IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 51.63 STD DEV: 6.48
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483, complete genome - 1..4798660
4562 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1883	 58.01	0	1949673..1950770	-	365	197248292	flgI	SeAg_B2007	-	flagellar P-ring protein FlgI
1884	 54.80	0	1950782..1951447	-	221	197248047	flgH	SeAg_B2008	-	flagellar L-ring protein FlgH
1885	 56.45	0	1951535..1952317	-	260	197251031	flgG	SeAg_B2009	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG
1886	 60.45	+1	1952331..1953086	-	251	197251378	flgF	SeAg_B2010	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF
1887	 55.03	0	1953107..1954318	-	403	197250199	-	SeAg_B2011	-	flagellar hook protein FlgE
1888	 54.79	0	1954345..1955043	-	232	197249054	-	SeAg_B2012	-	basal-body rod modification protein FlgD
1889	 55.06	0	1955055..1955459	-	134	197250491	flgC	SeAg_B2013	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC
1890	 52.52	0	1955463..1955879	-	138	197250045	flgB	SeAg_B2014	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB
1891	 58.18	+1	1956036..1956695	+	219	197251473	-	SeAg_B2015	-	flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA
1892	 51.70	0	1956787..1957080	+	97	197250827	-	SeAg_B2016	-	negative regulator of flagellin synthesis
1893	 54.71	0	1957115..1957507	+	130	197250431	-	SeAg_B2017	-	flagella synthesis protein FlgN
1894	 54.16	0	1957589..1959163	-	524	197249902	mviN	SeAg_B2018	-	integral membrane protein MviN
1895	 58.12	+1	1959428..1960351	-	307	197251370	-	SeAg_B2019	-	Virulence factor MviM homolog
1896	 55.71	0	1960353..1961000	-	215	197250891	-	SeAg_B2020	-	protein YceH
1897	 51.11	0	1961036..1961620	-	194	197251240	-	SeAg_B2021	-	ribosomal-protein-alanine acetyltransferase
1898	 56.41	0	1961857..1963065	+	402	197251455	-	SeAg_B2022	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtH
1899	 45.99	0	1963129..1963776	+	215	197248353	grxB	SeAg_B2023	-	glutaredoxin, GrxB family
1900	 45.45	0	1963901..1964461	+	186	197247854	-	SeAg_B2024	-	putative lipoprotein
1901	 54.54	0	1964565..1965611	+	348	197251149	pyrC	SeAg_B2025	-	dihydroorotase, homodimeric type
1902	 51.22	0	1965685..1965930	+	81	197251709	-	SeAg_B2026	-	DNA damage-inducible protein I, inhibits UmuD processing
1903	 47.06	0	1966220..1966474	+	84	197251579	-	SeAg_B2027	-	hypothetical protein
1904	 55.67	0	1966587..1967705	+	372	197247515	-	SeAg_B2028	-	N-methyl-l-tryptophan oxidase
1905	 38.60	-2	1967746..1967859	+	37	197248004	-	SeAg_B2029	-	hypothetical protein
1906	 33.33	-2	1967908..1968066	-	52	197248532	-	SeAg_B2030	-	hypothetical protein
1907	 52.68	0	1968116..1968694	+	192	197249487	-	SeAg_B2031	-	YceJ
1908	 50.52	0	1968691..1969266	+	191	197250589	-	SeAg_B2032	-	protein YceI
1909	 50.81	0	1969318..1970370	-	350	197248865	-	SeAg_B2033	-	protein YceA
1910	 53.96	0	1970590..1971510	+	306	197249376	-	SeAg_B2034	-	lipid A biosynthesis lauroyl acyltransferase
1911	 54.81	0	1971665..1972879	+	404	197247433	-	SeAg_B2035	-	multidrug resistance protein MdtG
1912	 51.73	0	1972961..1973335	+	124	197247975	-	SeAg_B2036	-	acidic protein MsyB
