IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 59.35 STD DEV: 4.19
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genome - 1..6093698
5089 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3919	 64.43	+1	4711422..4712804	-	460	66047191	-	Psyr_3964	-	sensor histidine kinase
3920	 60.86	0	4712797..4713468	-	223	66047192	-	Psyr_3965	-	response regulator receiver:transcriptional regulatory protein, C-terminal
3921	 61.86	0	4713938..4714915	+	325	66047193	-	Psyr_3966	-	hypothetical protein
3922	 60.78	0	4714978..4715436	+	152	66047194	-	Psyr_3967	-	membrane protein TctB, putative
3923	 62.71	0	4715438..4716952	+	504	66047195	-	Psyr_3968	-	hypothetical protein
3924	 64.35	+1	4716945..4717979	+	344	66047196	-	Psyr_3969	-	putative ammonia monooxygenase
3925	 58.87	0	4718010..4718702	-	230	66047197	-	Psyr_3970	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
3926	 62.21	0	4718911..4719381	-	156	66047198	-	Psyr_3971	-	putative lipoprotein
3927	 59.46	0	4719943..4721010	+	355	66047199	-	Psyr_3972	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein
3928	 64.09	+1	4721038..4721853	+	271	66047200	-	Psyr_3973	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
3929	 64.75	+1	4721850..4722632	+	260	66047201	-	Psyr_3974	-	ABC transporter
3930	 61.57	0	4722629..4723354	+	241	66047202	-	Psyr_3975	-	hypothetical protein
3931	 61.49	0	4723366..4723983	+	205	66047203	-	Psyr_3976	-	hypothetical protein
3932	 62.75	0	4724093..4728559	+	1488	66047204	-	Psyr_3977	-	Urea amidolyase-related protein
3933	 65.29	+1	4728595..4730409	+	604	66047205	-	Psyr_3978	-	amidase
3934	 60.55	0	4730539..4733874	+	1111	66047206	-	Psyr_3979	-	hypothetical protein
3935	 64.98	+1	4733916..4734152	+	78	66047207	-	Psyr_3980	-	hypothetical protein
3936	 60.61	0	4734188..4734880	+	230	66047208	-	Psyr_3981	-	pseudouridine synthase, Rsu
3937	 57.71	0	4735007..4735888	+	293	66047209	-	Psyr_3982	-	3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-acyl carrier protein transferase
3938	 55.77	0	4736482..4738839	-	785	66047210	-	Psyr_3983	-	serralysin
3939	 57.48	0	4739638..4742901	-	1087	66047211	-	Psyr_3984	-	DNA helicase related protein
3940	 58.85	0	4743013..4744278	-	421	66047212	-	Psyr_3985	-	Pectate lyase/Amb allergen
3941	 60.85	0	4744397..4744843	-	148	66047213	-	Psyr_3986	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
3942	 59.53	0	4744868..4746016	-	382	66047214	-	Psyr_3987	-	Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase
3943	 57.90	0	4746168..4747388	-	406	66047215	-	Psyr_3988	-	hypothetical protein
3944	 51.27	-1	4747685..4748905	+	406	66047216	-	Psyr_3989	-	hypothetical protein
3945	 53.31	-1	4748908..4749918	+	336	66047217	-	Psyr_3990	-	hypothetical protein
3946	 59.71	0	4749978..4750595	-	205	66047218	-	Psyr_3991	-	hypothetical protein
3947	 61.48	0	4750621..4751334	-	237	66047219	-	Psyr_3992	-	hypothetical protein
3948	 59.28	0	4751671..4753932	+	753	66047220	-	Psyr_3993	-	glycoside hydrolase family protein
3949	 62.86	0	4754002..4755759	+	585	66047221	-	Psyr_3994	-	sensor histidine kinase
