IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Ralstonia metallidurans CH34

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 63.77 STD DEV: 3.52
Ralstonia metallidurans CH34 chromosome 2, complete sequence - 1..2580084
2313 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
75	 61.62	0	83340..83834	+	164	94312622	-	Rmet_3690	-	CheW protein
76	 64.58	0	83898..84809	+	303	94312623	-	Rmet_3691	-	MCP methyltransferase, CheR-type
77	 63.95	0	84806..85468	+	220	94312624	-	Rmet_3692	-	chemoreceptor glutamine deamidase CheD
78	 66.01	0	85536..86609	+	357	94312625	-	Rmet_3693	-	chemotaxis-specific methylesterase
79	 58.81	-1	86649..87068	+	139	94312626	-	Rmet_3694	-	response regulator receiver domain-containing protein
80	 64.31	0	87081..87716	+	211	94312627	-	Rmet_3695	-	chemotaxis regulator CheZ
81	 65.27	0	87845..89203	+	452	94312628	-	Rmet_3696	-	peptidase M20
82	 66.94	0	89319..90050	+	243	94312629	-	Rmet_3697	-	hypothetical protein
83	 65.44	0	90329..91471	+	380	94312630	flhB	Rmet_3698	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB
84	 65.76	0	91468..93555	+	695	94312631	flhA	Rmet_3699	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA
85	 66.79	0	93565..96042	+	825	94312632	flhF	Rmet_3700	-	flagellar biosynthesis regulator FlhF
86	 68.12	+1	96046..96870	+	274	94312633	-	Rmet_3701	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhG
87	 62.34	0	96978..97694	+	238	94312634	-	Rmet_3702	-	sigma 28 (flagella/sporulation)
88	 64.88	0	97694..98140	+	148	94312635	-	Rmet_3703	-	flagellar FlhE
89	 67.31	+1	98326..99417	-	363	94312636	-	Rmet_3704	-	porin
90	 61.99	0	99496..100521	-	341	94312637	-	Rmet_3705	-	amidohydrolase 2
91	 66.58	0	100518..101666	-	382	94312638	-	Rmet_3706	-	methylitaconate delta2-delta3-isomerase
92	 68.63	+1	101838..103058	+	406	94312639	-	Rmet_3707	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
93	 65.69	0	103228..104553	+	441	94312640	-	Rmet_3708	-	major facilitator transporter
94	 63.81	0	104563..105855	+	430	94312641	-	Rmet_3709	-	protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase
95	 63.89	0	105837..106376	+	179	94312642	-	Rmet_3710	-	rubredoxin-type Fe(Cys)4 protein
96	 63.61	0	106666..107253	+	195	94312643	-	Rmet_3711	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
97	 58.49	-1	107288..107764	-	158	94312644	-	Rmet_3712	-	putative salicylate-5-hydroxylase small oxygenase component oxidoreductase protein
98	 60.64	0	108087..109049	+	320	94312645	-	Rmet_3713	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
99	 62.19	0	109030..109230	-	66	94312646	-	Rmet_3714	-	hypothetical protein
100	 61.32	0	109285..109602	-	105	94312647	-	Rmet_3715	-	putative signal peptide protein
101	 68.17	+1	109757..110287	+	176	94312648	-	Rmet_3716	-	hypothetical protein
102	 65.29	0	110388..111041	-	217	161621310	-	Rmet_3717	-	dihydropteridine reductase
103	 67.74	+1	111123..111587	-	154	94312650	-	Rmet_3718	-	hypothetical protein
104	 66.12	0	111721..112629	+	302	94312651	-	Rmet_3719	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
105	 65.70	0	112713..114473	+	586	94312652	-	Rmet_3720	-	sulfate permease
106	 63.39	0	114576..115613	-	345	94312653	-	Rmet_3721	-	hypothetical protein
107	 63.48	0	115800..116270	+	156	94312654	-	Rmet_3722	-	CMP/dCMP deaminase, zinc-binding
108	 64.49	0	116271..118157	-	628	94312655	-	Rmet_3723	-	methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer
109	 62.07	0	118420..120030	+	536	94312656	-	Rmet_3724	-	EAL-containing signal transduction protein
110	 63.90	0	120087..121424	+	445	94312657	-	Rmet_3725	-	uracil-xanthine permease
111	 63.45	0	121507..122097	-	196	94312658	-	Rmet_3726	-	hypothetical protein
112	 67.17	0	122186..123385	+	399	94312659	-	Rmet_3727	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-like protein
113	 65.88	0	123409..124554	+	381	94312660	-	Rmet_3728	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-like protein
114	 62.66	0	124707..126950	-	747	94312661	-	Rmet_3729	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent
115	 65.66	0	127318..128406	-	362	94312662	-	Rmet_3730	-	putative transmembrane protein
116	 67.31	+1	128471..128935	-	154	94312663	-	Rmet_3731	-	FlgN
117	 65.88	0	128943..129323	-	126	94312664	-	Rmet_3732	-	anti-sigma-28 factor, FlgM
118	 69.65	+1	129502..130239	-	245	94312665	flgA	Rmet_3733	-	flagellar basal body P-ring biosynthesis protein FlgA
119	 64.20	0	130518..130922	+	134	94312666	flgB	Rmet_3734	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB
120	 63.73	0	130934..131341	+	135	94312667	-	Rmet_3735	-	flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC
121	 64.57	0	131383..132051	+	222	94312668	flgD	Rmet_3736	-	flagellar basal body rod modification protein
