IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pyrobaculum islandicum DSM 4184

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 48.97 STD DEV: 7.27
Pyrobaculum islandicum DSM 4184, complete genome - 1..1826402
1978 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1623	 43.12	0	1504675..1505430	+	251	119873143	-	Pisl_1655	-	XRE family transcriptional regulator
1624	 42.87	0	1505427..1506485	+	352	119873144	-	Pisl_1656	-	N(2),N(2)-dimethylguanosine tRNA methyltransferase
1625	 40.16	-1	1506506..1507018	+	170	119873145	-	Pisl_1657	-	adenylate kinase, conjectural
1626	 42.59	0	1507015..1507446	+	143	119873146	-	Pisl_1658	-	hypothetical protein
1627	 41.63	-1	1507443..1508117	-	224	119873147	-	Pisl_1659	-	putative RNA methylase
1628	 37.84	-1	1508114..1509112	-	332	119873148	-	Pisl_1660	-	hypothetical protein
1629	 35.90	-1	1509112..1510164	-	350	119873149	-	Pisl_1661	-	hypothetical protein
1630	 39.23	-1	1510376..1511104	+	242	119873150	-	Pisl_1662	-	XRE family transcriptional regulator
1631	 42.86	0	1511106..1511588	-	160	119873151	-	Pisl_1663	-	ribosomal protein L13
1632	 32.03	-2	1511837..1512142	+	101	119873152	-	Pisl_1664	-	hypothetical protein
1633	 28.91	-2	1512143..1512481	-	112	119873153	-	Pisl_1665	-	hypothetical protein
1634	 36.51	-1	1512478..1512792	-	104	119873154	-	Pisl_1666	-	hypothetical protein
1635	 47.01	0	1512821..1513822	-	333	119873155	tfb	Pisl_1667	-	transcription initiation factor IIB
1636	 45.59	0	1513877..1514839	-	320	119873156	rfc	Pisl_1668	-	replication factor C small subunit
1637	 42.69	0	1514836..1515273	-	145	119873157	-	Pisl_1669	-	hypothetical protein
1638	 44.33	0	1515298..1516461	-	387	119873158	-	Pisl_1670	-	TGS domain-containing protein
1639	 39.85	-1	1516692..1517366	-	224	119873159	-	Pisl_1671	-	enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase
1640	 44.04	0	1517414..1518730	+	438	119873160	-	Pisl_1672	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent
1641	 40.51	-1	1518732..1519205	-	157	119873161	-	Pisl_1673	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
1642	 32.87	-2	1519357..1520220	-	287	119873162	-	Pisl_1674	-	hypothetical protein
1643	 45.42	0	1520213..1521172	-	319	119873163	-	Pisl_1675	-	DNA-cytosine methyltransferase
1644	 40.83	-1	1521219..1521818	+	199	119873164	-	Pisl_1676	-	hypothetical protein
1645	 38.24	-1	1521784..1522089	-	101	119873165	-	Pisl_1677	-	hypothetical protein
1646	 42.58	0	1522137..1523693	+	518	119873166	pheT	Pisl_1678	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
1647	 38.57	-1	1523714..1524076	+	120	119873167	-	Pisl_1679	-	hypothetical protein
1648	 39.27	-1	1524073..1524375	-	100	119873168	-	Pisl_1680	-	hypothetical protein
1649	 62.70	+1	1524574..1524825	+	83	119873169	-	Pisl_1681	-	hypothetical protein
1650	 42.29	0	1524955..1525233	-	92	119873170	-	Pisl_1682	-	hypothetical protein
1651	 42.93	0	1526126..1526521	-	131	119873171	-	Pisl_1684	-	YbaK/prolyl-tRNA synthetase associated region
1652	 40.09	-1	1526525..1526968	-	147	119873172	-	Pisl_1685	-	hypothetical protein
1653	 42.04	0	1527021..1527686	+	221	119873173	-	Pisl_1686	-	orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase
