IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 61.51 STD DEV: 3.25
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841, complete genome - 1..5057142
4694 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3761	 64.09	0	3999384..3999848	-	154	116253531	-	RL3790	-	putative Rrf2 family protein
3762	 63.24	0	4000025..4000813	-	262	116253532	-	RL3791	-	putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase
3763	 64.85	+1	4000956..4001726	+	256	116253533	-	RL3792	-	putative hydroxypyruvate isomerase
3764	 64.71	0	4001723..4002742	-	339	116253534	-	RL3793	-	LacI family transcriptional regulator
3765	 60.49	0	4002922..4004847	+	641	116253535	-	RL3794	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3766	 63.06	0	4004933..4007041	+	702	116253536	-	RL3795	-	hypothetical protein
3767	 59.98	0	4007146..4008132	+	328	116253537	-	RL3796	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3768	 65.16	+1	4008143..4009333	+	396	116253538	-	RL3797	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3769	 64.11	0	4009344..4011062	+	572	116253539	-	RL3798	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
3770	 60.88	0	4011073..4011867	+	264	116253540	-	RL3799	-	putative hydroxypyruvate isomerase
3771	 64.73	0	4011864..4012739	+	291	116253541	-	RL3800	-	putative oxidoreductase
3772	 62.01	0	4012848..4014950	+	700	116253542	-	RL3801	-	putative beta-galactosidase
3773	 60.22	0	4014955..4015497	-	180	116253543	-	RL3802	-	putative transmembrane protein
3774	 62.87	0	4015630..4016103	+	157	116253544	-	RL3803	-	hypothetical protein
3775	 64.23	0	4016190..4017299	-	369	116253545	-	RL3804	-	glycerol-3-phosphate transporter ATP-binding subunit
3776	 59.56	0	4017312..4018226	-	304	116253546	-	RL3805	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter protein
3777	 59.89	0	4018237..4019121	-	294	116253547	-	RL3806	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter protein
3778	 59.96	0	4019354..4020709	-	451	116253548	-	RL3807	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter protein
3779	 65.51	+1	4021071..4022276	-	401	116253549	-	RL3808	-	ROK family transcriptional regulator
3780	 61.10	0	4022500..4023738	+	412	116253550	-	RL3809	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3781	 65.42	+1	4023812..4024696	+	294	116253551	-	RL3810	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3782	 64.78	+1	4024696..4025541	+	281	116253552	-	RL3811	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3783	 66.47	+1	4025538..4026560	+	340	116253553	-	RL3812	-	hypothetical protein
3784	 66.02	+1	4026561..4027490	+	309	116253554	-	RL3813	-	putative kinase
3785	 63.78	0	4027487..4028560	+	357	116253555	-	RL3814	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
3786	 56.80	-1	4028589..4029470	-	293	116253556	-	RL3815	-	putative glycosyl hydrolase
3787	 61.00	0	4029467..4030948	-	493	116253557	-	RL3816	-	putative polysaccharide export protein
3788	 61.47	0	4031017..4032132	-	371	116253558	-	RL3817	-	putative glycosyltransferase
3789	 62.22	0	4032258..4033607	-	449	116253559	-	RL3818	-	putative glycosyl transferase
3790	 62.10	0	4033604..4034347	-	247	116253560	-	RL3819	-	FNR/CRP family transcriptional regulator
3791	 59.83	0	4034810..4035511	+	233	116253561	-	RL3820	-	putative exopolysaccharide production protein
3792	 59.96	0	4035711..4037396	+	561	116253562	-	RL3821	-	putative tyrosine-protein kinase involved in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis
3793	 63.49	0	4037471..4038415	+	314	116253563	-	RL3822	-	putative glycosyl transferase
3794	 60.82	0	4038422..4039807	+	461	116253564	-	RL3823	-	putative exopolysacchride production protein
3795	 59.51	0	4039931..4041397	+	488	116253565	-	RL3824	-	putative transmembrane protein
3796	 60.85	0	4041583..4041960	-	125	116253566	-	RL3825	-	putative transmembrane protein
3797	 54.06	-2	4042191..4043102	+	303	116253567	-	RL3826	-	putative glycosyltransferase
3798	 57.28	-1	4043236..4044258	+	340	116253568	-	RL3827	-	hypothetical protein
3799	 58.47	0	4044445..4045200	-	251	116253569	-	RL3828	-	CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator
3800	 56.01	-1	4045648..4046304	+	218	116253570	exoY	RL3829	-	putative exopolysaccharide production regulator
3801	 54.21	-2	4046454..4046750	-	98	116253571	-	RL3830	-	putative transmembrane protein
3802	 54.41	-2	4047330..4048439	-	369	116253572	-	RL3831	-	putative O-acetyl transferase
3803	 60.63	0	4048693..4051011	+	772	116253573	gcd	RL3832	-	putative transmembrane glucose dehydrogenase
3804	 56.48	-1	4051606..4052361	-	251	116253574	-	RL3833	-	putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase
3805	 60.71	0	4052592..4053179	+	195	116253575	-	RL3834	-	putative ErfK/YbiS/YhnG oxidoreductase
3806	 50.53	-2	4053643..4054206	+	187	116253576	-	RL3835	-	hypothetical protein
3807	 55.39	-1	4054278..4054871	+	197	116253577	-	RL3836	-	putative transmembrane protein
3808	 57.12	-1	4054882..4055667	+	261	116253578	-	RL3837	-	hypothetical protein
3809	 60.55	0	4055664..4056464	+	266	116253579	-	RL3838	-	putative transmembrane dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase
3810	 58.11	-1	4056683..4057465	-	260	116253580	-	RL3839	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
