IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 59.35 STD DEV: 4.19
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genome - 1..6093698
5089 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
2601	 63.42	0	3203776..3205101	+	441	66045873	-	Psyr_2637	-	FAD dependent oxidoreductase
2602	 58.73	0	3205149..3206219	-	356	66045874	-	Psyr_2638	-	hypothetical protein
2603	 55.48	0	3206701..3207165	+	154	66045875	-	Psyr_2639	-	hypothetical protein
2604	 52.35	-1	3207940..3208386	+	148	66045876	-	Psyr_2640	-	NUDIX hydrolase
2605	 45.34	-2	3209021..3209428	-	135	66045877	-	Psyr_2641	-	hypothetical protein
2606	 49.15	-2	3209425..3210069	-	214	66045878	-	Psyr_2642	-	hypothetical protein
2607	 53.09	-1	3210976..3212205	-	409	66045879	-	Psyr_2643	-	hypothetical protein
2608	 50.67	-2	3212729..3214660	+	643	66045880	-	Psyr_2644	-	hypothetical protein
2609	 54.50	-1	3215082..3215459	-	125	66045881	-	Psyr_2645	-	hypothetical protein
2610	 55.89	0	3216092..3218263	+	723	66045882	-	Psyr_2646	-	radical SAM family protein
2611	 54.76	-1	3218352..3219233	+	293	66045883	-	Psyr_2647	-	hypothetical protein
2612	 54.69	-1	3219218..3220411	+	397	66045884	-	Psyr_2648	-	hypothetical protein
2613	 53.35	-1	3220493..3221476	+	327	66045885	-	Psyr_2649	-	hypothetical protein
2614	 52.56	-1	3221945..3222412	+	155	66045886	-	Psyr_2650	-	hypothetical protein
2615	 52.60	-1	3222424..3223383	+	319	66045887	-	Psyr_2651	-	hypothetical protein
2616	 56.15	0	3223370..3224044	+	224	66045888	-	Psyr_2652	-	hypothetical protein
2617	 53.49	-1	3224311..3224826	+	171	66045889	-	Psyr_2653	-	ISPsy8, transposase OrfA
2618	 53.90	-1	3224856..3225662	+	268	66045890	-	Psyr_2654	-	integrase catalytic subunit
2619	 60.58	0	3225794..3226615	+	273	66045891	-	Psyr_2655	-	nitroreductase
2620	 53.85	-1	3226787..3227137	-	116	66045892	-	Psyr_2656	-	hypothetical protein
2621	 53.45	-1	3227281..3228120	+	279	66045893	-	Psyr_2657	-	hypothetical protein
2622	 49.74	-2	3228318..3229451	-	377	66045894	-	Psyr_2658	-	hypothetical protein
2623	 51.56	-1	3230030..3231307	-	425	66045895	-	Psyr_2659	-	hypothetical protein
2624	 50.35	-2	3231461..3231742	-	93	66045896	-	Psyr_2660	-	hypothetical protein
2625	 53.87	-1	3231832..3232917	-	361	66045897	-	Psyr_2661	-	hypothetical protein
2626	 52.43	-1	3232976..3233530	+	184	66045898	-	Psyr_2662	-	hypothetical protein
2627	 53.06	-1	3233912..3234271	-	119	66045899	-	Psyr_2663	-	hypothetical protein
2628	 52.92	-1	3234416..3235135	-	239	66045900	-	Psyr_2664	-	hypothetical protein
2629	 50.49	-2	3235541..3236047	+	168	66045901	-	Psyr_2665	-	phenazine biosynthesis PhzC/PhzF protein
2630	 51.70	-1	3236226..3236753	-	175	66045902	-	Psyr_2666	-	NUDIX hydrolase
2631	 61.95	0	3236917..3239802	-	961	66045903	-	Psyr_2667	-	transposase Tn3
2632	 60.65	0	3239928..3240542	+	204	66045904	-	Psyr_2668	-	helix-turn-helix, Fis-type
2633	 56.22	0	3240608..3241411	+	267	66045905	-	Psyr_2669	-	aminoglycoside phosphotransferase
2634	 56.08	0	3241417..3242247	+	276	66045906	-	Psyr_2670	-	aminoglycoside/hydroxyurea antibiotic resistance kinase
2635	 56.48	0	3242289..3243230	-	313	66045907	-	Psyr_2671	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
