IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 52.01 STD DEV: 5.72
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67, complete genome - 1..4755700
4413 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3344	 53.12	0	3546271..3546462	-	63	62181936	rpmC	SC3366	-	50S ribosomal protein L29
3345	 52.31	0	3546462..3546872	-	136	62181937	rplP	SC3367	-	50S ribosomal protein L16
3346	 51.14	0	3546885..3547586	-	233	62181938	rpsC	SC3368	-	30S ribosomal protein S3
3347	 49.51	0	3547586..3547993	+	135	62181939	-	SC3369	-	hypothetical protein
3348	 49.10	0	3547951..3548229	-	92	62181940	rpsS	SC3370	-	30S ribosomal protein S19
3349	 53.16	0	3548246..3549067	-	273	62181941	rplB	SC3371	-	50S ribosomal protein L2
3350	 48.84	0	3549085..3549387	-	100	62181942	rplW	SC3372	-	50S ribosomal protein L23
3351	 52.97	0	3549384..3549989	-	201	62181943	rplD	SC3373	-	50S ribosomal protein L4
3352	 51.43	0	3550000..3550629	-	209	62181944	rplC	SC3374	-	50S ribosomal protein L3
3353	 54.81	0	3550662..3550973	-	103	62181945	rpsJ	SC3375	-	30S ribosomal protein S10
3354	 52.19	0	3551227..3551820	+	197	62181946	hopD	SC3376	-	leader peptidase HopD
3355	 42.77	-1	3551817..3552293	-	158	62181947	bfr	SC3377	-	bacterioferritin, iron storage and detoxification protein
3356	 42.05	-1	3552366..3552560	-	64	62181948	bfd	SC3378	-	bacterioferritin-associated ferredoxin
3357	 53.92	0	3552745..3553929	-	394	162139536	tuf	SC3379	-	elongation factor Tu
3358	 51.77	0	3554001..3556115	-	704	62181950	fusA	SC3380	-	elongation factor G
3359	 50.32	0	3556212..3556682	-	156	62181951	rpsG	SC3381	-	30S ribosomal protein S7
3360	 52.80	0	3556778..3557152	-	124	162139535	rpsL	SC3382	-	30S ribosomal protein S12
3361	 52.43	0	3557278..3557565	-	95	62181953	yheL	SC3383	-	tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein B
3362	 53.78	0	3557573..3557929	-	118	62181954	yheM	SC3384	-	hypothetical protein
3363	 58.40	+1	3557929..3558315	-	128	62181955	yheN	SC3385	-	hypothetical protein
3364	 46.80	0	3558315..3559049	-	244	62181956	yheO	SC3386	-	hypothetical protein
3365	 51.77	0	3559314..3560132	-	272	62181957	fkpA	SC3387	-	FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
3366	 51.14	0	3560352..3560570	+	72	62181958	slyX	SC3388	-	hypothetical protein
3367	 55.33	0	3560765..3561355	-	196	62181959	slyD	SC3389	-	FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
3368	 48.76	0	3561450..3561650	-	66	62181960	yheV	SC3390	-	hypothetical protein
3369	 54.71	0	3561660..3563465	-	601	62181961	kefB	SC3391	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefB
3370	 55.07	0	3563465..3564016	-	183	62181962	yheR	SC3392	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefG
3371	 57.76	+1	3564272..3566179	+	635	62181963	yheS	SC3393	-	putative ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
3372	 53.60	0	3566342..3566563	+	73	62181964	mauR	SC3394	-	ABC transporter ATPase
3373	 46.79	0	3566565..3566876	-	103	62181965	ydhR	SC3395	-	hypothetical protein
3374	 54.97	0	3567064..3568140	+	358	62181966	yheT	SC3396	-	putative hydrolase
3375	 50.23	0	3568137..3568355	+	72	62181967	yheU	SC3397	-	hypothetical protein
