IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 59.35 STD DEV: 4.19
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genome - 1..6093698
5089 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
4186	 61.67	0	5038879..5040138	-	419	66047458	-	Psyr_4231	-	sensor histidine kinase
4187	 62.18	0	5040331..5041044	+	237	66047459	-	Psyr_4232	-	hypothetical protein
4188	 58.70	0	5041254..5042810	+	518	66047460	-	Psyr_4233	-	hypothetical protein
4189	 58.89	0	5042907..5044514	+	535	66047461	-	Psyr_4234	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
4190	 57.15	0	5044772..5046400	+	542	66047462	-	Psyr_4235	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
4191	 58.57	0	5046719..5048311	+	530	66047463	-	Psyr_4236	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
4192	 57.27	0	5048468..5049883	+	471	66047464	-	Psyr_4237	-	outer membrane porin
4193	 55.45	0	5049950..5051545	+	531	66047465	-	Psyr_4238	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
4194	 59.64	0	5051620..5052630	+	336	66047466	-	Psyr_4239	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
4195	 63.05	0	5052641..5053552	+	303	66047467	-	Psyr_4240	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
4196	 62.75	0	5053563..5054531	+	322	66047468	-	Psyr_4241	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, C-terminal
4197	 62.46	0	5054531..5055505	+	324	66047469	dppF	Psyr_4242	-	dipeptide transporter ATP-binding subunit
4198	 61.71	0	5055641..5058163	-	840	66047470	-	Psyr_4243	-	oxidoreductase FAD/NAD(P)-binding:PepSY-associated TM helix:flavodoxin/nitric oxide synthase
4199	 50.44	-2	5058505..5059749	+	414	66047471	-	Psyr_4244	-	hypothetical protein
4200	 55.26	0	5059742..5060749	+	335	66047472	-	Psyr_4245	-	hypothetical protein
4201	 57.41	0	5060863..5061672	+	269	66047473	-	Psyr_4246	-	hypothetical protein
4202	 56.19	0	5061734..5062897	-	387	66047474	-	Psyr_4247	-	ornithine decarboxylase
4203	 54.67	-1	5063393..5065867	+	824	66047475	-	Psyr_4248	-	hypothetical protein
4204	 60.41	0	5066557..5067723	-	388	66047476	-	Psyr_4249	-	glycine betaine/L-proline transport ATP-binding subunit
4205	 61.93	0	5067720..5068373	-	217	66047477	-	Psyr_4250	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
4206	 56.82	0	5068387..5069280	-	297	66047478	-	Psyr_4251	-	substrate-binding region of ABC-type glycine betaine transport system
4207	 60.50	0	5069295..5070008	-	237	66047479	-	Psyr_4252	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
4208	 60.16	0	5070353..5071936	+	527	66047480	prfC	Psyr_4253	-	peptide chain release factor 3
4209	 55.56	0	5072562..5072804	+	80	66047481	-	Psyr_4254	-	hypothetical protein
4210	 62.30	0	5072884..5073501	-	205	66047482	-	Psyr_4255	-	FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, N-terminal:peptidylprolyl isomerase, FKBP-type
4211	 56.96	0	5073656..5073964	-	102	66047483	-	Psyr_4256	-	hypothetical protein
4212	 51.33	-1	5074073..5074561	-	162	66047484	-	Psyr_4257	-	hypothetical protein
4213	 55.76	0	5074682..5075011	-	109	66047485	-	Psyr_4258	-	hypothetical protein
4214	 62.03	0	5075180..5077615	-	811	66047486	-	Psyr_4259	-	ATP-dependent protease, putative
4215	 57.67	0	5077892..5078380	+	162	66047487	-	Psyr_4260	-	hypothetical protein
4216	 61.00	0	5078443..5080296	+	617	66047488	-	Psyr_4261	-	hypothetical protein