1913	 52.45	0	1973336..1973539	-	67	197248706	-	SeAg_B2037	-	hypothetical protein
1914	 56.60	0	1973629..1976172	-	847	197249132	-	SeAg_B2038	-	glucans biosynthesis glucosyltransferase H
1915	 50.71	0	1976165..1977718	-	517	197247439	mdoG	SeAg_B2039	-	glucans biosynthesis protein G
1916	 46.49	0	1977972..1979126	+	384	197247793	-	SeAg_B2040	-	glucans biosynthesis protein C
1917	 52.95	0	1979143..1980447	-	434	197250736	-	SeAg_B2041	-	phopholipase D
1918	 55.37	0	1980566..1981105	-	179	197250409	-	SeAg_B2042	-	protein YmdB
1919	 47.66	0	1981191..1981511	-	106	197250912	-	SeAg_B2043	-	hypothetical protein
1920	 49.31	0	1981521..1981664	-	47	197251420	-	SeAg_B2044	-	hypothetical protein
1921	 44.95	-1	1981643..1981969	-	108	197247903	-	SeAg_B2045	-	curli production protein CsgC
1922	 51.54	0	1982031..1982486	-	151	197248411	-	SeAg_B2046	-	major curlin subunit
1923	 43.42	-1	1982528..1982983	-	151	197248940	csgB	SeAg_B2047	-	minor curlin protein CsgB
1924	 40.55	-1	1983738..1984388	+	216	197249466	csgD	SeAg_B2048	-	transcriptional regulator CsgD
1925	 44.44	-1	1984393..1984788	+	131	197249914	-	SeAg_B2049	-	curli production assembly/transport component CsgE
1926	 44.36	-1	1984815..1985231	+	138	197250434	-	SeAg_B2050	-	curli production assembly/transport component CsgF
1927	 48.56	0	1985258..1986091	+	277	197250887	-	SeAg_B2051	-	curli production assembly/transport component CsgG
1928	 52.93	0	1986130..1986624	-	164	197248566	-	SeAg_B2052	-	inner membrane protein YcdZ
1929	 53.15	0	1986713..1987267	-	184	197249263	-	SeAg_B2053	-	chaperone, TorD family
1930	 52.03	0	1987291..1988028	-	245	197250044	-	SeAg_B2054	-	putative hydrolase
1931	 54.95	0	1988113..1989051	-	312	197250541	-	SeAg_B2056	-	putative 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase YcdW
1932	 43.64	-1	1989050..1989214	+	54	197249988	-	SeAg_B2055	-	hypothetical protein
1933	 50.25	0	1989475..1989876	+	133	197250544	-	SeAg_B2058	-	ISPsy11, transposase OrfA
1934	 49.67	0	1990125..1990730	+	201	197247968	-	SeAg_B2059	-	integrase, catalytic region
1935	 47.33	0	1991543..1991692	+	49	197251785	-	SeAg_B2060	-	transposase
1936	 38.95	-1	1993362..1994180	-	272	197247469	-	SeAg_B2063	-	hypothetical protein
1937	 42.50	-1	1994625..1994744	+	39	197248399	-	SeAg_B2064	-	hypothetical protein
1938	 51.25	0	1995376..1996173	+	265	197248662	-	SeAg_B2066	-	hypothetical protein
1939	 48.16	0	1996529..1997803	+	424	197249356	-	SeAg_B2068	-	integrase
1940	 35.00	-2	1998652..1999788	+	378	197248779	-	SeAg_B2069	-	hypothetical protein
1941	 31.11	-2	1999792..2000781	+	329	197249298	-	SeAg_B2070	-	RelA / SpoT domain protein
1942	 44.05	-1	2001320..2002756	-	478	197249826	-	SeAg_B2071	-	prepilin-type N- cleavage/methylation domain protein
1943	 43.37	-1	2002809..2003366	-	185	197250465	-	SeAg_B2072	-	putative type IV pilin protein
1944	 34.31	-2	2003773..2004078	-	101	197248036	-	SeAg_B2073	-	hypothetical protein
1945	 44.42	-1	2004722..2006227	+	501	197250983	-	SeAg_B2074	-	MobA/MobL family
1946	 31.62	-2	2006281..2007564	-	427	197250133	-	SeAg_B2075	-	hypothetical protein
1947	 45.65	0	2007701..2007976	-	91	197249794	-	SeAg_B2076	-	hypothetical protein
