IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 42.09 STD DEV: 3.12
Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400, complete genome - 1..4845257
4029 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1708	 39.55	0	2029046..2029930	+	294	114562896	-	Sfri_1721	-	diguanylate cyclase with PAS/PAC sensor
1709	 35.20	-2	2030121..2030495	+	124	114562897	-	Sfri_1722	-	putative transcriptional regulator, fis family protein
1710	 40.76	0	2030550..2031101	-	183	114562898	-	Sfri_1723	-	twin-arginine translocation pathway signal
1711	 39.29	0	2031264..2032607	-	447	114562899	-	Sfri_1724	-	hypothetical protein
1712	 42.70	0	2032957..2033970	+	337	114562900	-	Sfri_1725	-	permease
1713	 40.26	0	2033987..2034217	+	76	114562901	-	Sfri_1726	-	thiol-disulfide isomerase and thioredoxins
1714	 42.47	0	2034612..2036537	+	641	114562902	-	Sfri_1727	-	helicase c2
1715	 46.01	+1	2036611..2037312	+	233	114562903	-	Sfri_1728	-	peptidase M22, glycoprotease
1716	 42.73	0	2037372..2037701	+	109	114562904	-	Sfri_1729	-	hypothetical protein
1717	 39.82	0	2037694..2038371	+	225	114562905	-	Sfri_1730	-	hypothetical protein
1718	 40.51	0	2038368..2039231	+	287	114562906	-	Sfri_1731	-	hypothetical protein
1719	 42.17	0	2039253..2040146	+	297	114562907	-	Sfri_1732	-	alpha/beta hydrolase fold
1720	 40.86	0	2040345..2042018	+	557	114562908	-	Sfri_1733	-	long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase
1721	 40.43	0	2042108..2043220	+	370	114562909	-	Sfri_1734	-	ribonuclease D
1722	 37.55	-1	2043323..2043583	-	86	114562910	-	Sfri_1735	-	cell division topological specificity factor MinE
1723	 40.99	0	2043586..2044395	-	269	114562911	-	Sfri_1736	-	septum site-determining protein MinD
1724	 40.84	0	2044423..2045088	-	221	114562912	-	Sfri_1737	-	septum site-determining protein MinC
1725	 34.05	-2	2045207..2045485	+	92	114562913	-	Sfri_1738	-	hypothetical protein
1726	 38.80	-1	2045517..2046485	+	322	114562914	-	Sfri_1739	-	membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase
1727	 42.95	0	2046548..2046994	+	148	114562915	-	Sfri_1740	-	hypothetical protein
1728	 42.55	0	2047065..2047574	-	169	114562916	-	Sfri_1741	-	disulphide bond formation protein DsbB
1729	 41.59	0	2047688..2049274	-	528	114562917	nhaB	Sfri_1742	-	sodium/proton antiporter
1730	 38.47	-1	2049865..2050584	+	239	114562918	-	Sfri_1743	-	fatty acid metabolism regulator
1731	 39.82	0	2050676..2052217	-	513	114562919	-	Sfri_1744	-	hypothetical protein
1732	 40.84	0	2052227..2053492	-	421	114562920	-	Sfri_1745	-	hypothetical protein
1733	 39.28	0	2053556..2055490	-	644	114562921	-	Sfri_1746	-	putative serine protein kinase, PrkA
1734	 40.17	0	2055788..2056372	-	194	114562922	-	Sfri_1747	-	superoxide dismutase
1735	 38.60	-1	2056608..2056949	+	113	114562923	-	Sfri_1748	-	glutaredoxin-like protein
1736	 43.90	0	2057076..2058305	-	409	114562924	-	Sfri_1749	-	uracil-xanthine permease
1737	 39.80	0	2058544..2059641	+	365	114562925	-	Sfri_1750	-	hypothetical protein
1738	 41.77	0	2059795..2060505	+	236	114562926	-	Sfri_1751	-	DNA replication initiation factor
1739	 40.65	0	2060620..2062560	-	646	114562927	-	Sfri_1752	-	hypothetical protein
1740	 40.74	0	2062710..2063087	-	125	114562928	-	Sfri_1753	-	hypothetical protein
1741	 42.15	0	2063099..2063461	-	120	114562929	-	Sfri_1754	-	arsenate reductase
