IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 65.23 STD DEV: 3.17
Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009, complete genome - 1..5459213
4813 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
980	 62.57	0	1088146..1089318	+	390	39934060	-	RPA0985	-	putative branched-chain amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein
981	 63.32	0	1089530..1090396	+	288	39934061	-	RPA0986	-	urea/short-chain amide transport system permease protein
982	 66.57	0	1090399..1091397	+	332	39934062	-	RPA0987	-	branched chain amino acid ABC transporter permease
983	 65.10	0	1091394..1092158	+	254	39934063	-	RPA0988	-	putative branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
984	 67.79	0	1092139..1092852	+	237	39934064	-	RPA0989	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
985	 65.45	0	1092866..1095403	-	845	39934065	phyB5	RPA0990	-	bacteriophytochrome PhyB
986	 64.63	0	1095619..1096404	+	261	39934066	-	RPA0991	-	Crp/FNR family transcriptional regulator
987	 62.30	0	1096426..1097157	-	243	39934067	-	RPA0992	-	Crp/FNR family transcriptional regulator
988	 66.67	0	1097324..1097899	+	191	39934068	-	RPA0993	-	alpha-ribazole-5`-phosphate phosphatase CobC
989	 61.31	-1	1098342..1098677	+	111	39934069	-	RPA0994	-	hypothetical protein
990	 63.70	0	1098742..1099887	-	381	39934070	-	RPA0995	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
991	 65.49	0	1100262..1101284	-	340	39934071	-	RPA0996	-	Alpha/beta hydrolase fold
992	 65.03	0	1101329..1101757	+	142	39934072	-	RPA0997	-	ArsR family transcriptional regulator
993	 67.45	0	1101771..1102151	-	126	39934073	-	RPA0998	-	rhodanese-like protein
994	 64.07	0	1102360..1102974	+	204	39934074	PA5115	RPA0999	-	hypothetical protein
995	 66.41	0	1102982..1103377	-	131	39934075	-	RPA1000	-	nitrogenase-associated protein
996	 68.19	0	1103391..1103981	-	196	39934076	-	RPA1001	-	hypothetical protein
997	 70.78	+1	1104195..1105070	+	291	39934077	modD	RPA1002	-	pyrophosphorylase ModD
998	 66.36	0	1105201..1106835	-	544	39934078	-	RPA1003	-	putative acyl-CoA synthase
999	 65.70	0	1107079..1107285	+	68	39934079	-	RPA1004	-	hypothetical protein
1000	 65.90	0	1107364..1108014	+	216	39934080	-	RPA1005	-	NUDIX hydrolase
1001	 64.18	0	1108128..1108529	+	133	39934081	-	RPA1006	-	protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase subunit alpha
1002	 65.27	0	1108545..1109402	+	285	39934082	mhpB	RPA1007	-	protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase subunit beta
1003	 65.88	0	1109469..1110359	-	296	39934083	-	RPA1008	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
1004	 66.16	0	1110510..1111697	+	395	39934084	-	RPA1009	-	cytochrome P450
1005	 65.54	0	1111734..1113680	-	648	39934085	-	RPA1010	-	Beta-lactamase-like protein
1006	 64.37	0	1113940..1114593	+	217	39934086	-	RPA1011	-	DSBA oxidoreductase
1007	 64.44	0	1114724..1115488	+	254	39934087	-	RPA1012	-	integral membrane protein
1008	 64.86	0	1115514..1116956	-	480	39934088	fixG	RPA1013	-	nitrogen fixation protein FixG
1009	 60.54	-1	1117075..1117368	-	97	39934089	-	RPA1014	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 67.17	0	1117580..1118170	+	196	39934090	-	RPA1015	-	PadR family transcriptional regulator
