	-	131	114563518	-	Sfri_2347	-	succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b subunit
2331	 42.35	0	2796729..2798015	+	428	114563519	gltA	Sfri_2348	-	type II citrate synthase
2332	 35.84	-2	2798694..2799131	-	145	114563520	-	Sfri_2349	-	hypothetical protein
2333	 38.08	-1	2799118..2799960	-	280	114563521	-	Sfri_2350	-	hypothetical protein
2334	 34.97	-2	2800994..2801359	-	121	114563522	-	Sfri_2352	-	hypothetical protein
2335	 35.29	-2	2801437..2801793	-	118	114563523	-	Sfri_2353	-	hypothetical protein
2336	 33.33	-2	2801936..2802295	-	119	114563524	-	Sfri_2354	-	hypothetical protein
2337	 42.72	0	2802296..2806780	-	1494	114563525	-	Sfri_2355	-	YD repeat-containing protein
2338	 41.06	0	2806787..2807731	-	314	114563526	-	Sfri_2356	-	hypothetical protein
2339	 38.42	-1	2807728..2808828	-	366	114563527	-	Sfri_2357	-	hypothetical protein
2340	 48.80	+2	2808850..2809140	-	96	114563528	-	Sfri_2358	-	PAAR repeat-containing protein
2341	 43.22	0	2809183..2809536	-	117	114563529	-	Sfri_2359	-	hypothetical protein
2342	 40.28	0	2809539..2811395	-	618	114563530	-	Sfri_2360	-	Rhs element Vgr protein
2343	 39.38	0	2811466..2811945	-	159	114563531	-	Sfri_2361	-	hypothetical protein
2344	 39.39	0	2812315..2814921	-	868	114563532	-	Sfri_2362	-	ATPase
2345	 41.07	0	2814941..2815948	-	335	114563533	-	Sfri_2363	-	hypothetical protein
2346	 39.62	0	2815945..2817774	-	609	114563534	-	Sfri_2364	-	hypothetical protein
2347	 38.71	-1	2817771..2818235	-	154	114563535	-	Sfri_2365	-	hypothetical protein
2348	 39.16	0	2818268..2819056	-	262	114563536	-	Sfri_2366	-	virulence protein, SciE type
2349	 39.71	0	2819071..2820606	-	511	114563537	-	Sfri_2367	-	hypothetical protein
2350	 41.97	0	2820658..2822151	-	497	114563538	-	Sfri_2368	-	hypothetical protein
2351	 38.72	-1	2822151..2822651	-	166	114563539	-	Sfri_2369	-	hypothetical protein
2352	 40.20	0	2822693..2823799	-	368	114563540	-	Sfri_2370	-	ImpA domain-containing protein
2353	 38.67	-1	2824086..2824853	-	255	114563541	-	Sfri_2371	-	protein serine/threonine phosphatase
2354	 41.53	0	2824844..2825575	-	243	114563542	-	Sfri_2372	-	hypothetical protein
2355	 37.90	-1	2825557..2829105	-	1182	114563543	-	Sfri_2373	-	ImcF domain-containing protein
2356	 40.16	0	2829129..2830418	-	429	114563544	-	Sfri_2374	-	OmpA/MotB domain-containing protein
2357	 40.63	0	2830443..2831771	-	442	114563545	-	Sfri_2375	-	hypothetical protein
2358	 37.37	-1	2831796..2832266	-	156	114563546	-	Sfri_2376	-	hypothetical protein
2359	 40.67	0	2832285..2833661	-	458	114563547	-	Sfri_2377	-	FHA domain-containing protein
2360	 37.21	-1	2833694..2835679	-	661	114563548	-	Sfri_2378	-	serine/threonine protein kinase
2361	 36.38	-1	2835999..2836490	+	163	114563549	-	Sfri_2379	-	OmpA/MotB domain-containing protein
2362	 39.98	0	2836885..2837727	-	280	114563550	-	Sfri_2380	-	hypothetical protein
2363	 41.71	0	2838049..2839122	+	357	114563551	-	Sfri_2381	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
2364	 42.99	0	2839135..2842386	+	1083	114563552	-	Sfri_2382	-	acriflavin resistance protein
2365	 44.03	0	2842383..2845448	+	1021	114563553	-	Sfri_2383	-	acriflavin resistance protein
2366	 41.92	0	2845678..2846562	+	294	114563554	-	Sfri_2384	-	beta-lactamase domain-containing protein
2367	 42.08	0	2846678..2847409	-	243	114563555	-	Sfri_2385	-	Mn2+-dependent serine/threonine protein kinase
2368	 37.85	-1	2847796..2847972	-	58	114563556	-	Sfri_2386	-	hypothetical protein
2369	 41.57	0	2847962..2848969	-	335	114563557	-	Sfri_2387	-	tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase
2370	 43.21	0	2848986..2850788	-	600	114563558	-	Sfri_2388	-	lipid A ABC exporter, fused ATPase and inner membrane subunits MsbA
2371	 41.75	0	2850826..2853321	-	831	114563559	-	Sfri_2389	-	DNA internalization-related competence protein ComEC/Rec2
2372	 42.75	0	2853353..2853862	+	169	114563560	-	Sfri_2390	-	hypothetical protein
2373	 34.72	-2	2853923..2854354	-	143	114563561	-	Sfri_2391	-	transcriptional regulator, MarR family protein
2374	 42.14	0	2854552..2855346	+	264	114563562	-	Sfri_2392	-	FAD-binding 9, siderophore-interacting domain-containing protein
