IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Ralstonia metallidurans CH34

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 63.77 STD DEV: 3.52
Ralstonia metallidurans CH34 chromosome 2, complete sequence - 1..2580084
2313 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1146	 65.89	0	1268478..1269383	+	301	94313693	-	Rmet_4771	-	RpiR family transcriptional regulator
1147	 67.14	0	1269386..1270849	+	487	94313694	-	Rmet_4772	-	amidohydrolase 3
1148	 63.61	0	1270864..1271256	+	130	94313695	-	Rmet_4773	-	endoribonuclease L-PSP
1149	 64.17	0	1271430..1272791	+	453	94313696	-	Rmet_4774	-	gluconate transporter
1150	 63.71	0	1272926..1274107	+	393	94313697	-	Rmet_4775	-	extracellular ligand-binding receptor
1151	 64.32	0	1274145..1274612	-	155	94313698	-	Rmet_4776	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
1152	 64.00	0	1274801..1275325	+	174	94313699	-	Rmet_4777	-	hypothetical protein
1153	 66.52	0	1275346..1276047	-	233	94313700	-	Rmet_4778	-	ABC transporter related
1154	 66.14	0	1276040..1276792	-	250	94313701	-	Rmet_4779	-	ABC transporter related
1155	 64.46	0	1276789..1277784	-	331	94313702	-	Rmet_4780	-	inner-membrane translocator
1156	 66.21	0	1277781..1278647	-	288	94313703	-	Rmet_4781	-	inner-membrane translocator
1157	 65.80	0	1278816..1279739	+	307	94313704	-	Rmet_4782	-	twin-arginine translocation pathway signal
1158	 66.15	0	1279779..1281140	+	453	94313705	-	Rmet_4783	-	major facilitator transporter
1159	 64.32	0	1281251..1282357	+	368	94313706	-	Rmet_4784	-	zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase
1160	 66.31	0	1282369..1283217	+	282	94313707	-	Rmet_4785	-	putative esterase
1161	 61.59	0	1283270..1283584	-	104	94313708	-	Rmet_4786	-	cold-shock protein, DNA-binding
1162	 63.70	0	1283694..1285211	+	505	94313709	-	Rmet_4787	-	amidase
1163	 62.91	0	1285266..1285931	-	221	94313710	-	Rmet_4788	-	NADPH-dependent FMN reductase
1164	 63.35	0	1286169..1286981	-	270	94313711	-	Rmet_4789	-	lipoprotein YaeC
1165	 66.13	0	1287213..1288703	-	496	94313712	-	Rmet_4790	-	RND efflux system, outer membrane lipoprotein, NodT
1166	 65.86	0	1288700..1289686	-	328	94313713	-	Rmet_4791	-	secretion protein HlyD
1167	 59.62	-1	1289683..1289895	-	70	94313714	-	Rmet_4792	-	hypothetical protein
1168	 64.85	0	1289892..1291871	-	659	94313715	-	Rmet_4793	-	fusaric acid resistance protein region
1169	 65.80	0	1291877..1292335	-	152	94313716	-	Rmet_4794	-	MarR family transcriptional regulator
1170	 57.59	-1	1292366..1293037	+	223	94313717	-	Rmet_4795	-	hypothetical protein
1171	 62.90	0	1293333..1296068	+	911	94313718	-	Rmet_4796	-	Rhs element Vgr protein
1172	 64.82	0	1296119..1300999	+	1626	94313719	-	Rmet_4797	-	YD repeat-containing protein
1173	 35.34	-2	1301011..1301259	+	82	94313720	-	Rmet_4798	-	hypothetical protein
1174	 42.32	-2	1301802..1302335	+	177	94313721	-	Rmet_4799	-	hypothetical protein
1175	 58.67	-1	1302332..1302781	+	149	94313722	-	Rmet_4800	-	hypothetical protein
1176	 61.42	0	1302813..1303079	+	88	94313723	-	Rmet_4801	-	PAAR
1177	 64.77	0	1303340..1303603	+	87	94313724	-	Rmet_4802	-	hypothetical protein
1178	 64.42	0	1303619..1304242	+	207	94313725	-	Rmet_4803	-	hypothetical protein
1179	 63.67	0	1304260..1305261	-	333	94313726	-	Rmet_4804	-	L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase
