IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Rickettsia felis URRWXCal2

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 32.00 STD DEV: 3.85
Rickettsia felis URRWXCal2, complete genome - 1..1485148
1400 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1271	 33.33	0	1351783..1352211	-	142	67459663	-	RF_1271	-	Strees induced DNA-binding protein
1272	 30.11	0	1352283..1352561	-	92	67459664	-	RF_1272	-	cytotoxic translational repressor of toxin-antitoxin system RelE
1273	 32.88	0	1352552..1352770	-	72	67459665	-	RF_1273	-	hypothetical protein
1274	 32.97	0	1352962..1354068	+	368	67459666	-	RF_1274	-	hypothetical protein
1275	 31.09	0	1354149..1354949	-	266	67459667	blaD	RF_1275	-	Beta-lactamase class D
1276	 36.37	+1	1355126..1357498	-	790	67459668	mrcA	RF_1276	-	1A family penicillin-binding protein
1277	 31.27	0	1357514..1358773	-	419	67459669	-	RF_1277	-	ATPase
1278	 37.00	+1	1358842..1360179	-	445	67459670	miaB	RF_1278	-	tRNA-i(6)A37 thiotransferase enzyme MiaB
1279	 30.39	0	1360783..1360986	-	67	67459671	-	RF_1279	-	nucleotidyltransferase/HEPN domain-containing protein
1280	 32.20	0	1360955..1361659	-	234	67459672	-	RF_1280	-	nucleotidyltransferase/HEPN domain-containing protein
1281	 29.51	0	1361673..1362509	-	278	67459673	-	RF_1281	-	hypothetical protein
1282	 35.12	0	1362741..1363244	-	167	67459674	-	RF_1282	-	hypothetical protein
1283	 35.65	0	1363213..1364940	-	575	67459675	kefB	RF_1283	-	glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefB
1284	 29.66	0	1364937..1365263	-	108	67459676	-	RF_1284	-	Iojap-related protein
1285	 26.67	-1	1365429..1365668	+	79	67459677	bolA2	RF_1285	-	morphology/transcriptional regulatory  protein BolA
1286	 23.29	-2	1366000..1366248	+	82	67459678	-	RF_1286	-	cytotoxic translational repressor of toxin-antitoxin system RelE
1287	 28.33	0	1366257..1366616	+	119	67459679	-	RF_1287	-	Phage-related transcriptional regulator
1288	 29.31	0	1366740..1367186	-	148	67459680	-	RF_1288	-	hypothetical protein
1289	 42.18	+2	1367446..1367886	+	146	67459681	-	RF_1289	-	hypothetical protein
1290	 41.73	+2	1368059..1374658	-	2199	67459682	sca13	RF_1290	-	cell surface antigen-like protein Sca13
1291	 38.89	+1	1375035..1376708	-	557	67459683	sca9	RF_1291	-	cell surface antigen-like protein Sca9
1292	 35.65	0	1377524..1377739	+	71	67459684	infA	RF_1292	-	translation initiation factor IF-1
1293	 34.97	0	1377751..1378362	+	203	67459685	maf	RF_1293	-	Maf-like protein
1294	 32.18	0	1378521..1378952	-	143	67459686	dksA	RF_1294	-	DnaK suppressor protein
1295	 30.17	0	1379060..1379977	-	305	67459687	xerC	RF_1295	-	site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerC
1296	 26.67	-1	1380148..1380612	+	154	67459688	-	RF_1296	-	phasin family protein
1297	 31.84	0	1380825..1381427	-	200	67459689	-	RF_1297	-	phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily protein
1298	 32.02	0	1381573..1383324	-	583	67459690	phaC	RF_1298	-	Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) synthetase
1299	 36.51	+1	1383649..1385127	-	492	67459691	ubiD	RF_1299	-	UbiD family decarboxylase
1300	 28.57	0	1385269..1386843	-	524	67459692	surA	RF_1300	-	parvulin-like peptidyl-prolyl isomerase
1301	 38.99	+1	1387254..1387571	-	105	67459693	-	RF_1301	-	Outer memberane protein rOmpA