1742	 40.75	0	2063553..2065022	-	489	114562930	-	Sfri_1755	-	peptidase M48, Ste24p
1743	 31.98	-2	2065150..2065371	+	73	114562931	-	Sfri_1756	-	SirA family protein
1744	 40.26	0	2065397..2066479	+	360	114562932	-	Sfri_1757	-	hypothetical protein
1745	 35.04	-2	2066751..2066984	-	77	114562933	-	Sfri_1758	-	hypothetical protein
1746	 41.73	0	2067061..2067798	-	245	114562934	-	Sfri_1759	-	3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase
1747	 42.02	0	2067887..2068957	-	356	114562935	-	Sfri_1760	-	iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
1748	 42.03	0	2069029..2070213	-	394	114562936	-	Sfri_1761	-	DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS aminotransferase
1749	 40.33	0	2070383..2070997	-	204	114562937	-	Sfri_1762	-	carbonate dehydratase
1750	 39.10	0	2071107..2071955	-	282	114562938	-	Sfri_1763	-	alpha/beta hydrolase fold
1751	 42.48	0	2071991..2072701	-	236	114562939	-	Sfri_1764	-	peptidase M15B and M15C, D,D-carboxypeptidase VanY/endolysins
1752	 44.53	0	2072692..2073825	-	377	114562940	-	Sfri_1765	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
1753	 41.81	0	2073825..2074166	-	113	114562941	-	Sfri_1766	-	hypothetical protein
1754	 42.75	0	2074442..2074951	-	169	114562942	-	Sfri_1767	-	glucose-specific PTS system component
1755	 42.49	0	2075030..2076754	-	574	114562943	-	Sfri_1768	-	phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
1756	 44.57	0	2076767..2077033	-	88	114562944	-	Sfri_1769	-	phosphocarrier, HPr family protein
1757	 40.20	0	2077358..2078974	-	538	114562945	-	Sfri_1770	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer
1758	 37.27	-1	2079251..2079961	+	236	114562946	-	Sfri_1771	-	hypothetical protein
1759	 42.10	0	2080049..2081086	+	345	114562947	-	Sfri_1772	-	transcriptional regulator, LacI family protein
1760	 42.98	0	2081283..2082215	+	310	114562948	-	Sfri_1773	-	hypothetical protein
1761	 41.41	0	2082381..2082776	-	131	114562949	-	Sfri_1774	-	hypothetical protein
1762	 43.52	0	2082950..2085412	-	820	114562950	-	Sfri_1775	-	glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase
1763	 43.91	0	2085470..2087029	-	519	114562951	-	Sfri_1776	-	major facilitator transporter
1764	 44.51	0	2087427..2089520	-	697	114562952	-	Sfri_1777	-	alpha-glucosidase
1765	 40.20	0	2089745..2090341	-	198	114562953	-	Sfri_1778	-	hypothetical protein
1766	 40.51	0	2090743..2091606	-	287	114562954	-	Sfri_1779	-	hypothetical protein
1767	 39.28	0	2091911..2093104	-	397	114562955	-	Sfri_1780	-	major facilitator transporter
1768	 38.11	-1	2093495..2094352	+	285	114562956	-	Sfri_1781	-	UspA domain-containing protein
1769	 40.91	0	2094378..2094575	+	65	114562957	-	Sfri_1782	-	hypothetical protein
1770	 41.98	0	2094854..2095096	+	80	114562958	-	Sfri_1783	-	hypothetical protein
1771	 43.72	0	2095550..2097580	-	676	114562959	-	Sfri_1784	-	alpha amylase, catalytic region
1772	 41.93	0	2097631..2099550	-	639	114562960	-	Sfri_1785	-	alpha amylase, catalytic region
1773	 42.45	0	2099613..2101136	-	507	114562961	-	Sfri_1786	-	tryptophan halogenase
1774	 42.96	0	2101253..2103973	-	906	114562962	-	Sfri_1787	-	TonB-dependent receptor
1775	 42.20	0	2104478..2106112	+	544	114562963	-	Sfri_1788	-	alpha amylase, catalytic region