1180	 63.84	0	1305258..1306460	-	400	94313727	-	Rmet_4805	-	2-amino-3-ketobutyrate coenzyme A ligase
1181	 66.34	0	1306554..1307165	+	203	94313728	-	Rmet_4806	-	XRE family transcriptional regulator
1182	 63.51	0	1307451..1307735	+	94	94313729	-	Rmet_4807	-	hypothetical protein
1183	 64.11	0	1307772..1309139	-	455	94313730	-	Rmet_4808	-	di-haem cytochrome c peroxidase
1184	 65.40	0	1309379..1311508	+	709	94313731	-	Rmet_4809	-	phosphoesterase
1185	 66.60	0	1311582..1313126	+	514	94313732	-	Rmet_4810	-	major facilitator transporter
1186	 52.86	-2	1313142..1313438	+	98	94313733	-	Rmet_4811	-	hypothetical protein
1187	 59.08	-1	1313435..1313737	+	100	94313734	-	Rmet_4812	-	hypothetical protein
1188	 65.28	0	1314043..1314762	-	239	94313735	-	Rmet_4813	-	short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR
1189	 63.55	0	1314942..1315808	+	288	94313736	-	Rmet_4814	-	hypothetical protein
1190	 64.69	0	1315805..1316410	-	201	94313737	-	Rmet_4815	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
1191	 62.65	0	1316472..1316969	+	165	94313738	-	Rmet_4816	-	putative transcriptional regulator
1192	 66.29	0	1317282..1318595	+	437	94313739	-	Rmet_4817	-	major facilitator transporter
1193	 64.99	0	1318633..1321194	+	853	94313740	-	Rmet_4818	-	assimilatory nitrite reductase (NAD(P)H) large subunit precursor
1194	 66.42	0	1321220..1321621	+	133	94313741	-	Rmet_4819	-	assimilatory nitrite reductase (NAD(P)H) small subunit
1195	 67.47	+1	1321675..1322916	+	413	94313742	-	Rmet_4820	-	assimilatory nitrate reductase (NADH) beta subunit
1196	 66.63	0	1322935..1325682	+	915	94313743	-	Rmet_4821	-	assimilatory nitrate reductase (NADH) alpha subunit apoprotein
1197	 53.11	-2	1325883..1328087	-	734	94313744	-	Rmet_4822	-	hypothetical protein
1198	 65.07	0	1328631..1329257	+	208	94313745	-	Rmet_4823	-	hypothetical protein
1199	 68.30	+1	1329247..1330227	+	326	94313746	-	Rmet_4824	-	ornithine cyclodeaminase
1200	 64.81	0	1330251..1331219	+	322	94313747	-	Rmet_4825	-	serine/threonine dehydratase
1201	 63.57	0	1331282..1332736	-	484	94313748	-	Rmet_4826	-	EmrB/QacA family drug resistance transporter
1202	 62.42	0	1332905..1333963	-	352	94313749	-	Rmet_4827	-	hypothetical protein
1203	 66.32	0	1334032..1335759	-	575	94313750	-	Rmet_4828	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1204	 66.67	0	1335998..1336705	+	235	94313751	-	Rmet_4829	-	two component transcriptional regulator
1205	 67.69	+1	1336702..1338075	+	457	94313752	-	Rmet_4830	-	histidine kinase
1206	 69.52	+1	1338124..1339350	+	408	94313753	-	Rmet_4831	-	chromate transporter
1207	 67.85	+1	1339331..1340008	+	225	94313754	-	Rmet_4832	-	hypothetical protein
1208	 62.86	0	1340685..1340999	+	104	94313755	-	Rmet_4833	-	hypothetical protein
1209	 64.41	0	1341126..1342187	-	353	94313756	-	Rmet_4834	-	porin
1210	 66.91	0	1342504..1344984	+	826	94313757	-	Rmet_4835	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1211	 66.67	0	1345012..1345776	-	254	94313758	-	Rmet_4836	-	diguanylate phosphodiesterase
1212	 66.90	0	1345976..1347268	-	430	94313759	-	Rmet_4837	-	twin-arginine translocation pathway signal
1213	 66.60	0	1347287..1348867	-	526	94313760	-	Rmet_4838	-	hypothetical protein