3950	 64.19	+1	4755766..4757100	+	444	66047222	-	Psyr_3995	-	helix-turn-helix, Fis-type
3951	 61.27	0	4757326..4759716	+	796	66047223	-	Psyr_3996	-	PAS
3952	 59.71	0	4759883..4761577	+	564	66047224	-	Psyr_3997	-	heat shock protein Hsp70
3953	 59.43	0	4761574..4763121	+	515	66047225	-	Psyr_3998	-	heat shock protein DnaJ, N-terminal
3954	 58.45	0	4763337..4764662	+	441	66047226	-	Psyr_3999	-	major facilitator transporter
3955	 44.31	-2	4764833..4765087	-	84	66047227	-	Psyr_4000	-	hypothetical protein
3956	 61.01	0	4765255..4765572	+	105	66047228	-	Psyr_4001	-	hypothetical protein
3957	 61.22	0	4765718..4766341	+	207	66047229	-	Psyr_4002	-	hypothetical protein
3958	 62.08	0	4766342..4766581	-	79	66047230	-	Psyr_4003	-	hypothetical protein
3959	 62.06	0	4767044..4768540	+	498	66047231	-	Psyr_4004	-	EmrB/QacA family drug resistance transporter
3960	 58.20	0	4768555..4769688	-	377	66047232	-	Psyr_4005	-	hypothetical protein
3961	 57.42	0	4770168..4770827	-	219	66047233	-	Psyr_4006	-	regulatory protein, TetR
3962	 61.15	0	4771083..4772243	+	386	66047234	-	Psyr_4007	-	secretion protein HlyD
3963	 59.55	0	4772247..4775381	+	1044	66047235	-	Psyr_4008	-	hydrophobe/amphiphile efflux-1 HAE1
3964	 63.04	0	4775378..4776838	+	486	66047236	-	Psyr_4009	-	RND efflux system, outer membrane lipoprotein, NodT
3965	 58.99	0	4776902..4778203	-	433	66047237	-	Psyr_4010	-	citrate-proton symport
3966	 64.33	+1	4778415..4779614	-	399	66047238	-	Psyr_4011	-	beta-ketoadipyl CoA thiolase
3967	 62.44	0	4779614..4780393	-	259	66047239	-	Psyr_4012	-	glutaconate CoA-transferase
3968	 60.72	0	4780393..4781250	-	285	66047240	-	Psyr_4013	-	glutaconate CoA-transferase
3969	 60.62	0	4781407..4782249	-	280	66047241	-	Psyr_4014	-	regulatory proteins, IclR
3970	 56.57	0	4783105..4783302	+	65	66047242	-	Psyr_4015	-	hypothetical protein
3971	 60.62	0	4783510..4784982	+	490	66047243	-	Psyr_4016	-	phosphate transporter
3972	 62.19	0	4785205..4785405	-	66	66047244	-	Psyr_4017	-	hypothetical protein
3973	 58.45	0	4785483..4786334	-	283	66047245	purU	Psyr_4018	-	formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase
3974	 54.86	-1	4786693..4787073	+	126	66047246	-	Psyr_4019	-	transcriptional regulator, putative
3975	 57.93	0	4787147..4788577	-	476	66047247	sbcB	Psyr_4020	-	exonuclease I
3976	 63.36	0	4788758..4789483	+	241	66047248	-	Psyr_4021	-	RDD
3977	 62.49	0	4789480..4790460	+	326	66047249	-	Psyr_4022	-	integral membrane protein
3978	 62.64	0	4790447..4792036	+	529	66047250	-	Psyr_4023	-	hypothetical protein
3979	 62.40	0	4792033..4793250	+	405	66047251	-	Psyr_4024	-	hypothetical protein
3980	 63.59	+1	4793247..4794287	+	346	66047252	-	Psyr_4025	-	ATPase
3981	 61.40	0	4794338..4795627	+	429	66047253	-	Psyr_4026	-	hypothetical protein
3982	 52.50	-1	4795656..4796015	-	119	66047254	-	Psyr_4027	-	hypothetical protein
3983	 56.06	0	4796219..4796614	-	131	66047255	-	Psyr_4028	-	putative lipoprotein
3984	 62.12	0	4796791..4798242	+	483	66047256	-	Psyr_4029	-	pyruvate kinase
3985	 64.86	+1	4798356..4799294	-	312	66047257	-	Psyr_4030	-	hypothetical protein