1948	 47.08	0	2007987..2008517	-	176	197248880	-	SeAg_B2077	-	hypothetical protein
1949	 34.03	-2	2008572..2008715	-	47	197250659	-	SeAg_B2078	-	hypothetical protein
1950	 34.39	-2	2008949..2009422	+	157	197249282	-	SeAg_B2079	-	hypothetical protein
1951	 44.44	-1	2009461..2009838	+	125	197248759	-	SeAg_B2080	-	hypothetical protein
1952	 32.34	-2	2010043..2010543	+	166	197247947	-	SeAg_B2081	-	hypothetical protein
1953	 27.78	-2	2010547..2010672	-	41	197247380	-	SeAg_B2082	-	hypothetical protein
1954	 28.89	-2	2010902..2011216	+	104	197249685	-	SeAg_B2083	-	pentatricopeptide
1955	 31.37	-2	2012028..2012180	-	50	197249013	-	SeAg_B2085	-	hypothetical protein
1956	 37.30	-2	2012792..2012917	+	41	197248477	-	SeAg_B2086	-	hypothetical protein
1957	 35.24	-2	2013290..2014024	+	244	197251406	-	SeAg_B2087	-	putative DNA-binding protein
1958	 35.58	-2	2014052..2014852	+	266	197250945	-	SeAg_B2088	-	hypothetical protein
1959	 35.40	-2	2014931..2015413	+	160	197250900	-	SeAg_B2089	-	hypothetical protein
1960	 33.33	-2	2015811..2016101	-	96	197249882	-	SeAg_B2091	-	hypothetical protein
1961	 41.10	-1	2016183..2016401	-	72	197249457	-	SeAg_B2092	-	hypothetical protein
1962	 43.03	-1	2016552..2017397	-	281	197248815	-	SeAg_B2094	-	hypothetical protein
1963	 39.33	-1	2017381..2017530	+	49	197248153	-	SeAg_B2093	-	hypothetical protein
1964	 52.75	0	2017970..2018278	+	102	197251178	-	SeAg_B2095	-	integrase
1965	 55.33	0	2018442..2019314	+	290	197250593	-	SeAg_B2096	-	DNA-binding prophage protein
1966	 39.37	-1	2019524..2020318	+	264	197249104	-	SeAg_B2097	-	hypothetical protein
1967	 41.23	-1	2020531..2022492	-	653	197248589	-	SeAg_B2098	-	tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein
1968	 47.58	0	2022619..2026479	-	1286	197247749	-	SeAg_B2099	-	hypothetical protein
1969	 57.71	0	2027901..2028425	+	174	197251287	-	SeAg_B2102	-	putative endoprotease
1970	 57.38	0	2028422..2028604	+	60	197250547	-	SeAg_B2103	-	hypothetical protein
1971	 48.72	0	2029918..2030073	+	51	197251666	-	SeAg_B2106	-	transposase
1972	 43.06	-1	2030281..2032449	+	722	197251613	-	SeAg_B2107	-	tetratricopeptide repeat protein
1973	 46.45	0	2032506..2034236	+	576	197251043	-	SeAg_B2108	-	putative periplasmic protein
1974	 60.74	+1	2034267..2034401	+	44	197250066	-	SeAg_B2109	-	hypothetical protein
1975	 61.49	+1	2034446..2034619	+	57	197249189	-	SeAg_B2110	-	hypothetical protein
1976	 56.30	0	2034898..2035032	+	44	197248375	-	SeAg_B2111	-	hypothetical protein
1977	 54.16	0	2035146..2036600	-	484	197248181	amn	SeAg_B2112	-	AMP nucleosidase
1978	 39.02	-1	2036685..2036807	+	40	197251749	-	SeAg_B2113	-	hypothetical protein
1979	 41.90	-1	2036796..2037122	-	108	197247404	-	SeAg_B2114	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1980	 49.83	0	2040075..2040377	+	100	197251429	-	SeAg_B2118	-	IntB
1981	 57.98	0	2041456..2043216	-	586	197249294	-	SeAg_B2121	-	arsenical pump-driving ATPase
1982	 55.92	0	2043260..2043622	-	120	197248769	-	SeAg_B2122	-	arsenical resistance operon trans-acting repressor ArsD
51.63	MEAN

6.48	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.