3811	 57.95	-1	4057660..4058646	-	328	116253581	-	RL3840	-	putative substrate-binding protein component of ABC transporter
3812	 56.88	-1	4058695..4059675	-	326	116253582	-	RL3841	-	putative UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
3813	 58.57	0	4059935..4060675	+	246	116253583	-	RL3842	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3814	 58.38	0	4060716..4061717	+	333	116253584	-	RL3843	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3815	 60.29	0	4061748..4062797	-	349	116253585	-	RL3844	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
3816	 58.36	0	4062811..4063653	-	280	116253586	-	RL3845	-	putative transmembrane permease component of ABC transporter
3817	 58.33	0	4063650..4064573	-	307	116253587	-	RL3846	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3818	 58.20	-1	4064585..4065871	-	428	116253588	-	RL3847	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3819	 64.42	0	4065965..4066720	-	251	116253589	-	RL3848	-	putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase
3820	 62.32	0	4066753..4067511	-	252	116253590	-	RL3849	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
3821	 62.83	0	4067672..4068817	+	381	116253591	dgoD	RL3850	-	putative galactonate dehydratase
3822	 57.35	-1	4068831..4069742	+	303	116253592	-	RL3851	-	hypothetical protein
3823	 61.95	0	4069739..4070077	+	112	116253593	-	RL3852	-	hypothetical protein
3824	 64.94	+1	4070120..4071451	-	443	116253594	-	RL3853	-	putative protein involved in invasion
3825	 61.07	0	4071535..4072338	-	267	116253595	-	RL3854	-	putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase
3826	 66.85	+1	4072655..4073209	-	184	116253596	-	RL3855	-	putative cytochrome c protein
3827	 60.67	0	4073673..4074422	-	249	116253597	-	RL3857	-	hypothetical protein
3828	 61.94	0	4074444..4075607	-	387	116253598	-	RL3858	-	putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonising family protein
3829	 59.29	0	4075641..4076738	-	365	116253599	-	RL3859	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
3830	 59.71	0	4076750..4077640	-	296	116253600	-	RL3860	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3831	 59.20	0	4077637..4078587	-	316	116253601	-	RL3861	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3832	 58.82	0	4078670..4080148	-	492	116253602	-	RL3862	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3833	 60.34	0	4080355..4081065	+	236	116253603	-	RL3863	-	GntR family transcriptional regulator
3834	 58.78	0	4081119..4082285	+	388	116253604	-	RL3864	-	putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonising family protein
3835	 61.97	0	4082349..4083710	+	453	116253605	-	RL3865	-	putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonising family protein
3836	 60.08	0	4083728..4084927	+	399	116253606	-	RL3866	-	putative madelate racemase/muconate lactonising family protein
3837	 63.42	0	4092056..4092394	+	112	116253607	-	RL3867	-	hypothetical protein
3838	 59.42	0	4092535..4092741	+	68	116253608	-	RL3868	-	hypothetical protein
3839	 62.83	0	4092900..4093706	+	268	116253609	rLuB	RL3869	-	putative ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase B
3840	 65.24	+1	4093721..4094419	+	232	116253610	-	RL3870	-	phosphoribosyltransferase
3841	 63.74	0	4094511..4096253	+	580	116253611	-	RL3871	-	putative transmembrane transporter protein
3842	 60.21	0	4096338..4097282	+	314	116253612	purC	RL3872	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase
3843	 59.87	0	4097494..4098096	+	200	116253613	rmeR	RL3873	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
3844	 62.71	0	4098266..4099477	+	403	116253614	rmeA	RL3874	-	RND family transporter
3845	 62.07	0	4099526..4102636	+	1036	116253615	rmeB	RL3875	-	RND family transmembrane transporter
3846	 62.69	0	4102787..4104220	+	477	116253616	nodT	RL3876	-	putative exported nodulation protein
3847	 66.48	+1	4104395..4105438	+	347	116253617	-	RL3877	-	LacI family transcriptional regulator
3848	 61.39	0	4105440..4106462	+	340	116253618	-	RL3878	-	putative solute-binding component of ABC transporter
3849	 62.08	0	4106531..4107358	+	275	116253619	-	RL3879	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3850	 62.95	0	4107355..4108134	+	259	116253620	-	RL3880	-	putative transmembrane component of ABC transporter
3851	 65.11	+1	4108127..4109152	+	341	116253621	-	RL3881	-	putative ATP-binding component of ABC transporter
3852	 65.94	+1	4109118..4110077	+	319	116253622	iunH	RL3882	-	putative inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase
3853	 65.32	+1	4110074..4111861	+	595	116253623	ade	RL3883	-	putative adenine deaminase
3854	 58.84	0	4112170..4113102	+	310	116253624	sitA	RL3884	-	iron ABC transporter substrate binding protein
3855	 62.36	0	4113099..4114004	+	301	116253625	sitB	RL3885	-	iron ABC transporter
3856	 60.05	0	4114001..4114861	+	286	116253626	sitC	RL3886	-	iron ABC transporter
3857	 60.28	0	4114858..4115703	+	281	116253627	-	RL3887	-	putative iron transmembrane ABC transporter component
3858	 64.70	0	4115786..4116955	-	389	116253628	hipO	RL3888	-	putative hippurate hydrolase
3859	 63.75	0	4117172..4118680	-	502	116253629	-	RL3889	-	putative transmembrane protein
3860	 62.12	0	4118687..4119148	-	153	116253630	-	RL3890	-	putative transmembrane protein
61.51	MEAN

3.25	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.