1776	 42.73	0	2106279..2107544	+	421	114562964	-	Sfri_1789	-	glucose/galactose transporter
1777	 42.47	0	2107849..2109063	+	404	114562965	-	Sfri_1790	-	Fmu (Sun) domain-containing protein
1778	 36.85	-1	2109269..2111542	+	757	114562966	-	Sfri_1791	-	diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC sensor(s)
1779	 38.12	-1	2112221..2114476	+	751	114562967	-	Sfri_1792	-	diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC sensor(s)
1780	 43.62	0	2114600..2115736	-	378	114562968	-	Sfri_1793	-	alanine dehydrogenase
1781	 37.95	-1	2115898..2116395	+	165	114562969	-	Sfri_1794	-	leucine-responsive transcriptional regulator
1782	 42.90	0	2116668..2119322	+	884	114562970	-	Sfri_1795	-	cell divisionFtsK/SpoIIIE
1783	 40.78	0	2119334..2119978	+	214	114562971	-	Sfri_1796	-	outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein LolA
1784	 45.72	+1	2119987..2121318	+	443	114562972	-	Sfri_1797	-	recombination factor protein RarA
1785	 36.80	-1	2121311..2121685	+	124	114562973	-	Sfri_1798	-	CrcB protein
1786	 42.35	0	2121704..2122990	+	428	114562974	-	Sfri_1799	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
1787	 39.82	0	2123475..2123813	-	112	114562975	-	Sfri_1800	-	DsrC family protein
1788	 36.57	-1	2123807..2124115	-	102	114562976	-	Sfri_1801	-	putative uncharacterized protein involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur
1789	 43.98	0	2124112..2124468	-	118	114562977	-	Sfri_1802	-	DsrE family protein
1790	 42.31	0	2124488..2124877	-	129	114562978	-	Sfri_1803	-	DsrE family protein
1791	 40.00	0	2124943..2125602	-	219	114562979	-	Sfri_1804	-	hypothetical protein
1792	 43.41	0	2125820..2126722	-	300	114562980	-	Sfri_1805	-	putative DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
1793	 42.48	0	2127797..2128474	+	225	114562981	-	Sfri_1806	-	hypothetical protein
1794	 43.43	0	2128486..2130168	+	560	114562982	-	Sfri_1807	-	hypothetical protein
1795	 42.20	0	2130914..2132458	+	514	114562983	-	Sfri_1808	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer
1796	 40.35	0	2133187..2134767	+	526	114562984	-	Sfri_1809	-	choline/carnitine/betaine transporter
1797	 37.10	-1	2134885..2135601	-	238	114562985	-	Sfri_1810	-	DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon
1798	 39.72	0	2135612..2137489	-	625	114562986	-	Sfri_1811	-	cyclic nucleotide-binding protein
1799	 46.19	+1	2137928..2139133	-	401	114562987	-	Sfri_1812	-	hypothetical protein
1800	 48.10	+1	2139133..2139843	-	236	114562988	-	Sfri_1813	-	ABC transporter related
1801	 44.34	0	2139852..2141150	-	432	114562989	-	Sfri_1814	-	RND family efflux transporter MFP subunit
1802	 42.90	0	2141736..2142707	+	323	114562990	-	Sfri_1815	-	heat shock protein DnaJ domain-containing protein
1803	 42.14	0	2142710..2143027	+	105	114562991	-	Sfri_1816	-	hypothetical protein
1804	 43.91	0	2143466..2144704	+	412	114562992	-	Sfri_1817	-	glycine betaine/L-proline ABC transporter, ATPase subunit
1805	 45.77	+1	2144731..2145582	+	283	114562993	-	Sfri_1818	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
1806	 44.44	0	2145579..2146613	+	344	114562994	proX	Sfri_1819	-	glycine betaine transporter periplasmic subunit
1807	 44.54	0	2146961..2147995	+	344	114562995	proX	Sfri_1820	-	glycine betaine transporter periplasmic subunit
42.09	MEAN

3.12	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.