IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 59.35 STD DEV: 4.19
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genome - 1..6093698
5089 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3098	 61.82	0	3766783..3769113	-	776	66046370	-	Psyr_3141	-	type II and III secretion system protein:NolW-like
3099	 63.47	0	3769113..3769643	-	176	66046371	-	Psyr_3142	-	general secretion pathway protein N, putative
3100	 65.20	+1	3769640..3770251	-	203	66046372	-	Psyr_3143	-	general secretion pathway protein M, putative
3101	 65.11	+1	3770226..3771320	-	364	66046373	-	Psyr_3144	-	fimbrial assembly
3102	 63.13	0	3771317..3772051	-	244	66046374	-	Psyr_3145	-	general secretion pathway protein K, putative
3103	 63.35	0	3772048..3772680	-	210	66046375	-	Psyr_3146	-	general secretion pathway protein J, putative
3104	 61.02	0	3772677..3773048	-	123	66046376	-	Psyr_3147	-	general secretion pathway protein I, putative
3105	 63.45	0	3773048..3773482	-	144	66046377	-	Psyr_3148	-	general secretion pathway protein H
3106	 60.42	0	3773491..3773922	-	143	66046378	-	Psyr_3149	-	general secretion pathway protein G
3107	 63.18	0	3773948..3775150	-	400	66046379	-	Psyr_3150	-	type II secretion system protein
3108	 62.23	0	3775147..3776904	-	585	66046380	-	Psyr_3151	-	type II secretion system protein E
3109	 54.76	-1	3776955..3777248	-	97	66046381	-	Psyr_3152	-	hypothetical protein
3110	 58.90	0	3777676..3780417	+	913	66046382	-	Psyr_3153	-	Beta-glucosidase
3111	 59.53	0	3780456..3781100	-	214	66046383	-	Psyr_3154	-	regulatory protein, TetR
3112	 62.78	0	3781214..3781753	-	179	66046384	-	Psyr_3155	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
3113	 60.02	0	3781771..3782748	+	325	66046385	-	Psyr_3156	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
3114	 62.63	0	3783012..3784595	+	527	66046386	-	Psyr_3157	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
3115	 60.71	0	3785024..3786199	+	391	66046387	solA	Psyr_3158	-	N-methyltryptophan oxidase
3116	 60.81	0	3786200..3787549	-	449	66046388	-	Psyr_3159	-	Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC
3117	 62.03	0	3787551..3788888	-	445	66046389	-	Psyr_3160	-	Type I secretion membrane fusion protein, HlyD
3118	 62.72	0	3788885..3790681	-	598	66046390	-	Psyr_3161	-	Type I secretion system ATPase, PrtD
3119	 55.88	0	3790763..3791068	-	101	66046391	-	Psyr_3162	-	metalloprotease inhibitor/calysin
3120	 58.14	0	3791203..3792633	-	476	66046392	-	Psyr_3163	-	serralysin
3121	 56.99	0	3793117..3793788	-	223	66046393	-	Psyr_3164	-	hypothetical protein
3122	 60.51	0	3794140..3795048	+	302	66046394	-	Psyr_3165	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
3123	 60.38	0	3795034..3795813	-	259	66046395	-	Psyr_3166	-	ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein, putative
3124	 59.45	0	3795830..3797131	-	433	66046396	-	Psyr_3167	-	citrate-proton symport
3125	 64.12	+1	3797366..3797758	+	130	66046397	-	Psyr_3168	-	hypothetical protein
3126	 60.88	0	3797760..3798122	+	120	66046398	-	Psyr_3169	-	hypothetical protein
3127	 58.67	0	3798122..3798421	+	99	66046399	-	Psyr_3170	-	DsrH like protein
3128	 58.63	0	3798418..3798753	+	111	66046400	-	Psyr_3171	-	DsrC-like protein
3129	 61.58	0	3798750..3799751	+	333	66046401	-	Psyr_3172	-	hypothetical protein
3130	 58.36	0	3799848..3800846	+	332	66046402	-	Psyr_3173	-	glutathione S-transferase