122	 65.14	0	132125..133372	+	415	94312669	flgE	Rmet_3737	-	flagellar hook protein FlgE
123	 66.80	0	133399..134142	+	247	94312670	flgF	Rmet_3738	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgF
124	 62.47	0	134191..134976	+	261	94312671	flgG	Rmet_3739	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG
125	 64.57	0	134983..135696	+	237	94312672	flgH	Rmet_3740	-	flagellar basal body L-ring protein
126	 66.58	0	135704..136888	+	394	94312673	flgI	Rmet_3741	-	flagellar basal body P-ring protein
127	 65.88	0	136888..137910	+	340	94312674	flgJ	Rmet_3742	-	peptidoglycan hydrolase
128	 64.19	0	138176..140071	+	631	94312675	flgK	Rmet_3743	-	flagellar hook-associated protein FlgK
129	 64.33	0	140127..141365	+	412	94312676	flgL	Rmet_3744	-	flagellar hook-associated protein FlgL
130	 56.74	-1	141728..142906	-	392	94312677	-	Rmet_3745	-	diguanylate cyclase
131	 57.85	-1	143187..143549	-	120	94312678	-	Rmet_3746	-	hypothetical protein
132	 59.07	-1	143806..144885	-	359	94312679	-	Rmet_3747	-	hypothetical protein
133	 58.33	-1	145207..145566	+	119	94312680	-	Rmet_3748	-	hypothetical protein
134	 57.45	-1	145586..146692	+	368	94312681	-	Rmet_3749	-	hypothetical protein
135	 54.61	-2	146751..148376	+	541	94312682	-	Rmet_3750	-	hypothetical protein
136	 56.03	-2	148373..148654	+	93	94312683	-	Rmet_3751	-	hypothetical protein
137	 57.76	-1	149244..149546	+	100	94312684	-	Rmet_3752	-	hypothetical protein
138	 59.12	-1	149882..150199	+	105	94312685	-	Rmet_3754	-	hypothetical protein
139	 56.75	-1	150269..150520	+	83	94312686	-	Rmet_3755	-	hypothetical protein
140	 58.97	-1	150604..151227	-	207	94312687	-	Rmet_3756	-	endoribonuclease L-PSP
141	 62.18	0	151582..151737	-	51	94312688	-	Rmet_3757	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-like protein
142	 60.92	0	151827..152174	+	115	94312689	-	Rmet_3758	-	hypothetical protein
143	 54.36	-2	152188..152577	+	129	94312690	-	Rmet_3759	-	hypothetical protein
144	 65.17	0	152666..153664	+	332	94312691	-	Rmet_3760	-	glutaminase
145	 57.55	-1	154115..154498	-	127	94312692	-	Rmet_3762	-	hypothetical protein
146	 61.36	0	155099..155437	-	112	94312693	-	Rmet_3763	-	hypothetical protein
147	 62.70	0	155427..156131	-	234	94312694	-	Rmet_3764	-	hypothetical protein
148	 64.41	0	156146..157210	-	354	94312695	-	Rmet_3765	-	AraC family transcriptional regulator
149	 64.69	0	157294..157950	-	218	94312696	-	Rmet_3766	-	HhH-GPD
150	 66.49	0	157953..158504	-	183	94312697	-	Rmet_3767	-	methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase
151	 58.85	-1	158553..158744	-	63	94312698	-	Rmet_3768	-	hypothetical protein
152	 62.74	0	158829..159413	-	194	94312699	-	Rmet_3769	-	DNA-N1-methyladenine dioxygenase
153	 60.00	-1	159585..159884	+	99	94312700	-	Rmet_3770	-	transposase IS3/IS911
154	 61.74	0	159881..160774	+	297	94312701	-	Rmet_3771	-	integrase catalytic subunit
155	 54.61	-2	160848..161129	+	93	94312702	-	Rmet_3772	-	hypothetical protein
156	 56.12	-2	161126..162433	+	435	94312703	-	Rmet_3773	-	hypothetical protein
157	 55.01	-2	162430..164145	+	571	94312704	-	Rmet_3774	-	hypothetical protein
158	 59.42	-1	164427..164702	-	91	94312705	-	Rmet_3775	-	hypothetical protein
159	 62.37	0	164820..166007	+	395	94312706	-	Rmet_3776	-	hypothetical protein
160	 60.97	0	166051..167754	+	567	94312707	-	Rmet_3777	-	AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase
161	 61.55	0	167768..168646	+	292	94312708	-	Rmet_3778	-	glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase
162	 61.07	0	168643..169803	+	386	94312709	-	Rmet_3779	-	monooxygenase, FAD-binding
163	 65.56	0	169800..170249	+	149	94312710	-	Rmet_3780	-	thioesterase-like protein
164	 64.03	0	170270..171028	+	252	94312711	-	Rmet_3781	-	Asp/Glu racemase
165	 64.50	0	171094..172341	+	415	94312712	-	Rmet_3782	-	major facilitator transporter
166	 60.98	0	172355..173233	+	292	94312713	-	Rmet_3783	-	TetR family transcriptional regulator
167	 62.49	0	173389..174345	+	318	94312714	-	Rmet_3784	-	hypothetical protein
168	 64.21	0	174381..175562	+	393	94312715	-	Rmet_3785	-	beta-lactamase-like protein
169	 58.59	-1	175703..176878	+	391	94312716	-	Rmet_3786	-	porin
170	 62.73	0	177251..177682	+	143	94312717	-	Rmet_3787	-	hypothetical protein
171	 62.15	0	178023..179594	+	523	94312718	-	Rmet_3788	-	acyl-CoA synthetase
172	 62.69	0	179660..180640	+	326	94312719	-	Rmet_3789	-	hypothetical protein
173	 64.10	0	180804..182594	-	596	94312720	-	Rmet_3790	-	acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-like protein
174	 62.50	0	182655..183878	-	407	94312721	-	Rmet_3791	-	L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F
63.77	MEAN

3.52	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.