3376	 54.94	0	3568407..3569276	+	289	62181968	prkB	SC3398	-	putative phosphoribulokinase
3377	 53.33	0	3569372..3569776	-	134	62181969	yhfA	SC3399	-	hypothetical protein
3378	 50.24	0	3570084..3570716	+	210	62181970	crp	SC3400	-	cAMP-regulatory protein
3379	 54.57	0	3570753..3572852	+	699	62181971	yhfK	SC3401	-	putative inner membrane protein
3380	 55.58	0	3572895..3574112	-	405	62181972	argD	SC3402	-	bifunctional N-succinyldiaminopimelate-aminotransferase/acetylornithine transaminase protein
3381	 54.79	0	3574198..3574761	-	187	62181973	pabA	SC3403	-	para-aminobenzoate synthase component II
3382	 55.39	0	3574793..3575395	-	200	62181974	fic	SC3404	-	cell filamentation protein Fic
3383	 50.44	0	3575661..3576233	-	190	62181975	ppiA	SC3405	-	peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (rotamase A)
3384	 54.74	0	3576510..3577691	+	393	62181976	yhfC	SC3406	-	hypothetical protein
3385	 38.42	-2	3577824..3578000	-	58	62181977	-	SC3407	-	hypothetical protein
3386	 56.72	0	3577953..3580496	+	847	62181978	nirB	SC3408	-	nitrite reductase, large subunit
3387	 55.66	0	3580493..3580819	+	108	62181979	nirD	SC3409	-	nitrite reductase small subunit
3388	 55.80	0	3581003..3581812	+	269	62181980	nirC	SC3410	-	nitrite transporter NirC
3389	 57.93	+1	3581824..3583197	+	457	62181981	cysG	SC3411	-	siroheme synthase
3390	 38.96	-2	3589344..3589592	+	82	62181982	yhfL	SC3412	-	putative outer membrane lipoprotein
3391	 51.74	0	3589737..3590741	-	334	62181983	trpS	SC3413	-	tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
3392	 55.73	0	3590734..3591492	-	252	62181984	gph	SC3414	-	phosphoglycolate phosphatase
3393	 53.69	0	3591485..3592162	-	225	62181985	rpe	SC3415	-	ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
3394	 49.10	0	3592180..3593016	-	278	62181986	dam	SC3416	-	DNA adenine methylase
3395	 57.28	0	3593197..3594474	-	425	62181987	damX	SC3417	-	hypothetical protein
3396	 55.74	0	3594572..3595660	-	362	62181988	aroB	SC3418	-	3-dehydroquinate synthase
3397	 50.38	0	3595717..3596238	-	173	62181989	aroK	SC3419	-	shikimate kinase I
3398	 56.98	0	3596703..3597941	-	412	62181990	hofQ	SC3420	-	outer membrane porin HofQ
3399	 57.21	0	3597856..3598257	-	133	62181991	yrfA	SC3421	-	hypothetical protein
3400	 59.46	+1	3598247..3598690	-	147	62181992	yrfB	SC3422	-	hypothetical protein
3401	 58.89	+1	3598704..3599243	-	179	62181993	yrfC	SC3423	-	hypothetical protein
3402	 58.46	+1	3599243..3600022	-	259	62181994	yrfD	SC3424	-	hypothetical protein
3403	 56.15	0	3600119..3602695	+	858	62181995	mrcA	SC3425	-	peptidoglycan synthetase
3404	 53.01	0	3602791..3603354	-	187	162139534	nudE	SC3426	-	ADP-ribose diphosphatase NudE
3405	 54.99	0	3603677..3605809	+	710	62181997	yrfF	SC3427	-	hypothetical protein
3406	 53.81	0	3605874..3606542	+	222	62181998	yrfG	SC3428	-	putative hydrolase
3407	 55.97	0	3606553..3606954	+	133	62181999	yrfH	SC3429	-	ribosome-associated heat shock protein Hsp15
3408	 54.49	0	3606979..3607857	+	292	162139533	hslO	SC3430	-	Hsp33-like chaperonin
3409	 55.09	0	3607968..3609677	-	569	62182001	yhgE	SC3431	-	hypothetical protein
3410	 53.52	0	3610057..3611676	+	539	62182002	pckA	SC3432	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