1011	 66.67	0	1118259..1118792	+	177	39934091	petA	RPA1016	-	ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur protein
1012	 66.67	0	1119042..1119434	+	130	39934092	-	RPA1017	-	nitrogen fixation-related protein
1013	 62.69	0	1119616..1119816	-	66	39934093	-	RPA1018	-	hypothetical protein
1014	 63.45	0	1119897..1120238	+	113	39934094	-	RPA1019	-	NolR/HlyU transcriptional regulator
1015	 66.67	0	1120240..1121235	+	331	39934095	-	RPA1020	-	secretion protein HlyD
1016	 65.58	0	1121232..1124456	+	1074	39934096	-	RPA1021	-	AcrB/AcrD/AcrF family transporter
1017	 64.68	0	1124518..1125171	+	217	39934097	-	RPA1022	-	outer membrane protein
1018	 66.03	0	1125380..1125691	+	103	39934098	-	RPA1023	-	hypothetical protein
1019	 67.46	0	1125696..1126958	+	420	39934099	-	RPA1024	-	putative oxidoreductase
1020	 63.93	0	1126955..1127320	+	121	39934100	-	RPA1025	-	cytochrome b5
1021	 62.33	0	1127420..1128550	-	376	39934101	-	RPA1026	-	DNA methylase N-4/N-6
1022	 65.90	0	1128929..1129846	+	305	39934102	-	RPA1027	-	hypothetical protein
1023	 64.66	0	1129985..1130533	+	182	39934103	moaB	RPA1028	-	molybdopterin biosynthesis, protein B
1024	 66.80	0	1130697..1131464	+	255	39934104	-	RPA1029	-	CoA transferase, subunit A
1025	 66.67	0	1131461..1132213	+	250	39934105	-	RPA1030	-	CoA transferase, subunit B
1026	 66.67	0	1132371..1133378	-	335	39934106	-	RPA1031	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
1027	 70.90	+1	1133477..1134043	-	188	39934107	-	RPA1032	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1028	 66.06	0	1134224..1135384	+	386	39934108	-	RPA1033	-	radical SAM family protein
1029	 67.87	0	1135479..1136393	+	304	39934109	rnh2	RPA1034	-	ribonuclease H
1030	 69.95	+1	1136390..1137973	+	527	39934110	-	RPA1035	-	hypothetical protein
1031	 70.76	+1	1138032..1138862	-	276	39934111	polN	RPA1036	-	phage SPO1 DNA polymerase-related protein
1032	 63.53	0	1139064..1140722	+	552	39934112	-	RPA1037	-	electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase
1033	 64.65	0	1140980..1142764	+	594	39934113	-	RPA1038	-	TPR repeat-containing protein
1034	 71.89	+2	1142869..1143768	+	299	39934114	ispE	RPA1039	-	4-diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase
1035	 66.17	0	1143914..1144924	-	336	39934115	-	RPA1040	-	farnesyltranstransferase
1036	 66.67	0	1145132..1145359	+	75	39934116	-	RPA1041	-	hypothetical protein
1037	 69.49	+1	1145352..1146131	+	259	39934117	-	RPA1042	-	methyltransferase small
1038	 66.45	0	1146377..1147279	+	300	39934118	-	RPA1043	-	peptidase S49
1039	 68.27	0	1147380..1147691	-	103	39934119	-	RPA1044	-	hypothetical protein
1040	 64.77	0	1147992..1148942	+	316	39934120	glyQ	RPA1045	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
1041	 60.46	-1	1149072..1149506	+	144	39934121	-	RPA1046	-	hypothetical protein
1042	 61.35	-1	1149506..1151836	+	776	39934122	glyS	RPA1047	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
1043	 67.30	0	1152596..1153699	+	367	39934123	-	RPA1048	-	hypothetical protein
1044	 67.60	0	1153713..1155209	-	498	39934124	-	RPA1049	-	hypothetical protein
1045	 53.85	-2	1155473..1155628	+	51	39934125	-	RPA1050	-	hypothetical protein