1654	 40.70	-1	1527683..1528279	+	198	119873174	-	Pisl_1687	-	adenylate kinase
1655	 37.30	-1	1528302..1528856	+	184	119873175	-	Pisl_1688	-	hypothetical protein
1656	 44.70	0	1528843..1529871	+	342	119873176	-	Pisl_1689	-	3-dehydroquinate synthase
1657	 31.27	-2	1529972..1530358	-	128	119873177	-	Pisl_1690	-	hypothetical protein
1658	 43.75	0	1530417..1531721	+	434	119873178	-	Pisl_1691	-	malate dehydrogenase
1659	 43.33	0	1531725..1532954	-	409	119873179	-	Pisl_1692	-	2-methylcitrate synthase/citrate synthase II
1660	 42.75	0	1533173..1533703	-	176	119873180	-	Pisl_1693	-	hypothetical protein
1661	 43.81	0	1533792..1535147	+	451	119873181	-	Pisl_1694	-	TIP49-like protein
1662	 39.23	-1	1535116..1535607	-	163	119873182	-	Pisl_1695	-	hypothetical protein
1663	 43.99	0	1535604..1537133	-	509	119873183	-	Pisl_1696	-	peptidase M50
1664	 42.41	0	1537153..1537725	-	190	119873184	-	Pisl_1697	-	hypothetical protein
1665	 35.18	-1	1537754..1538458	+	234	119873185	-	Pisl_1698	-	hypothetical protein
1666	 49.25	0	1538447..1538779	-	110	119873186	rpl12p	Pisl_1699	-	50S ribosomal protein L12P
1667	 42.16	0	1538816..1539019	-	67	119873187	-	Pisl_1700	-	ribosomal protein L38
1668	 53.60	0	1539148..1539675	-	175	119873188	-	Pisl_1701	-	cobalamin adenosyltransferase
1669	 43.50	0	1539837..1540751	+	304	119873189	-	Pisl_1702	-	methylisocitrate lyase
1670	 45.74	0	1540756..1542117	+	453	119873190	-	Pisl_1703	-	Fis family transcriptional regulator
1671	 44.82	0	1542119..1543084	-	321	119873191	-	Pisl_1704	-	thioredoxin-disulfide reductase
1672	 41.41	-1	1543160..1543642	+	160	119873192	rps19p	Pisl_1705	-	30S ribosomal protein S19P
1673	 43.24	0	1543645..1544088	+	147	119873193	rps17p	Pisl_1706	-	30S ribosomal protein S17P
1674	 38.73	-1	1544091..1544738	+	215	119873194	-	Pisl_1707	-	ERCC4 domain-containing protein
1675	 39.59	-1	1544733..1545803	-	356	119873195	-	Pisl_1708	-	glycoside hydrolase family protein
1676	 42.49	0	1545803..1546228	-	141	119873196	-	Pisl_1709	-	UspA domain-containing protein
1677	 43.00	0	1546221..1547255	-	344	119873197	-	Pisl_1710	-	glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1678	 39.36	-1	1547252..1548478	-	408	119873198	-	Pisl_1711	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
1679	 33.85	-2	1548595..1549170	+	191	119873199	-	Pisl_1712	-	hypothetical protein
1680	 41.91	0	1549200..1551029	+	609	119873200	-	Pisl_1713	-	threonyl-tRNA synthetase
1681	 43.83	0	1551086..1551466	+	126	119873201	-	Pisl_1714	-	S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme
1682	 43.74	0	1551488..1552429	+	313	119873202	-	Pisl_1715	-	hypothetical protein
1683	 40.64	-1	1552561..1552998	-	145	119873203	-	Pisl_1716	-	molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein B
1684	 37.95	-1	1553019..1553321	-	100	119873204	-	Pisl_1717	-	PadR-like family transcriptional regulator
1685	 46.12	0	1553318..1554373	-	351	119873205	-	Pisl_1718	-	myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase
1686	 55.49	0	1554631..1555131	-	166	119873206	-	Pisl_1719	-	hypothetical protein
1687	 55.13	0	1555586..1556851	+	421	119873207	-	Pisl_1720	-	transposase, IS605 OrfB
1688	 41.03	-1	1557108..1558757	-	549	119873208	-	Pisl_1721	-	hypothetical protein
