IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 52.01 STD DEV: 5.72
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67, complete genome - 1..4755700
4413 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2906	 50.65	0	3093973..3094890	-	305	62181492	gcvA	SC2922	-	DNA-binding transcriptional activator GcvA
2907	 45.61	-1	3095229..3095456	-	75	62181493	ygdI	SC2923	-	putative lipoprotein
2908	 59.95	+1	3095649..3096854	+	401	62181494	csdA	SC2924	-	cysteine sulfinate desulfinase
2909	 57.43	0	3096854..3097297	+	147	62181495	ygdK	SC2925	-	hypothetical protein
2910	 41.75	-1	3097570..3098484	+	304	62181496	rarD	SC2926	-	hypothetical protein
2911	 56.26	0	3098536..3099342	-	268	62181497	ygdL	SC2927	-	hypothetical protein
2912	 54.55	0	3099452..3100549	-	365	62181498	mltA	SC2928	-	murein transglycosylase A
2913	 53.51	0	3101049..3102302	-	417	62181499	amiC	SC2929	-	N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase
2914	 52.85	0	3102535..3103866	+	443	62181500	argA	SC2930	-	N-acetylglutamate synthase
2915	 58.33	+1	3103969..3105804	-	611	62181501	RecD	SC2931	-	exonuclease V subunit alpha
2916	 55.61	0	3105801..3109346	-	1181	62181502	RecB	SC2932	-	exonuclease V subunit beta
2917	 52.30	0	3109339..3112227	-	962	62181503	ptr	SC2933	-	protease III
2918	 53.83	0	3112405..3115776	-	1123	62181504	recC	SC2934	-	exonuclease V subunit gamma
2919	 53.27	0	3115792..3116112	-	106	62181505	ppdC	SC2935	-	hypothetical protein
2920	 55.64	0	3116097..3116504	-	135	62181506	ygdB	SC2936	-	hypothetical protein
2921	 53.37	0	3116501..3117064	-	187	62181507	ppdB	SC2937	-	hypothetical protein
2922	 55.41	0	3117055..3117525	-	156	62181508	ppdA	SC2938	-	hypothetical protein
2923	 51.70	0	3117710..3118504	-	264	62181510	thyA	SC2940	-	thymidylate synthase
2924	 53.88	0	3118511..3119386	-	291	62181511	lgt	SC2941	-	prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase
2925	 57.01	0	3119602..3121848	-	748	62181512	ptsP	SC2942	-	fused phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase PtsP/GAF domain-containing protein
2926	 50.66	0	3121861..3122391	-	176	62181513	ygdP	SC2943	-	dinucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase
2927	 57.90	+1	3123074..3123769	+	231	62181514	mutH	SC2944	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
2928	 50.98	0	3123951..3124664	+	237	62181515	ygdQ	SC2945	-	hypothetical protein
2929	 47.49	0	3124834..3125052	+	72	62181516	ygdR	SC2946	-	POT family peptide transport protein
2930	 54.85	0	3125243..3126283	+	346	62181517	tas	SC2947	-	putative aldo-keto reductase
2931	 58.69	+1	3126370..3127572	-	400	62181518	ygeD	SC2948	-	hypothetical protein
2932	 54.81	0	3127565..3129724	-	719	62181519	aas	SC2949	-	bifunctional acyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthetase/2-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine acyltransferase
2933	 56.17	0	3130316..3131344	+	342	62181520	galR	SC2950	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator GalR
2934	 57.23	0	3131265..3132377	+	370	62181521	-	SC2951	-	putative transcriptional regulator
2935	 57.17	0	3132387..3133649	-	420	62181522	lysA	SC2952	-	diaminopimelate decarboxylase
2936	 58.23	+1	3133767..3134702	+	311	62181523	lysR	SC2953	-	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator LysR