3131	 62.08	0	3800897..3802291	-	464	66046403	-	Psyr_3174	-	uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase, C-terminal:siroheme synthase, N-terminal
3132	 60.81	0	3802292..3803572	-	426	66046404	-	Psyr_3175	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
3133	 57.07	0	3803589..3803963	-	124	66046405	-	Psyr_3176	-	camphor resistance CrcB protein
3134	 60.85	0	3803963..3805285	-	440	66046406	-	Psyr_3177	-	recombination factor protein RarA
3135	 58.33	0	3805304..3805927	-	207	66046407	lolA	Psyr_3178	-	outer-membrane lipoprotein carrier protein
3136	 60.22	0	3806005..3808410	-	801	66046408	-	Psyr_3179	-	cell divisionFtsK/SpoIIIE protein
3137	 60.14	0	3808879..3809568	+	229	66046409	aat	Psyr_3180	-	leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein transferase
3138	 54.52	-1	3809617..3810324	+	235	66046410	-	Psyr_3181	-	arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase
3139	 54.79	-1	3810426..3810644	+	72	66046411	infA	Psyr_3182	-	translation initiation factor IF-1
3140	 58.66	0	3810762..3813035	-	757	66046412	-	Psyr_3183	-	putative AAA ATPase
3141	 54.55	-1	3813066..3813428	-	120	66046413	clpS	Psyr_3184	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS
3142	 49.46	-2	3813654..3813932	+	92	66046414	-	Psyr_3185	-	cold-shock protein, DNA-binding
3143	 59.96	0	3814551..3816773	+	740	66046415	-	Psyr_3186	-	isocitrate dehydrogenase NADP-dependent, monomeric type
3144	 57.14	0	3816926..3817807	-	293	66046416	-	Psyr_3187	-	Alpha/beta hydrolase fold
3145	 60.60	0	3818108..3819013	+	301	66046417	-	Psyr_3188	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
3146	 60.85	0	3819057..3819503	+	148	66046418	-	Psyr_3189	-	NUDIX hydrolase
3147	 60.30	0	3819564..3820694	+	376	66046419	trmU	Psyr_3190	-	tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase
3148	 61.84	0	3820694..3821314	+	206	66046420	-	Psyr_3191	-	hypothetical protein
3149	 60.04	0	3821398..3822816	+	472	66046421	-	Psyr_3192	-	adenylosuccinate lyase
3150	 61.35	0	3822877..3824043	+	388	66046422	-	Psyr_3193	-	transcription factor jumonji, jmjC
3151	 58.87	0	3824036..3824458	+	140	66046423	-	Psyr_3194	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
3152	 59.54	0	3824645..3825388	+	247	66046424	-	Psyr_3195	-	NolW-like
3153	 60.41	0	3825917..3827242	+	441	66046425	-	Psyr_3196	-	isocitrate lyase
3154	 55.80	0	3827706..3828119	+	137	66046426	-	Psyr_3197	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit A
3155	 57.93	0	3828130..3828804	+	224	66046427	-	Psyr_3198	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit B
3156	 59.71	0	3828879..3830660	+	593	66046428	-	Psyr_3199	-	bifunctional NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C/D
3157	 60.44	0	3830663..3831160	+	165	66046429	-	Psyr_3200	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit E
3158	 62.40	0	3831157..3832515	+	452	66046430	-	Psyr_3201	-	NADH dehydrogenase I subunit F
3159	 62.25	0	3832652..3835369	+	905	66046431	-	Psyr_3202	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit G
3160	 57.84	0	3835366..3836373	+	335	66046432	-	Psyr_3203	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit H
3161	 57.01	0	3836385..3836933	+	182	66046433	-	Psyr_3204	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit I
3162	 61.18	0	3836944..3837453	+	169	66046434	-	Psyr_3205	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit J
3163	 59.55	0	3837450..3837758	+	102	66046435	-	Psyr_3206	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit K