3411	 57.43	0	3611751..3613103	-	450	62182003	envZ	SC3433	-	osmolarity sensor protein
3412	 55.78	0	3613100..3613834	-	244	62182004	ompR	SC3434	-	osmolarity response regulator
3413	 51.48	0	3614045..3614518	+	157	62182005	greB	SC3435	-	transcription elongation factor GreB
3414	 58.56	+1	3614617..3616947	+	776	62182006	yhgF	SC3436	-	paral putative RNase R
3415	 50.88	0	3617401..3617628	+	75	62182007	feoA	SC3437	-	ferrous iron transport protein A
3416	 56.45	0	3617647..3619965	+	772	62182008	feoB	SC3438	-	ferrous iron transport protein B
3417	 56.96	0	3619978..3620214	+	78	62182009	yhgG	SC3439	-	hypothetical protein
3418	 52.35	0	3620460..3621374	+	304	62182010	yfcI	SC3440	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
3419	 57.07	0	3621410..3622180	-	256	62182011	bioH	SC3441	-	carboxylesterase BioH
3420	 58.77	+1	3622218..3622901	+	227	62182012	yhgH	SC3442	-	gluconate periplasmic binding protein
3421	 53.82	0	3622960..3623535	+	191	62182013	yhgI	SC3443	-	putative DNA uptake protein
3422	 55.81	0	3623912..3625228	+	438	62182014	gntT	SC3444	-	GntP family, high-affinity gluconate permease in GNT I system
3423	 58.15	+1	3625347..3627425	-	692	62182015	malQ	SC3445	-	4-alpha-glucanotransferase
3424	 55.35	0	3627435..3629828	-	797	62182016	malP	SC3446	-	maltodextrin phosphorylase
3425	 55.47	0	3630422..3633127	+	901	62182017	malT	SC3447	-	transcriptional regulator MalT
3426	 50.27	0	3633269..3633829	-	186	62182018	-	SC3448	-	hypothetical protein
3427	 62.59	+1	3633826..3634782	-	318	62182019	rtcA	SC3449	-	RNA 3'-terminal-phosphate cyclase
3428	 55.01	0	3634864..3636081	-	405	62182020	rtcB	SC3450	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
3429	 60.17	+1	3636425..3637978	-	517	62182021	-	SC3451	-	putative ribonucleoprotein related-protein
3430	 32.68	-2	3637971..3638123	-	50	62182022	-	SC3452	-	hypothetical protein
3431	 59.85	+1	3638168..3639751	+	527	62182023	rtcR	SC3453	-	sigma N (sigma 54)-dependent regulator of rtcBA expression (EBP familiy)
3432	 54.02	0	3639748..3640506	-	252	62182024	glpR	SC3454	-	DNA-binding transcriptional repressor GlpR
3433	 54.51	0	3640600..3641430	-	276	62182025	glpG	SC3455	-	intramembrane serine protease GlpG
3434	 54.43	0	3641506..3641832	-	108	62182026	glpE	SC3456	-	thiosulfate sulfurtransferase
3435	 55.67	0	3642031..3643539	+	502	62182027	glpD	SC3457	-	glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
3436	 49.63	0	3643586..3644131	-	181	62182028	-	SC3458	-	hypothetical protein
3437	 50.90	0	3644141..3645694	-	517	62182029	-	SC3459	-	putative periplasmic phosphate-binding protein
3438	 54.77	0	3645795..3646904	-	369	62182030	gldA	SC3460	-	glycerol dehydrogenase
3439	 54.08	0	3647244..3648578	+	444	62182031	tub	SC3461	-	hypothetical protein
3440	 47.57	0	3650334..3651239	+	301	62182032	yagE	SC3462	-	putative dihydrodipicolinate synthetase
3441	 50.53	0	3651283..3652038	-	251	62182033	yfaX	SC3463	-	putative transcriptional regulator
3442	 52.25	0	3652216..3654663	-	815	62182034	glgP	SC3464	-	glycogen phosphorylase
3443	 56.90	0	3654683..3656116	-	477	62182035	glgA	SC3465	-	glycogen synthase
52.01	MEAN

5.72	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.