3986	 62.01	0	4799474..4800997	+	507	66047258	-	Psyr_4031	-	Fe-S type hydro-lyase tartrate/fumarate alpha region:Fe-S type hydro-lyase tartrate/fumarate beta region
3987	 55.23	0	4801339..4804101	-	920	66047259	-	Psyr_4032	-	YD repeat-containing protein
3988	 54.75	-1	4804230..4807049	-	939	66047260	-	Psyr_4033	-	YD repeat-containing protein
3989	 55.87	0	4807308..4810253	+	981	66047261	-	Psyr_4034	-	hypothetical protein
3990	 56.26	0	4810295..4815148	+	1617	66047262	-	Psyr_4035	-	insecticidal toxin protein, putative
3991	 60.04	0	4815168..4819511	+	1447	66047263	-	Psyr_4036	-	virulence B protein
3992	 58.12	0	4819501..4822368	+	955	66047264	-	Psyr_4037	-	YD repeat-containing protein
3993	 54.46	-1	4822412..4825057	+	881	66047265	-	Psyr_4038	-	YD repeat-containing protein
3994	 52.15	-1	4825542..4826030	+	162	66047266	-	Psyr_4039	-	hypothetical protein
3995	 47.42	-2	4826081..4826584	+	167	66047267	-	Psyr_4040	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
3996	 44.83	-2	4826581..4827015	+	144	66047268	-	Psyr_4041	-	hypothetical protein
3997	 48.98	-2	4827044..4827484	+	146	66047269	-	Psyr_4042	-	hypothetical protein
3998	 58.55	0	4828055..4828288	+	77	66047270	-	Psyr_4043	-	hypothetical protein
3999	 63.47	0	4828329..4829486	-	385	66047271	-	Psyr_4044	-	phospholipase D/transphosphatidylase
4000	 60.48	0	4829488..4830069	-	193	66047272	-	Psyr_4045	-	YceI
4001	 58.79	0	4830159..4830488	-	109	66047273	-	Psyr_4046	-	hypothetical protein
4002	 61.70	0	4830485..4831591	-	368	66047274	-	Psyr_4047	-	Beta-lactamase
4003	 62.70	0	4831826..4832581	+	251	66047275	-	Psyr_4048	-	hypothetical protein
4004	 63.65	+1	4832581..4833375	+	264	66047276	-	Psyr_4049	-	phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase
4005	 62.50	0	4833333..4833932	-	199	66047277	-	Psyr_4050	-	hypothetical protein
4006	 56.83	0	4834097..4834411	+	104	66047278	-	Psyr_4051	-	regulatory protein, ArsR
4007	 63.75	+1	4834440..4835606	+	388	66047279	-	Psyr_4052	-	major facilitator transporter
4008	 62.48	0	4835628..4836677	+	349	66047280	-	Psyr_4053	-	NADH:flavin oxidoreductase/NADH oxidase
4009	 58.01	0	4836751..4837512	-	253	66047281	-	Psyr_4054	-	hypothetical protein
4010	 59.27	0	4837649..4838500	-	283	66047282	-	Psyr_4055	-	hypothetical protein
4011	 60.02	0	4838599..4839591	-	330	66047283	-	Psyr_4056	-	dehydrogenase, putative
4012	 62.89	0	4839666..4840565	-	299	66047284	-	Psyr_4057	-	chromosome replication initiation inhibitor protein
4013	 63.52	0	4840661..4841263	+	200	66047285	-	Psyr_4058	-	lysine exporter protein LysE/YggA
4014	 58.42	0	4841455..4842036	+	193	66047286	-	Psyr_4059	-	superoxide dismutase
4015	 59.82	0	4842374..4844491	+	705	66047287	-	Psyr_4060	-	GGDEF
4016	 63.40	0	4844672..4846048	+	458	66047288	-	Psyr_4061	-	iron-regulated protein A, putative
4017	 60.63	0	4846179..4846808	-	209	66047289	-	Psyr_4062	-	pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase-related
4018	 63.66	+1	4847035..4848462	+	475	66047290	-	Psyr_4063	-	hypothetical protein
59.35	MEAN

4.19	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.