4217	 61.02	0	5080430..5080783	+	117	66047489	-	Psyr_4262	-	putative lipoprotein
4218	 62.05	0	5080858..5081355	+	165	66047490	-	Psyr_4263	-	transcription elongation factor GreA/GreB
4219	 60.00	0	5081416..5083080	-	554	66047491	-	Psyr_4264	-	putative ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
4220	 61.95	0	5083463..5087299	+	1278	66047492	-	Psyr_4265	-	PAS:GGDEF
4221	 61.43	0	5087439..5088431	+	330	66047493	-	Psyr_4266	-	regulatory protein, LuxR
4222	 62.08	0	5088571..5089464	+	297	66047494	-	Psyr_4267	-	hypothetical protein
4223	 65.98	+1	5089512..5090963	+	483	66047495	-	Psyr_4268	-	amidase
4224	 61.86	0	5091033..5093777	-	914	66047496	-	Psyr_4269	-	type III effector HopAE1
4225	 62.20	0	5094122..5095375	+	417	66047497	glyA	Psyr_4270	-	serine hydroxymethyltransferase
4226	 61.66	0	5095480..5096457	-	325	66047498	-	Psyr_4271	-	cobalamin synthesis protein/P47K:cobalamin synthesis protein/P47K
4227	 59.60	0	5096553..5096750	-	65	66047499	-	Psyr_4272	-	hypothetical protein
4228	 61.56	0	5096778..5098853	-	691	66047500	-	Psyr_4273	-	carbon starvation protein CstA
4229	 57.72	0	5099138..5099506	+	122	66047501	-	Psyr_4274	-	hypothetical protein
4230	 64.11	+1	5099513..5100880	-	455	66047502	-	Psyr_4275	-	DNA repair protein RadA
4231	 58.17	0	5101077..5101523	+	148	66047503	mscL	Psyr_4276	-	large-conductance mechanosensitive channel
4232	 58.04	0	5101714..5102490	-	258	66047504	-	Psyr_4277	-	oxidoreductase FAD/NAD(P)-binding:oxidoreductase FAD-binding region
4233	 51.71	-1	5102827..5103060	+	77	66047505	-	Psyr_4278	-	regulatory protein, LuxR
4234	 63.91	+1	5103190..5104314	+	374	66047506	-	Psyr_4279	-	rRNA (guanine-N(2)-)-methyltransferase
4235	 60.12	0	5104406..5104573	-	55	66047507	-	Psyr_4280	-	hypothetical protein
4236	 59.82	0	5104595..5105602	-	335	66047508	-	Psyr_4281	-	cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase, subunit II
4237	 59.79	0	5105606..5107045	-	479	66047509	-	Psyr_4282	-	cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I
4238	 61.94	0	5107520..5109721	-	733	66047510	-	Psyr_4283	-	aldehyde oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase
4239	 61.82	0	5109718..5110707	-	329	66047511	-	Psyr_4284	-	molybdopterin dehydrogenase, FAD-binding:CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal
4240	 61.96	0	5110704..5111234	-	176	66047512	-	Psyr_4285	-	ferredoxin:[2Fe-2S]-binding
4241	 62.11	0	5111500..5112795	+	431	66047513	-	Psyr_4286	-	xanthine/uracil/vitamin C permease
4242	 63.90	+1	5112792..5113877	+	361	66047514	-	Psyr_4287	-	tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase
4243	 63.44	0	5114376..5115677	+	433	66047515	-	Psyr_4288	-	hypothetical protein
4244	 61.28	0	5115850..5116740	+	296	66047516	-	Psyr_4289	-	hypothetical protein
4245	 61.52	0	5116745..5117734	+	329	66047517	-	Psyr_4290	-	hypothetical protein
4246	 56.28	0	5117796..5118161	+	121	66047518	-	Psyr_4291	-	hypothetical protein
4247	 61.59	0	5119039..5119629	-	196	66047519	-	Psyr_4292	-	HAD family hydrolase
4248	 61.38	0	5119626..5120495	-	289	66047520	-	Psyr_4293	-	Acyl-CoA thioesterase
4249	 61.75	0	5120635..5121204	-	189	66047521	-	Psyr_4294	-	histone deacetylase family protein
4250	 61.66	0	5121325..5122242	+	305	66047522	-	Psyr_4295	-	histone deacetylase superfamily protein