2937	 53.60	0	3134674..3135354	-	226	62181524	ygeA	SC2954	-	putative racemase
2938	 52.64	0	3135494..3136912	-	472	62181525	araE	SC2955	-	major facilitator superfamily L-arabinose: proton symporter
2939	 51.57	0	3137265..3138026	-	253	62181526	kduD	SC2956	-	2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase
2940	 51.25	0	3138083..3138919	-	278	62181527	kduI	SC2957	-	5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase
2941	 58.35	+1	3139349..3140527	-	392	162139553	yqeF	SC2958	-	acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
2942	 57.18	0	3140650..3140997	-	115	62181529	-	SC2959	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
2943	 49.37	0	3141045..3141281	+	78	62181530	-	SC2960	-	putative inner membrane protein
2944	 46.99	0	3141423..3142652	+	409	62181531	yqeG	SC2961	-	putative transport protein
2945	 46.52	0	3142683..3142955	-	90	62181532	yohL	SC2962	-	hypothetical protein
2946	 55.20	0	3144154..3144912	-	252	62181533	-	SC2963	-	hypothetical protein
2947	 51.87	0	3144899..3145405	-	168	62181534	-	SC2964	-	hypothetical protein
2948	 36.61	-2	3145512..3145694	-	60	62181535	-	SC2965	-	putative outer membrane protein
2949	 40.20	-2	3145796..3146581	-	261	62181536	-	SC2966	-	hypothetical protein
2950	 58.47	+1	3146578..3147321	-	247	62181537	stdC	SC2967	-	putative fimbrial chaparone protein
2951	 60.80	+1	3147362..3149851	-	829	62181538	stdB	SC2968	-	putative outer membrane usher protein
2952	 48.80	0	3149971..3150681	-	236	62181539	stdA	SC2969	-	putative fimbrial-like protein
2953	 45.02	-1	3151274..3151906	-	210	62181540	yfdX	SC2970	-	hypothetical protein
2954	 48.98	0	3151953..3152489	-	178	62181541	pagC	SC2971	-	outer membrane protein (associated with virulence)
2955	 31.14	-2	3152535..3152762	-	75	62181542	-	SC2972	-	hypothetical protein
2956	 50.63	0	3153295..3153693	-	132	62181543	pilT	SC2973	-	plasmid maintenance protein
2957	 46.72	0	3153693..3154058	-	121	62181544	yge	SC2974	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
2958	 48.81	0	3154129..3154380	+	83	62181545	-	SC2975	-	putative periplasmic protein
2959	 52.80	0	3154821..3155462	+	213	62181546	-	SC2976	-	hypothetical protein
2960	 54.02	0	3155747..3156505	-	252	62181548	ygeR	SC2978	-	putative metalloendopeptidase
2961	 52.20	0	3156770..3157315	+	181	62181549	idi	SC2979	-	isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase
2962	 54.15	0	3157391..3158908	-	505	62181550	lysS	SC2980	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
2963	 54.31	0	3158918..3159799	-	293	62181551	prfB	SC2981	-	peptide chain release factor RF-2
2964	 57.61	0	3160121..3161854	-	577	62181552	recJ	SC2982	-	ssDNA exonuclease RecJ
2965	 50.42	0	3161860..3162573	-	237	62181553	dsbC	SC2983	-	thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC
2966	 54.07	0	3162597..3163493	-	298	62181554	xerD	SC2984	-	site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerD
2967	 52.68	0	3163606..3164127	+	173	162139552	fldB	SC2985	-	flavodoxin FldB
2968	 54.83	0	3164180..3164593	-	137	62181556	ygfX	SC2986	-	hypothetical protein
2969	 44.19	-1	3164574..3164840	-	88	62181557	ygfY	SC2987	-	hypothetical protein
2970	 43.88	-1	3164839..3165075	+	78	62181558	-	SC2988	-	hypothetical protein
2971	 56.78	0	3165090..3166070	+	326	62181559	ygfZ	SC2989	-	putative global regulator