1214	 66.30	0	1349163..1350239	+	358	94313761	-	Rmet_4839	-	LacI family transcription regulator
1215	 64.42	0	1350302..1351324	+	340	94313762	-	Rmet_4840	-	putative periplasmic solute-binding protein
1216	 66.42	0	1351348..1352166	+	272	94313763	-	Rmet_4841	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
1217	 64.38	0	1352300..1353175	+	291	94313764	-	Rmet_4842	-	binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component
1218	 67.23	0	1353168..1354226	+	352	94313765	-	Rmet_4843	-	ABC transporter related
1219	 67.24	0	1354223..1355095	+	290	94313766	-	Rmet_4844	-	metallophosphoesterase
1220	 61.45	0	1355217..1356002	+	261	94313767	-	Rmet_4845	-	hypothetical protein
1221	 67.61	+1	1356162..1357217	+	351	94313768	-	Rmet_4846	-	TRAP dicarboxylate transporter- DctP subunit
1222	 65.14	0	1357451..1359154	+	567	94313769	-	Rmet_4847	-	YidE/YbjL duplication
1223	 59.80	-1	1359250..1359642	-	130	94313770	-	Rmet_4848	-	alkylphosphonate utilization operon protein PhnA
1224	 65.77	0	1359796..1360689	+	297	94313771	-	Rmet_4849	-	hypothetical protein
1225	 64.04	0	1360736..1361686	-	316	94313772	-	Rmet_4850	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1226	 68.28	+1	1361777..1363015	+	412	94313773	-	Rmet_4851	-	L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F
1227	 68.25	+1	1363015..1364025	+	336	94313774	-	Rmet_4852	-	zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase
1228	 66.77	0	1364082..1365026	+	314	94313775	-	Rmet_4853	-	hypothetical protein
1229	 64.62	0	1365282..1365917	+	211	94313776	-	Rmet_4854	-	two component LuxR family transcriptional regulator
1230	 65.93	0	1365930..1367705	+	591	94313777	-	Rmet_4855	-	periplasmic sensor hybrid histidine kinase
1231	 67.15	0	1367862..1369313	+	483	94313778	-	Rmet_4856	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase (acceptor)
1232	 57.74	-1	1369426..1369593	-	55	94313779	-	Rmet_4857	-	hypothetical protein
1233	 55.56	-2	1369952..1370167	+	71	94313780	-	Rmet_4858	-	hypothetical protein
1234	 65.23	0	1370303..1371418	-	371	94313781	-	Rmet_4859	-	NADH:flavin oxidoreductase/NADH oxidase
1235	 66.34	0	1371554..1373968	-	804	94313782	-	Rmet_4860	-	peptidase S45, penicillin amidase
1236	 65.24	0	1374182..1374814	-	210	94313783	-	Rmet_4861	-	CDP-diacylglycerol--serine O-phosphatidyltransferase
1237	 62.89	0	1374840..1375130	-	96	94313784	-	Rmet_4862	-	antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase
1238	 63.87	0	1375233..1375697	-	154	94313785	-	Rmet_4863	-	hypothetical protein
1239	 65.53	0	1375754..1376191	-	145	94313786	-	Rmet_4864	-	hypothetical protein
1240	 68.15	+1	1376297..1377778	-	493	94313787	-	Rmet_4865	-	RND efflux system, outer membrane lipoprotein, NodT
1241	 63.68	0	1377790..1381035	-	1081	94313788	-	Rmet_4866	-	hydrophobe/amphiphile efflux-1 HAE1
1242	 66.50	0	1381086..1382321	-	411	94313789	-	Rmet_4867	-	secretion protein HlyD
1243	 65.87	0	1382534..1383409	-	291	94313790	-	Rmet_4868	-	Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-3
1244	 63.97	0	1383782..1384708	+	308	94313791	-	Rmet_4869	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1245	 65.63	0	1384779..1386032	-	417	94313792	-	Rmet_4870	-	glutamate carboxypeptidase
63.77	MEAN

3.52	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.