4251	 63.76	+1	5122313..5123587	+	424	66047523	-	Psyr_4296	-	hypothetical protein
4252	 62.15	0	5123836..5125164	-	442	66047524	-	Psyr_4297	-	helicase, C-terminal:DEAD/DEAH box helicase, N-terminal
4253	 63.83	+1	5125227..5126141	-	304	66047525	-	Psyr_4298	-	hypothetical protein
4254	 58.33	0	5126309..5126776	+	155	66047526	-	Psyr_4299	-	helix-turn-helix, Fis-type
4255	 62.60	0	5126781..5127395	-	204	66047527	-	Psyr_4300	-	DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit
4256	 58.91	0	5127414..5127890	-	158	66047528	-	Psyr_4301	-	hypothetical protein
4257	 62.13	0	5128171..5128875	-	234	66047529	-	Psyr_4302	-	hypothetical protein
4258	 58.82	0	5129073..5129735	+	220	66047530	-	Psyr_4303	-	hypothetical protein
4259	 61.42	0	5129769..5130911	+	380	66047531	-	Psyr_4304	-	endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase
4260	 46.18	-2	5131096..5131344	+	82	66047532	-	Psyr_4305	-	hypothetical protein
4261	 50.00	-2	5131449..5131646	-	65	66047533	-	Psyr_4306	-	hypothetical protein
4262	 46.37	-2	5132214..5133149	-	311	66047534	-	Psyr_4307	-	hypothetical protein
4263	 59.54	0	5133734..5135290	-	518	66047535	-	Psyr_4308	-	hypothetical protein
4264	 44.23	-2	5135391..5136005	-	204	66047536	-	Psyr_4309	-	hypothetical protein
4265	 47.97	-2	5136129..5137064	-	311	66047537	-	Psyr_4310	-	hypothetical protein
4266	 52.15	-1	5137115..5140282	-	1055	66047538	-	Psyr_4311	-	malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase
4267	 53.55	-1	5140287..5147069	-	2260	66047539	-	Psyr_4312	-	erythronolide synthase
4268	 56.07	0	5147125..5154306	-	2393	66047540	-	Psyr_4313	-	beta-ketoacyl synthase
4269	 53.93	-1	5154317..5164012	-	3231	66047541	-	Psyr_4314	-	beta-ketoacyl synthase
4270	 49.27	-2	5164033..5166009	-	658	66047542	-	Psyr_4315	-	asparagine synthase, glutamine-hydrolyzing
4271	 39.84	-2	5166246..5166491	-	81	66047543	-	Psyr_4316	-	hypothetical protein
4272	 44.97	-2	5166566..5167579	-	337	66047544	-	Psyr_4317	-	taurine catabolism dioxygenase
4273	 49.35	-2	5168966..5169964	+	332	66047545	-	Psyr_4318	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
4274	 54.80	-1	5170451..5170846	-	131	66047546	-	Psyr_4319	-	silent information regulator protein Sir2
4275	 64.42	+1	5170887..5173421	-	844	66047547	-	Psyr_4320	-	ATP-dependent helicase HrpB
4276	 48.06	-2	5173582..5174484	-	300	66047548	-	Psyr_4321	-	pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, beta subunit
4277	 52.42	-1	5174459..5175679	-	406	66047549	-	Psyr_4322	-	hypothetical protein
4278	 48.99	-2	5175676..5176467	-	263	66047550	-	Psyr_4323	-	synthetase, putative
4279	 50.78	-2	5176464..5177168	-	234	66047551	-	Psyr_4324	-	Serine O-acetyltransferase
4280	 56.23	0	5177347..5178687	+	446	66047552	-	Psyr_4325	-	transcriptional regulator GntR
4281	 57.96	0	5178780..5179790	-	336	66047553	-	Psyr_4326	-	type III effector HopI1
4282	 65.36	+1	5179913..5180296	-	127	66047554	-	Psyr_4327	-	endoribonuclease L-PSP
4283	 62.11	0	5180458..5181159	+	233	66047555	-	Psyr_4328	-	hypothetical protein
4284	 60.19	0	5181396..5181935	+	179	66047556	-	Psyr_4329	-	hypothetical protein
4285	 61.63	0	5181945..5182838	-	297	66047557	-	Psyr_4330	-	hypothetical protein
59.35	MEAN

4.19	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.