IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 52.01 STD DEV: 5.72
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67, complete genome - 1..4755700
4413 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1747	 55.27	0	1869154..1869864	-	236	62180326	narJ	SC1756	-	nitrate reductase 1, delta subunit, chaperone required for molybdenum cofactor assembly in nitrate reductase 1
1748	 55.21	0	1869861..1871396	-	511	62180327	narH	SC1757	-	nitrate reductase 1, FeS (beta) subunit
1749	 56.09	0	1871393..1875136	-	1247	62180328	narG	SC1758	-	nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit
1750	 54.32	0	1875524..1876957	-	477	62180329	narK	SC1759	-	major facilitator superfamily nitrite extrusion protein
1751	 53.81	0	1877262..1879058	+	598	62180330	narX	SC1760	-	nitrate/nitrite sensor protein NarX
1752	 53.46	0	1879051..1879701	+	216	62180331	narL	SC1761	-	transcriptional regulator NarL
1753	 53.07	0	1879702..1881231	-	509	62180332	ychP	SC1762	-	hypothetical protein
1754	 51.98	0	1881303..1881656	+	117	62180333	ychN	SC1763	-	hypothetical protein
1755	 45.02	-1	1881736..1881966	-	76	62180334	chaB	SC1764	-	cation transport regulator
1756	 50.68	0	1882233..1883333	+	366	62180335	chaA	SC1765	-	calcium/sodium:proton antiporter
1757	 55.09	0	1883387..1884241	-	284	62180336	kdsA	SC1766	-	2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase
1758	 48.77	0	1884279..1885088	-	269	62180337	ychA	SC1767	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1759	 51.03	0	1885092..1885481	-	129	62180338	sirC	SC1768	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1760	 58.75	+1	1885478..1886311	-	277	62180339	hemK	SC1769	-	N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase
1761	 57.71	0	1886311..1887393	-	360	62180340	prfA	SC1770	-	peptide chain release factor 1
1762	 56.64	0	1887434..1888690	-	418	62180341	hemA	SC1771	-	glutamyl-tRNA reductase
1763	 56.09	0	1889004..1889627	+	207	62180342	lolB	SC1772	-	outer membrane lipoprotein LolB
1764	 54.93	0	1889624..1890475	+	283	62180343	ipk	SC1773	-	4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase
1765	 54.34	0	1890675..1891688	+	337	62180344	prsA	SC1774	-	ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase
1766	 56.52	0	1891813..1893498	+	561	62180345	ychM	SC1775	-	putative sulfate transporter YchM
1767	 51.25	0	1893543..1893821	-	92	62180346	ychH	SC1776	-	hypothetical protein
1768	 51.56	0	1894073..1894681	+	202	62180347	pth	SC1777	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
1769	 52.75	0	1894798..1895889	+	363	62180348	ychF	SC1778	-	translation-associated GTPase
1770	 32.75	-2	1896582..1896923	+	113	62180349	-	SC1779	-	hypothetical protein
1771	 31.70	-2	1897458..1897763	+	101	62180350	-	SC1780	-	hypothetical protein
1772	 38.55	-2	1898239..1899504	-	421	62180351	-	SC1781	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1773	 57.30	0	1900029..1901117	+	362	62180352	mbhS	SC1782	-	hydrogenase-1 small subunit
1774	 55.33	0	1902927..1903658	+	243	62180353	cybH	SC1783	-	hydrogenase 1 b-type cytochrome subunit
1775	 57.62	0	1903655..1904251	+	198	62180354	hyaD	SC1784	-	hydrogenase 1 maturation protease
1776	 57.78	+1	1904241..1904645	+	134	62180355	hyaE	SC1785	-	hydrogenase-1 operon protein HyaE