2636	 60.17	0	3243314..3244606	+	430	66045908	-	Psyr_2672	-	citrate transporter
2637	 61.68	0	3244607..3245971	+	454	66045909	-	Psyr_2673	-	hypothetical protein
2638	 60.61	0	3245968..3246330	+	120	66045910	-	Psyr_2674	-	hypothetical protein
2639	 64.09	+1	3246619..3247356	+	245	66045911	-	Psyr_2675	-	transcriptional regulator GntR
2640	 63.32	0	3247353..3248369	+	338	66045912	-	Psyr_2676	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, C-terminal
2641	 62.96	0	3248366..3249499	+	377	66045913	-	Psyr_2677	-	oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, C-terminal
2642	 59.02	0	3249496..3250998	+	500	66045914	-	Psyr_2678	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
2643	 61.27	0	3251027..3251971	+	314	66045915	-	Psyr_2679	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
2644	 61.86	0	3251971..3252843	+	290	66045916	-	Psyr_2680	-	binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein
2645	 62.97	0	3252821..3254470	+	549	66045917	-	Psyr_2681	-	gamma-glutamyltransferase
2646	 53.73	-1	3254528..3256699	-	723	66045918	-	Psyr_2682	-	histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer
2647	 53.64	-1	3257181..3258608	+	475	66045919	-	Psyr_2683	-	arginine/ornithine antiporter
2648	 56.56	0	3258644..3259900	+	418	66045920	-	Psyr_2684	-	arginine deiminase
2649	 55.69	0	3259968..3260978	+	336	66045921	-	Psyr_2685	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
2650	 58.06	0	3261073..3262002	+	309	66045922	-	Psyr_2686	-	carbamate kinase
2651	 60.57	0	3262145..3263539	-	464	66045923	-	Psyr_2687	-	PepSY-associated TM helix
2652	 58.64	0	3263648..3264058	-	136	66045924	-	Psyr_2688	-	hypothetical protein
2653	 60.49	0	3265023..3266171	+	382	66045925	-	Psyr_2689	-	UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose--oxoglutarate aminotransferase
2654	 60.55	0	3266168..3267181	+	337	66045926	-	Psyr_2690	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
2655	 59.65	0	3267178..3269172	+	664	66045927	-	Psyr_2691	-	bifunctional UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase/UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase
2656	 63.61	+1	3269172..3270053	+	293	66045928	-	Psyr_2692	-	polysaccharide deacetylase
2657	 61.04	0	3270050..3271702	+	550	66045929	arnT	Psyr_2693	-	4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase
2658	 62.08	0	3271711..3272037	+	108	66045930	-	Psyr_2694	-	hypothetical protein
2659	 60.46	0	3272034..3272468	+	144	66045931	-	Psyr_2695	-	hypothetical protein
2660	 60.57	0	3272446..3273840	+	464	66045932	-	Psyr_2696	-	UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase
2661	 59.85	0	3273861..3275342	-	493	66045933	-	Psyr_2697	-	glycosyl transferase family protein
2662	 51.12	-1	3275756..3278167	+	803	66045934	-	Psyr_2698	-	Ricin B lectin
2663	 60.00	0	3278314..3279333	-	339	66045935	-	Psyr_2699	-	hypothetical protein
2664	 56.01	0	3279755..3281359	-	534	66045936	-	Psyr_2700	-	histidine kinase
2665	 58.36	0	3281504..3282646	-	380	66045937	-	Psyr_2701	-	hypothetical protein
2666	 54.57	-1	3282649..3283830	-	393	66045938	-	Psyr_2702	-	UDP-galactopyranose mutase
2667	 56.46	0	3283818..3285002	-	394	66045939	-	Psyr_2703	-	hypothetical protein