2972	 50.91	0	3166186..3166845	-	219	62181560	yqfA	SC2990	-	hypothetical protein
2973	 45.19	-1	3167009..3167320	-	103	62181561	yqfB	SC2991	-	hypothetical protein
2974	 51.26	0	3167478..3168911	+	477	62181562	bglA	SC2992	-	6-phospho-beta-glucosidase A
2975	 43.96	-1	3168959..3169852	-	297	62181563	-	SC2993	-	putative outer membrane protein
2976	 56.68	0	3170308..3173181	-	957	162139551	gcvP	SC2994	-	glycine dehydrogenase
2977	 54.87	0	3173344..3173733	-	129	62181565	gcvH	SC2995	-	glycine cleavage system protein H
2978	 55.62	0	3173759..3174853	-	364	62181566	gcvT	SC2996	-	glycine cleavage system aminomethyltransferase T
2979	 57.36	0	3175308..3176510	-	400	62181567	-	SC2997	-	hypothetical protein
2980	 60.90	+1	3176633..3177811	-	392	62181568	ubiH	SC2998	-	2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenyl hydroxylase
2981	 56.04	0	3177808..3179124	-	438	62181569	pepP	SC2999	-	proline aminopeptidase P II
2982	 54.06	0	3179150..3179728	-	192	162139550	ygfB	SC3000	-	hypothetical protein
2983	 47.58	0	3179895..3180224	+	109	62181571	ygfE	SC3001	-	Z-ring-associated protein
2984	 56.95	0	3180471..3181067	+	198	62181572	ygfA	SC3002	-	putative ligase
2985	 55.31	0	3181449..3182681	-	410	62181573	serA	SC3003	-	D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
2986	 54.70	0	3182948..3183607	-	219	62181574	rpiA	SC3004	-	ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A
2987	 57.94	+1	3183761..3184654	+	297	62181575	iciA	SC3005	-	chromosome replication initiation inhibitor protein
2988	 50.79	0	3184666..3184917	+	83	62181576	-	SC3006	-	hypothetical protein
2989	 55.56	0	3184920..3185666	-	248	62181577	yggE	SC3007	-	hypothetical protein
2990	 54.87	0	3185760..3186395	-	211	62181578	yggA	SC3008	-	arginine exporter protein
2991	 50.87	0	3186596..3187456	-	286	62181579	yggB	SC3009	-	mechanosensitive channel MscS
2992	 51.20	0	3187689..3188768	-	359	162139549	fba	SC3010	-	fructose-bisphosphate aldolase
2993	 54.38	0	3188870..3190033	-	387	62181581	pgk	SC3011	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
2994	 53.87	0	3190055..3191101	-	348	62181582	epd	SC3012	-	erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase
2995	 56.57	0	3191475..3191900	+	141	62181583	-	SC3013	-	hypothetical protein
2996	 55.79	0	3191926..3192504	+	192	62181584	-	SC3014	-	hypothetical protein
2997	 59.46	+1	3192505..3193212	+	235	62181585	-	SC3015	-	hypothetical protein
2998	 55.90	0	3193200..3193877	+	225	62181586	cbiO	SC3016	-	putative ABC-type cobalt transport system, ATPase component
2999	 58.55	+1	3193826..3194527	+	233	62181587	cysA	SC3017	-	putative ABC-type cobalt transport system, ATPase component
3000	 57.48	0	3194571..3196562	-	663	62181588	tktA	SC3018	-	transketolase
3001	 54.55	0	3196838..3197596	+	252	62181589	yggG	SC3019	-	putative Zn-dependent protease with chaperone function
3002	 55.48	0	3197697..3198617	-	306	62181590	speB	SC3020	-	agmatinase
3003	 40.72	-1	3201329..3201802	-	157	62181591	yhcH	SC3021	-	putative mannitol dehydrogenase
3004	 51.19	0	3201841..3202848	-	335	62181592	yjmC	SC3022	-	putative malate/L-lactate dehydrogenase
3005	 51.33	0	3202862..3203878	-	338	62181593	yjjN	SC3023	-	putative zinc-binding dehydrogenase
52.01	MEAN

5.72	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.