1777	 59.13	+1	1904642..1905490	+	282	62180356	hyaF	SC1786	-	putative hydrogenase-1 protein
1778	 50.00	0	1908270..1908359	+	29	62180357	-	SC1787	-	hypothetical protein
1779	 55.81	0	1908703..1910028	+	441	62180358	gdh	SC1788	-	glutamic dehyrogenase
1780	 55.58	0	1910242..1911954	+	570	62180359	treA	SC1789	-	trehalase
1781	 56.08	0	1912017..1912271	-	84	62180360	ymgE	SC1790	-	putative transglycosylase-associated protein
1782	 52.79	0	1912440..1913174	+	244	62180361	ycgR	SC1791	-	hypothetical protein
1783	 53.10	0	1913188..1913799	-	203	62180362	emtA	SC1792	-	membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase E
1784	 56.33	0	1913971..1914879	+	302	62180363	ldcA	SC1793	-	L,D-carboxypeptidase A
1785	 54.50	0	1914982..1916715	+	577	62180364	ycgO	SC1794	-	potassium/proton antiporter
1786	 57.24	0	1916778..1917848	-	356	62180365	dadX	SC1795	-	alanine racemase
1787	 56.27	0	1917862..1919160	-	432	62180366	dadA	SC1796	-	D-amino acid dehydrogenase small subunit
1788	 49.90	0	1919483..1921015	+	510	62180367	ycgB	SC1797	-	hypothetical protein
1789	 52.02	0	1921062..1921805	-	247	62180368	fadR	SC1798	-	fatty acid metabolism regulator
1790	 53.14	0	1922001..1923545	+	514	62180369	nhaB	SC1799	-	sodium/proton antiporter
1791	 54.99	0	1923687..1924217	+	176	62180370	dsbB	SC1800	-	disulfide bond formation protein B
1792	 51.17	0	1924326..1924667	+	113	62180371	yeaR	SC1801	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1793	 45.98	-1	1924738..1924911	-	57	62180372	rpmF	SC1802	-	hypothetical protein
1794	 50.72	0	1925104..1925241	-	45	62180373	-	SC1803	-	hypothetical protein
1795	 49.22	0	1925593..1926039	-	148	162139579	ycgN	SC1804	-	hypothetical protein
1796	 53.33	0	1926132..1926791	-	219	62180375	ycgM	SC1805	-	hypothetical protein
1797	 45.35	-1	1926841..1927173	-	110	62180376	ycgL	SC1806	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1798	 51.41	0	1927260..1927967	+	235	62180377	minC	SC1807	-	septum formation inhibitor
1799	 51.91	0	1927991..1928803	+	270	62180378	minD	SC1808	-	cell division inhibitor MinD
1800	 43.45	-1	1928807..1929073	+	88	62180379	minE	SC1809	-	cell division topological specificity factor MinE
1801	 55.32	0	1929195..1930322	-	375	62180380	rnd	SC1810	-	ribonuclease D
1802	 52.40	0	1930394..1931935	-	513	62180381	fadD	SC1811	-	long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase
1803	 37.20	-2	1932099..1932305	+	68	62180382	-	SC1812	-	hypothetical protein
1804	 56.01	0	1932284..1932865	-	193	62180383	slp	SC1813	-	putative outer membrane protein
1805	 60.34	+1	1932937..1933632	-	231	62180384	yeaZ	SC1814	-	putative molecular chaperone
1806	 56.25	0	1933690..1935600	-	636	62180385	yoaA	SC1815	-	putative DNA helicase
1807	 50.14	0	1935732..1936076	+	114	62180386	yoaB	SC1816	-	hypothetical protein
1808	 50.56	0	1936082..1936261	-	59	62180387	yoaH	SC1817	-	hypothetical protein
1809	 55.46	0	1936342..1937706	+	454	62180388	pabB	SC1818	-	para-aminobenzoate synthase component I
1810	 58.89	+1	1937710..1938288	+	192	62180389	yeaB	SC1819	-	hypothetical protein
1811	 55.68	0	1938570..1939916	+	448	62180390	sdaA	SC1820	-	L-serine deaminase I/L-threonine deaminase I
1812	 53.52	0	1939952..1941655	+	567	62180391	yoaD	SC1821	-	hypothetical protein