1302	 40.88	+2	1387513..1388082	-	189	67459694	-	RF_1302	-	Outer memberane protein rOmpA
1303	 41.18	+2	1388526..1389035	+	169	67459695	-	RF_1303	-	hypothetical protein
1304	 37.13	+1	1389066..1389986	-	306	67459696	-	RF_1304	-	Outer memberane protein rOmpA
1305	 40.50	+2	1390010..1391782	-	590	67459697	-	RF_1305	-	Outer memberane protein rOmpA
1306	 32.11	0	1392427..1393569	-	380	67459698	-	RF_1306	-	ankyrin repeat-containing protein
1307	 38.43	+1	1393984..1396221	-	745	67459699	ftsK	RF_1307	-	cell division protein FtsK-like protein
1308	 34.97	0	1396264..1397238	-	324	67459700	fic	RF_1308	-	Fic
1309	 36.67	+1	1397362..1398141	+	259	67459701	map	RF_1309	-	methionine aminopeptidase
1310	 30.13	0	1398522..1398989	+	155	67459702	radC	RF_1310	-	DNA repair protein RadC
1311	 32.11	0	1399093..1400076	+	327	67459703	mraY2	RF_1311	-	undecaprenyl-phosphate alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
1312	 29.63	0	1400073..1400396	+	107	67459704	-	RF_1312	-	hypothetical protein
1313	 34.14	0	1400827..1401696	-	289	67459705	-	RF_1313	-	hypothetical protein
1314	 34.50	0	1401994..1402677	-	227	67459706	-	RF_1314	-	putative outer surface protein
1315	 32.42	0	1402802..1403131	-	109	67459707	fdxA	RF_1315	-	ferredoxin
1316	 29.87	0	1403162..1403479	-	105	67459708	-	RF_1316	-	transcriptional regulator
1317	 27.10	-1	1403492..1403812	-	106	67459709	-	RF_1317	-	hypothetical protein
1318	 31.89	0	1403935..1404627	-	230	67459710	ccmC	RF_1318	-	Heme exporter protein C
1319	 31.87	0	1404844..1405323	-	159	67459711	-	RF_1319	-	cytosine deaminase
1320	 30.84	0	1405304..1406224	-	306	67459712	-	RF_1320	-	cation diffusion facilitator family transporter
1321	 44.17	+2	1406412..1406891	+	159	67459713	omp	RF_1321	-	17 kDa surface antigen precursor
1322	 34.41	0	1407055..1407519	+	154	67459714	-	RF_1322	-	hypothetical protein
1323	 33.05	0	1407755..1408456	+	233	67459715	znuC	RF_1323	-	Zinc ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
1324	 35.95	+1	1408459..1411326	-	955	67459716	uvrA	RF_1324	-	excinuclease ABC subunit A
1325	 34.20	0	1411431..1411889	+	152	67459717	ssb	RF_1325	-	single-strand DNA-binding protein
1326	 34.06	0	1411901..1412731	+	276	67459718	-	RF_1326	-	DAP2-like protein
1327	 32.58	0	1412842..1413765	+	307	67459719	-	RF_1327	-	MFS type sugar transporter
1328	 31.97	0	1413889..1414182	+	97	67459720	-	RF_1328	-	MFS type sugar transporter
1329	 27.18	-1	1414209..1414517	-	102	67459721	-	RF_1329	-	hypothetical protein
1330	 26.22	-1	1414710..1415693	-	327	67459722	-	RF_1330	-	hypothetical protein
1331	 36.76	+1	1415741..1416061	-	106	67459723	-	RF_1331	-	hypothetical protein
1332	 23.90	-2	1416816..1417133	+	105	162022116	-	RF_1332	-	hypothetical protein
1333	 33.49	0	1417388..1419253	+	621	67459725	htpG	RF_1333	-	heat shock protein 90
1334	 34.70	0	1419438..1420682	+	414	67459726	hemA	RF_1334	-	5-aminolevulinate synthase
1335	 30.00	0	1421041..1421460	+	139	67459727	-	RF_1335	-	hypothetical protein
1336	 30.79	0	1421629..1422966	+	445	67459728	tig	RF_1336	-	trigger factor
1337	 37.56	+1	1423188..1424180	-	330	67459729	obgE	RF_1337	-	GTPase ObgE
1338	 36.85	+1	1424392..1425699	-	435	67459730	gltA	RF_1338	-	type II citrate synthase