2668	 59.09	0	3285422..3286450	+	342	66045940	-	Psyr_2704	-	UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
2669	 58.50	0	3286524..3287135	-	203	66045941	-	Psyr_2705	-	helix-hairpin-helix DNA-binding motif-containing protein
2670	 64.67	+1	3287200..3287949	-	249	66045942	-	Psyr_2706	-	glutamine amidotransferase
2671	 64.64	+1	3288077..3288964	+	295	66045943	-	Psyr_2707	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
2672	 61.50	0	3289110..3290174	+	354	66045944	-	Psyr_2708	-	Rieske [2Fe-2S] region
2673	 61.20	0	3290248..3291198	+	316	66045945	-	Psyr_2709	-	ferredoxin:oxidoreductase FAD/NAD(P)-binding:oxidoreductase FAD-binding region
2674	 64.28	+1	3291199..3291909	-	236	66045946	-	Psyr_2710	-	transcriptional regulator GntR
2675	 58.60	0	3291984..3293954	-	656	66045947	-	Psyr_2711	-	GGDEF
2676	 58.77	0	3294315..3294998	-	227	66045948	-	Psyr_2712	-	hypothetical protein
2677	 60.00	0	3295137..3296036	-	299	66045949	-	Psyr_2713	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
2678	 47.31	-2	3296175..3296639	-	154	66045950	-	Psyr_2714	-	putative transmembrane protein
2679	 61.29	0	3297028..3298422	+	464	66045951	-	Psyr_2715	-	major facilitator transporter
2680	 61.10	0	3298441..3299715	+	424	66045952	-	Psyr_2716	-	mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein
2681	 59.87	0	3299916..3300224	-	102	66045953	-	Psyr_2717	-	antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase
2682	 61.52	0	3300251..3301435	-	394	66045954	-	Psyr_2718	-	hypothetical protein
2683	 64.26	+1	3301757..3302338	+	193	66045955	-	Psyr_2719	-	regulatory protein, TetR
2684	 63.59	+1	3302344..3303318	-	324	66045956	-	Psyr_2720	-	Urea amidolyase-related protein
2685	 61.05	0	3303315..3304187	-	290	66045957	-	Psyr_2721	-	hypothetical protein
2686	 62.70	0	3304274..3305029	-	251	66045958	-	Psyr_2722	-	hypothetical protein
2687	 60.89	0	3305185..3306102	+	305	66045959	-	Psyr_2723	-	regulatory protein, LysR:LysR, substrate-binding
2688	 58.11	0	3306234..3306689	-	151	66045960	-	Psyr_2724	-	hypothetical protein
2689	 65.16	+1	3306708..3307970	-	420	66045961	-	Psyr_2725	-	thiolase
2690	 62.88	0	3307967..3309868	-	633	66045962	-	Psyr_2726	-	feruloyl-CoA synthase
2691	 64.25	+1	3310036..3311484	-	482	66045963	-	Psyr_2727	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
2692	 58.84	0	3311551..3312381	-	276	66045964	-	Psyr_2728	-	p-hydroxycinnamoyl CoA hydratase/lyase
2693	 60.94	0	3312593..3313081	+	162	66045965	-	Psyr_2729	-	regulatory protein, MarR
2694	 60.09	0	3313111..3314433	-	440	66045966	-	Psyr_2730	-	outer membrane porin
2695	 62.57	0	3314762..3315982	+	406	66045967	-	Psyr_2731	-	putative 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic transporter MhpT
2696	 56.65	0	3316494..3317441	-	315	66045968	-	Psyr_2732	-	putative signal peptide
2697	 60.03	0	3317526..3318293	-	255	66045969	-	Psyr_2733	-	3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
2698	 62.96	0	3318380..3319861	-	493	66045970	-	Psyr_2734	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
2699	 62.41	0	3320139..3321902	+	587	66045971	-	Psyr_2735	-	helix-turn-helix, Fis-type
2700	 61.97	0	3321952..3324015	-	687	66045972	-	Psyr_2736	-	glycosidase, putative
59.35	MEAN

4.19	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.