2375	 42.15	0	2855547..2855807	-	86	114563563	-	Sfri_2393	-	hypothetical protein
2376	 40.87	0	2855804..2856400	-	198	114563564	-	Sfri_2394	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
2377	 43.32	0	2856410..2857651	-	413	114563565	-	Sfri_2395	-	lipoprotein releasing system, transmembrane protein, LolC/E family protein
2378	 44.58	0	2857648..2858367	-	239	114563566	-	Sfri_2396	-	lipoprotein releasing system, ATP-binding protein
2379	 42.89	0	2858367..2859611	-	414	114563567	-	Sfri_2397	-	lipoprotein releasing system, transmembrane protein, LolC/E family protein
2380	 38.83	-1	2859769..2860368	+	199	114563568	-	Sfri_2398	-	hypothetical protein
2381	 44.16	0	2860423..2863959	+	1178	114563569	-	Sfri_2399	-	transcription-repair coupling factor
2382	 42.90	0	2863949..2864941	+	330	114563570	-	Sfri_2400	-	hypothetical protein
2383	 43.37	0	2865078..2866103	-	341	114563571	-	Sfri_2401	-	beta-hexosaminidase
2384	 44.73	0	2866337..2867713	+	458	114563572	-	Sfri_2402	-	L-serine dehydratase 1
2385	 35.90	-1	2867923..2868390	-	155	114563573	-	Sfri_2403	-	CreA family protein
2386	 44.21	0	2868723..2870129	-	468	114563574	-	Sfri_2404	-	putative chaperone
2387	 31.87	-2	2870490..2870762	+	90	114563575	-	Sfri_2405	-	hypothetical protein
2388	 42.94	0	2870824..2871156	-	110	114563576	-	Sfri_2406	-	hypothetical protein
2389	 44.54	0	2871300..2874119	-	939	114563577	-	Sfri_2407	-	DNA polymerase III, subunits gamma and tau
2390	 40.98	0	2874270..2874818	-	182	114563578	-	Sfri_2408	-	adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
2391	 40.71	0	2874956..2875321	-	121	114563579	-	Sfri_2409	-	hypothetical protein
2392	 34.17	-2	2875405..2875524	-	39	114563580	-	Sfri_2410	-	hypothetical protein
2393	 40.94	0	2875698..2876459	-	253	114563581	-	Sfri_2411	-	hypothetical protein
2394	 42.13	0	2876459..2877322	-	287	114563582	-	Sfri_2412	-	hypothetical protein
2395	 46.39	+1	2877423..2877851	-	142	114563583	-	Sfri_2413	-	hypothetical protein
2396	 43.49	0	2878179..2879123	+	314	114563584	-	Sfri_2414	-	dihydrouridine synthase, DuS
2397	 38.44	-1	2879456..2879827	+	123	114563585	-	Sfri_2415	-	transcriptional regulators, TraR/DksA family protein
2398	 42.78	0	2879956..2882484	-	842	114563586	-	Sfri_2416	-	TonB-dependent receptor
2399	 43.23	0	2883277..2883771	-	164	114563587	-	Sfri_2417	-	nucleoside-diphosphate kinase
2400	 42.59	0	2883874..2884770	-	298	114563588	-	Sfri_2418	-	alpha-L-glutamate ligases, RimK family protein
2401	 42.26	0	2884943..2885278	-	111	114563589	-	Sfri_2419	-	ferredoxin, 2Fe-2S type, ISC system
2402	 44.46	0	2885287..2887146	-	619	114563590	hscA	Sfri_2420	-	chaperone protein HscA
2403	 41.14	0	2887219..2887743	-	174	114563591	hscB	Sfri_2421	-	co-chaperone HscB
2404	 42.59	0	2887800..2888123	-	107	114563592	-	Sfri_2422	-	iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscA
2405	 39.32	0	2888138..2888521	-	127	114563593	-	Sfri_2423	-	scaffold protein
2406	 42.80	0	2888594..2889808	-	404	114563594	-	Sfri_2424	-	cysteine desulfurase IscS
2407	 41.77	0	2889890..2890351	-	153	114563595	-	Sfri_2425	-	transcriptional regulator, BadM/Rrf2 family protein
2408	 45.50	+1	2890584..2891405	-	273	114563596	-	Sfri_2426	-	serine O-acetyltransferase
2409	 42.05	0	2891424..2892146	-	240	114563597	-	Sfri_2427	-	RNA methyltransferase
2410	 42.91	0	2892297..2893100	+	267	114563598	-	Sfri_2428	-	inositol monophosphatase
2411	 38.13	-1	2893359..2893775	+	138	114563599	-	Sfri_2429	-	phosphate-starvation-inducible E
2412	 41.58	0	2894035..2894337	+	100	114563600	-	Sfri_2430	-	type IV pilus assembly PilZ
2413	 43.35	0	2894440..2895108	+	222	114563601	-	Sfri_2431	-	hypothetical protein
2414	 37.04	-1	2895095..2895445	+	116	114563602	-	Sfri_2432	-	RepA domain-containing protein
2415	 40.85	0	2895846..2897522	+	558	114563603	-	Sfri_2433	-	signal transduction histidine kinase, LytS
2416	 40.79	0	2897519..2898229	+	236	114563604	-	Sfri_2434	-	putative two-component response-regulatory protein YehT
42.09	MEAN

3.12	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.