3164	 60.73	0	3837755..3839608	+	617	66046436	-	Psyr_3207	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit L
3165	 60.80	0	3839648..3841180	+	510	66046437	-	Psyr_3208	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit M
3166	 60.54	0	3841188..3842657	+	489	66046438	-	Psyr_3209	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit N
3167	 58.31	0	3842764..3843828	-	354	66046439	-	Psyr_3210	-	hypothetical protein
3168	 60.53	0	3844142..3845461	-	439	66046440	-	Psyr_3211	-	sensor histidine kinase
3169	 58.45	0	3845458..3846126	-	222	66046441	-	Psyr_3212	-	response regulator receiver:transcriptional regulatory protein, C-terminal
3170	 51.46	-1	3846126..3846434	-	102	66046442	-	Psyr_3213	-	peptidase
3171	 53.58	-1	3846434..3846754	-	106	66046443	-	Psyr_3214	-	peptidase
3172	 54.90	-1	3846929..3847285	+	118	66046444	-	Psyr_3215	-	putative 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
3173	 49.48	-2	3852819..3853109	+	96	66046445	-	Psyr_3216	-	hypothetical protein
3174	 58.78	0	3853334..3854221	+	295	66046446	-	Psyr_3217	-	hypothetical protein
3175	 57.78	0	3854388..3854702	+	104	66046447	-	Psyr_3218	-	hypothetical protein
3176	 61.80	0	3854727..3856535	-	602	66046448	-	Psyr_3219	-	peptidase M24
3177	 62.22	0	3856593..3857783	-	396	66046449	-	Psyr_3220	-	aminotransferase, class V
3178	 57.58	0	3858453..3859574	+	373	66046450	-	Psyr_3221	-	DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS aminotransferase
3179	 60.20	0	3859580..3861094	+	504	66046451	-	Psyr_3222	-	polysaccharide biosynthesis protein
3180	 59.72	0	3861098..3862033	+	311	66046452	-	Psyr_3223	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
3181	 61.59	0	3862023..3862475	+	150	66046453	-	Psyr_3224	-	low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase
3182	 59.51	0	3862476..3864683	+	735	66046454	-	Psyr_3225	-	protein-tyrosine kinase
3183	 59.26	0	3864736..3865248	+	170	66046455	-	Psyr_3226	-	transcriptional activator RfaH
3184	 61.78	0	3865334..3866335	+	333	66046456	-	Psyr_3227	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
3185	 62.19	0	3866332..3867537	+	401	66046457	-	Psyr_3228	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1
3186	 61.74	0	3867642..3868757	+	371	66046458	-	Psyr_3229	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1
3187	 64.07	+1	3868831..3870060	+	409	66046459	-	Psyr_3230	-	glycosyl transferase, group 1
3188	 62.55	0	3870074..3871483	+	469	66046460	-	Psyr_3231	-	sugar transferase
3189	 62.17	0	3871564..3872652	+	362	66046461	-	Psyr_3232	-	polysaccharide export protein
3190	 61.00	0	3872903..3873484	+	193	66046462	-	Psyr_3233	-	NAD(P)H-dependent FMN reductase
3191	 58.29	0	3873504..3874112	-	202	66046463	-	Psyr_3234	-	lysine exporter protein LysE/YggA
3192	 57.09	0	3874237..3874518	-	93	66046464	-	Psyr_3235	-	putative lipoprotein
3193	 62.96	0	3874607..3875497	-	296	66046465	-	Psyr_3236	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
3194	 60.40	0	3875627..3876328	+	233	66046466	-	Psyr_3237	-	3-oxoacid CoA-transferase
3195	 60.27	0	3876371..3877027	+	218	66046467	-	Psyr_3238	-	3-oxoacid CoA-transferase
3196	 63.85	+1	3877262..3878680	+	472	66046468	-	Psyr_3239	-	Short chain fatty acid transporter
3197	 65.70	+1	3879008..3879730	-	240	66046469	-	Psyr_3240	-	hypothetical protein
59.35	MEAN

4.19	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.