1689	 36.23	-1	1558952..1559608	-	218	119873209	-	Pisl_1722	-	CRISPR-associated Cas4 family protein
1690	 45.96	0	1559589..1561148	-	519	119873210	-	Pisl_1723	-	protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding
1691	 46.99	0	1561177..1563336	-	719	119873211	hppA	Pisl_1724	-	membrane-bound proton-translocating pyrophosphatase
1692	 41.97	0	1563448..1565751	+	767	119873212	-	Pisl_1725	-	V-type ATPase, 116 kDa subunit
1693	 48.67	0	1565751..1566428	+	225	119873213	-	Pisl_1726	-	hypothetical protein
1694	 44.17	0	1566409..1566648	-	79	119873214	-	Pisl_1727	-	hypothetical protein
1695	 41.45	-1	1566649..1566882	-	77	119873215	-	Pisl_1728	-	ribosomal protein L29
1696	 44.19	0	1566913..1567566	-	217	119873216	rps3p	Pisl_1729	-	30S ribosomal protein S3P
1697	 51.55	0	1568280..1568537	+	85	119873217	-	Pisl_1730	-	hypothetical protein
1698	 51.68	0	1568554..1569534	+	326	119873218	-	Pisl_1731	-	transposase, IS605 OrfB
1699	 47.57	0	1569719..1570315	-	198	119873219	rpl22p	Pisl_1732	-	50S ribosomal protein L22P
1700	 51.38	0	1570344..1571174	+	276	119873220	-	Pisl_1733	-	UbiA prenyltransferase
1701	 48.35	0	1571156..1571854	+	232	119873221	-	Pisl_1734	-	hydrolase
1702	 51.48	0	1571879..1572352	-	157	119873222	-	Pisl_1735	-	hypothetical protein
1703	 51.67	0	1572392..1573231	-	279	119873223	-	Pisl_1736	-	TM helix repeat-containing protein
1704	 47.15	0	1573471..1573716	-	81	119873224	-	Pisl_1737	-	H+-transporting ATP synthase subunit I (atpI), conjectural
1705	 58.69	+1	1574252..1574464	+	70	119873225	-	Pisl_1738	-	hypothetical protein
1706	 57.27	+1	1574461..1575024	-	187	119873226	-	Pisl_1739	-	ribonuclease H
1707	 45.41	0	1575162..1575542	-	126	119873227	-	Pisl_1740	-	hypothetical protein
1708	 53.31	0	1575606..1576331	+	241	119873228	-	Pisl_1741	-	hypothetical protein
1709	 46.25	0	1576507..1576746	+	79	119873229	-	Pisl_1742	-	hypothetical protein
1710	 57.89	+1	1576732..1578075	-	447	119873230	-	Pisl_1743	-	4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase
1711	 54.38	0	1578246..1579010	-	254	119873231	-	Pisl_1744	-	FeS assembly ATPase SufC
1712	 56.77	+1	1579083..1580507	+	474	119873232	-	Pisl_1745	-	FeS assembly protein SufB
1713	 47.24	0	1580544..1581140	+	198	119873233	-	Pisl_1746	-	hypothetical protein
1714	 50.11	0	1581155..1582054	+	299	119873234	-	Pisl_1747	-	alpha-L-glutamate ligase
1715	 43.75	0	1582559..1582846	-	95	119873235	-	Pisl_1748	-	hypothetical protein
1716	 46.89	0	1582839..1583369	-	176	119873236	-	Pisl_1749	-	hypothetical protein
1717	 42.02	0	1583353..1583709	-	118	119873237	-	Pisl_1750	-	hypothetical protein
1718	 47.82	0	1583783..1584355	+	190	119873238	-	Pisl_1751	-	50S ribosomal protein L15e
1719	 54.12	0	1584622..1585482	-	286	119873239	-	Pisl_1752	-	hypothetical protein
1720	 61.22	+1	1585475..1586209	-	244	119873240	-	Pisl_1753	-	thymidylate synthase, flavin-dependent
1721	 47.69	0	1586424..1587941	+	505	119873241	-	Pisl_1754	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
1722	 56.38	+1	1587901..1589349	-	482	119873242	-	Pisl_1755	-	lysyl-tRNA synthetase
48.97	MEAN

7.27	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.