1046	 67.14	0	1156005..1158746	+	913	39934126	-	RPA1051	-	pyruvate phosphate dikinase
1047	 66.74	0	1159062..1160492	+	476	39934127	-	RPA1052	-	cell wall hydrolase, SleB
1048	 68.26	0	1161049..1161924	-	291	39934128	nadC	RPA1053	-	nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase
1049	 71.06	+1	1161941..1163557	-	538	39934129	nadB	RPA1054	-	L-aspartate oxidase
1050	 64.24	0	1163651..1164763	-	370	39934130	nadA	RPA1055	-	quinolinate synthetase
1051	 66.46	0	1165116..1166102	+	328	39934131	-	RPA1056	-	putative dehydrogenase (zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase, NADPH quinone oxidoreductase, oxidoreductase)
1052	 65.44	0	1166217..1166786	+	189	39934132	-	RPA1057	-	hypothetical protein
1053	 66.03	0	1167398..1168333	+	311	39934133	-	RPA1058	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
1054	 62.56	0	1168419..1170635	+	738	39934134	-	RPA1059	-	outer membrane protein, TonB-dependent receptor
1055	 64.19	0	1170643..1171086	+	147	39934135	-	RPA1060	-	hypothetical protein
1056	 67.02	0	1171079..1171933	+	284	39934136	tcmP	RPA1061	-	polyketide synthesis protein
1057	 68.72	+1	1171930..1174602	-	890	39934137	-	RPA1062	-	hypothetical protein
1058	 69.48	+1	1174654..1175649	-	331	39934138	-	RPA1063	-	hypothetical protein
1059	 66.27	0	1175646..1176152	-	168	39934139	-	RPA1064	-	hypothetical protein
1060	 66.18	0	1176219..1176836	-	205	39934140	-	RPA1065	-	metal dependent phosphohydrolase
1061	 61.17	-1	1176912..1177184	+	90	39934141	-	RPA1066	-	hypothetical protein
1062	 63.77	0	1177191..1177847	-	218	39934142	tag	RPA1067	-	DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I
1063	 67.57	0	1177844..1178725	-	293	39934143	-	RPA1068	-	glycine cleavage T protein (aminomethyl transferase)
1064	 65.77	0	1178873..1180207	+	444	39934144	pyrC	RPA1069	-	dihydroorotase
1065	 61.54	-1	1180716..1180871	+	51	39934145	-	RPA1070	-	hypothetical protein
1066	 63.26	0	1180892..1181155	-	87	39934146	-	RPA1071	-	hypothetical protein
1067	 67.57	0	1181286..1181726	-	146	39934147	-	RPA1072	-	hypothetical protein
1068	 69.66	+1	1181726..1182160	-	144	39934148	-	RPA1073	-	NUDIX hydrolase
1069	 61.90	-1	1182166..1182522	-	118	39934149	-	RPA1074	-	hypothetical protein
1070	 67.96	0	1182725..1183498	+	257	39934150	-	RPA1075	-	hypothetical protein
1071	 66.11	0	1183607..1185034	-	475	39934151	-	RPA1076	-	FAD linked oxidase-like
1072	 68.77	+1	1185153..1186199	-	348	39934152	-	RPA1077	-	SUA5/yciO/yrdC domain-containing protein
1073	 67.77	0	1186379..1187281	+	300	39934153	-	RPA1078	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
1074	 66.51	0	1187407..1188693	+	428	39934154	-	RPA1079	-	4-methylmuconolactone transporter
1075	 67.00	0	1188686..1189588	+	300	39934155	-	RPA1080	-	2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate hydrolase
1076	 66.51	0	1189896..1190549	-	217	39934156	-	RPA1081	-	hypothetical protein
1077	 58.05	-2	1190900..1192234	+	444	39934157	-	RPA1082	-	hypothetical protein
1078	 64.49	0	1192349..1192669	+	106	39934158	-	RPA1083	-	hypothetical protein
1079	 63.21	0	1192666..1193157	+	163	39934159	csgB	RPA1084	-	minor curlin subunit precursor (fimbrin sef17 minor subunit)
65.23	MEAN

3.17	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.