1339	 30.85	0	1426057..1426338	-	93	67459731	-	RF_1339	-	transcriptional regulator
1340	 35.49	0	1426418..1427206	-	262	67459732	-	RF_1340	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
1341	 35.75	0	1427223..1428380	+	385	67459733	-	RF_1341	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase D
1342	 30.38	0	1428449..1428685	+	78	67459734	-	RF_1342	-	hypothetical protein
1343	 30.00	0	1428669..1428938	+	89	67459735	-	RF_1343	-	growth inhibitor
1344	 32.58	0	1429027..1430610	+	527	67459736	trmB	RF_1344	-	bifunctional N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase/tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase
1345	 35.64	0	1430576..1431661	-	361	67459737	-	RF_1345	-	putative translation factor protein
1346	 32.28	0	1431690..1433684	-	664	67459738	glyS	RF_1346	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
1347	 39.54	+1	1433677..1434546	-	289	67459739	glyQ	RF_1347	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
1348	 36.35	+1	1434906..1435535	-	209	67459740	-	RF_1348	-	hypothetical protein
1349	 36.78	+1	1435538..1436785	-	415	67459741	proP6	RF_1349	-	proline/betaine transporter
1350	 25.79	-1	1437005..1437958	-	317	67459742	-	RF_1350	-	hypothetical protein
1351	 24.41	-1	1437968..1438606	-	212	67459743	-	RF_1351	-	hypothetical protein
1352	 24.30	-1	1438756..1440327	-	523	67459744	-	RF_1352	-	hypothetical protein
1353	 35.38	0	1440429..1443065	+	878	67459745	alaS	RF_1353	-	alanyl-tRNA synthetase
1354	 28.23	0	1443948..1444319	-	123	67459746	-	RF_1354	-	hypothetical protein
1355	 26.20	-1	1444910..1445596	-	228	67459747	-	RF_1355	-	hypothetical protein
1356	 36.04	+1	1445733..1446470	-	245	67459748	truA	RF_1356	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase A
1357	 33.70	0	1446875..1448782	-	635	67459749	rpoD	RF_1357	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD
1358	 30.26	0	1448827..1450614	-	595	67459750	dnaG	RF_1358	-	DNA primase
1359	 29.59	0	1450619..1451233	-	204	67459751	sec59	RF_1359	-	dolichol kinase
1360	 32.12	0	1451285..1451863	+	192	67459752	greA	RF_1360	-	transcription elongation factor GreA
1361	 36.09	+1	1451977..1452375	-	132	67459753	pntA2	RF_1361	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit alpha
1362	 36.44	+1	1452372..1453496	-	374	67459754	pntA1	RF_1362	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit alpha
1363	 25.32	-1	1453565..1454188	+	207	67459755	-	RF_1363	-	hypothetical protein
1364	 31.16	0	1454420..1455985	+	521	67459756	dnaX	RF_1364	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
1365	 34.88	0	1456004..1456327	+	107	67459757	-	RF_1365	-	hypothetical protein
1366	 31.32	0	1456452..1457147	-	231	67459758	-	RF_1366	-	hypothetical protein
1367	 31.19	0	1457162..1458280	-	372	67459759	ampC	RF_1367	-	beta-lactamase AmpC
1368	 32.52	0	1458322..1458444	-	40	67459760	-	RF_1368	-	cytotoxic translational repressor of toxin-antitoxin system RelE
1369	 29.76	0	1458758..1459009	-	83	67459761	-	RF_1369	-	antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system StbD
1370	 33.06	0	1459079..1459801	-	240	67459762	glnQ	RF_1370	-	glutamine ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
32.00	MEAN

3.85	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.