1813	 55.71	0	1941677..1943236	-	519	62180392	yoaE	SC1822	-	putative inner membrane protein
1814	 41.96	-1	1943224..1943559	-	111	62180393	-	SC1823	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1815	 52.73	0	1943709..1944677	+	322	62180394	manX	SC1824	-	sugar specific PTS family mannose-specific enzyme IIAB
1816	 56.18	0	1944730..1945530	+	266	62180395	manY	SC1825	-	sugar specific PTS family mannose-specific enzyme IIC
1817	 54.59	0	1945534..1946394	+	286	62180396	manZ	SC1826	-	mannose-specific PTS system protein IID
1818	 45.53	-1	1946453..1946911	+	152	62180397	yobD	SC1827	-	hypothetical protein
1819	 53.30	0	1947267..1947887	+	206	62180398	yebN	SC1828	-	hypothetical protein
1820	 56.17	0	1947884..1948693	-	269	62180399	rrmA	SC1829	-	23S rRNA methyltransferase A
1821	 52.75	0	1948758..1950503	-	581	62180400	ftsI	SC1830	-	putative penicillin-binding protein-3
1822	 47.14	0	1950723..1950932	-	69	62180401	cspC	SC1831	-	cold shock-like protein CspC
1823	 40.28	-2	1950945..1951088	-	47	62180402	yobF	SC1832	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1824	 53.26	0	1951664..1951939	+	91	62180403	insA	SC1833	-	insertion element IS1 1/2/3/5/6 protein insA
1825	 54.76	0	1951858..1952361	+	167	62180404	insB	SC1834	-	IS1 transposase
1826	 49.65	0	1952513..1952800	-	95	62180405	yebO	SC1835	-	hypothetical protein
1827	 43.75	-1	1952871..1953014	-	47	62180406	yobG	SC1836	-	hypothetical protein
1828	 52.50	0	1953172..1953411	+	79	62180407	-	SC1837	-	hypothetical protein
1829	 49.37	0	1953623..1954414	-	263	62180408	kdgR	SC1838	-	IclR family transcriptional regulator
1830	 54.95	0	1954590..1955963	+	457	62180409	yebQ	SC1839	-	putative transport protein
1831	 52.95	0	1956011..1956892	-	293	62180410	htpX	SC1840	-	heat shock protein HtpX
1832	 51.93	0	1957086..1959134	-	682	62180411	prc	SC1841	-	carboxy-terminal protease
1833	 53.71	0	1959154..1959840	-	228	62180412	proQ	SC1842	-	putative solute/DNA competence effector
1834	 50.77	0	1959938..1960522	-	194	62180413	yebR	SC1843	-	GAF domain-containing protein
1835	 52.02	0	1960564..1961847	+	427	62180414	yebS	SC1844	-	hypothetical protein
1836	 54.45	0	1961774..1964449	+	891	62180415	yebT	SC1845	-	hypothetical protein
1837	 55.07	0	1964527..1965966	+	479	162139578	yebU	SC1846	-	rRNA (cytosine-C(5)-)-methyltransferase RsmF
1838	 50.42	0	1966081..1966320	+	79	62180417	yebV	SC1847	-	hypothetical protein
1839	 48.44	0	1966430..1966621	+	63	62180418	-	SC1848	-	hypothetical protein
1840	 52.84	0	1966640..1967290	-	216	162139577	pphA	SC1849	-	serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1
1841	 47.88	0	1967513..1967677	-	54	62180420	-	SC1850	-	putative inner membrane protein
1842	 30.67	-2	1967739..1967888	-	49	62180421	-	SC1851	-	hypothetical protein
1843	 42.32	-1	1967962..1968684	-	240	62180422	sopE2	SC1852	-	TypeIII-secreted protein effector: invasion-associated protein
1844	 34.85	-2	1969368..1969763	+	131	62180423	ycgX	SC1853	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
1845	 50.31	0	1970091..1970567	+	158	62180424	-	SC1854	-	hypothetical protein
1846	 41.90	-1	1970940..1971359	-	139	62180425	bls	SC1855	-	putative acetyltransferase
52.01	MEAN

5.72	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.